《Twisted Wonderland x reader: We're All Mad Here》Episode 2-3: Consecutive Accidents!
The next day, y/n was busy cleaning one of the rooms after finally finishing up the kitchen yesterday and earlier that morning before going to class. Afterwards, she had entered the living room to find Grim sulking face down on the coffee table,"Aaahhuuhh. I just don't wanna do anything... Nothing brings me joy if I can't play magift." he whines dramatically as y/n sits on the ground in front of him.
"You still going on about that, Buddy?" y/n asks with a small smile as she pokes Grim's side softly just as the ghosts came around,"What's up Grim-y boy? What's got your fur in a bunch?" Chub asks with curiosity,"He's pouting 'cause they won't let him play in the magical shift tournament. Hee hee hee!" Jolly chuckles.
"If you wanna play that bad, we'll play against you." Skinny says as he pulls out a disk that almost looks like a frisbee,"We were players that drove the crowd wild 90 years ago!" he boasts as he spins the disk on his finger as Grim lifts himself up.
"We need a team of seven, right?" he asks,"Doesn't matter since it's not official! Let's go." Chub says and y/n stood up,"Is it okay if I play with my hands? I can't use magic after all." she asks with a grin.
"Of course, missy! The more, the merrier!" Skinny says and y/n claps her hands,"Great! Let's go play outside then." she says and they all move outside while y/n ties her hair up.
Grim had the disk in his grasp as it spins rapidly in his magic hold,"Don't worry too much about the rules. Just take the disk and put it through the goal." Skinny explains as he gestures to a couple of trees as the goalie.
"I'm gonna leave you all in the dust!" Grim boasts and y/n rolls her eyes playfully,"You mean 'we', Buddy." she corrects him,"Better watch out, everyone goes after the guy holding the disk with magic. Hee hee hee!" Jolly laughs,"Game; start!" Chub shouts and the game commenced.
It was a little hard for y/n, since she had to quickly pass the disk to Grim or aim for the goalie due to her being magicaless,"Alright! I just have to take the disk and score some goals!" Grim tells himself as he couches down on his legs before charging for the goalie.
"Boo!!" Jolly suddenly pops up in front of him and blocks his way,"Gaaah!? Wh-Wh-Wh-what are you doing!!?" Grim yelps as he jumps back,"Hee hee! Getting in your opponents way is part of the game." Jolly laughs,"That was not magic!!" Grim rages.
"Guess it's about strengths too?" y/n says with uncertainty and Skinny nods,"It's just that too, missy. Good call." he says before freezing up when y/n grabbed the disk and tossed it passed him right through the goalie,"Goal!!!" she screams as she runs around, even going as far as too slide across the grass on her knees.
"Hee hee hee! Someone's having fun." Chub remarks as y/n got back up,"Ya bet I am! Let me get the disk." she says before quickly retrieving the disk and handing it over to Grim,"Ffnaa~!!! Keeping control of the disk is hard!" Grim says with exhaustion.
"Hee hee hee! At this rate you'd be out in the first match you play." Jolly teases,"But ya'll did pretty good for first timers." Skinny claps his hands,"H-Hmm. I'm a genius so give me a moment to get used to it and I'll be a star in no time!" Grim grins despite being exhausted.
He then held the disk in his little paws as y/n falls to her butt, also exhausted yet satisfied,"Hello everyone." Crowley greets as he enters Ramshackle territory,"Are you playing magical shift?" he inquires as he took note of the familiar disk in Grim's paws.
"Geh. It's the guy that always brings down the room." Grim grumbles with pinned ears as y/n rolls her eyes,"I see you getting along well with the dorm ghosts. Splendid, splendid." Crowley says with a pleased tone as y/n let's out a breathless chuckle before getting up,"Well, they are our fellow roommates." she claims.
"We are not getting along!" Grim quickly denies just as the ghosts snicker and flies off back to Ramshackle,"What d'you want?" Grim rudely asks, earning a flick to the ear,"Manners." y/n scolds with narrow eyes.
"I have a request to make of you. It's not simple chit-chat so let's go inside." Crowley says with a serious tone,"Of course." y/n says, sensing something is wrong as they quickly made their way back into Ramshackle.
"What's this request about? We aren't your handymen anymore, y'know." Grim crosses his arms after jumping onto the coffee table,"Oh yeah? I don't remember saying anything about your room and board being free of charge? Labor is a beautiful thing, right, Grim, Prefect." Crowley says as he crosses his own arms with a quirked brow and a sickly sweet smile.
