《Twisted Wonderland x reader: We're All Mad Here》Episode 2-6: Testimony Portrait!
After the entire coughing fit incident, Grim hasn't left y/n's side after that and even clung to her front shirt. He was relieved when her body temperature cooled down and he fell back asleep, unaware of the mirror rippling and bathing the room in a white light once more.
Y/n's eyes snaps open as she hears drums and various other instruments playing in her ears along with stomping. She found herself in the middle of a pack of marching hyenas whilst looking up to a lion smirking down at them.
"Huh, marching hyenas... Another weird dream." her voice echoes before looking up at the lion,"A shiny new era is tip-toeing nearer." the lion sang,"And where do we feature?" a hyena asks,"Just listen to teacher. We're going to kill Mufasa. And Simba, too. Then I will be King!" the lion declares and y/n inhales sharply.
"Great idea! Long live the king!" another hyena cheers,"Long live the king!" the entire pack cheer,"Yes, my teeth and ambitious are bared. Be prepared!" the lion sang loudly.
Y/n grips her head as it pulses with pain,"No...! You can't do that Scar! Don't do it!" she screams as tears stream down her cheeks,"Scar!"
Y/n gasps as she sits up in bed,"What the hell? Another weird dream? And who the heck is Scar?" she mutters before shaking her head and falling back down,"Why am I having these weird dream?" she whines with frustration.
"Oh, you're up." Grim appears in the doorway,"Breakfast has already started. Let's get going!" he cheers,"Morning to you too Grim." y/n playfully rolls her eyes before getting out of bed and getting ready for the day ahead of her.
"Oh yeah, did you go somewhere last night? You were gone when I woke up for the bathroom." Grim asks as he looks up at the girl,"Oh, uh, well.." y/n stammers as her mind flashes back to the boy from yesterday,"I met a really quirky guy with horns yesterday in our yard..." she reveals and Grim's ears perk up with interest.
"Weeh. A weirdo with horns on his head. What's his name?" he asks with narrowed eyes,"I don't know. He never gave me his name. Said I could call him whatever I want, but I really can't come up with a good nickname for the life of me." y/n explains with a shrug of her shoulders.
"Hm, then... How about 'Tsunotaro'?" Grim suggests as they stopped walking,"That's perfect!" y/n chirps as she claps her hands,"If Tsunotaro is a student here we'll probably run into him at some point." Grim says before scurrying up into the girl's arms,"You gotta introduce me. I've never seen a human with horns!" he says with eager eyes as he places his paws on her chest,"Of course Buddy." y/n beams before humming when she hears footsteps came towards them.
"G'mornin', y/n." Cater chirps as he and Riddle stopped in front of the girl,"Morning guys." y/n returns the smile as she let's Grim down,"Hm. Your tie is a little off." Riddle points out as he steps closer to y/n.
"Oh, I'd didn't even notice." y/n admits as she looks down at her crooked tie,"Following the rules starts with your attire. Or else your residents will never listen to you... Although, I guess it's not as bad for you being the only one." Riddle says softly before reaching out to fix y/n's tie by redoing it.
"Alright, there you go." he smiles and y/n turned a slight pink since the distance between them was very narrow,"Thanks Riddle..." she squeaks and Riddle turns a light shade of pink as well once he realized how cloee they were,"It's nothing." he coughs into his fist. Cater secretly glares at Riddle with jealousy.
"Ace and Deuce aren't with you?" Grim asks as he took note of the missing chaotic duo,"In accordance with Laws of the Queen of Hearts; Number 249, they are currently feeding the flamingos dressed in pink." Riddle explains and y/n snickers,"I wanna see that! Hehe!" she giggles with a mischievous gleam in her eyes.
The Heartslabyul duo gave her amused smiles before Riddle turned serious,"By the way, there was another accident last night." he reveals,"Ffgna!? Really?" Grim jumps in shock,"Who was it this time?" y/n asks with worry.
"According to the portrait that witnessed it, the victim was a second year from Scarabia Dorm. Jamil Viper. It apparently happened in the kitchen." Cater tells the Ramshackle duo,"They're the ones with the maroon and yellow armbands, right?" y/n questions and Cater nods,"Since it's still breakfast time, they're probably in the cafeteria. Let's check." Riddle says and they all left for the cafeteria.
