《Twisted Wonderland x reader: We're All Mad Here》Episode 1-2: The Duplicator of a Thousand!
"Red, red... There! Gaaaaah! It turned blue..." Deuce panics as his roses turned blue,"Oh, color, change at my command... Take that!" Grim casts his spell, but his rose bush combusted instead,"Gyaaa! The roses are on fire!" he panics as he grips his ears.
"You guys are worse at this than I thought you'd be." Cater sweatdrops before y/n throws a bucket of water onto the burning rose bush,"Aren't the rose fine left white? They're pretty." Ace says softly as he delicately touches one.
"It's just tradition to do this. Roses must be red for the Unbirthday Party! For croquet, we use seven different colored flamingos as bats, and hedgehogs are used as the balls." Cater explains.
"Seriously! That's animal abuse!!"
Cater waves off y/n's shouting,"It's fine, sweetheart. This is normal." he reassures her,"Oh, but an important thing to remember is that the roses must be white for the spring concert of the flowers." he adds.
"Not one of those are normal!" Grim and y/n shout at him,"They say these rules were all decided by one of the Great Seven, the Queen of Hearts. Even compared to previous dorm leaders, Riddle is particularly passionate about following them." Cater explains before looking a bit worried and sad,"I won't deny he goes too far sometimes, though..." he adds very quietly.
"Wait, I don't have time for this." Ace says as he puts the paint supply down,"I need to speak to the dorm leader. Is he still here?" he asks Cater,"Hm? Yeah, I think there's still time before he usually leaves. By the way, Mr. Tart Thief, did you bring a tart as an apology?" Cater raises an eyebrow while Ace sports a confused look.
"What? No, I came here first thing, so I don't really have anything prepared..." he mumbles,"Oh no. Yeah, that makes sense, but..." Cater pulls out his magical pen,"...that means you're going against Law of the Queen of Hearts, number 53: 'One must always return what they steal'. So I can't let you in, I'm afraid." he states.
"The hell? What's that about!?" Ace yells with wide eyes,"If you're part of the dorm, you gotta obey the rules. I'll be losing my own head if I overlook this and just let you in." Cater says with ominous eyes,"Sorry, but I've gotta ask that you leave before Riddle notices." he says lowly.
"Oh crap, he's serious! Guys, help me out here!" Ace panics,"Why'd I have to get caught up in this!?" Deuce glares at him,"I'm begging you, I can't use magic right now!" Ace claps his hands together,"Welcome to my magic-less world." y/n rolls her eyes as she crosses her arms before stiffening when Cater approaches them,"Wahh, here he comes!" Ace cries out.
After struggling to fight off Cater, said upperclassman successfully pushes his juniors out the maze and to the front entrance where the mirror is,"Now, go get a tart before you try again, okay? Bye-bye!" Cater chirps before leaving.
"What's his problem!?" Ace scowls,"No matter how many times we took him down, he just kept coming back... Was he using illusion magic?" Deuce mutters to himself as he looks conflicted about the whole situation.
"Anyway, we should've been turned away at the gate if we came without a tart, yeah? We clearly didn't have anything on us begin with." Ace ruffles his hair in frustration,"He just wanted us to paint the damn roses!" he growls.
"He's got some nerve." Grim growls as well whilst climbing onto y/n's shoulder,"I don't know. I actually enjoyed doing that to be honest." y/n shrugs with a smile,"Guess we better go get a tart before we come back. We can go after... Oh crap!" Deuce suddenly yelps as he slaps a hand onto his head.
"What's wrong?" y/n asks with worry and Deuce shakes her lightly by her shoulders, also scaring Grim in the process,"This is bad, the warning bell would have rang already! We're gonna be late!" he yells and that's when y/n realizes they're all gonna be late for class,"Oh shiitake mushroom!" she yelps.
"Ffgna! My radiant school life is going to be tarnished on day one! Let's get a move on!" Grim yowls as he tugs on y/n's hair lightly,"What class are you two in? You're first years, right?" Ace asks as they quickly made their way to the Mirror Chamber.
"The Headmaster told us Class 1-A!" Grim and y/n say in unison,"Oh hey, we're in the same class. First period is Potions." Deuce tells them with a smile,"Wooooo! Sounds like fun!" Grim cheers as y/n nods rapidly,"It does!" she chirps as Ace rubs the back of his head,"Guess I couldn't get my magic back before class, after all. Is this gonna work out all right...?" he sighs before following after his friends.
