《Twisted Wonderland x reader: We're All Mad Here》Episode 1-3: Guilty at Lunch!
The small boy, now known as Lilia, had appeared upside right in front of y/n with a warm smile. Everyone is surprised by this,"Eep!" y/n squeaks at the sudden invasion as she backs up a bit,"H-He just teleported right over here!" Grim yelps with round white eyes as Lilia turns upright and settles himself down next to y/n.
"Are you all curious about my age?" he asks before chuckling,"Kufufu. My cute visage is practically bursting youth, but as your glasses friend so kindly supplied, I am not exactly the age one would call a child." he says with a smirk,"Bursting with youth...?" Trey is certainly baffled by that.
Lilia smiles before booping y/n's nose lightly, causing her to blink and cover her nose cutely as she crosses her eyes,"There's no need to simply look on from afar. Come up and speak with us any time you wish. Are we not all students of the same school? We at Diasomnia will always welcome you with open arms." he says as he gestures to his friends glaring over at them, especially the green haired one.
"You, maybe, but I can't say the guys over there look that excited at the prospect of talking to us." Deuce says with a single sweat on his cheek,"Kufufu. Apologies for dropping in on your meal." Lilia bows his head before standing up,"Until we meet again." he goes to return to his friends, but stops and turns to y/n.
"Oh, before I forget. My dear, those little treats that you gave me to give to Malleus? He simply enjoyed them with great joy and he sends his thanks to you." he says and y/n perks up at this and smiles,"Oh, it's no problem at all. I can try to bake him some more if he'd like. But, I can't promise that they'll be all that great." she says and Lilia takes her hand and pecks it.
Once more y/n blushes at the gestures,"Nonsense my dear, I just know they'll be great! Until we meet again." he finally walks away while y/n cups her burning cheeks,[Are all guys here so suave!?] she squeals internally.
"Our table is easily over 20 meters away from them, but you're telling me that he heard us talking? Freaky!" Ace hisses in a whisper, but winches when y/n flicks his forehead,"Ow! What was that for?" he pouts,"Don't be rude!" y/n scolds him.
"W-Well... Let's just say that Diasomnia has many peculiar members. Many of their students excel at all kinds of magic. Their dorm leader, Malleus Draconia, is counted among the top five mages in the world." Trey says and y/n breathes out in awe at this,"Cool." she whispers.
"For real, though. Malleus is like, the most super of super crazy powerful. Though in the topic, our dorm leader is his own brand of crazy." Cater comments as y/n ate her last bites of food.
"So true! All I did was eat a single piece of tart and he collared me. His narrow-mindedness is super crazy." Ace claims as y/n chokes on her food at the sight of Riddle standing behind him with crossed arms. The others noticed this too and their blood ran deathly cold.
"Oh, really? I'm super crazy, am I?" Riddle says slowly with a low tone,"Sure are. Blew right past 'strict' and straight into being a tyrant." Ace nods with a hug, unaware he just directly insulted Riddle,"Uh, Ace..." y/n calls out,"Not now y/n. And another thing-"
"Ace! Behind you!" Deuce hisses as he points to Riddle behind Ace, who immediately jumps once he turns and sees Riddle behind himself,"Holy crap! Dorm Leader!" he sweats bullets as he smiles nervously.
"Oh my, Riddle. You're super crazy cute today~" Cater tries to soothe things down. Obviously, it didn't work,"Hmph. Cater. If you run your mouth anymore, I'll take it off together with your head." Riddle glares,"Hey now, gimme a break!" Cater says with hands up in mock surrender.
"Ffgna! This is the guy who put that weird collar on me during the entrance ceremony!" Grim yelps as he jumps to hide behind y/n's arms,"And you're the new students who caused all that fuss about a possible expulsion yesterday." Riddle turns his nose up at them.
"I must ask that you refrain from calling someone's Unique Magic a 'weird collar'." he says and y/n wonders about his words,[Unique Magic? Like magic only they can use?] she thought as Riddle sighs and places a hand against his forehead,"For goodness' sake. The headmaster is far too soft. If you forgive rule breakers, the whole system will collapse. All he has to do is lop off the heads of everyone who doesn't follow the rules." he says and y/n gulps at this, unconsciously rubbing her neck.
"He may look innocent, but the words coming out of his mouth sure suggests otherwise..." Ace sweats bullets,"The headmaster may have forgiven you, but make no mistake, the next time you choose to break the rules, I will most certainly not." Riddle warns them with crossed arms and a narrowed eyes.
