《Twisted Wonderland x reader: We're All Mad Here》Episode 1-4: Stirring Secret!
After hours of roasting, peeling and pureeing the chestnuts, the group sat back with relief,"Damn, we're finally done pureeing them all!" Ace groans as he throws his head back,"My arms are aching..." Deuce runs his arms,"My fingers will never be the same again..." y/n whimpers as she shakes her hands.
"Haha. Good job. Your hard work will make it tastier." Trey smiles as he grabs the puree,"I'm already full from the smell." Grim moans as he lies on his back,"Next, we need to mix butter and sugar into the chestnut paste, then add the secret ingredient: oyster sauce." Trey says as he pulls out a bottle of oyster sauce.
"Oyster sauce!?" Ace, Deuce and y/n gape at him in horror,"Yep. The umami of the oysters adds a deep richness to the cream. Specifically, I use this Walrus Approved Young Oyster Sauce. Famous patisserie all use this in their tarts." Trey explains as y/n comically sticks her tongue out in disgust.
"Seriously...? It tastes pretty salty." Deuce mutters with a hand over his mouth,"Then again, people even put chocolate in curry... Yo, maybe this'll taste all right." Ace smiles in reassurance,"Well, I mean you add a bit of salt to enhance the sweetness of a dessert, but to add oyster sauce? I'm having my doubts here." y/n says with doubtful eyes.
"...Pfft. Ahaha!" Trey suddenly starts laughing,"Of course it wouldn't. Who would put oyster sauce in desserts?" he laughs,"Screw you! I was actually starting to take you seriously there." Ace comically scowls at his senior.
"Haha! If you took a second to think about it, you'd realize something was up. Don't just accept things without a healthy amount of skepticism." Trey grins as he puts the oyster sauce away,"Consider this a lesson from me."
"This guy looks nice, but he really can tell lies like they're nothing..." Grim somewhat praises,"Now we take some cream and... Oh!" Trey exclaims with surprise,"Something up?" Ace asks and Trey turns to them,"You all gathered so many chestnuts that I got ahead of myself and made too much marron paste." Trey says.
"You mean we made too much marron paste." y/n corrects him with narrow eyes,"Right, sorry." Trey smiles nervously,"We don't have enough cream to mix into it." he finally reveals.
"I can go out and buy some. Is it sold at the school store?" Deuce offers,"Should be. You can find practically anything there. Mind if I ask you to pick up a few other things while you're there?" Trey asks as he grabs a piece of paper and pen from a different counter.
"Two cartons of milk, a dozen eggs, some aluminum baking cups, and about five cans of fruit..." he lists before handing it over to Deuce,"I don't think I can carry all that alone. Would you mind coming with me, y/n?" he asks with a smile,"Sure, I don't mind. I wanna see what the store looks like anyway." y/n chirps before yelping when Grim jumps onto her shoulder,"I'm going, too! I'm so tired of just endlessly mixing flour." he grumbles.
With that, Deuce lead them out the kitchen and away from the school building. The shop was small on the outside, but the inside was definitely bigger and full of strange things.
"Pardon us." Deuce says as they enter the shop,"...Wow, this place is amazing. There's a crystal skull, grimoires... What kind of taxidermy is this?" Deuce points to something that looks like a duck with a beaver tail, horns, shape teeth and claws.
"No clue..." y/n shakes her head,"Whoa. Do they really sell cream here?" Grim asks as they walk towards the checkout counter. Behind the counter pops out a man with a big smile. He has dark skin, magenta eyes, black-and-purple locs flipped over the right side of his head, and an undercut. He also has white skeletal markings painted beneath his eyes, on his neck, on his chest, and on his forearms.
"Hey, my lost little imps! How goes it?" the man chirps before eyeing y/n with a curious hum,"Welcome to Mr. S's Mystery Shop. What can I do for you today?" he asks as he leans an elbow against the counter,"A charm for uncharted lands? Mummy of an ancient king? Or how about some cursed tarot cards?" he lists as he pulls those items out before tossing them somewhere else.
"Ffgna! You scared me!" Grim yelps as he digs his claws into y/n's shoulders slightly,"We'd like the things written here." Deuce says as he hands the list over to the man, now known as Sam,"And some cans of tuna!" Grim chips in.
"No! We don't need any tuna!" Deuce scolds,"Let's see what we have here. Some cream, eggs..." Sam reads through the list,"What a tantalizingly sweet line-up. OK! Coming right up." he grins before disappearing in the back,"Wow. He really does have all of it..." Deuce breathes out,"You think he'd even sell weapons?" y/n asks with curiosity,"I'm too afraid to even ask." Deuce admits.