There they sat in a classroom full of cabinets stuffed with various portions. The classroom is relatively big with a giant bubbling cauldron in the center of the room and desks surrounding it from a safe distance. The group were already geared up in lab coats, gloves and goggles.
Before them walks a very handsome male teacher with hair black on one side and white on the other. And for y/n's personal opinion, his outfit is very fashionable.
"So you're all the fresh faces starting my class today." the man says with a hum and smirk as he slowly walks around the classroom, pointer stick tapping his other hand gently. His silver-blue eyes tracing and memorizing every new faces to the very last detail before his eyes land on y/n's form.
He hums as he walks over to her and gives her a handsome smile,"Hmmm, there are some rare hair colors in the bunch. Not bad. Make sure to take proper care of it." he says as takes a brief hold of a strand of y/n's hair before letting it slip off his finger.
Y/n will not deny that she blushed at this whilst the teacher continues to walk around,"My name is Divus Crewel. You may feel free to call me Master Crewel. Now, hurry up and take your seats. It's time for class to begin." Crewel says and everyone quickly took their seats.
"Let's start with the basics. I'm going to hammer the names and appearances of 100 different kinds of both medicinal and poisonous herbs into your tiny little brains." Crewel slaps his pointer stick a little hard into his palm,"Fungi will come at a later time. Memorize these so you don't go poisoning yourselves with random things lying on the ground."
"Dogs really do eat whatever is lying around. So that not a single puppy here gets anything near a failing mark, your training will be harsh and strict." he lectures as y/n and her friends open their text book to read through it and take notes.
"I see... By the way, what's a 'fungi'?" Deuce asks and y/n giggles a bit,"It's just another name for mushrooms basically. Things that releases spores and stuff." she explains briefly and Deuce nods at this,"Blegh, this is gonna suck. My memory's a pile of dirt." Ace groans,"All that matters when it comes to grass is whether or not it tastes good." Grim waves a paw in the air.
Their next class was in another huge classroom. The desks were on the side of the classroom and stacked on elevated platforms whilst the teacher desk stood way up front. Behind it is a blackboard.
The teacher himself was a very well aged elder man with a fluffy black and white cat nestled in his arms,"My name is Trein, and this is my familiar, Lucius. I'll be in charge of your history lessons. In this class, you will learn about the history of magic, and how it brought prosperity to the world." Trein says sternly as Lucius meows loudly.
"Your grade will be determined not solely on your coursework, but on participation and behavior in class, as well." Trein says before throwing a glare at the group of students,"Sleeping is absolutely forbidden." he adds before walking back to his desk.
"Open your textbooks to page 15. We will begin with the discovery of Magic Gems in the Dwarf's Mine during what had been a routine excavation of gemstones." he explains as Lucius meows loudly once more,"Knowledge of magical energy spread throughout the world after the discovery of the century, leading to that year being named the First Year of the Magic Age." Trein begins to read while students began to take notes and Lucius meows again.
Ace yawns immediately," Mrooaaah~ At Dwarf's Mine... Mroaaaahh~ Magical Energy..." Deuce writes down like an excited child along with y/n," Mmgh, I want a more exciting class that let's us use magic like BANG!" Grim grumbles before purring when y/n scratches his head.
Afterwards, their next class is located on an open field a bit away from the school building. Their teacher was a huge, burly man sporting a wide smile," Name's Vargas. I'm in charge of training you bean sprouts up." his voice booms which made some students jump a bit.
"Becoming a great mage starts with your body! Just look at the muscles you can get from eating raw eggs everyday!" Vargas flexes his muscles while y/n tries not to gag at the thought of drinking raw eggs,"You can't be a mage if you don't have the stamina for it. Start with 20 laps around the track, then 100 push-ups!" he instructs.
"Ugh... I don't dislike exercise, but I can't stand this type of teacher." Ace frowns,"I've got confidence in my stamina." Deuce practically sparkles at this,"What's so fun about running in circles!? I'm not a freaking hamster!" Grim yells while y/n did some stretches in the background.
Soon their lessons came to an end and the group are walking down the hall,"Let's see, the next class is..." Deuce mutters to himself as he looks at their class schedule,"What was our next class again...?" Ace asks before sighing.
