《Twisted Wonderland x reader: We're All Mad Here》Episode 1-9: Heartslabyul Finale!
Several days have passed before the Revenge Unbirthday Party is being held,"Make way for our great leader! The Crimson Ruler! Dorm Leader Riddle!" a Heartslabyul student announces after he blew the trumpet,"Dorm Head Riddle! Hip hip hooray!" the rest of the residents cheer as Riddle walks down between the two rows of students.
"The roses are red, and the tablecloths are white. A perfect Unbirthday Party. Very good." he nods with a satisfied smile,"You made sure the dormouse is...ah. Actually, it really doesn't matter." he says with a sheepish smile.
"You don't have to change everything right away. Instead of putting jam on the mouse's nose, try putting it on a scone." Trey suggests with a smile,"Change your thinking from, 'This absolutely must be here', to, 'It would be nice to have it'. Sound good?" he says.
"Yeah, you're right." Riddle nods as the group watch from a small distance as Riddle inspects things,"Uughh. In the end, we had to handle getting the garden cleaned up and all the prep work." Ace whines as he slumps a bit,"Come on, now. Dorm Leader making a full recovery is the most important thing." Deuce tells him with a smile.
"The garden is looking really photogenic, so I'm satisfied." Cater grins as y/n picks at her bandages a bit, an itch annoying her a bit,"Still can't believe the headmaster took my gun..." she whispers with a pout.
"Yeah! I'm ready to eat all this food!" Grim cheers with a drool,"Okay! In that case, let's-" Cater is cut off by Riddle holding a hand up,"Just a moment!" he calls out,"What?" Cater blinks at him and Riddle points to a rose bush,"Those white roses..." he narrows his eyes at them as the group flinch.
"Oh, crap! Did we miss some!?" Ace hisses,"Ahhhh, Acey, Deucey, didn't I tell you to make sure you got them all!?" Cater panics,"This is our fault!?" Deuce gives him a shocked expression.
"Ri-Riddle, this..." Trey stammers with worry as y/n quickly blocks Riddle's view of the rose bush,"It's not there! It's not real! You didn't see anything! Avert your eyes man!" she squeals and Riddle snorts,"... Kidding." he chuckles as he pats y/n's head,"I'm not going to punish you for one or two roses." he states and y/n smiles at him proudly.
"R-Really!? You're being so lenient!" Cater says with awe as he beams a smile,"It'll go faster if we work together." Riddle claims as he whips out his magical pen,"You still want them painted!?" Ace exclaims with disbelief.
"Don't worry about it. But really... yeah. You have changed, Riddle." Trey smiles proudly,"I can't wait another second! Let's get this painting stuff over with and party!" Grim whines,"Then everyone, are you ready?" Riddle smiles before they all got to work.
"When was the last time you painted the roses, Riddle?" Trey smiles,"Not sure. I've left it to the other residents since becoming Dorm Leader..." Riddle hums,"It's fun every once in a while. Though this time, we've got our troublesome little first years onboard, too." Cater chirps.
"Are you talking smack about us?" Ace narrows his eyes at him,"I've been painting roses for days, so I'm definitely better at this than Riddle!" Grim claims with a prideful smile.
"Hehehe. In that case, show me what you're made of." Riddle chuckles before noticing Ace and Deuce's rose bush,"You're slacking! It needs to be a deeper red! Leave no white untouched!" he tells them sternly.
"Y-Yes!" Deuce stammers,"He's as strict as ever! I thought he'd ease up a bit!" Ace groans as he and Deuce got work in making the roses a darker red,"This is just the kind of character he is." Cater shrugs.
"If you're going to do it, then you should do it perfectly. I won't hold back if it means having a good party." Riddle says before chuckling. He then easily turns and entire bush of roses red,"Okay, that does it." he says.
"Amazing, he finished it in the blink of an eyes!" Ace says with awe,"Dorm Leader sure is amazing... They're all already red." Deuce says after circling the rose bush,"Riddle is really good at practical use of magic~" Cater says with a sing-song tone.
"Nice work, Riddle." Trey gives a thumbs up,"This takes care of the preparations. Let the Unbirthday Party begin!" Riddle announces and everyone cheers before heading for the food and drinks.