Minutes later, Sam came back with bags full of their orders,"Sorry 'bout the wait. It's a bit heavy. You got it?" he says as he gives them the bags after Deuce payed him,"If you order now, you can get a 1/100 scale floating platter to carry your purchases for 30% off." Sam advertises with a mischievous smile.
"What's that!? It sounds cool!" Grim's eyes glimmer at this,"W-We're okay, thanks! Time to go, Grim!" Deuce says as he grabs the monster's scruff and drags him along,"Noooo! I wanna hang out more!" Grim whines as he wiggles in the boy's grip.
"Okay, okay. Make sure to come by again, my little imps! Bye!" Sam waves bye to which y/n returns before they fully left the shop. They soon found themselves walking down Main Street.
"That store was crazy." Deuce comments,"Tch. Stingy Deuce." Grim grumbles,"Who are you calling stingy?" Deuce glares at him briefly before clearing his throat and giving y/n a smile,"Y/n, that bag of cans looks pretty heavy. Let me take it." he offers.
"No, it's fine Deuce. I can carry it! It's fine!" y/n chirps and Deuce furrows his brows,"You sure?" he asks and y/n nods with a hum,"Okay then, if you're sure. There's a trick to carrying heavy bags." Deuce says with a smile.
"Really? That must mean you're used to going out on grocery runs." y/n states,"Yeah. My mom always buys more than we need during sales, so bags always end up really heavy. Since I'm the only guy in our household, it was always down to me to do the heavy lifting 'round the place..." Deuce rambles a bit before catching himself,"Oh, my bad. I didn't mean to talk your ear off about this."
Y/n shakes her head,"No, it's fine. It's nice to know you help around the house, because it means you really care about your mom." she smiles and Deuce smiles softly with pink cheeks before frowning softly,"...That's not true at all. I always made Mom..."
Suddenly Deuce bumps into someone and drops the bag with the eggs in them, all three of them hearing them crack,"Aaah! The eggs!" Grim squishes his cheeks,"Shit, a whole pack of eggs is completely destroyed! It's all over the bag!" Deuce hisses as he kneels and check the contents of the bag.
The culprits are the very same delinquents from the cafeteria,"Hey! Watch where you're... Hang on... Ain't you the pieces of crap that wrecked the egg in my carbonara earlier!?" Delinquent A glares at the trio,"Again? Can't stay out of trouble for one day!" Delinquent B says with a mocking smile.
It was quiet for a moment before Deuce spoke up whole standing back up,"You were the ones who jumped out from behind the corner. Even at lunch, it wasn't as if you couldn't eat the egg anymore, and yet you still tried to pick a fight with us. You do realize you just ruined a whole pack of our eggs, don't you?" he glares at them.
"Yeah, yeah!" Grim nods,"And? You sayin' it's our fault?" Delinquent A crosses his arms,"Yes. Please pay for the eggs. And please apologize to the chickens, too." Deuce with a scary calm tone,"Huh? They're just eggs. Why you getting' so worked up, huh?" Delinquent B teases with a smirk.
"...Excuse me?" Deuce's glare grew even darker and y/n could practically feel the rage radiating off of his being,"They ain't on the ground, so you can still eat 'em. Don't sweat the small stuff." Delinquent A sneers with a smile,"We saved you the trouble of breaking them!" Delinquent B claims before they both let out ugly laughs.
"...a laughing matter." Deuce says softly as his hair shadows his eyes,"Huh?" Delinquent A raises a brow and that's when Deuce shows them a dark scowl that made even y/n freeze up,"I said this ain't a laughing matter, you assholes! You listenin' to me!?" he yells which made everyone jump.
"What makes you think you get to decide what matters to us!? See those eggs?" Deuce yells as he points at the cracked eggs,"They were gonna become a delicious tart to make up for not gettin' to hatch into chicks! That makin' sense to your thick heads to what!? Huh!?"
[Duece sounds like a total punk!] y/n thought before her eyes began to glimmer,[He looks so badass!] she adds,"Eek! W-What's this dude's problem all a sudden!?" Delinquent B cowers back with his buddy.
"If you don't wanna pay back this six eggs that you broke..." Deuce says lowly as he takes a step towards the delinquents,"I hope you're ready to get your face punched in that same amount!"
"Whaaa!?" Delinquent A flinches a bit,"Square up, you pieces of shit!" Deuce shouts as he cracks his knuckles before delivering more than six punches to both delinquents. Once Deuce was done, both delinquents got back up from the ground as they cower back.
"T-This guy's insane! That wasn't six hits, you liar!" Delinquent A screams,"We needta get the hell outta here! I beg all the chickens for their forgiveneeeesssssssss!" Delinquent B yell as they both ran away as quickly as possible.