"For being a so-called magic school, sure is barely different to a regular old school. It's kinda boring. Real pain." he whines and y/n smiles,"I like it. Kinda brings me comfort in some way." she hums and Ace rolls his eyes at her,"Not being able to use magic hasn't really affected me, at all. How about you, Grim?" he says, but he received no answer.
"...Hm?" he looks around with his friends and they don't spot Grim anywhere at all,"What? He's gone again?" y/n furrows her brows at this,"I've got a bad feeling about this." she adds with worry,"Look out the window! That furball's making a beeline through the courtyard..." Deuce reveals and the trio stare out the window that has a good view of the courtyard.
Low and behold, Grim was prancing away with a swaying tail,"I'm not sitting through those boring classes all day! I'm a genius! Even if I don't take any classes here, I can still swoop in with all this big, powerful magic right when I'm needed!" Grim rants to himself loudly.
"He couldn't last for one day!? Oh, the Headmaster is gonna be pissed about this..." y/n bites her thumb nail with worry,"Making a break for it already... He never learns, does he?" Deuce sighs with a shake of his head.
"Pff, your first day as prefect and you already have to be reported for negligence of your duties." Ace teases as he pokes y/n's cheek,"So, you want help catching Grim?" he offers with hands on his hips,"Yes, please!" y/n immediately nods.
"Heck yeah! I want a chocolate croissant." Ace bargains and y/n deadpans,[Of course there's something he wants in return.] she thought,"If you get me an iced latte from the cafeteria, we have a deal." Deuce bargains and y/n jumps at this,[Deuce! I believed in you!] she mentally cries before mushroom sighing in defeat.
"Fine! Let's hurry up and catch Grim!" she growls with a pout,"It's a deal! Now then, Deuce, shall we clean up after our hopeless prefect here?" Ace starts to walk off with Deuce following after him,"Sure thing, Ace. I'm looking forward to lunch." Deuce winks at y/n, who deadpans at them.
She grumbles as she stomps after them,"Not getting along, my butt." she mumbles with a pout, kicking the ground lightly but then walks into someone,"Wah!" they both yelp as they fall to the floor while books and stray papers fell around them.
"I'm so sorry! I was in a hurry to catch up with my friends and didn't see where I was going! I'm sorry!" y/n quickly says as she gets up and starts to gather the pieces of papers and books along with a boy who has dark skin, grey eyes, and long, black hair, with some of his locks tied into tight braids which has small hair accessories on them.
"It's fine, no harm done." the boy says with a frown before making eye contact with y/n,"Oh, you're the girl I kept hearing about." he notes with slight surprise as they both got up,"Yeah... Hehe, guess the entire school knows at this point... I shouldn't be surprised..." y/n sighs before handing the boy the rest of his stuff.
"Again, I'm so sorry about running into you!" she says before rushing off, leaving a mildly shocked boy behind. He shakes his head with a sigh as he continues to his designated destination,"How troublesome..." he mumbles before glancing back once more,"Though, I can see what the fuss is all about now. Still, I simply can't get distracted by just one girl."
Back with y/n, she finally made it to the courtyard, Ace was already handing a wiggling Grim over to her,"Nooooo, lemme gooo! I don't wanna go back to those boring classes!" Grim whines as he tries to get out of y/n's arms.
"Oh, stop whining! How do you expect yourself to become a great mage if you plan to skip your classes?" y/n scolds with stern eyes. This made Grim stop his struggling as he simply hang in the girl's arms,"Geez! Why are you being so strict today!?" he groans with flattened ears,"It's for your own good, Grim. You'll thank me later." y/n smiles as she rubs Grim's head.
After another class, lunch time came around,"It's finally lunch time!" Grim cheers as they enter the bustling cafeteria,"Wow, everything always looks so good here!" he drools as they stare at the selection of food.
"Agreed! This looks like a big fancy buffet!" y/n chirps as she grabs a tray,"Fluffy omelette! Grilled chicken and bacon-egg tarts!" Grim drools as y/n grabs her own food, which was a small plate of nachos and grilled veggies.
"Shut up! You're so loud! Try being this excited during more than just lunch..." Ace glares at the little monster,"Hey, hey, I want some grilled chicken! It's the last one!" y/n grabs Grim's order,"Oh, oh, and the omelette!" she grabs it,"Bread and jam, too! Just take a bunch of everything!" Grim jumps off of y/n, but bumps into someone's leg,"Ow!"
