《Twisted Wonderland x reader: We're All Mad Here》Episode 2-5: Beastly Conflict!
The voice that had called the Savanaclaw students out was none other than Leona himself as he and Ruggie strut towards them,"Dorm Head Leona!" Savanaclaw A perks up,"These guys are the ones who thoughtlessly encroached on our territory." Savanaclaw B accuses as he points at the group,"We're just gonna rough 'em up a bit! He he he!" Savanaclaw C cackles, making y/n wonder if he's a laughing hyena, but his animal features says otherwise.
Ruggie's ears twitches when he recognizes the group before him,"Aren't ya'll the guys I met in the cafeteria?" he asks with a smile as he laces his hands behind his head,"Aahh, you! Deluxe menchi katsu sandwich!" Grim points a paw at him with a glare.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't go around giving people delicious sounding names." Ruggie pouts before pointing a thumb at himself,"I've got a very manly name, Ruggie Bucchi, y'know." he introduces himself and secretly gives y/n a wink, who in return shies away a bit from the unexpected move.
Leona narrows his eyes at her as he leans forward a bit,"Ah. Now that I get a good look at you, you're that herbivore that stepped on my tail in the botanical garden." he says with a bitter tone,"Whaaaat!? Dorm Head Leona's tail!?" Savanaclaw A growls as their trio glares at y/n,"No forgiving that!" Savanaclaw B states.
"Look, I said I was sorry, didn't I!? We were looking for someone in charge of the botanical garden and we thought you were one of 'em!" y/n glares at Leona, who slightly bares his teeth at her with a growl,"Ahaha! Leona, the attendant for the gardens!?" Ruggie bursts out laughing before wiping an imaginary tear away.
"Though it's true that he stays there so much, he practically lives there!" he adds,"Leona, Ruggie, let's show 'em who's boss!" Savanaclaw B suggests as he cracks his knuckles,"Stop barking up a fuss, mutts. What're you gonna do if your little fit of violence interferes with the Magift Tournament?" Leona glares at his fellow dorm mates.
"You're saying we should just ignore these trespassers? But they're such tasty looking prey." Savanaclaw C eyes the group, especially Grim and y/n, in which y/n responded with taking Grim from her shoulder into her arms protectively.
"Nobody said anything about ignoring them. We'll solve this 'peacefully' with a game of Magical Shift." Leona smirks darkly,"With Magift?" Savanaclaw A's ears perks up at this,"We can go crazy with magic during the game without breaking any rules." Leona reminds them smugly,"Shishishi! Leona, you're such a bully. These guys don't look like they could handle more than one game." Ruggie rubs salt on the group's wounding pride.
"Mmggh mmggh mmggh!" Grim growls before jumping out of y/n's arms,"I'm not gonna just take that lyin' down!" he declares,"Ugh. Doesn't feel like we can refuse and go home." Deuce sighs,"Alright, let's do this. Cater! Don't forget about the tryouts." Ace grins as he punches a fist in one hand,"Eeeh~ Seriously? You're all hopeless~" Cater sighs before placing a hand on y/n's shoulder,"Y/n, stand somewhere out of the way. Watch the other team and help us figure out their plays." he says,"I'll do my best." y/n nods with determined eyes.
With that, everyone made their way up to the playing field and y/n stood on the sidelines as Leona summoned the disk before commencing the game,"I'll show you what I'm made of!" Grim boasts,"Better get your trash talking done now. Shishishi." Ruggie snickers,"Bring it on! It's no fun if you don't have a backbone." Leona smirks as his tail swishes side to side.
"Don't underestimate, you Lazy Cat!" y/n screams and Leona merely gives her a smug look,"Then, come at us however you like, herbivores." he says as the game starts. But, the Savanaclaw players were dancing circles around them. Even if y/n's group got the disk and tried to score a few goals, they always got blocked or the disk got snatched.
"Okay! Let's keep bringing the heat!" Grim shouts,"Those Savanaclaw guys keep smirking... I've got a bad feeling..." Ace sweats as he eyes their opposing players,"Your intuition is spot on, Ace." Cater chirps as spins the disk around himself before tossing it to Deuce, who then made a run for it for the goal.
"They're better than we thought, Leona." Ruggie comments,"Ah... 'Thought' is the key word." Leona grins as a Savanaclaw player easily steals the disk from Deuce and even pushes him away from the goalie.
"Deuce!" y/n calls out with worry,"Grrr... If they hadn't stolen the disk we could've scored a goal!" Deuce growls as he hits the ground whilst the Savanaclaw player gave Leona the disk,"You still don't see we're toying with you?" he purrs with delight before taking a long shot at their group's goalie,"Take this!" he shouts as he easily scores.
