《Twisted Wonderland x reader: We're All Mad Here》Episode 2-1: Lunchtime School Rumble!
A day has passed since the Unbirthday Party before y/n started to stir in her sleep again. The mirror ripples and glows in her room brightly again.
Y/n opens her eyes to the feeling of wind and her hair tickling her face,"I can hear the wind..." she utters as she looks up at a huge rock stretched out over a hoard of animals.
"What's happening?" she whispers before spotting a lion and a mandrill walking towards the edge of the said cliff. Y/n spots a small bundle of something in the mandrill's arms before she had to duck when a bird flew by her head.
A female lion then came up next to the male lion as the mandrill spare them a look before turning around and lifting up the bundle in it's arms, allowing the yellow sun rays to shine upon it. It was a yellow lion cub that was being shown off to the, now bowing, hoard of animals.
How does y/n know both the sun's rays and cub was yellow? It was the only color to be seen in this black and white world.
Soon, her world fades to black before her eyes flutter open to reveal the morning sun. She sits up with a small yawn before rubbing her head,"Another weird dream... Though, that was quite a majestic scene. Though, I'm also getting the feeling I've seen it somewhere before. Hmm..." she hums before feeling a small kick to her leg,"Hm?"
"Boooommm!! And crash~~!! Nyanyaaa~~!" Grim wiggles around on the bed and y/n smiles in amusement at this,"What's with that roar, buddy?" she quirks a brow before Grim kicks her leg again,"Nngonya~ How's that... Do you understand the power of the Great Grim..." Grim boasts with a grin.
"Oh~ I'm so scared~" y/n quietly giggle before rubbing Grim's side,"Grim, it's time to get up." she cooes softly,"I showed that tyrant, Riddle, who's boss~" Grim says before his eyes flutter open,"... Fffgah!? What? The Ramshackle Dorm?" he sits up as he looks around.
"It was only a dream... I thought I'd knock Riddle out and become the strongest wizard ever. So disappointed." he pouts with ears flat. Y/n giggles before picking him up before getting out of bed with him in her arms,"We've really been through a lot, huh? Guess all we have to do is train then if we wanna get stronger than Riddle." she hums, obviously knowing that's a bit impossible since Riddle had more training than them.
"Okay! Time to get going..." Grim grins before jumping from the girl's arms so she could enter the bathroom in privacy,"Another day closer to becoming a great wizard, y'know~" he cheers and y/n nods with a hum,"Agreed buddy!"
The first half day of school felt quite long and exhausting, but luckily it was lunchtime now and the group made their way to the cafeteria,"Ugh~ Mr. Trein has to be using some sort of spell to put me to sleep." Grim whines as he slumps over y/n's shoulder.
"No matter how hard I resist, I lose to drowsiness!" he adds and y/n sighs,"You barely resisted, bud." she tells him,"You fell asleep five minutes in. That's not resisting at all." Deuce exposes as they enter the cafeteria,"Lunch time, what should I have today~" Ace sings before the group stop at the sight of students crowding around the buffet table.
"...Hmm? The cafeteria is extra crowded today." he points out,"No kidding. What's going on for them to act like this?" y/n utters with curiosity as the crowd of students push and pull at each other.
"Today is the special day that happens once a month! A super popular bakery in town is here to promote at school! It sells out fast, so the early bird gets the worm!" one of the cafeteria ghosts tells them and the group turns their attention back to the crowd.
Heartslabyul A: "Three chocolate croissants for me!"
Heartslabyul B: "I actually got something this month! This egg salad sandwich is the best!"
"Wow, that actually does sound good." y/n mutters,"The egg salad sandwich is already sold out! There's only one deluxe minchi katsu sandwich left!" a cafeteria ghost calls out,"Awe, seriously?" y/n pouts as the group approach the buffet table.
"Everything looks really tasty. I might have to get something." Ace smiles as he scans his food options,"It's really popular. Y/n, Grim, what do you wanna... Huh?" Deuce hums when he noticed something off and y/n did too. And there's only one answer.
