《Twisted Wonderland x reader: We're All Mad Here》Episode 2-2: Accumulation Dangerous!
After fighting off the ghosts, Crowley dismissed them as the three magic using students pant with exhaustion,"Oi, Headmaster! Talking about blot and fighting ghosts have nothing to do with each other!" Grim growls with annoyance.
"Grim, take a good look at the magic crystal around your neck." Crowley gestures to Grim's collar, who looks down and jumps at the sight of black splotches staining his precious gem,"Ffgna!? There are some weird blotches on my crystal!? I can't wipe them off with my paw!" Grim panics as he furiously wipes his crystal.
"There should be black smudges that look like drops of ink on the crystal. Those are the blots created from using magic." Crowley explains,"If I look close, there's small smudges on my magical pen as well...!" Deuce exclaims as he squints at his magical pen.
"Blegh, it's so dirty!" Grim sticks his tongue out,"There must be a way to fix this, right?" y/n asks,"Why yes." Crowley chirps,"I'm relieved! Pew." Grim says with relief as he puts a paw on his chest,"With enough rest, the blots will vanish in a matter of time. Magical crystals don't only help with performing spells, but they also prevent blots from accumulating directly within the caster. They are truly a wonderful item that can shoulder your burdens." Crowley explains with a smile.
"I see. So you mean that if our crystals start to darken, we need to properly rest." Deuce says as he and Ace put their magical pens away,"That's right. Eat well, sleep well, and normal blots will disappear on their own." Crowley states.
"How 'bout that!! Then when I become the greatest wizard ever, I can fire off spells like' bang! bang' with no problem!" Grim jumps around,"I always eat my fill and sleep like a rock." he says proudly,"The amount of mana a person has varies from person to person, but aside from very special cases, the difference doesn't really affect the maximum blot a person can tolerate." Crowley explains.
"What does that mean?" Grim tilts his head,"That means, people like Mr. Rosehearts, who have a lot of mana, have to be exceedingly careful about how much blot they are accumulating." Crowley simplifies,"If you aren't paying attention and just keep using a bunch of magic, you're gonna get covered in blot." Ace tells Grim.
"Well, with the amount of mana all of you possess, I don't think there's any danger of that. Isn't that great!" Crowley beams,"That line of yours doesn't bring me joy! Like, at all!" Ace comically yells.
"If you use too much magic and your crystal becomes completely black you'll go into 'evil berserker mode' like Riddle?" Grim summerizes before pinning his ears back,"That huge evil spirit thing was super scary." he admits with nervous sweat.
"The amount of blot a person accumulates is greatly influenced by their mental state. Anger, sorrow, fear, confusion... Being swathed in negative energy makes blot all the easier to build up, and overblot occurs much more easily as well." Crowley explains and y/n hums at this.
"Negative energy..." Deuce utters under his breath,"Makes sense." y/n says with a shrug,"The giant shadow that appeared behind Mr. Rosehearts when he was rampaging. They say that appears as the incarnation of negative energy fused with blot; however..." Crowley taps his lips with furrowed brows.
"The details aren't understood at this time. There is still so much we don't know about overblot. Due in part to there being very few cases of it happening." he reveals,"So it's an extremely rare sight?" y/n says with wide eyes,"Who would want more cases of that!? I certainly don't." Ace claims as he jabs a thumb on his own chest.
"It is truly fortunate that Mr. Rosehearts was brought back to his senses. If he hadn't..." Crowley frowns as a tense silence befalls them at that notion,"AHHH! DON'T WANT TO EVEN IMAGINE! IT'S TOO AWFUL!" Crowley screams as he grips his head.
"Waahah! Don't yell like that, you scared the crap outta me!" Grim jumps at the sudden shout and Crowley clears his throat as he composes himself,"Apologies, I lost myself there for a moment. This became long winded, but I hope you understand that using magic comes with certain danger. You'd do well to never forget that." he says with a stern tone.
"Yes." the group nod in understanding,"That brings your special lesson with a gracious headmaster to a close! Please return to your classroom." Crowley beams, but y/n steps up,"Actually, I've been meaning to ask, sir. Did you find anything about how to send me back home?" she asks.