"What the hell is that long shot! That's a super play...!" Ace claims,"Let's go again. Heh heh heh..." Leona chuckles deeply and y/n knew he just wants to toy with them until their spirits break. Besides that, her friends are utterly exhausted,"That's enough!" she screams as she runs onto the field and stands right in front of Leona,"This game ends right here, right now." she growls, earning a tongue click from the tall lion.
"Huff, haaa..." Grim pants as he plops himself onto the ground,"... This is insane... We can't even get a single point." Ace wheezes as he rests his hands on his knees,"There's no opening in their formation..." Deuce breathes out after he got back up,"...They say... Leona is a genius at being a 'command tower'. We don't stand a chance with just the five of us..." Cater winces,"Four actually, since I couldn't play due to the fact I'm magicless." y/n corrects him,"I didn't wanna be rude, sweetheart." Cater chirps,"It's not rude if it's true, Cater." y/n flashes him a brief smile.
"Oh, what's the matter? Done already?" Leona smirks at them, ignoring y/n's glare,"Shishishi! Where'd all that bravado from earlier go?" Ruggie snickers,"Come on, get up herbivores. Let's go one more game." Leona says slowly.
"I said enough already!" y/n shouts and was brave enough to even snatch the front of Leona's vest. Everyone gasp at this as Ruggie gives y/n a worried look,"This game is just as good as violence at this point." she growls and Leona gives her a menacing glare,"Let go of me, herbivore... Now." he growls deeply as he bares his teeth, but y/n, despite her heart rate picking up due to fear, doesn't falter for one second.
"What're you all doing." Jack's voice suddenly rang out as he approaches both groups and eyes y/n gripping Leona's vest, who immediately let's the lion go,"Huh? We're just messing around with some trespassers." Leona frowns at him.
"What's fun about kicking newbies around?" Jack glares as he crosses his arms, going to stand between him and y/n,"What's this? Jack, you're so cool. Like a hero of justice. Shishishi!" Ruggie mocks,"I can't just stand by when something heinous is happening in front of me." Jack claims as y/n looks up at him with awe.
"...You're a buzzkill." Leona clicks his tongue,"Hey, Jack! You're sure cheeky for a first year!" Savanaclaw A comments as he leans forward a bit,"... I could say the same for you, you're not doing something befitting an upperclassman." Jack sneers.
"Come again!? You wanna join them?" Savanaclaw C glares, but stops when Leona holds up a hand,"Ha. Fresh-baby, being assertive is splendid." he states before sighing,"Whatever, I'm bored. There's no point in going up against you guys." he claims before turning around and walking away.
"Let's go, Ruggie." he calls out,"Ye~s." Ruggie says in a sing-song tone as he follows after him with two of the Savanaclaw students following behind him,"We won't let you off so easy next time you trespass on our turf!" Savanaclaw B exclaims before jogging after his friends.
The group releases a breath they didn't know they were holding,"Thank you so much for the help Jack." y/n says with a grateful smile before turning around to her friends,"Are you guys okay?" she asks, unaware that she caused Jack's cheeks to turn a light pink.
"Ah ha ha, I showed you a pretty ugly side of me." Cater laughs with pink cheeks as he rubs the back of his neck,"Jack, was it? You saved us." Deuce says with gratitude,"It wasn't like I was trying to help you or anything." Jack claims as he avoids eye contact.
[Eeek! That totally sounded like a Tsundere line! Is Jack one!?] y/n squeals internally as her eyes sparkle,"Ugh, I'm so gross. Let's just go straight back to the dorm." Ace suggests with a whine,"And I'm starving." Grim holds his belly.
"Well, Jack, we're heading out, but be careful, alright?" Cater says,"You guys aren't in a position to worry about me. Go home already." Jack says as the group leaves, but y/n places a hand on his arm to get his attention,"We know we aren't in the position to worry about you, but we do. All we're saying is just watch your back."
"I don't know if you heard already or not, but there's been a lot of accidents happening around the magift players from various dorms. So please, be careful Jack." she says before finally leaving. Jack blushes at her caring words as his tail unconsciously starts to wag, until he grabbed it,"Stop it!" he hisses with an embarrassed blush.
Hours have passed since the incident and the Ramshackle duo were already in bed. Though...
"Huuummmnn... Mnya mnya... Didjya see my super shoot..." Grim snores as a little bit of drool escapes his mouth. Y/n smiles in amusement as she rubs one of his ears from behind,"At least one of us can get some sleep." she whispers, her body having been feeling restless since returning to their dorm.