"You better be apologizin' a hundred times over the next time you eat eggs! Dumbasses!" Deuce shouts after them,"Okay, easy tiger! You got 'em." y/n says as she puts a gentle hand on Deuce's arm,"Eeek!" Grim yelps as he jumps back when Deuce's eyes lands on them.
Deuce pants for a bit before his eyes widen with horror,"Oh no!" he grips his head,"What now!?" Grim asks with worry,"I-I screwed up... I vowed that I'd definitely, definitely be an honors student this time for sure...!" Deuce tells himself,"Eeh?" Grim and y/n tilt their heads at him.
"Deuce, you okay?" y/n asks with worry as Deuce leans against the nearest statue of the Great Seven,"All I ever did in middle school was screw around... I constantly skipped school and spent all my time getting into fights." he says as y/n leans against the statue next to him.
"I disrespected all my teachers, hung around the more sketchy groups, and bleached my hair to death. Even rode my Magical Wheel all over the place. I was a terrible person that went as far as to use magic to lord over those who couldn't." Deuce says with eyes full of shame,"That's literally textbook delinquent! You don't see a ton of those nowadays." Grim states and y/n places a hand on Deuce's shoulder.
"Deuce?" she calls out softly as Deuce let's his head fall into his hands,"Then, one night... I saw my mom hiding away in tears as she called my grandma. 'Was the way I raised him wrong? Would it have been better if we had both parents?' Even though none of it was her fault. Mom wasn't the problem here, it was all me!" he lifts his head back up and clenches his fist with gritted teeth.
Y/n rubs his shoulder in comfort and Deuce places one hand over hers with a smile of gratitude before frowning again,"So when the carriage came from a school as prestigious as Night Raven College, and I got to see my mom look so happy, I swore I would never make her cry again. This time, I'm going to be a diligent student my. Mom can be proud of." he vows before biting his bottom lip,"And then I got and pull this... Shit!" he grabs his hair.
"But, y'know... Does being a good student mean you have to grin and bear everything?" Grim asks and Deuce looks up,"Huh?" he sports a confused look,"Those delinquents deserved another ten punches if you ask me! You fought them off before I could, though." Grim says as he throws a few punches in the air.
Y/n smiles as she stood up and tugs on Deuce's hand,"He's right, ya know! Those two bullies deserved a few hits to the head!" she chirps and Deuce looks up at her with doe like eyes,"You guys..." his lips quiver a bit.
"Deuce, even the most diligent of students get mad, too. And some honor students get into a little scuffle like that too in order to deal justice!" y/n adds with a bright grin,"Really?... Heh heh." Deuce utters before huffing a smile
"... Heh heh. May those baby chicks rest in peace." he adds as he looks at the cracks eggs with sad eyes. Y/n bites her bottom lip before opening them,"Heh heh, Deuce, bub, I don't know how to tell you this, but... Those eggs were never fertilized in the beginning, which means they never would've hatched in the first place." she reveals sheepishly and Deuce looks at her with eyes full of disbelief.
"Eeeeeeehhhhhh!!!???? You've gotta be kidding!?!?!?!?" he screams so loud that y/n could see birds fly away from the loud echoing sound in the nearby area. She pats the poor boy's back before dragging him back to the kitchen. The bags were all carried by her though since Deuce needed time to process the new information he had just received.
"Oh, you're finally back. That sure took a while." Ace smiles as the trio enter the kitchen,"Sorry about that. We ran into a little error." y/n says with a sheepish smile and Trey nods in understanding,"Let's finish this up." he says and they all got to work in making their Mont Blanc.
"Lastly, we dust the top with powdered sugar..." Trey says as he does so before presenting the Mont Blanc in its full glory,"And finished!" Ace, Grim and y/n cheers while Deuce still had a depressing cloud over his head,"Finished..." he mumbles and Ace spares him a look.
"Did something happen while you were out shopping?" Ace asks y/n as he points a thumb at Deuce,"Just some mid-life chick crises. Just... give him a minute." y/n says as she spares Deuce a nervous glance,"For 16 years I believed that, and for what...?" Deuce whispers to himself and y/n sweatdrops,[Sixteen years? That's rough bub.]
"I gotta say though, baking sweets takes up so much time. I'm exhausted..." Ace groans as he stretches her back,"Good work~ Is the tart finished?" Cater chirps as he enters the kitchen and spots the tart,"The decorations are super cute! It's mega Magicammable! Let me take a pic." he says as he takes a picture of the tart.
"You! Why did you only come now?" Ace asks with pursed lips and Cater slings an arm around y/n's shoulders as he squishes his cheek against hers,"I wanted to come see my cute little underclassmen working hard! Ahaha, you look beat." he chuckles as y/n turns a slight pink.