"...Say, Dorm Leader, there's no way you could, y'know... remove this collar, is there?" Ace asks with a nervous smile while y/n just wants to slam her head against the table,[Ace, read the room pal. Now was not the time!!]
"I was prepared to do so had you learned your lesson, but judging from the way you were talking a moment ago, it doesn't sound like that is the case, at all." Riddle purses his lips as his onw finger taps his arm repeatedly,"Keep it on for a while longer." he announces.
"But, what will he do about classes? You need magic for them, right?" y/n asks with concern as Ace looks up at her with hope-filled eyes,[Y/n, you're a Saint!] he thought with clasped hands.
"There's no need to worry. As a first year, you'll primarily be learning the fundamentals rather than actually using magic." Riddle reassures her with a wave of his hand while Ace sulks,"If you can't use magic, there's no risk of causing a scene like yesterday, either. Doesn't that sound wonderful?" Riddle says with a sickeningly sweet smile.
"Now don't just sit around chatting away. The moment you've finished your lunch, start preparing for your next class. Laws of the Queen of Hearts, No. 271: 'One should leave their seat within 15 minutes of finishing their lunch.'" Riddle recites and y/n is surprised by that high number,[Just how many rules are there!?] she thought," If you break the rules... Well, I believe I've made myself clear?" Riddle stares at Ace sternly.
"Aaand that's another weird as hell rile to add to the list..." Ace rolls his eyes,"The answer is, 'Yes, Dorm Leader'!" Riddle glares at him and both Ace and Deuce stiffens in their seats,"Yes, Dorm Leader!" they yelp and Riddle nods,"Very good." he praises half heartedly.
"Listen, I'll look after them for you, okay?" Trey tells Riddle with a smile and Riddle's shoulders seems to ease up a bit,"Hmph. You're meant to be the vice dorm leader, so I expect you to get your act together." he says before turning to leave,"Following the Laws of the Queen of Hearts, No. 339: 'Tea after a meal should always be lemon tea with two sugars.' I must go buy sugar cubes from the school store, so I'll be on my way." he nods before walking away.
"Not ensuring the sugar pot is topped up is a huge offense, for goodness' sake..." they hear him mutter as he left.
That's when it happened. Y/n's vision suddenly went dark to show red and an eerily shadowy black flickering at the edges. It was as if only a candle was lit. She sees two drops of black ink pooling together on the red as she hears the loud drips echoing in her ears. For some odd reason, this fills her with dread.
Y/n's vision went back to normal as she took in a sharp breath, her hand clutching over her chest where her rapidly beating heart lies.
The rest let's out breaths of relief,"Whew! That was a close one." Cater says with a nervous smile,"That guy is so obnoxious." Grim frowns with a scrunched up nose,"Hey! That's rude!" Deuce scolds Grim while giving y/n a concerned look, having seen her clutching her chest all of a sudden.
That's when they all hear a conversation close by between a couple of Heartslabyul students;
"Did the dorm leader leave...?
"I broke the Laws of the Queen of Hearts, No. 186: 'One must never eat a hamburger on Tuesday.'" one quivers in his seat,"I was terrified of what would happen if he found out I did."
His friend sighs,"At least let us eat whatever we want..."
Y/n is disturbed by this while spotting Trey and Cater sporting sad and guilt ridden eyes,"The dorm leader wrestled the seat from the previous dorm leader in his first week here. He can be a little harsh, but that's just him trying to make the dorm better. He's got good intentions at heart." Trey quickly defends with a smile, but y/n can tell he's hiding something deep down.
"Someone with good intentions doesn't just randomly collar people!" Grim spat at him as Cater and Trey gave off nervous laughs,"Grim, might I remind you that you caused a huge scene at the entrance ceremony first. That's your reason for getting collared." y/n reminds the little monster, who crosses his arms and pouts angrily,"Grrr... But that collar just suddenly cuts off your magic. It hurts and it sucks!" he claims.
"Hm? You mean Riddle's Unique Magic?" Cater questions with blinking eyes,"If it's unique, does that mean that it's magic that only he can use?" Deuce asks,"Leaving aside the question of if only one person in the world can use it or not..." Trey waves it off before lacing his hands together.
"Generally, it's indeed a very distinct magic that only that person can use, hence Unique Magic. You'll probably learn about it in class pretty soon." he says with a smile,"Riddle's Unique Magic let's him seal another person's magic for a fixed amount of time. It is called... OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!" Cater tells them and Grim jumps at the terrifyingly familiar name.