"Maybe some fresh air will help." she utters as she carefully slips out of bed and grabs a blanket to wrap around herself before stepping outside the dorm. She sighs as she leans against one of the naked trees in the yard and looks up to the sky.
"I wonder if I'll ever get home..." she utters before shutting her eyes,[Do I even really wanna go home? I mean, I don't really belong in this world.] she thought to herself before shivering when a gust of cold wind blew by,"Gotta admit, it's gotten pretty cold lately..." she says.
Suddenly the bushes rustles behind her before a tall male with pale skin, bright emerald green eyes and long black horns emerges from the shrubs,"... Hm? Who are you?" he asks with curiosity as y/n immediately backs away from him,"An intruder!?" she hisses with worry since the guy is seriously tall and intimidating cause of his eyes practically glowing in the dark.
"Well now this is a surprise. You are a child of man." the guy says with interest as he took a step towards y/n, who immediately spots a green armband on his being,[A green armband. So he's a fellow student then. Which dorm was the green one again?] she thought before she eyes the guy's horns,[Whoa, he's got horns... That's wicked.] she thought with awe.
"Do you live here? This building had been abandoned for a long while. I'd been quite fond of it as a place I could be quietly left alone." the guy asks and y/n nods,"I do. I'm actually the prefect for this dorm. Names y/n." she offers a small smile, unaware that the guy's eyes widened just the slightest as hints of familiarity dances across them.
"Y/n? That's an unusual name." he hums and y/n chuckles,"Funny, a friend of mine said the same thing too." she breathes out before looking up at the guy,"Well, you now know my 'unusual' name, so it's only fair I know yours, Stranger. So, who are you?" she asks with a cheeky smile.
She took note of his baffled expression,"Who am... You don't know who I am? Truly?" he asks and y/n shakes her head,"I'm sorry, should I?" she asks and the guy seems quite happy for some reason,"... Hmmm. Is that so? That is... exceedingly rare." he hums and y/n sweatdrops,"Uh, name?" she asks again.
"Apologies. I'm..." the guy quickly stops himself,"Actually, no I'm not going to tell you. Not knowing is for your own benefit. The moment you hear it you'll feel a frost spread over your skin. For your ignorance, as an exception, I'll allow you to call me whatever you'd like. Though, you may come to regret that someday..." he says with an ominous smile that holds amusement.
[This guy is definitely... Quirky...] y/n sweatdrops,"Hmph... Nevertheless..." the guy suddenly frowns,"But if there are people living here it means this abandoned building is no longer abandoned. That's too bad. I have to find another place for my nightly strolls." he says before bowing slightly to y/n.
"Well then, I bid you adieu." he says before he suddenly disappears in a flash of green firefly-like lights,"He vanished..." y/n utters with awe before suddenly stifling a yawn,"Man, all of a sudden I'm super exhausted now... Time for bed..." she says with drowsy eyes as she drags herself back into her dorm and back to bed, where she snuggles up with Grim.
Meanwhile, in Savanaclaw...
"Leona, good evening. I brought you dinner." Ruggie announces as he sets a tray full of food on the table Leona is sitting at, reading a book,"And I took care of another job." he adds in a whisper,"Ahh. Aren't you an efficient one, Ruggie." Leona smirks as he dangles the book in his hand now.
"Well naturally. If it's for you Leona, it's easy." Ruggie states with a grin as he crosses his arms,"Ha, don't flatter me. You're doing this for yourself." Leona exposes,"...Oh no, Leona. This is for us, y'know." Ruggie says with a serious tone.
"Everyone wants to turn this world on its head. The hyenas in the legend of the King of Beasts followed him because they wanted to improve their lot in life. I'm just doing the same." he admits, his entire expression void of his usual grin or smile.
"Then be discreet while you 'hunt'. Don't leave evidence." Leona says as he puts his book down and crosses one leg over the other, his one hand's fingers drumming against the arm of his chair,"Shishishi! Of course. It's hyena policy to never leave a scrap of their prey behind." Ruggie grins darkly.
"By the way, Leona. For the next prey, which dorm and who should we target?" he asks with hands behind his head,"Let me think." Leona hums before his single ear twitches and, without turning his head, casts his eyes over to the entrance to his room,"How about a wolf that likes to sneak around eavesdropping on other?" he finishes.
"Huh?!" Ruggie whips around to face the doorway,"I know you're there, fresh-baby. You might want to find a new hobby with those giant ears of yours." Leona comments as Jack walks out from behind the wall and stood in the middle of the door's entrance, a glare of disgust evident on his face.