"Damn it... We really don't have a choice, Grim. Let's hear out." y/n sighs and Crowley clears his throat,"Then I will get straight to the point. Recently, there have been an increasing number of students injured in suspicious accidents. I'd like to have you investigate them."
"Injuries~?" Grim's ears perks up as he and y/n spoke in unison,"Yes. Tripping down stairs, burned by boiling water... The causes vary but in the past several days the number of patients in the infirmary has dramatically increased." Crowley reveals and y/n hums at this,"Including the person who fell down the stairs yesterday, that makes ten people injured. I'm glad none of the injuries have been severe but..." Crowley trails off with worry.
"So this happened since yesterday?" y/n asks and Crowley nods,"Aren't they all just clumsy?" Grim asks, but Crowley shakes his head,"The whole school is giddy for the approaching magical shift tournament, that's true. Even still, there's too many people getting hurt if you look at past years. On top of that, those injured in these accidents were all in the running to be starting members of their dorm's team." he explains.
"Huuh?" Grim's eyes widen at this,"Then this smells like foul play." y/n crosses her arms as she narrows her eyes,"Very nice deduction. However, I have no evidence to prove it was foul play. All the victims were injured in places with plenty of other people around them. Nevertheless all bystanders had this to say: 'They looked like they weren't paying attention'." Crowley says.
"Sounds like they all just screwed up. There, problem solved." Grim states,"My dear Grim, that's quite irresponsible of you." Crowley wags his finger at him,"It has nothing to do with me. I still can't join magift. Doesn't matter to me what happens to the tournament. Ptooey ptooey!" Grim spat with spite as he turns away.
"Is that so..." Crowley hums with a hand on his chin,"I'd thought to give you a tremendous reward for your help but..." he temts and Grim's ears perks up as he slightly turns his head towards Crowley, but whips his head back around,"Hmph! That's not gonna work this time! You'd need at least 100 cans of tuna to buy my help." he says stubbornly.
"Grim..." y/n sweatdrops,"Then how does this sound? You could join the tournament as a player..." Crowley bargains and both Ramshackle members jump at this,"Eh!?" they sound their surprise as Grim whips fully around.
"If you can shed light on this series of events, then I shall prepare a way for your dorm to participate as competitors. How's that sound? Aren't I just the most gracious ever?" Crowley beams with pride as Grim's body shook,"Ffna... Ffnaaa...!?" he mews as his eyes turns glossy.
"Your gallant figure will be broadcasted world wide. And you'll be able to bask in the applause of the coliseum filled to the brim. They'll be screaming things like 'Woooh woo! Here comes the stand out rookie, Grim'!" Crowley whisper cheers closely to Grim as y/n hides a snicker behind her hand,[Well played Bird Man, well played...]
"Oh, oh my... I can already see it happening." Grim daydreams as his eyes shone like twinkling stars,"But you said you wouldn't help solve this matter. Unfortunate, but please forget I said anything." Crowley woefully says as he dramatically turns away, making y/n sweatdrop.
"Hold it right there~! We'll do it! We'll definitely do it!" Grim declares very quickly, gaining a secretive smug smile from Crowley,"Oh? You will now?" he hums as he turns back around,"Being in the tournament changes everything! Right!" Grim grins widely.
"Oh Grim, so easily played." y/n chuckles,"Alright then! Let's go catch our culprit and play some magift!" she cheers,"Wait a sec. We need seven teammates, right? How are we going to find some?" Grim asks curiously,"Fret not. As the headmaster I will perform a magical miracle to supplement the other five people you need." Crowley offers humbly.
"Hooray! You got a deal! Let's go find the culprit!" Grim cheers as he jumps onto y/n's arm and up to her shoulder,"I'm counting on you two." Crowley says before leaving.
"Let me go shower first. I stink of sweat."
"Huh?... Yeah, you do stink."
"Says the literal fleabag who licks himself clean everyday."
"That comment was unnecessary."
"So was yours."
After taking a quick shower and changing into a fresh pair of uniform clothes, the Ramshackle Duo were off to their first victim. They got information from a fellow student that their victim was in the infirmary.
"The guy who hurt his leg is in here somewhere. Find 'em!" Grim orders, but y/n taps his head,"Uh, Grim." she points to a pair of Heartslabyul students, one them had their leg in a cast.
"What's with you guys?" Heartslabyul A, the victim, asks,"You're those guys from Ramshackle Dorm that were at the Unbirthday Party." Heartslabyul B states once he recognizes the duo,"Oooh, look at how famous we are!" Grim squeals with pride.