"Ah, aaaahhh. A way to send you back to your world. Of course I'm looking for one. I haven't forgotten or anything. But I've been so busy lately." Crowley tells her as he avoids eye contact with the girl, who narrows her eyes at him with suspicion.
"Your eyes are all over the place." Grim exposes with an unimpressed look,"I-I'm not lying. Getting ready for the Inter-Dorm Magical Shift Tournament in October has had me swamped. There's a meeting with all the dorm heads after this too..." Crowley quickly explains.
"Magical Shift Tournament?" both Grim and y/n voice with confusion,"What is that?" y/n asks and her friends give her a look of disbelief, except for Grim,"What, y/n, you don't know Magift?" Ace asks with shock,"It's famous around the world. There's a pro league and world cup, too." Deuce tells the girl.
"I don't know, either!" Grim waves his paws around,"Magical Shift... Magift for short, is a sport played by two teams of seven. Put simply, there's a disk that you have to throw through the other team's goal to score points. The team with the most points wins." Ace explains and y/n hums.
"Sounds a lot like American football with a frisbee in there. Sounds fun." she chirps with interest,"American football? Is that a sport from your home?" Deuce asks with curiosity,"Yep." y/n nods.
"Hmm. It's not something I've heard before. I'll look it up next time I'm in the library. It might even turn into a lead..." Crowley hums with curiosity,"But it might be hard for you to take part in a game of Magift, y/n." Ace states.
"Why's that?" both Ramshackle members ask,"Magical Shift is a sport that uses magic. The disk is carried with magic, defense and offense also use magic." Deuce explains to them,"How big a spectacle you can make with magic is also part of being a great player." Ace adds with a smile.
"Yes! That's why Night Raven College is known as a champion around the world! Countless alumni have gone on to be pro players! Magift isn't just an athletic sport but one that uses magic to compete as well." Crowley spoke with enthusiasm,"Our school's Inter-Dorm Magical Shift Tournament is attended by representatives of pro leagues and those from different magical industries around the world."
"The arena will be lines with food stalls, and visitors from different countries will grace the stadium. It is a tournament that'll make your palms sweat and works the whole world into a frenzy thanks to the live broadcast TV cameras." he adds.
"Wow, that's amazing!" y/n gape with glimmering eyes,"World wide broadcast!? So if I play in that tournament, the whole world will be paying attention to me!?" Grim gasps with excitement.
"Certainly! Those how play in the tournament will without a doubt become popular with pro leagues and any number of sponsors." Crowley chirps,"In your case, Grim, I think they'd be more surprised by seeing a monster play." Deuce smiles.
"Oh yeah! I'll start some special training today and stand out to everyone in that stadium!" Grim grins as he gets fired up at the thought,"Oh but Grim, you can't play at all." Crowley suddenly says and Grim could hear his reality shatter at that moment.
"Huh?" he turns to the headmaster,"Haven't I said 'Inter-Dorm' several times already? Your dorm doesn't meet the seven person requirements, does it? So you can't even apply." Crowley announces.
"Eeeeehhh!? How can that be!!!" Grim cries as he grabs his own ears,"Selling drinks in the stands the day of, preparing the field for the tournament, there are many things that have to be done. Standing on the field as a player isn't the only role." Crowley says.
"No way! No way!!" Grim shakes his head,"I wanna hear 'Kyaa! Grim is so cool!', 'Hey, did you see his super play!?', from the crowd as they all cheer for me!" he whines as he hugs y/n's leg,"That's a pretty basic delusion..." Ace sweatdrops,"Hmm. Can't be helped since you don't have enough people. You might have to give up on this year and hope that some freshmen get sorted into Ramshackle Dorm next year." Deuce says with sympathy.
"Sorry Grim." y/n pats the little monster's head as Crowley looks at the clock on his wall,"I really must get back to work! Aah, busy busy busy." he mutters and the group took their leave as Crowley bustles around his office,"You got my hopes up for nothing, you jerk... Ffnaa..." Grim whimpers as y/n carries him back to their dorm.
Later that afternoon...
It was back in the Mirror Chamber where the Headmaster and all of the Dorm Leader had gathered,"Then, let our meeting about the October Inter-Dorm Magical Shift Tournament commence." Crowley announces with arms spread wide open before taking his seat.
