《Twisted Wonderland x reader: We're All Mad Here》Episode 1-1: Midnight Snacking!
Y/n stirs in her bed a bit, unaware of the events currently happening in her room. The mirror above the mantel started to ripple before a swirl of bright, white light lit up the room.
When y/n's eyes flutter open, she took note that she's in a world of black and white. Before her stood a giant Ace of Clover card and another clover card painting the roses red. How'd she know it was red? Because that was only color not black nor white.
"Hurry and paint the roses. Hurry before the flowers wither." they say in an almost sing-son tone,"Hurry, hurry! We have to paint them all red!" the Ace of Clovers says with a hasty tone as they paint the white roses red.
Y/n moves closer to them with a baffled look,"Paint them?" she mutters, but they didn't hear her even though her voice echoed. Next to her appeared a little girl with a confused look,"Why do you have to paint the white roses red?" she asks.
"Huh?" the card soldiers gave her flabbergasted expressions. The other card soldier, the Two of Clovers, turns to her,"Well, the fact is, Miss, we planted the white roses by mistake." he admits as he continues to paint.
"The Queen, she likes them red, if she saw white instead, each of us would quickly lose our heads." the Ace of Clover says with fear in his eyes,"Goodness!" the little girl gasps before walking over to another card, the Three of Clovers.
"Since this is the part we dread, we're painting the roses red." he tells her and y/n feels that same dull ache in the back of her head,"Why does this all seem familiar to me? Why do I feel like... I know you?" she mutters as she stares at the little girl,"All of you..."
Knocking stirs y/n out of her dream just as the light in the mirror went out,"What the hell was that dream all about...? And, who's Alice...?" she whispers as she rest her forehead against the palm of her hand.
"Mmm... Hey, y/n... Sounds like we're got a late-night visitor..." Grim yawns as he also arose from his slumber from the next to the girl,"Seems like it." y/n shakes out of her stupor and gets up from the bed with Grim clinging onto her shoulder,"What? Is it those ghosts again? They don't know when to quit." he huffs with puffy cheeks.
Y/n walks downstairs before making her way to the front door, leaning her ear close it as the knocking continues,"You better be a friend, cause if you're foe, Imma beat your ass with a broom." y/n grumbles as she literally snatched her broom on the way down.
"It's me, Ace. Let me in." the ramshackle duo hear the muffled voice of Ace and y/n immediately opens the door to reveal the annoyed male. Her eyes immediately lands on a painfully familiar collar.
"Ace? What're you doing here this late..." Grim also spots the collar around the male's neck,"Gah!? And what's with the collar!?" he yelps as y/n allows Ace inside, seeing a duffle bag over his shoulder,"I'm never going back to Hellslabyul ever! Starting today, I'm joining your dorm!" he declares as he drops his bag by his feet.
"You what!?" the ramshackle duo exclaims loudly in surprise,"Okay, what the hell happened that made you wanna leave your own dorm?" y/n asks as they made their way to the living room before sitting on the only decently cleaned couch.
"That's the same collar that red-haired senior put on me during the entrance ceremony. What's it doing on you?" Grim asks his own questions as he hops to sit on y/n's lap. Ace avoids eye contact,"I ate a tart." he reveals with pursed lips.
"Seriously? That's it?" y/n raises a brow as she pets Grim,"You heard me. Literally just that. Got a bit peckish, so I wandered down to the dorm kitchen and found a whole tart just chillin' in the fridge." Ace explains,"And then turns out that there were three whole tarts! So..."
*Ace's Flashback*
Ace is seen walking into the kitchen with a tired expression as he stretches his arms over his head,"Ugh, I'm beat, and irs only day one. Missing out on dinner's got me seriously starving." he yawns before opening the fridge and bending down to take a peek inside.
"Inside the fridge, we haaaaaave..." his eyes land on the tarts,"Oh, hey, tarts! These look good!" he drools with starry eyes before taking one tin out and cutting himself a slice,"...There's so much here, surely no one's gonna notice a little missing piece~" he smiles as he plates the slice and pierces a fork through it.
"Bon appetite." he says before taking a bite. Immediately his eyes sparkle with amazement,"...Whoa! This tastes amazing! What the hell?!" he compliments as he takes more big bites, unaware of the looming presence behind him.
"Of course it does. Trey does not bake tarts that are anything less than exquisite." a new voice says as the figure crosses their arms, magical pen in one hand,"Seriously, this tastes insane! It tastes even better than the stuff you get at..." once Ace turns to face the new presence, he immediately drops his fork once he saw it was Riddle, his dorm leader,"Holy crap, Dorm Leader?!" he yelps.
"You certainly are a brave one to even consider laying your hands on thag which belongs to me." Riddle glares as one finger taps his arm before pointing it at Ace,"Queen of Hears Rule #89: 'You shall not eat tarts prepared for the Queen ahead of her'." he recites before pointing his magical pen at Ace,"Tart theft is an unforgivable crime! OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!"