"... He's gone, isn't he?" she sighs as she glances at her shoulder to see Grim definitely gone,"It has begun. The Gluttonous Beast has been unleashed..." she says before the group easily spots Grim pushing through the crowd of students as well as fighting them off as he makes a grab for the last menchi katsu sandwich.
"Outta my way! All of you! That deluxe menchi katsu sandwich is mine!" Grim shouts as he pushes through the crowd and grabs the sandwich while the crowd shouts at him.
Heartslabyul A: "Hey jerk, no cutting in line!"
Heartslabyul B: "You've got some nerve cutting in front of your seniors, freshman! Get outta here!"
"He loses himself to food way too easily!" Deuce sighs as he jogs towards Grim,"Ugghh aahhh." Ace let's out a dramatic sighs as he and y/n follows after him,"Grim! Stay! Stay!" y/n shouts, using the phrase Crewel uses to settle rowdy students down.
As she runs after then, she bumps shoulders with someone, causing them to stumble forward,"Eek! I'm so sorry!" she quickly says, but stops as she has to crane her head up in order to stare into sharp mismatched eyes,"It's quite alright." the male smiles kindly and y/n nods her head robotically,"Again, I'm sorry!" she says before rushing off again.
"Hey, wasn't that the girl Azul talked about? The one from the entrance ceremony?" an almost similar looking twin appears next to the male y/n bumped into,"It appears she is the one. Quite polite, might I add." the twin smiles with a knuckle pressed to his lips,"Can I squeeze her~?" the other twin grins widely,"Another time, Floyd." his twin says.
Back with y/n... It could've gone better.
"Do you get how strong I am now! This last deluxe menchi katsu sandwich is all mine! Nya ha ha!" Grim laughs as he held the sandwich up like a trophy,"I'll also be taking yakisoba bread and cream filled bread!" he orders before yelping when y/n grabs him,"Okay, enough of that!" she says.
"Grim, knock it off already!" Deuce scolds before turning to the angry mob,"I'm so sorry everyone!" he shouts as Ace squeezes by them,"And, uhhhhh, I'll have a roast beef and lettuce panini!" he orders before Deuce hits his head,"You don't get to just cut in line either!" he scowls before y/n sighs and just turns to the cafeteria ghost,"I'm so sorry about all this. Can we just order and go, please?" she pleads, wanting to quickly diminish this situation already.
Behind the group, a familiar hyena boy stops outside the crowd and scratches the back of his head with a pout,"Ah crap. I completely missed the lunch time free-for-all. The deluxe menchi katsu sandwich Leona wanted is already sold out." he groans before his ears picks up a conversation nearby and catches sight of Grim holding the mission item he needed.
"Nya ha ha! The taste of victory, I'll take my time savoring it!" Grim cheers as he nuzzles the packaged sandwich to his cheek. Ruggie smirks before approaching him and y/n,"Oh. Hey you. That's pretty great. You got your hands on a deluxe menchi katsu sandwich, huh." he praises and Grim narrows his eyes at him,"Huhn? What's it to you?" he asks with suspicion.
"I have to get that sandwich no matter what, but they sold out right in front of me. So I have a proposition." Ruggie says before pulling out a small packaged bread,"Could you trade me that deluxe menchi katsu sandwich for my mini bean paste bread?" he bargains.
"Huh!? No way in hell!" Grim yells as he holds his sandwich away from the hyena boy,"Now, now, don't say that." Ruggie smirks before reaching out to Grim with both arms,"... Here you are." he says and Grim starts to move towards him at the same time,"Ffna!? What's going on!? My arms and legs are moving on their own..." Grim grunts as he and Ruggie exchanges their food.
Y/n had to blink multiple times to make sure she's seeing things right,"Is Grim, the little glutton who only thinks about food, trading his deluxe sandwich for a mini bean paste one?" she whispers in disbelief,"That's it. Pigs are gonna start flying tomorrow." she says before sweatdropping,[Or maybe there already are... I wouldn't be surprised.]