"First, Octavinelle Dorm's Mr. Ashengrotto has an announcement as the manager for the tournament." he says and Azul stood up with a hand humbly placed over his heart,"I'm Azul Ashengrotto, the tournament manager. Thank you for your time." he humbly says before picking up a small stack of papers.
"To begin, for the installation of food stalls around the coliseum venue, all slots for both external enterprises and internal club activities have been filled." he informs with a pleased smile,"Oh! Very nice! It's going to be super lively." Scarabia's Dorm Leader chirps.
"Royal guests from every country have all been sent their invitations. General attendance tickets are also selling well. And applications from TV stations and newspapers are coming in like they do every year." Azul reads from the papers.
"This tournament is a big deal world wide. I got super excited for my invitation every year before I came here." Scarabia's leader gushes before turning to Leona, who's feet are propped on the table,"Since you're royalty, you would've gotten one too, right, Leona? Maybe we passes by each other when we were little." he grins.
Leona raises a brow at him before rolling his eyes,"... Who knows. I don't care." he says bluntly,"I have to make sure my foundation is in perfect form for the jumbotron. Physical activity means I have to spend that much more time fixing it." Pomefiore's leader says with furrowed brows.
"Huh... Pomefiore is the only dorm to take timeouts to fix their makeup." Riddle sighs with unimpressed eyes,"How can you all be so proactive about being in front of a bunch of people? Just thinking about it makes me wanna vomit." Ignihyde's leader states with a quiet tone.
Azul clears his throat louldy,"Everyone, quiet please." he asks,"Ah, sorry 'bout that." Scarabia's leader says sheepishly and Azul nods with a smile,"As soon as every dorm has decided on their player line up, please make sure to submit all the paperwork. If the paperwork is late by even a day..."
"Youll be disqualified, correct?" Riddle interrupts and Azul pushes his glasses up,"No. I will accept a special processing fee." he announces,"An express delivery fee, if you will." he elaborates,"Huh... I think making a rule for exceptions like that is in bad form." Riddle comments.
"Hahaha! I'm grateful for it though!" Scarabia's leader bubbles cheerfully,"We're getting very off track." Crowley spoke up,"As for the tournament bracket... I'd like to share an idea." he offers as he brings a piece of paper closer to himself.
"Idea?" Riddle quirks a brow and Crowley nods,"Starting from this tournament, I'd like the dorm head of Diasomnia... Malleus Draconia, to be inducted into the hall of fame at this time." he reveals,"Eeh!?" Scarabia's leader leans forward in surprise at this.
"...What's the meaning of this?" Leona frowns as he finally puts his feet down,"Since Mr. Draconia entered this school, all dorms that have played against Diasomnia have been crushed without scoring a single point." Crowley bluntly says, causing the students to deadpan at his brutal honesty,"Diasomnia scored over 100 points, more than ninety percent of which were by him." he adds, further dampening everyone's mood.
"True. When we played them last year we couldn't make a single move." Scarabia's leader reveals with a slight frown,"He's an unparalleled cheat character that completely destroys the game's balance." Ignihyde's leader comments.
"This tournament isn't for mere pleasure. In order to discover the next generation of talent, the world pays attention. Regardless of that, no matter who their opponent is, any match against Diasomnia is over before even their own players can strut their stuff. This is an extraordinary exception." Crowley explains with laced fingers.
"Aah, I get it. I wither after seeing this development over and over." Ignihyde's leader says with a monotonous tone,"To the dorm with many members aiming to join a Magical Shift pro league, Savanaclaw." Crowley turns to Leona.
"Savanaclaw is a dorm with a history of victories and has never once been below the top three. Even still, you have lost to Diasomnia in the opening match of the past two tournaments. This won't leave a strong impression on any scout. And it won't allow for anyone to become a pro." he firmly says as he taps the table at the last sentence.
"... So you're saying that we're just going to get owned again this year?" Leona narrows his eyes, tail twitching slightly with annoyance,"I'm not saying it because it pleases me. Anyway, I have already received Mr. Draconia's consent on the matter. All that's left is your approval as dorm heads." Crowley says as he sweeps his gaze over everyone.