"Things you aren't used to tire you out quick. And when you're tired, the perfect is something sweet." Trey says as he cuts slices of the Mont Blanc and passes it out to everyone,"Go ahead and see for yourself just how delicious Mont Blanc tastes when freshly-baked." he chirps and everyone cheer at this before taking a plate for themselves.
"Cater, you really did make sure to arrive right on time just to eat the tart!" Ace jokingly accuses,"Don't worry about it! Just think of me as the taste tester." Cater beams as Grim starts to drool,"Ahhhh... It smells so deliciously sweet. The chestnuts on top are glossy whole the cream underneath is so fluffy! Let's eat!" he says and gives him a ridiculous look,"Are you sure you wouldn't rather become a food critic than a mage?!" she asks, but Grim doesn't hear her.
After that, everyone took a simultaneous bite of their tart and their eyes starts to shine from the explosive flavors invading their senses,"Holy crap!" Ace gasps,"So good!" Ace cooes,"This is amazing. It tastes just like a store bought tart." Deuce says with wide eyes,"I think I'm in heaven~" y/n cooes as well as a flowery aura surrounds her,"It's not over sweet, but still yataes so rich! It's like a garden of chestnuts in my mouth!" Grim cheers as he holds his puffy cheeks,"Dude, seriously! Reconsider your course options!" y/n shouts with a sweatdrop.
"Is that a compliment?" Trey asks with furrowed brows and Cater perks up a bit,"Oh, yeah. Hey, Trey, do the thing." he says with an eager smile,"The thing?... Aah, that." Trey smiles as he figures out what Cater meant, but their juniors are a bit lost.
"Thing?" Ace mutters with a raised brow,"Hey guys, what are your favorite foods?" Trey asks as he pulls out his magical pen,"Mine's cherry pie and hamburgers." Ace answers,"My number one is canned tuna. And cheese omelette, and grilled meat, and pudding..." y/n quickly covers Grim's mouth before he could continue.
"I have too many food favorites as well. But, if I had to pick, it would be apple pie." she says softly,"If I have to pick, omurice, I guess." Deuce hums,"And mine is grilled lamb with diablo sauce." Cater chirps as Trey nods at this,"Alright, here we go." he lifts up his hand and flicks his wrist,"...Doodle Suit!"
"Hm? What just happened?" Deuce asks with blinking eyes as Trey puts his pen away,"Now take another bite of the Mont Blanc." he gestures and everyone does so before becoming perplexed at the new taste,"Hm? Hmmmm? This is... Mont Blanc, but it tastes like cherry pie!" Ace says with amazement.
"It tastes like canned tuna!" Grim exclaims before taking another bite,"Ohh, now it's cheese omelette!" an another bite,"And grilled chicken!" and another,"And pudding!"
"This is amazing." y/n breathes out with a smile,"Isn't it fun? If you did this while having tea with a girl, they'd definitely be impressed." Cater grins before eating his slice,"It's amazing. Is changing the flavor of food your unique magic, Trey?" Deuce asks his senior.
"To be more precise, it's magic that overwrites any component. So I can overwrite not just taste, but also things like color and scent." Trey explains,"It only lasts for a short time, though, so it's more akin to a quick doodle. That's why I named this magic the way I have."
"With your Doodle Suit, my dream of all-you-can-eat canned tuna might not be a dream, after all. It's way better than the magic that mean Riddle uses." Grim comments before getting flicked by the ear by y/n,"Ow! Why!?" he whines, but y/n only gives him a pointed look.
"No... My magic is nothing more than child's play when compared to the dorm leader's. He's on a different level." Trey says looking to the side briefly,"...Anyway! It's getting late. Let's head for now, and we can give him the tart tomorrow." he says gesturing to the second Mont Blanc still resting in the open oven,"Tomorrow is the Unbirthday Party. Don't be late." he adds sternly.
"Y/n, will you let me sleep over again?" Ace immediately starts making puppy eyes at y/n with her hands trapped in his,"It doesn't seem like the cruel third years are gonna let me into the dorm!"
"Oh, my. Someone's a little prickly today." Cater teases a little, but narrows his eyes at their joint hands,"Quit it, Ace. Stop begging y/n for stuff." Deuce scolds as he yanks Ace away from y/n,"Yeah! You gotta pay to stay! Ten cans of tuna!" Grim exclaims before y/n could say anything.
"What!? You saying I should just sleep outside or something?" Ace glares at Grim,"We didn't say that. Of course you stay with us." y/n reassures him after flicking Grim's ear,"Y/n, you're a saint." Ace kneels before the girl, arms wrapped around her waist,"I didn't agree!" Grim shouts as he rubs his ear.
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