"Negotiations complete. Shi shi shi." Ruggie laughs,"Thanks for being kind enough to trade with me! That mini bean is just as good." he says before whispering,"It being tiny is a defect."
He then turns and waves at a horror stricken Grim,"Thanks and bye-bye!" he chirps before running off,"What just happened?" y/n blinks fast,"F-f-ffgnaaaaa!! My deluxe menchi katsu sandwich!!!" Grim cries out as y/n kneels down next to him and rubs his back.
Afterwards, they joined up with Deuce and Ace at their usual table,"Ooh ooh, today... is the worst... day ever." Grim whimpers in between bites before swallowing,"This bread is hard to swallow..." he whines before drinking the glass of milk offered by y/n,"He says after vacuuming up three of them." Ace sweatdrops.
"Then what was that earlier? If you're going to complain this much, you shouldn't have traded in the first place." Deuce says with furrowed brows as Grim gulps in air after chugging the entire glass of milk,"... My milk..." y/n pouts.
"That's not it! When that guy stuck his arms out, my body moved in the same way on its own... The trade was over before I knew it." Grim explains with crossed arms,"Oh I see, you just kinda went along with it. That happens sometimes." Ace says as he waves his fork around.
"That's not right either... Grrr, I can't explain it well! I'm confused, so I'm just gonna eat to feel better!" Grim declares before pointing at Deuce,"Deuce, gimme some of your pasta!" he demands.
"I'm not part of this! Knock it off!" Deuce scolds as he fends of Grim's greedy little paws,"Enough Grim. Here, have this." y/n says before shoving a mini egg tart into Grim's mouth, who immediately hums in delight,"Yummy~" he cooes with puffy cheeks.
"By the way, the headmaster said he has something to talk about and to come to his office after class today. Wonder what it is?" Ace tells his friends,"Isn't it probably about the stuff that happened with Dorm Head Rosehearts the other day." Deuce speculates.
"The 'evil berserker mode' incident? Probably." Ace shrugs,"It's not impossible." y/n chirps before handing Grim another egg tart,"Hah... We might get a whole pile of canned tuna for how hard we worked!" Grim grins before eating the egg tart.
"No canned tuna please." Ace deadpans before y/n perks up once she remembers something about the hyena boy,"Ya know, this reminds me. Where have I seen that hyena guy before? I'm starting to get curious about him." she mumbles before eating the rest of her food.
Meanwhile, in the botanical garden...
"Leona, I'm back with lunch~" Ruggie calls out with a sing-song tone as he skips towards the sleeping lion under a tree,"Grrr... Huh, already afternoon?" Leona yawns with a slight rumble of his chest as he slowly sat up against the tree.
"Were you by chance sleeping here all morning? You're gonna fail another class." Ruggie scolds, but Leona ignores him in favor of sniffing the air,"... Oh, smells like you go what I ordered." he notes,"Ugghh. Leona, you always want the stuff that's the most competitive." Ruggie groans with a frown as his ears droop slightly before smiling tiredly,"Here's your order of one deluxe menchi katsu sandwich and ice tea." he says as he hands Leona his lunch.
"Stupid. The more difficult it is to get, the more you wanna eat it." Leona says as Ruggie sits across from him on a small stone wall, legs crossed,"I'll eat anything as long as it isn't moldy. I'm sure Prince Leona wouldn't know anything about that." he says in a spiteful manner.
"Hmph. I'm not the crown prince, I'm the second. I couldn't be king even if I wanted. I'm not different from the masses." Leona scoffs,"I'll never forget when I showed you a picture of my home and you said, 'I thought it was a dog house'." Ruggie frowns with ears pinned back in annoyance.
"I said that?" Leona raises a brow,"Ya sure did." Ruggie shrugs his shoulders before leaning back on the small wall, head tipped completely back,"Ugh. I'd love to live in a castle so big it makes my home look like a dog house." he says with pursed lips.