"Eek! Just the name is terrifying!" he admits and y/n rubs his back,"What does is feel like when your magic gets sealed away?" she asks with furrowed brows,"Having your magic sealed away as a mage really hurts as much as losing your own head, after all! And that's why you should try and avoid breaking Riddle's rules inside the dorm." Cater tells her.
"On the other hand, he isn't scary at all if you just follow them." Trey chimes in and y/n hums at this,"So what you're saying is I have to go buy a tart or Cater will kick me our again?" Ace asks frowns,"That's right. As decided by Laws of the Queen of Hearts, No. 53." Cater chirps.
"I should also let you know that Riddle really looks forward to having the first slice of a tart, so he probably won't forgive you unless it's whole." he warns his junior,"Weren't you just talking about getting along, like, two seconds ago? Just turns a blind eye!" Ace begs,"That is that, this is this." Cater simply says.
"But aren't whole tarts pretty expensive?" Deuce asks and Ace sulks with his head bowed,"Ugh. It's not like my pockets are overflowing with Madol here, you know." he mumbles,"Then why not try your hand at making your own? All those tarts you saw in the fridge were made by Trey." Cater reveals.
"That's amazing! Trey made them?" y/n chirps with glimmering eyes,"You made that tart, Trey? Holy crap! If you told me they were bought from a patisserie, I'd ha e believed you." Ace says with amazement,"Haha, thank you. It's true that I have all the seasonings and utensils, but..." Trey gives him a teasing smile,"Asking for my help won't coke cheap."
"Huh!? You're making me pay for it!?" Ace asks in disbelief,"Pfft, don't lose your head now. I'm not gonna go around squeezing money out of the new kids." Trey reassures him,"If we're going to make the tart Riddle wants to eat next, we need a lot of chestnuts. Could you gather them for me?" he asks.
"Ugh, either way is a pain." Ace sighs,"Well, how many do you need?" he asks,"To make enough for the Unbirthday Party, we'll need about... two, three hundred, I think." Trey quickly calculates,"That many!?" Deuce, y/n and Grim shout in shock.
"After that, I'll need you to roast, peel and puree them. I can do the rest after that." Trey tells them,"Can I go home?" Grim's ears droop with a frown,"Me too." Deuce raises his hand,"Ditto on that one!" y/n chirps,"Traitors!" Ace glares at them as he hits the table with his fist.
"Come on, now! Nothing tastes more delicious than food that you make together with your friends." Cater side hugs y/n again,"You get to make some fun memories! Never know, might even be your debut as a food blogger." he jokes and y/n smiles awkwardly at him,"I'm good on the food blogger part, thanks." she says.
"Don't tell the dorm leader, but Mont Blanc tastes most delicious when it's freshly asked." Trey winks as he puts a finger to his lip,"Only the one who bakes the tart gets a piece of that." he adds and Grim starts to drool.
"Ooh ooh ooh! Let's get a move on! We're gonna pick chestnut after chestnut after chestnut!" he cheers as he tugs on y/n's sleeve,"Haha, you sure changed your tone quick! So, where do we get them chestnuts?" y/n smiles at Trey.
"There should be plenty of chestnut trees in the forest behind the school's botanical garden." Trey hums before they all stood up,"Then we meet after class in front of the botanical garden." Ace smirks,"Go! Go! Chestnut picking~!" Grim cheers as they leave the cafeteria.
As promised, the group met up at the botanical garden building and made their way around back where they are met with many chestnut trees,"Wow! There really are chestnuts all over the place here! With this, we could have all-you-can-eat Mont Blanc..." Grim grins as he jumps off of y/n's shoulders before climbing up a tree,"Hehe. Let's get picking..." just as Grim goes to grab one, he immediately retracts his little paw with a pain filled yelp.
"Oww ow! Ffgna! The thorns pricked my paw!" he whimpers as he jumps down and y/n checks his paw,"Don't worry, you're not bleeding. Just a little scratch." she reassures him as she massages his paw gently to soothe the pain a bit.
"It doesn't seem like we can pick them up with our bare hands. It'd be handy to get a basket or something to put them in, as well." Deuce says with a hand on his chin as he looks up at the spiky chestnuts,"Wouldn't the botanical garden have stuff like that?" Ace questions as he points at the glass building,"Let's go take a look." Deuce nods as the group made their way to the botanical garden.