"Nooooo! Oi, watch it! 'Cause of you, the egg in my pasta broke!" a tall student along with his buddy turn to glare down at Grim and y/n,"Whoa, whoa, whoa~ Breaking the gooey egg is, like, the best part of eating carbonara, you know?" his buddy says before scowling at Grim,"How you gonna pay us back for that, huh!?" he growls.
Delinquent A eyes the grill chicken on y/n's tray,"Hand over that grilled chicken as compensation, otherwise we can't call this even." he demands,"Ffgna!? Hell no! This is my chicken!" Grim growls as he pokes his own chest as Delinquent B eyes y/n now.
"Huh? You're the new kid on the block here. This what you call paying respect to your elders? Come around back!" he growls as he points over his shoulder, but then smirks,"Otherwise, we can compensate in another way~"
"H-Hey, settling personal squabbles with magic is prohibited and so is harassing fellow classmates..." Deuce cuts in quickly as he stood in front of y/n,"Squabble? This is just seniors teaching their juniors proper behavior!" Delinquent A growls with a smirk,"Better prepare yourself!" Delinquent B says as they whip out their magical pens with Deuce doing the same.
Though it quite clear that Deuce had the upper hand in this short battle,"M-Maybe you're a little better than I thought..." Delinquent A backs away,"The pasta's getting all soggy, so we'll let you off for today!" Delinquent B says before they both ran off.
"Heh! Those guys were all talk! Never show us your ugly mugs again!" Grim shouts with a cocky smirk,"We literally just said that personal fights weren't allowed..." y/n sighs with a shake of her head.
"Whatever, let's just eat. I even missed breakfast. If I go any longer without food, I might just pass out..." Ace groans as they search for a table,"We really have no luck. Given this is a prestigious school that's really hard to get into, the last thing I was expecting to come across was such cookie-cutter delinquents." Deuce frowns as they all sat down and y/n hands Grim his plate of food.
"No point dwelling on the riff-raff! Let's eat!" Grim grins as he sits on the table and takes a bite of his omelette,"Om nom nom! Delicious! The egg of the omelette is so light and fluffy, and the center is filled with such gooey cheese!" he compliments with a beaming smile.
[Still think he's a future restaurant critic.] y/n smiles with a sweatdrop at her little buddy,"Om nom nom!" Grim eats some more and y/n couldn't help but poke his puffy cheeks a little, to which Grim swats at,"So we saw your guys' dorm this morning, but what are the other dorms like?" Grim asks with curiosity as he playfully swats at y/n's fingers.
Y/n yelps when Cater suddenly crashes into her back and wraps an arm around her shoulders,"You know about the statues of the Great Seven displayed on Main Street, right? The seven dorms of this school were made in the fashion of them." he chirps before sitting down beside y/n along with another boy with green hair and glasses.
"Hey you're the guy from this morning!" Ace stood up slightly and points accusingly at Cater,"You tricked us into painting those roses for you!" Grim points at Cater accusingly as well.
"Aw, you're so mean. Not like I was doing it because I wanted to." Cater smirks,"I had no choice but to do it. It's part of our dorm's rules." he shrugs innocently,"You were grinning all the while..." Deuce exposes with a quirked brow.
"Now, now, Deucy. Those rules are only while we're inside the dorm, so right now, Caycay's just your kind, friendly senior." Cater smiles and winks at y/n, who turns her head slightly away with pink cheeks.
"D-Don't call me Deucy!" Deuce stammers with an embarrassed blush,"Haha, that's just how Cater shows affection." the other boy finally spoke with a friendly smile,"Hang on, who are you?" Ace asks with confusion.
"Oh, my bad. I'm Trey. Trey Clover." the boy, Trey, shakes each of their hands,"I'm a third year in Heartslabyul like Cater." he adds before smiling at y/n,"And you're the new student put in charge of that ramshack- Excuse me, that dorm that wasn't being used, right?"
"I saw what you did there." y/n purses her lips as she glares at Trey playfully, who chuckles,"I heard from Cater about all the trouble these guys have caused you. Sorry about that." he says sheepishly while y/n waves it off,"Oh, it's fine, it's fine."
"We're literally right here, dude..." Ace huffs and Cater surprises y/n by pulling her into his side,"Come on, we're in the same dorm! No point being like this all the time. Let's exchange numbers and get along!" he chirps as he whips his phone out with his other hand.
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