"Ha, you've underestimated us... Teach." Leona scoffs as he stood up with both hands on the table and leans forward a bit,"The thing I hate most in this world is being told, 'You will never be number one'." he scowls,"That's not what I'm saying..." Crowley sweats a bit.
"Then what are you saying? First, in magift, it's not about throwing around physical strength. It's about using your head." Leona claims as he taps the side of his own head,"I don't think I could beat Malleus in a battle of wits either." Scarabia's leader sweatdrops as he crosses his arms.
"Hmph, for you, sure. But not me. Sure, no one is ever going to beat him in a battle of brawn, but brains should be different." Leona states,"Ooh?" Azul raises a brow at him,"The King of Beasts took his place as king through hard work and wisdom. Put that thing between your ears to work. Come up with a way to beat that monster!" Leona says loudly before crossing his arms.
"I bet the whole world would admire whichever team did that. Are you really going to pass up a once in a lifetime opportunity?" he coaxes with a haughty smirk,"Even you say smart things sometimes. I also think that your idea is nonsense, Headmaster. Excluding those with talent." Pomefiore's leader clicks his tongue,"Isn't that just your unconscious bias showing? I hate things like that." he spat with narrowed eyes.
"I agree with Vil on this. Also, as a wizard, I have no intention of throwing in the towel before the battle has even begun." Riddle says in agreement,"I want the whole world to see that aloof bastard's face contort in frustration. Just thinking about it, I could start humming. Y'know?" Leona smirks wider.
"Fu fu. Imagine how high the ratings would be." Azul chirps,"Mmhmm mmhmm. We shouldn't exclude others." Scarabia's leader grins as he clenches both of his fists,"Eh, what's happening here? Am I the only one who thinks letting him in the hall of fame is fine?" Ignihyde's leader questions as his tablet turns every which way.
"There you have it, teach. We won't be letting Malleus in the hall of fame." Leona grins down at Crowley, who sighs as he places his hand against his own forehead,"My goodness..." he utters before looking up.
"Fine, understood. However, if the same situation occurs this year, he will be entered into the hall of fame next year." he sternly says as Leona waves him off and sits back down,"Do whatever you want." he says.
"That brings us to the end of today's meeting. Everyone, please don't forget to turn in your paperwork. I myself don't mind if you forget though... Fufufu." Azul chuckles with a mischievous gleam in his eyes,"By the way, today's dorm head meeting..." Pomefiore's leader, Vil, glances around the room as they all stood up,"Did we forget to tell Malleus about it again?"
Meanwhile, at a stairway...
Two Heartslabyul students were making their way downstairs, chatting it up all the way,"It's almost time to decide who's playing in the magical shift tournament, huh." Heartslabyul A hums.
'Have you thought of any spells to appeal to the dorm head?" Heartslabyul B asks as they make their way down the final steps,"Of course I did! I showed it to Mr. Crewel earlier and got his approval." Heartslabyul A beams with fists clenched with excitement.
"I'm so excited to show it too..." he says before feeling his own body lose control and balance,"Ah whoooaaa!!!" he tumbles down the last bit of stairs before landing on his back,"Ooowww..." he groans before moving to sit up, only to wince and grab his leg,"Crap it hurts!"
"H-hey! Why are you jumping around on the stairs all of the sudden?" Heartslabyul B asks as he quickly rushes to his friend's side,"My leg... hurts...!" Heartslabyul A groans as he held his injured leg.
"What!? Let's get you to the infirmary!" Heartslabyul B quickly help his friend up and, despite his friend being taller than him, slung an arm over his shoulders as they made their way to the infirmary, unaware of the lurking silhouette peering at them from around the corner.
It was also at this moment that y/n, who was currently cleaning the kitchen, tightens her grip around her broom as her vision went dark again.
It was the very same, dimly lit room again, only... The color is yellow this time as two drops of ink drip and gathered on the floor in a puddle. She gasps as her vision came back and she grip her chest, a very dull ache present.
"What... What is this?" she whimpers slightly as she catches her breath,"This happened before too... When Riddle..." she stops her sentence right there as she let's go of her chest,"I've got a bad feeling about this." she utters before continuing her cleaning duty in the kitchen.
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