Riddle was about to follow after, but spots a stray white rose on the ground. He hums as he picks it up before smiling as he approaches a certain person,"Y/n." he calls out and y/n turns to him with a curious look,"What's up Riddle?" she asks before blushing when Riddle cups her cheek and places a white rose in her hair.
"Thank you, for opening my eyes." Riddle says with a warm smile as his cheeks turn pink,"I'm really happy that you agree to be my friend." he says and y/n smiles as she holds the hand on her cheek,"I'm happy too, Riddle. Now, let's go have some fun!" she cheers as she drags Riddle off to the main table.
"How did your apology tart come along?" Ace asks once Riddle and y/n got near them,"I-I baked it, don't worry." Riddle says as he quickly grabs a strawberry tart from the side,"This. I made this strawberry tart." he says as he places the tart in front of everyone.
"It looks good. The shape needs a little work, but you've spent the time glazing the strawberries to give them a nice shine." Trey praises before clapping Riddle's back,"This is great work for your first time." he grins widely.
"Aaaand there's Trey straight into doting him." Ace deadpans,"Let's give them some space and get to the taste testing ourselves." he adds as he licks his lip while grabbing a knife to cut the tart with.
"I wanna take a pic of this ultra rare tart, so hold off on cutting it!" Cater quickly says as he pulls his phone out and takes pictures of the tart before posting it,"... Okay!" he gives a thumbs up as Ace cuts the tart and serves everyone a piece.
"He never changes either..." Ace sweatdrops before grabbing his fork,"Let's dig in." he grins before taking a bite with everyone, but... They all suddenly froze when the flavor hits their tongue.
"Wh-Wha...?" y/n's form trembles as the fork stays in her mouth,"This tart is..." Trey and Cater's faces pale,"SALTY!!!" they all scream simultaneously as they start to cough and or wash the salty taste down with tea.
"What!?" Riddle jumps in alarm at this,"The hell is this!? What did you even do to make it this salty!? Did you grab the ocean and just shove it in or something!?" Ace screams before chugging down a cup of tea.
"I carefully measured all the ingredients, and I made it all according to the rules." Riddle utters with a perplexed look as he holds his chin,"There shouldn't be anything wron-... Ah!" he snaps his fingers,"Is it perhaps because I added oyster sauce?" he suggests and everyone gives him a ridiculous look.
Deuce coughs,"Are you referring to that Walrus oyster sauce that Trey used as a joke?" he asks,"Trey used to say that all good tarts have it even it it's not in the recipe as a secret ingredient..." Riddle tells them as y/n sees Trey covering his mouth while his shoulder shook with silent laughter.
"Blegh, there's no way! Use your brain a little and you'll realize it was a joke!" Ace gags,"Don't act all high and mighty! You fell for that same trick too, ya dunderhead!" y/n exposes quickly.
"But this goes beyond secret ingredient levels. How much did you add?" Cater asks,"I-I mean, if you just say 'a suitable amount' without giving me precise measurements, what am I supposed to do?" Riddle shrugs his shoulders awkwardly and that's when Trey lost it.
"...Pfft, ahaha! I never thought there would be someone who took that joke seriously... Ahahaha!" he laughs while holding his stomach. Riddle pouts for a bit before huffing a smile,"...Aha, ahaha, so true. What an idiot I am. Ahaha!" he joins in on the laughter.
"Haha, it's so bad it makes you laugh." Deuce laughs as well,"It really does, haha!" y/n laughs as well,"Honestly, laughing it off is all we can really do now. Haha." Ace chuckles,"But, now I think it's good in its own way." Grim admits,"Eh? You serious?" y/n gives him a ridiculous look.
"Oh, I totally get you. It's not as bad as you think." Cater chirps,"Cater, your palette is just as crazy as Grim's!" Deuce says with a horrified look,"Nah, I'm not as bad as him." Cater waves him off,"This tart isn't so bad because it isn't sweet...right?" Trey says with a knowing smile.
"Huh?" Cater jumps at his claim,"Cater, you hate sweets." Trey reveals,"Is that true? But, Cater, you ate the Mont Blanc." y/n points out,"Wh-I... Huh? Trey, how do you know that? I've never told anyone about my aversion to sweets." Cater admits with surprise.