The cafeteria itself was quite busy that morning and full of chatter,"So, what what does this Jamil look like?" y/n asks as the group scans the cafeteria,"Uummm, Jamil has dark skin and long, black hair..." Cater tells them before he grins,"Oh, there he is!" he chirps as he points at their target.
Y/n perks up as she spots the very same boy she bumped in to last in the hallway,[Oh, it's that guy again! So his name is Jamil...] she thought as she also spots Jamil's bandaged hand before her eyes trails over to the very same boy she helped during the entrance ceremony.
"Yo. You're the guy that got hurt in the kitchen yesterday? Tell us about it." Grim demands after he approached Jamil first without the group noticing his sudden disappearance,"Grim!" y/n hisses with a scolding tone as she speedwalks over to the little critter, the Heartslabyul duo right behind her.
"Huh? What do you guys want, out of the blue?" Jamil asks as he turns to face the group with narrowed eyes full of suspicion,"Aahhh!" the white haired boy suddenly jumps up from his seat as he points at Grim with shock,"This is the raccoon that set my butt on fire during the entrance ceremony!" he exclaims and y/n snorts quietly,[Ya know, hearing that now, it's kinda funny afterwards.]
"Grim, it would do you well to watch how you talk to people." Riddle gives Grim a scolding glare before turning to the white haired boy with an apologetic expression,"We're sorry for bothering you while you're eating." he says with a small boy.
"The dorm head of Heartslabyul and the violent raccoon from the ceremony. Ah ha ha! This is a funny combo." the white haired boy laughs in a carefree manner as he sits back down,"I ain't no raccoon! I'm the Great Grim! And this here is my underling." Grim first pointed at himself before pointing up at y/n, who gave the white haired boy a smile and a wave, causing him to turn pink as he finally recognizes her.
"Ooh, really! I'm Kalim, the dorm head of Scarabia." the white haired boy, Kalim, offers them a beaming smile before gesturing to Jamil,"This is the vice dorm head, Jamil. Nice to meet you." he says and y/n nods in acknowledgment,"Nice to meet you as well, Kalim." she chirps, causing Kalim to turn into a darker shade of pink, but he doesn't dare to break eye contact.
"Oh, oohh. This guy's got a loose screw or two." Grim sweatdrops before whining when y/n flicks his ear,"Stop flicking my ear!" he growls,"Then stop being rude to and about other people!" y/n scolds before Jamil clears his throat to catch their attention.
"...And? Why do you want to know about my injury?" he asks and y/n pulls out her pen and notebook,"Sorry about that. The Headmaster tasked us to look into these mysterious accidents happening around campus. So, you wouldn't mind telling us what happened, do you?" she asks nervously.
Jamil's eyes widen for a split second,"The Headmaster did? Well, I don't see the harm it could do." he says and y/n sits next to him, considering Kalim sat across from them,"Last night I was in the kitchen making agemanju with lamb per Kalim's request." he starts before Kalim smacks his hands on the table with a grin.
"Jamil's agemanju is the best! You guys should come try it sometime." he cheers and y/n chuckles,"Sure, I'll take note of that." she nods before writing it down, making Jamil flustered when the girl actually considered it. He then sighs as he calms himself down,"Kalim, don't get us sidetracked." he scolds softly,"Ah, my B, my B." Kalim grins sheepishly.
Jamil then turns back to y/n,"Wjil I was finely chopping all the ingredients, for some reason my hand slipped and I cut myself." he explains as he lifts up his bandaged hand while y/n wrote all of this down.
"Jamil is so good with a knife even the head cook was blown away." Kalim pipes in and y/n wrote down this little info,"Were you tired from Magift practice?" Kalim asks with furrowed brows,"No. Not so much that my hand would slip like that." Jamil shakes his head before tapping a finger to his bottom lip.
"However, while I was cooking, for a moment I felt my consciousness slip away." he reveals and y/n pauses briefly by this before writing it down,"Did you feel dizzy or drowsy at that time then?" she asks.
"Most would probably think so, but... I've felt that sensation before. My guess, it was someone's unique magic." Jamil reveals and the group's eyes widen at this,"I see. I never thought of that possibly." y/n utters as she wrote that down and circles it many times.
"Ooh yeah, your unique magic is ffmmghphff!" just as Kalim was about to reveal Jamil's unique magic, said boy quickly throws himself over the table to cover his leader's mouth with his good hand. Kalim furrows his brows before pushing Jamil's hand off of himself,"... Puwah! Why'd you cover my mouth?" he asks with a frown.