The inside was absolutely breathtaking with its various different colorful plant inhabitants. There was even little rivers flowing through it,"Wow, it's bigger in here than I thought." Ace breathes out as he took in his surroundings.
"Given the size, there must be a caretaker or two in charge of this place. Let's split up and see if we can find someone." Deuce suggests and his friends nod in agreement,"I'll go right." Ace says as he points in that direction,"And I'll head left." Deuce says as he points in that direction before looking at y/n and Grim.
"Would you two mind checking the back?" he asks and y/n playfully salutes,"Yes sir! Come on Grim!" she beams as they all split up. While searching for the items they need and or any caretakers around the facility, Grim and y/n found themselves also admiring the many plants surrounding them.
"There's a bunch of fruit! They smell so good!" Grim drools as he eyes some funny looking fruits,"I've never seen some of these before. Best not to touch them buddy." y/n suggests as she walks forward, only to stop when she feels she's stepping on something along with a low growl,"Gh-ow!"
She immediately jumps back and looks down,"Wah! Is that a tail!?" she says before spotting a familiar tall male emerging from between some thick bushes. It was the same tall male from the entrance ceremony.
Y/n eyes his lion ears and tail before looking up at the scowling male himself,"Oi. You've got some nerve stepping on someone's tail without saying anything." he says with narrow eyes as he practically looms over y/n and Grim.
"Are you the caretaker here? You seem a bit vulgar for that..." Grim comments with doubt as he eyes the male warily while y/n backs up a bit,"I was right in the middle of a nice nap, then you go and walk all over my tail. This sucks." the male huffs as he steps closer to y/n in an almost threatening manner.
Y/n is practically pressing herself against a tree,"I'm so sorry about that! I wasn't watching where I was going! Honest!" she says with a nervous smile while the male eyes her small form,"Hey..." he calls out as he leans down a bit to get a better look of her.
"Aren't you that herbivore that the mirror said can't use magic? Interesting..." he smiles a mischievous smile before leaning down to y/n's neck as he starts to sniff her there before moving to the other side of her neck.
Y/n practically turns bright red at this as she turns her head away,"What're you doing!? Back off!" she bravely pushes the male away, who just smirks at her embarrassed form,"...Ha. I really don't smell a speck of magic on you." he leans an arm above her head against the tree.
"It's not really my style taking on opponents that can't defend themselves properly, but..." he trails off while y/n tries to shrink into herself,"I dunno why, but being scrutinized by this guy is making my fur stand on end!" Grim says as his fur bristles up.
The male then uses the arm he's leaning against to pin one of y/n's shoulders against the tree as he glares down at her,"You step on the great Leona's tail, and you expect to walk away scot free? I was having such a lovely nap, and now I'm just pissed. Hope you're ready to leave behind a tooth." he practically growls.
Y/n goes to punch Leona in the face, but his other hand easily caught hers and he glares darkly at her as he leans in closer to her face,"You've got some nerves herbivore." he growls as y/n glares back,"Yeah, well don't think I'm just gonna stand around and let you do with me as you please! Asshole!" she spat.
"You... You..." Leona scowls he steps a bit closer,"Leave her alone!" Grim shouts with worry,"Leona!" a new voice calls out and y/n spots a boy with hyena ears running towards them.
"Huh?" Leona turns to see the new male as well,"So you were hiding out here, after all. It's time for your remedial lessons, y'know." the boy says with a stern expression while Leon rolls his eyes and backs off of y/n,"And now the annoying one's here." he scoffs.
"It's 'cause you keep failing, Leona. If you get held back another year, we're gonna end up classmates." Hyena boy says with a teasing smile,"Oh, just lay off already. I don't need lectures from you, Ruggie." Leona spat with a glare.
The hyena boy, Ruggie, frowns as his ears flatten as well,"It's not like I enjoy to nag you all the time! Jeez, it's not like you're stupid. You could manage fine if you just tried." he scolds before shaking his head,"Whatever, let's go!" he jabs a thumb over his shoulder, sparing y/n a curious glance before turning a slight pink.
"Tsk..." Leona clicks his tongue before glaring at y/n and Grim one last time,"Better watch out next time you even think about entering my turf, Herbivores." he spat before he and Ruggie walk away.
"Whew! I'm sweating bullets! Why would you hire someone so intimidating as a caretaker!?" Grim questions before yelping when y/n slid down to her knees,"Hey! You okay?!" he asks with worry as y/n takes in deep breath to calm her beating heart,"Grim, bud, I don't think he was the caretaker..."