"You pretty often have me change the flavor of any cake you eat by using my Doodle Suit as a topic of conversation, right? You never show it, but if had a feeling for a while that you didn't like sweets." Trey explains with a smile and Cater sighs a smile.
"Ah... So I'd been found out, huh? This is so embarrassing..." he says as he rubs the back of his head,"I'd been thinking this with the whole incident with Riddle, but your habit of not saying what you're thinking really isn't great." he says with a playful glare.
"I'll cook up some quiche for the next Unbirthday Party." Trey promises,"How kind of you." Cater smiles before whipping out his phone,"... Make it as photogenic as your usual cakes, okay?" he chirps and y/n giggles before feeling something tickling her nose.
"Humm hmm hmm. Trey's sweets are always purr-fect." a familiar voice hums as y/n turns to see Che'nya sitting next to her with his tail wrapped around her middle, the tip of it the cause of her tickling nose.
"Che'nya! What're you doing here!?" Riddle asks with utter surprise as he stood up from his seat,"Huh? I came to celebrate the Unbirthday Party. Congrats, Riddle." Che'nya smiles before taking another bite of his tart.
"The Unbirthday Part is a Heartslabyul tradition. You don't have anything to do with it." Riddle points out as Che'nya puts his plate down before hugging y/n to his side,"Neither do those guys, right?" he purrs with a mischievous grin.
"Ah, you! You're the guy from before with the cat puns! Oh yeah, you never did tell us what dorm you're from." Grim says as he jumps to his feet while Che'nya nuzzles his nose into y/n's neck, who blushes bright red.
"He's from Night Raven College's long standing rival, Royal Sword Academy." Trey reveals as he narrows his eyes at Che'nya,"What!? He's from a completely different school!?" Deuce shouts in surprise,"Freaking Royal Sword Academy!?" Ace shouts with wide eyes.
"Huh, so there's other magic schools? I really shouldn't be surprised by this." y/n mumbles before yelping when Che'nya nips her ear while the rest of Heartslabyul starts to uproar.
"Did they just say Royal Sword Academy!?"
"One of those stuck up assholes is here!?"
"What!? Where! We'll toss them out!"
"Oops. Well, I got my tart so it's time for me to scurry on home." Che'nya smirks before giving y/n a small lick to her cheek,"Eep!" y/n squeaks as her face turns bright red,"See you around, my little mousy~" Che'nya purrs before humming as he disappears.
"Ah, he got away!"
"After him!"
Most of the Heartslabyul students ran in search of Che'nya,"They got so aggressive all of a sudden." Grim notes with awe while Riddle takes out a handkerchief and wipes y/n's cheek where Che'nya licked her.
"A large percentage of Night Raven College students view Royal Sword Academy as rheue enemy." he says,"That's what 100 years of losing does to you..." Trey says with a shake of his head, disappointed at their fellow Heartslabyul residents' manners.
"No more gloomy talk! We're celebrating! Let's enjoy our Unbirthday Party today!" Cater cheers,"Nyaha! I'm gonna eat until I burst! Happy Unbirthday Party!" Grim shouts and y/n laughs,"Happy Unbirthday Party!" she cheers.
Meanwhile, in the Savanaclaw dorm...
"Maaan, I'm so jealous. Those Heartslabyul guys are having a party with a huge feast." Ruggie playfully whines with a smirk,"Sure would be nice if Savanaclaw just happened to have a stomach-bursting tradition like that." he says loudly so that the sleeping lion on the bed would hear.
"Hmph... What's so fun about a party where all you do is eat cake and cookies under the afternoon sun? Disgusting." Leona spat as his tail swayed with annoyance before sitting up in bed,"That aside, Ruggie, how is that coming along?" he asks with narrowed eyes.
"You just leave it all to me. Things are coming along smoothly. Shishishi!" Ruggie snickers as his eyes glint with a dangerous mischief while Leona allows a smirk to cross his features,"We have our chance while those guys waste away their time drinking tea. That cocky Malleus, too. He better be ready..." he says lowly before letting out a cruel laugh, sharp green eyes practically glowing with danger.
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