"We're not talking about me right now." Jamil tells him before turning back to y/n,"Anyway, I think they used magic to control the movements of others." he adds and y/n wrote it down,"I see now. That's why everyone just thought people were being careless." Cater hums as he pinches his chin.
"And since it was only for a moment, those who were injured would mistake being manipulated for being careless as well. Even when I fell on the stairs, I didn't feel like someone had controlled me to do so." Riddle explains.
"Try to find that magic... This just became expert difficulty. What should we do?" Cater questions with furrowed brows,"Magic to control people... Ah! If I could do something like that, I'd make everyone give me all of the bread in school every day!" Grim grins widely at the idea, even drooling slightly.
"Take all the bread... Couldn't you think about something a little more grand?" Riddle sweatdrops,"Hehe, that's Grim for you..." y/n says with an awkward smile as she puts her notepad and pen away.
"Then I could eat all the deluxe menchi katsu sandwiches I... Huh?" Grim suddenly stops short as both he and y/n thought of something,"Hold up. Controlling people's movements? Ah, that's right!" y/n snaps her fingers as she finally pulls out a useful memory.
"Could you trade me that deluxe menchi katsu sandwich for my mini bean paste bread?" Ruggie bargains.
"Huh!? No way in hell!" Grim yells as he holds his sandwich away from the hyena boy,"Now, now, don't say that." Ruggie smirks before reaching out to Grim with both arms,"... Here you are." he says and Grim starts to move towards him at the same time,"Ffna!? What's going on!? My arms and legs are moving on their own..." Grim grunts as he and Ruggie exchanges their food.
*End of Flashback...*
"Ahhhh!!!!" the Ramshackle duo scream as they point at each other, though this greatly startled everyone around them,"You good!? You're shouting." Kalim asks with wide eyes,"I-I know! I know who has that unique magic!" Grim shouts,"We know Grim! We!" y/n corrects him.
"Come again?" Riddle raises his brows,"Our culprit... Is Ruggie Bucchi!" y/n says with a slight dramatic flare,"Ruggie... From Savanaclaw?" Cater blinks in astonishment,"Let's catch and interrogate him." Riddle immediately says,"Uummm, Ruggie Bucchi is in class 2-B." Cater informs them as he checks his phone.
Riddle nods in acknowledgement before bowing slightly at the Scarabia duo with a hand over his heart,"Thank you both for your help!" he says before they running off,"Sure. I'm not sure what's going on, but good luck!" Kalim waves them off.
They burst in to Mr. Trein's classroom,"Tell me~~! Where is Ruggie Bucchi!" Grim flares up as his tail swishes around with anger. The crowd of students stare at the group with bewilderment before their culprit steps up.
"Ye~s." Ruggie immediately loses his smile once he saw who stood before him,"...Ugh, it's you guys again. No matter how many times you ask, I can't give you the deluxe menchi katsu sandwich back." he groans with an annoyed smile,"This isn't about some silly sandwich." y/n tells him and Ruggie's ears twitches a bit at this.
"Ruggie Bucchi. We would like to ask you a few things about the string of accidents involving players that have been occurring around campus." Riddle steps up with a commanding tone,"Uh-oh... That doesn't sound like a pleasant convo." Ruggie frowns,"Could you come outside with us?" Cater gestures to the hallway with a smile.
"I got it. So please knock it off with the threatening aura." Ruggie sighs as his ears droop a bit before they all piled out into the empty hallway,"Alright. While I don't know all the details, we can't allow Ruggie to use his unique magic. I'll use 'Off With Your Head'..." Riddle tells himself as he goes to retrieve his pen, but he hums when he finds his breastpocket empty.
"What's this now? Riddle. Are you alright to use that kind of strong spell without your magical pen?" Ruggie teases as a smirk decorates his lips,"Eh?... Wh-What!? My magical pen is gone!" Riddle panics after searching his entire being,"Wait, how!? I just saw it a second ago." y/n says with worry.
"Hey, Cater! Your pen's gone, too!" Grim points out,"Crap! Seriously!?" Cater searches himself as well, but turns up empty handed too,"Ruggie!" y/n turns to the hyena, who was holding the two magic pens in his hand,"Shishishi! You were all raised with a cushy life, huh? Your pockets are ripe for the picking. It wasn't a challenge." he snickers as he waves the two pens in the air.