"Grim, focus." y/n utters before pulling out a small notepad and a pencil,"We'd like to hear about how you got injured. Like, how did it happen?" she asks,"I don't really get it either. Him and I were just talking... Before I knew it I'd fallen down the stairs." Heartslabyul A explains, but he sounded quite unsure himself.
"Yeah. It wasn't like he stumbled or slipped or anything." Heartslabyul B adds on as y/n wrote this down,"Almost like my body just kinda left forward... I can't really put it into words well." Heartslabyul A tries to explain, but y/n pauses at this,[Weird...] she thought before writing it down.
"I see. I see." Grim hums with nods,"Alright. Thanks for your cooperation gentlemen!" y/n chirps as she flips her notepad close and puts it away,"Let's get a move on Grim. On to the next person." she says before pausing and sheepishly smiling at the two boys.
"You guys wouldn't happen to know who else had a weird accident by any chance?"
The two boys luckily heard that a Pomefiore student got injured and is currently in Mr. Trein's classroom. The Ramshackle Duo quickly made their way there,"Hey, hey. You got hurt pretty bad not too long ago, right? Tell us about it." Grim immediately fires, making y/n sigh,"Really Grim?"
"And who are you guys exactly?" Pomefiore A sneers at the two with a bitter tone,"Rude..." y/n mutters,"He is upset that he can't participate in magift in top condition right now!" Pomefiore B quickly says.
"How could you be so tactless, throwing salt onto someone's wound like that." Pomefiore A then proceeds to take off his glove and throws it to the ground,"I challenge you! Pick up the glove!" he demands as he takes out his magical pen.
"Wait, wait! We didn't mean to insult you or anything!" y/n quickly says as she picks up the boy's glove and gently cups his hands, as to not hurt him further and to block any unnecessary attacks,"We just want to know how it happened. We're currently investigating the mystery behind all of these accidents." she explains as the boy blush lightly at their light contact.
"Please, just give us your time." she pleads and the boy gives in,"...Fine. I'll tell you about that day." he gives in and y/n pulls away after giving his glove back,"It happened in the laboratory. Out of nowhere, he grasped a pot of boiling potion with his bare hands and threw the whole class into an uproar! Then he went and knocked over the pot all over the counter. I was so surprised!" Pomefiore B quickly explains before his friend could.
"Are you going to tell them everything!?" Pomefiore A blush with embarrassment,"Mmhmm mmhmm. I see." Grim hums as y/n wrote all of the information down on a separate page,"Thank you for your cooperation. Please take care of yourself!" she chirps before picking Grim up,"Let's go Grim." she says as they leave to interview a few more victims.
"I can't see anyone we talked to as anything other than clumsy." Grim comments after he and y/n returned to their dorm once they finished interviewing most of their victims,"Do we still think these weren't accidents?" he says.
"It's just too coincidental that these are happening a lot when magift is around the corner." y/n sighs as she reads through her notes before hearing the doorbell buzz,"Hm? Who's there?" Grim questions,"It's open!" y/n calls out and the front door opens to reveal Ace.
"Yooo. Oh, Grim you look better." Ace greets with a grin,"Ugh, it's just you. Listen, I'm pretty busy right now so I don't have time to hang out." Grim waves him off with a bored look,"Busy? You're not gonna finish the homework?" Ace asks with perplexed eyes.
"Well, ya see Ace. The headmaster gave us another job..." y/n says and proceeds to tell Ace of their mission and the things going on around school whilst making their way to the living room,"Hmmm. People getting injured suspiciously, huh." Ace hums as he reads through y/n's notes.
"But while we were listening to them, it just sounded like they were being clumsy or getting caught up in the excitement for the tournament." Grim says as he nibbles on a cookie y/n gave him after he asked for one.
Suddenly Deuce barges into the dorm with panicking eyes,"Ace! This is bad!" he screams as everyone jumps up to their feet,"Huh? What's got your panties in a bunch..." Ace quirks a brow,"Clover got hurt falling down the stairs...!" Deuce screams and everyone felt their blood run cold,"Wha!?" the three yell in horror.
"Ffgna! You can't mean that unflappable Trey?" Grim questions,"Seriously!? That can't be right! Trey tripping down the stairs?" y/n says with disbelief,"You're right, Trey isn't the kind of guy to just trip over nothing." Ace remarks as his eyes showed worry.
"Let's go ask him what happened!" Grim urges and the others nod before running out of Ramshackle dorm and straight for Heartslabyul. Deuce was the one to lead them straight to Trey's room.
"Pardon the intrusion." Ace says after knocking on the door as the group poors into the room,"Clover, are you alright?' Deuce asks as the group spot their senior resting on the bed with a patched up leg resting on a pile of pillows.