"Hah. Being royalty isn't that great." Leona smirks bitterly before casting his eyes to the ground with a frown,"Your effort or skills make no difference, everything is decided by what order you were born in..." he says with a faraway look.
"Hmmmph... Is that so?" Ruggie says as he tilts his head back up. He then snaps his fingers and points at Leona,"Oh yeah after school today is the dorm head meeting about the Magical Shift Tournament. Please, do not miss it." he says as Leona took a bite of his sandwich.
He chews it before swallowing it,"... Tsk, pain in the ass..." he says with a low tone,"As the dorm head, you get the biggest single room. So work to earn that place." Ruggie scolds him with a jab of his finger.
"Ah, fine fine." Leona waves him off before finishing his food and drink and then letting out a yawn,"I'm stuffed to the brim and sleepy. Wake me up after lunch." he says as he lies down on his side, arm tucked under his head.
"I'm not your alarm clock, Leona." Ruggie says with a stern tone before his ears perk up when he noticed Leona was already asleep,"Eh, he's already asleep! Ugh, I can't..." he shakes his head as he jumps off the little wall and walks away with a scratch behind his ears,"Now that I think about it, where have I seen those first years and raccoon before?" he mutters to himself.
Back with y/n and crew...
Hours have passed and the group made their way to Crowley's office,"Headmaster, pardon the intrusion." Deuce says after knocking and opening the door,"Pardon us." Ace and y/n says as they enter the office.
"You're all here, I see. Let's get right to the matter at hand..." Crowley says as he turns around in his seat,"Now that things have calmed down after the Heartslabyul incident the other day there is a matter I must discuss with you. You all need to know about the berserk state Mr. Rosehearts fell into if you are to become wizards." he says with a serious tone.
"It was overblot?" Deuce points out,"Yes, that's correct." Crowley nods,"I've heard about it from my bro before, but seeing someone build up enough blot to become that was something else. He really went full 'evil berserker mode'." Ace says with a hand on his head.
"Hey, what is 'blot' anyway?" Grim asks,"I would also like to know, as I am a person with no magic." y/n says as she lifts her hand up,"That's right. You two need that explained as well. I shall fill you all in. For I am gracious." Crowley says with a smile as he got up from his seat.
[I'm seriously contemplating on filling his office full of sticky notes if he keeps saying 'For I am gracious'.] y/n thought with a twitch of her eye.
Crowley then clears his throat,"Blot is a type of waste created after one uses magic. In the same way a vehicle creates exhausts as it burns fuel to run. Spells burn magic to manifest, and create blot at the same time..." Crowley explains as he walks in front of the group,"That should be easy enough to understand."
"So in short, blot is the exhaust of magic? Sounds fun." y/n says with sarcasm,"That is correct." Crowley nods, ignoring her sarcastic remark,"Blot has been researched since the dawn of recorded history, but there are still many mysteries to unravel. One thing that is known for sure is that blot is a toxin, and building up too much can cause great harm to the mind and body." he explains.
"Oh yeah, my grandma used to always say, 'You'll build up blot, so don't use magic willy nilly'. She went on and on about it." Ace says with a twist of his wrist,"With great power comes risk. No matter how great the wizard, they cannot infinitely use magic." Crowley tells them.
"So you're saying the more we use magic, the unhealthier it becomes!?" Grim panics with dread,"No, that's not exactly right." Crowley says and Grim sighs with slight relief,"Hmm. It might be faster to just show you rather than just explain." Crowley hums before clapping his hands,"My dear ghosts, it's time for work!" he calls out and two ghosts pop out from the ground.
"Yo yo. You called, Headmaster." Ghost A greets,"Eh? W-what now?" Ace jumps in surprise,"First, please lend a hand in helping temper these young ones." Crowley gestures to his students,"Eeeh?" Deuce takes a step back,"Here we go. Let's go a round." Ghost B grins as he comically cracks his fingers,"Ready your magical pens everyone. Your special lesson with the headmaster isn't over yet." Crowley smirks.
[Definitely considering the sticky notes option now...]
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