"Ffgna!? When did he use a spell to take your magical pens!?" Grim shouts with wide eyes,"Oh no. It was easy enough without magic!" Ruggie smirks as he pockets the two pens.
He then eyes y/n,"Shishishi!" he snickers and before anyone could blink, he had grabbed and thrown y/n over his shoulder,"Waaah!? What're you doing!? Put me down!" y/n squeals with fright,"I don't have any more time to kill with ya'll so I'm just gonna make my exit! With an extra prize too! Bye-bye." Ruggie grins before taking off.
"Guys!" y/n shouts,"Hey! Stop right there! And let her go!" Grim took chase after Ruggie,"Gr... Freeze! If you don't stop I'll have your head! OFF WITH..." Cater immediately stop Riddle,"Hold up, Riddle! You finally got rid of all the blot from your body only recently!" he says with worry before the two took off after Ruggie and Grim.
"Ruggie, put me down!" y/n shouts as she slaps the hyena's back,"No way! This is way too much fun!" Ruggie laughs before two familiar voices enter their ears,"Oh man, your flamingo feeding pink attire was amazing. I can't believe you got bright pink leopard print." Ace teases as he tries to keep his laughter in,"I-It can't be helped. That's the only pink stuff I own..." Deuce says with an embarrassed blush.
"In the end there's still a bunch of weird rules. Still better than before, though." Ace shrugs,"Ah, Ace, Deuce! You have great timing!" Cater stops before the two with Riddle,"What happened to you guys? What's the rush?" Ace asks as Riddle's face turns bright red with anger,"The culprit for the string of accidents has made off with our magical pens and y/n! Catch Ruggie Bucchi this instant! I'm sure you knows what happens if you don't?!" he yells.
"Eeeh!?" Deuce jumps at the sudden shout,"You're dragging us into this!" Ace blinks rapidly,"GUYS! I'M STILL BEING KIDNAPPED OVER HERE!!!" y/n shouts at them and the Uno Braincell Duo finally took after Ruggie.
"We're gonna put a rope on you!" Grim declares,"Do some first years and a raccoon really think they can catch me? You all already have this beat look. Shishishi!" Ruggie mocks as he turns a corner,"Mmkyaaa! I ain't no raccoon!" Grim rages,"Worry about that later! Let's go!" Ace scolds.
"I thought there were only wimps in Heartslabyul thanks to all your tea parties, but... You've got some spunk~ Very nice, very nice." Ruggie nods with impressed eyes,"Get him and knock him down a peg." Deuce glares,"Can't you just get caught? We don't wanna lose our heads to our dorm head." Ace whines,"Eehh, then you'll just have to really give it your all!" Ruggie grins as he jumps down a flight of stairs,"Ahhhh!!" y/n screams with horror as she clings tightly onto Ruggie's back.
"Having fun back there?!" Ruggie grins widely as he lands on the ground,"No! I'm not!" y/n cries crocodile tears as Ruggie took off again.
"H-How's this!!" Deuce shouts as he summons a cauldron right in Ruggie's path,"Whoa!?" Ruggie skids to a stop,"Deuce! Careful with the cauldrons!" y/n scolds,"Sorry!" Deuce winces at his mild mistake.
"That actually took me by surprise... But taking a good look at you, that was the last trick up your sleeve, huh? Well, looking at the state of things, it looks like I get the last laugh~" Ruggie smirks in triumph as the Heartslabyul duo and Grim pant with exhaustion.
Ruggie gave a short laugh before darting to the side, considering they're now on the first floor, he jumps over the low wall and into the courtyard,"How is this guy still so perky after all that running...?" Ace pants before they ran after them.