"Yo, glasses! We heard you're down in the dumps and came to pay our respects!" Grim shouts before whining when y/n flicks his ear,"Inside voice, buddy." she scolds before turning to Trey with a smile,"Hey Trey, we heard what happened and immediately rushed over to see how you were doing." she says softly.
"Oh, it's the A-Deuce combo. Plus Grim and y/n in tow." Cater smiles from his seat next to Trey's bed,"Ah, hello... Cater, what's that A-Deuce thing?" Ace asks with confusion,"Huh? It's cause both of your names end in '-ec' so I put them together." Cater states with a smile.
"Don't be lazy!" Deuce scowls,"More importantly, how is Trey's injury?" Ace asks with worry,"Aahh. I misstepped going down the stairs. I did my best to catch myself but my right foot is toast. I'll be on crutches for a while." Trey says with a reassuring smile while he sat up a little, but y/n quickly and gently pushed him back him down,"Dont, just lie down and rest." she says softly.
"Eh! That's a pretty bad injury." Deuce points out with furrowed brow,"I'm pretty completely out of this year's magift games." Trey claims as he adjusted his glasses before Grim trotted over with a tuna can in both paws.
He jumps onto Trey's bed,"I wasn't gonna do this if it wasn't a big deal but..." he then places the tuna can on Trey's lap,"Here, a get well can of tuna. Keep your chin up, glasses." he encourages and y/n pats his head with a proud smile. She didn't even question when and where Grim grabbed the tuna can from.
"Haha, thanks a bunch." Trey smiles brightly,"Ugh, cut me some slack. Our star player, Trey, is out makes everything harder, and we have to have tryouts again." Cater says with an exhausted smile as he rubs the back of his neck.
"Tryouts!?" Deuce and Ace perk up at this with grins before a knock interrupts the group. The culprit is revealed to be Riddle,"What're you all doing. Taking over an injured person's room..." he gives the group a disapproving look.
"Ffgna! Hot headed Riddle!" Grim yelps as he hides behind y/n whilst Riddle approaches them,"Hot headed, huh? I won't get angry if you all don't break the rules." he says before turning to Trey with concerned eyes,"Trey, how are you? Is there anything you want to eat or drink?" he offers as y/n moves away to give Riddle some room.
"Didn't I tell you to not worry about me so much?" Trey half-heartedly waves him off with a grin,"But, it's my fault you got hurt..." Riddle clenches his fists, his eyes holding so much guilt in them,"What does that mean?" Ace asks as everyone turns their attention to Riddle,"I had something to take care of, so I went to the third year classrooms during lunch. Then..."
*Riddle's Flashback...*
Ttey and Riddle could be found standing between the up and down staircases,"I'll be a little late, so start magical shift without me." Riddle says,"Sure." Trey nods with a smile as he pushes up his glasses.
See you later..." Riddle says as he's about to go down stairs, but suddenly his body jerks forward," Riddle! Watch out!" Trey shouts as he grabs Riddle's arm and yanks him back, but he ultimately lost his own footing and tumbles down the stairs.
*End of Flashback...*
"Trey went out of his way to keep me from falling down the stairs and got injured..." Riddle finishes as he looks down,"I'd think you'd be good at falling after flight class. I sprained my ankle, that's nobody's fault." Trey reassures him with a pat to the arm,"But..." Riddle looks up with doe like eyes.
"Y/n, is this..." Ace turns to the girl, who had a hand to her chin,"No doubt about it. This is way too suspicious to be considered common carelessness anymore." she utters softly,"Now, now, Riddle! No getting all gloomy, alright." Cater chirps as he gets up from his seat.
"It sucks what happened to Trey, but you'll just have to fill in his part as well." he adds as he pats Riddle's back,"Ah, yeah. You're right." Riddle nods with uncertainty as Cater motion with his head towards the door to y/n while saying,"I think it's about time to let Trey get his rest. Outta here everyone."
Said girl quickly caught on and turns to her friends,"Come on guys. Let's leave Trey to rest now." she coaxes before sending Trey a smile,"Get better Trey, and get plenty of rest." she says and Trey chuckles,"Whatever you say, nurse." he jokes before the group left for the lounge.
"Okay, Cater. Is there something you don't want to talk about in front of Trey?" Riddle asks as he crosses his arms,"Very nice, Riddle. You catch on quick." Cater smirks before turning to y/n,"Y/n, do you know anything about how Trey got hurt?" he asks and y/n nods,"That's the thing..."
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