"What do you want this late? Are you homesick and need a lullaby?" Leona mocks as he stood up from his seat,"I'll sing one for you. Shishishi!" Ruggie joins in, but Jack is anything but amused,"Tell me the reason. Why are you guys doing something like this?" he asks.
"I see. You're looking for a bedtime story. Alright, I'll tell you one." Leona says,"For two years in a row we played against Malleus and Diasomnia Dorm in the first match of the tournament. The result, we were crushed." he says as he plucked a leaf from the plant in his room and crushes it in his hand for a dramatic effect.
"A participant trophy. Savanaclaw has taken down opponent after opponent, but even we were like newborn kittens who hadn't even opened their eyes. That unsightly state was broadcast to the whole world. Do you know what happened in the end?" Leona sneers as he turns back around to face Jack,"The dorm leader was branded as incompetent and scouts from pro leagues and sponsors dried up." he says.
"That's because... you just weren't good enough..." Jack strains as he clenches his fists,"That's precisely it. Until last year we literally weren't committed to personal affairs. Having an honest match with that monster-like opponent without coming up with something in advance was stupid." Leona scoffs.
"We knew we'd lose, but we still didn't come up with a plan. To hear that Savanaclaw, the dorm founded on the persistence of the King of Beasts, it must have been a shock." he finishes.
"That doesn't make the cowardly way you're attacking people any less wrong!" Jack growls with a fierce glare,"It's wrong?" Leona raises a brow before approaching the first year,"Jack... you know, I'm only thinking about what's best for all the members of Savanaclaw? If we shoot down Malleus, we'll get revenge of all of that and the value of Savanaclaw will be restored." he says as he stood in front of Jack.
"It's already been decided that if we don't win this year, Malleus will be entered into the hall of fame. This is our last chance. But you just want to give it up for your sense of justice? Do you want to destroy your upperclassmen's future?" he narrows his eyes at his junior in a challenging manner,"Th-That's...!" Jack stammers as he tries to come up with something, but Leona's gaze has him rooted in his place.
"Using your head when chasing prey is the basics of hunting. There's nothing cowardly about it." Leona claims,"Shishishi! In this school it's survival of the fittest. Goodie two shoes can't survive here." Ruggie gives his input.
"Dorm Head, if you gave it your all you would have no problems against Diasomnia! I still remember your play from three years ago. I...!" Jack is cut off by Leona snapping and practically roaring in his face,"Don't talk like you know everything!"
"Give it my all? Utterly foolish. Even if I did, nothing would change." he scoffs before turning around,"... Leave. If you want to see the morning sun." he threatens and Jack leaves without another word.
"That guy's a liability. Should I get rid of him?" Ruggie asks as he glares at the doorway,"Just wait. Even if he goes and tells Crowley, he has no evidence. That and we need him to crush Malleus. Keep a close eye on him for now." Leona signals.
"Ye~s." Ruggie nods before leaving as well, and once he was out of sight, Leona clicks his tongue,"... Tsk, damn fresh-baby... Sounds just like my brother." he scowls as he places a hand against his head.
At the same time, y/n woke up with a pain filled gasp as she sees the room again. Two splashes of ink echoes in her ears before her vision came back. She coughs as her chest tightens in a very uncomfortable manner and Grim wakes up as well.
"Hey! Hey, y/n! Are you okay?!" he asks with pure worry as he shakes the girl's arm, y/n having turned on her side,"Hey ghosts! Get her a glass of water! Stat!" Grim shouts as y/n stops coughing and pants for lost air.
"It's okay y/n, I'm here. Your Buddy is here..." Grim cooes as he rubs his head against the girl's neck. His worry grew when she just fell back asleep and her body felt uncomfortably warm.
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One Piece No Go No Ken
Work discontinued and ending. Other authors are free to message me if they want to take it A synopsis serves to attract attention without lying. This is useful because it gives a first impression of the novel, and immerse even before plunging into the story. Unfortunately, it does not count as one of my specialties.This fanfic is really peculiar and I think that few people will be able to appreciate it. So instead of trying to make you salivate, then have you disappointed, it would be better for you to make your own opinion, that is if you have time on your hands. If you do not like one piece or shounen animes, then you'd better turn back, as it would be a worthless read for you. If you've made it this far and have time to spare for yet one worthless attempt at making an original one-piece fanfic, then have a good read. N.B: I do not own one Piece or Fist of the north star, the image above, or any other anime/fictional character referenced in this fiction Please do not donate on this particular fanfic!
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