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UPDATES WEEKLY The world of Hero: Generation diverges from our own in the 1970s on a night known as “The Aurora Event”. Beautiful and luminescent weather phenomena covered the planet, for ten short minutes every corner of the Earth was underneath a cascade of lights in the sky. It was days later before reports began to filter in, more than could be suppressed by Governments and Nations. The Alphas had arrived. A small percent of the global population began to exhibit otherworldly and super natural abilities, changing the course of humanity. The Vietnam Occupation ended over night, as each ruling nation took action to respond. In the coming years Alphas would begin to change the globe. Russia eventually became an Alpha nation ruled by a mysterious figure only known as Father Winter. America, Europe, and Australia become even larger superpowers as their Alpha populations exploded, in time a United Nations force known as The Guardians was established to police and document the Alpha emergence. The worlds foremost expert in Alpha studies, Dr. Pavel Laghari invented a system known as the Laghari Scale, that scored Alphas on a scale of 1 to 10 across a wide array of parameters ranging from relative physical abilities to other parameters. Now, in most civilized countries Alphas are required to be assessed the moment their powers manifest, or be in strict violation of local and international laws. In this Age of Heroes , The Guardians have designed a new Initiative to recruit younger Alphas and set them on a path to greatness. Every year teenage Alpha’s from all over the globe flock to secure locations to take part in the Guardians crucible. Many will enter, but few will earn the right to call themselves a Guardian.
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Redemption of the Lost Noble
Draven Night, a lowly noble of a declining branch of the prestigious Vampyre family, has never been good. Abusive, manipulative, and always drunk, his siblings and parents have grown to despise him. Not only that, but he is fated to be beaten by the protagonist of the series- until Jensen wakes up and realizes that he is now Draven. Will he be able to retain his humanity? Or will Draven continue to give into his worldly desires and vampiric aggression? One thing is certain- Draven is not a morally upstanding person.
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The Crowns of Dalmarck
We are the Pure Gods. They are the lords of their people. You are the leader of a House of Gods. I am a king of Dalmarck. I have come from earth, through the Abyss and I have lived in the First Realm, in my realm and on the plane of Unrec. I have won wars with other gods and as brief they were, they took thousands of years. Time has become meaningless to me and the only proof of it are the deaths of my servants. I have created lives, magic and gods. I have seen civilisations die and Houses collapse. I once used to want to return through the way back to earth. Pure foolishness, as foolish as a sane Dark God would be. I have wronged many. Once I gave our planet magic and they brought me hate. Another time I save one and had to kill another. I nearly destroyed a whole people in my rage once. I want to stop this, but every time my little lights are there. They seem so satisfied that I cannot help but think I have done well. Every time they mention my House, they bless its gods. My House has always been there for them, even against the others. When I then think of them without us, i can only think of death and ruin. That will never happen, not with me here.
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Nova: Omega
Nova: Omega is the story of Hitori Seishin, a mercenary on the planet of Esper. He leads Omega team in the Nova Mercenary Academy, and is the son of the legendary warrior Maia Seishin, now deceased. He is in the final days of his education at the elite Academy, where at the last minute he’s assigned a new teammate, Elvira. She is a total novice, but her unique abilities make her a promising addition to his team. We join the pair on their journey, Hitori, fighting to prove he belongs amongst the ranks of warriors indisputably his better, and Elvira, struggling to adapt to a world where the trophy for second place is a tombstone. Meanwhile, ancient and powerful forces clash in the shadows, racing across the globe to secure powerful artifacts capable of upending the foundations of the world. New chapters released every MWF. Sorry for the random tiny chapters. I structured and uploaded this as a series of scenes, some of which just didn't need to be very long. I could probably attach the "sub-scenes" to previous chapters, but that'd only be covering it up, so I'm not sure its worth it. Anyway if you find them annoying, let me know, and I'll put some more thought into it. I did, at least, make a point of always posting at least a thousand words on any given day (after I noticed the problem), which hopefully mitigates the problem.
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World of Gamey
Linh Nguyen is a failure of his family. His parents is a multi billionaire and all his brothers and sister are genius in their own way. Being kick out of his house when he start his High School year, he moved to Los Angeles and go to school there. On his first day, he was picked on by the school bully Richard. One day he has have enough, and tell Richard to leave him alone, he got beaten unconscious. After that incident, Linh changed into something even greater! Watch as Linh on his journey to survive the new cruel world, getting revenge, and obtaining a harem for himself!Warning: Because I tried to write this story in a realistic way it contain a lot of profanity, descriptive of sex, rape, murder, and a lot of gruesome detail. Advice not to read if you against any of those. ALso if there is any similar name from the fiction to the people you know in real life, please understand that these name is something I come up with. I don't mean to put these name in there because I know someone. All of these characters is from my IMAGINATION!P.P.S: This is my first time doing this so please understand if the story isn't great. I will man up and take on all the criticism to help me improve my writing for you guy.
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Face Claim Part II
Just the second part of my Face Claims Saga. Hopefully this will also help you pick a face claim for your stories.
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