After calming down, Grim and y/n made their way back to Ace and Deuce. Ace was waving around a pair of tongs as big basket layed by their feet,"We found a basket and some tongs over there!" Ace exclaims as y/n spots the extra tongs in the basket.
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The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife
At the feast of the Gluttonous House’s auction, there was a little girl with an exceptional furnace constitution for offer at a sky-high price. Everyone wanted to lay their hands on her. Suddenly, the little girl in the golden cage opened her eyes, radiating a cold gaze. She was no longer cowardly. She was the gold medal assassin of the 21st century, transmigrating to become the good-for-nothing humiliation that everyone bullied, third miss Nalan Hexi of the genius doctor’s manor. Meridians completely crippled, no innate skill to cultivate? What is she afraid of? She is the exceptional miracle doctor, and these injuries were nothing in her eyes. Father doesn’t dote on her, mother doesn’t love her, everyone schemes against her? Humph, an alternate dimension in hand and an invincible spirit pet as well, she can destroy the small Nalan Manor with a flip of her hand! Ugly complexion, malnourished and sickly in appearance, no one wants her? She recovered her unparalleled looks with the blink of an eye and gained a dozen good looking men as bodyguards! That overbearing man who’d been sticking to her since the auction. Who said I was destined to be yours? I am my own, no one can decide my future! A certain man: Then I am yours, will that do?
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High Mage of New Eden; Birth of the Council
New world? Let's go, what can go wrong right! I mean what’s earth got for me? No one wants an ex-soldier, ex-mercenary, or monster hunter anymore not after WW3 it's all love and peace now. I need a change a new me, new friends hopefully ones that don't die, and a new life. I knew it was going to be different, just wasn't prepared for how much. I mean New Edens is full of monsters. That's where they came from! Now they want me in politics? Magical politics. I hope it’s a joke.
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The Pyramid of Prosperity
The Magi use their power, and knowledge, to rule over many worlds. To those born with the ability to hold mana within themselves, the sky is the limit. Stavi was not so lucky, he will have to create his own path to prosperity. *A story of a young man who will do anything to achieve power, even as far as inventing the first magical MLM*
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Sustaining the King's Life
On a secluded mountain situated upon a kingdom known as Feuersturm, resides a seemingly trifling cabin with an unlikely duo as its inhabitant—a witch, and her apprentice who presumably comes from a clan sought after by slave traders. Faustina is a sixteen-year-old girl who fled the slave market with the help of a sickly witch named Eula, who later on trained her as an apprentice for the span of seven years. Plagued with a mysterious disease for several years, Eula died despite the efforts Faustina had exerted to cure her; in her last breath, she left an odd request behind. "Sustain the king's life. This is your duty. Do not adhere to the prophecy." To which the odd plea shadowed a bizarre series of events, a consequential sentence, similar to that of a premonition. The same night the phrase was muttered, the chain of events followed: A warlock's intrusion to their home, with a peculiar yearning to resurrect Eula from the dead... and the king himself, asking for Faustina’s aid. ** 1-2 chapters a day (GMT+8) ** (The artwork belongs to me. Visit more of STKL artwork on my twitter: @chains_lock
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Re: Apocalypse Games (GAMELit)
Re: Apocalypse game now has a Webtoon adaptation!Aliens have invaded our world. A hundred metallic flying saucers covered the skies of the world’s largest cities, forcing 10 million humans each year to play their absurd VR ‘apocalyptic games’. [Entering game, round four...][Human vs. Bio Mutation][Main Mission: Survive for 7 days] Humanity was forced to survive a series of different apocalypse scenarios: Ice age, Nuclear Fallout, AI Meltdown, Apex predators, etc. all for one promise: [Defeat all rounds and we will leave your world in peace] Every year, the whole world would watch the games in terror as their loved ones suffered and died, with less than 1% managing to return. After 8 years, Alan D. Angello and his team, humanity’s greatest hope, were also defeated. When all hope was lost, Alan was reincarnated 3 years before he joined the games. Will Alan be able to make a difference this time? ##### This is my fifth Novel, hopefully, this one will show all my experience after writing for 2 years. Its VR + Squid games + Apocalypse moviesIf you like any of those you will like this oneCheck out the movie trailer to give a teaser of the novel. Click link below Re: Apocalypse Games Teaser Trailer
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