*End of Flashback*
"...The end." Ace finishes with his hands landing on his knees. Both Grim and y/n stay silent for a moment and give each other a brief look and then looking back at Ace,"You're both in the wrong here, you know." Grim finally says with y/n nodding in agreement.
"Don't you think it's a little much to seal my magic just because I took a tiny bit of tart!? I'm a mage! This is basically like having my arms and legs all chained up." Ace shouts as he tugs on the collar,"And anyway, there were three whole tarts in there! There's no way he could eat them all by himself! How narrow-minded can one guy be!?" he states with annoyance.
"Look, I ain't gonna deny that, but..." y/n trails off a bit,"That's all you have to say?" Ace deadpans at her reply before Grim gasps,"Hang on... If there were that many tarts, they could've been for some party or something. Y'know, like a birthday party. I'm a master of deduction, I tell ya!" he says and y/n nods,"He could be right." she says.
"A birthday party?" Ace raises a brow,"That could be the route for his anger. Did you at least apologize for eating the tart?" y/n asks with narrowed eyes as she leans in close to Ace,"Ugh... Isn't this the part where you say that you totally think he's being too much of a power freak?" Ace rolls his eyes.
"Look Ace, I'm not saying what he did was right, but..." y/n trails off once more, unsure of how to tell the boy he's in the wrong too,"You're also at fault for eatin' his food." Grim helps her out,[Thanks Grim, blunt as always.] she smiles and pets the little critter's head.
"Exactly what Grim said. I'm sure if you apologize to him tomorrow, he'll forgive you." she chirps with a smile, but Grim gives her a glance of doubt,"Don't underestimate grudges over food, y/n." he says before realizing something,"Hey, hold on! I never got my tuna cans from the headmaster!"
Y/n silently giggles at this,"Fine. Whatever. I just have to apologize, right?" Ace sighs before pointing at y/n,"...This is your idea, y/n, so you better come with me." he states firmly and y/n holds up her hands in mock surrender,"Fine, fine."
Ace nods before looking around,"So, where should I sleep for the night?" he asks,"Wait, you were being serious? All the rooms but ours are still a mess. Better get scrubbing." Grim curls a paw at Ace,"Bleh, I am not cleaning up." Ace scoffs before smirking.
He then grabs y/n's hands with his own as he leans in close to her,"Come on, y/n, lemme stay in your room. I'm practically a noodle, so I won't take up much space. See?" Ace leans back to show off his lean form while y/n turned a bright pink from the close contact just seconds earlier.
"U-Um... I guess so...?" she says with uncertainty and Ace cheers while Grim gives the girl a disbelieved look,"Yay! You're the best, y/n!" Ace cheers before giving the girl a quick kiss on the cheek. He then get up with his bag slung over his shoulder,"Come on, show me where your room is." he says eagerly before making his way up the stairs.
"What the hell y/n!?" Grim squishes the blushing girl's cheeks, who bows her head in defeat,"I'm such a weak person..." she whimpers while Grim gives her a disappointment look with paws on his middle,"Geez, what happened to that spunky chick from yesterday?"
Afterwards, once Ace and y/n got into bed, it was obviously awkward for the both of them. Y/n had grabbed an extra pillow to put between her and Ace before heading upstairs as well. Even though their backs are facing each other, they're both a bright pink at the situation they're in now.
After a few minutes of awkward silence, they both eventually fell asleep. And by next morning, Ace is awoken by loud knocking,"Ugh... Who's pounding at the door this early...?" he mumbles before looking down at a still sleeping y/n.
He blushes lightly with a smile before brushing a bit of hair strands out of her face. He then winces when the knocking continues and decides to get out of bed to check who it is.
"Oh, blech! This place is so rundown, all it takes is a small shake and the dust starts flying." he groans as small dust particles fell from the roof due to the harsh knocking,"All right, I hear you! I'm coming already, so stop knocking the door so hard!" he shouts before swinging the door open to reveal a stern looking Deuce.
"So you did come here." Deuce crosses his arms with narrowed eyes,"Ugh. Deuce..." Ace groans at the sight of him while y/n had already woken up from the constant knocking and was standing halfway down the stairs,"Morning y/n." Deuce greets with a brief smile,"Morning Deuce..." y/n yawns before walking all the way downstairs.
"I heard what happened from the other residents. You really got collared because you stole the dorm leader's tart." Deuce focuses on Ace once more,"You are a complete idiot." he spat.
"Shut it! I don't wanna hear that frkm you!" Ace huffs as he crosses his arms,"...By the way, was he still mad?" he asks more quietly,"Not really. He looked a little irritated at these three guys who missed morning roll call..." Deuce says with a softer expression.
"The most that happened is they met the same fate as you." he reveals and y/n's eyes widen at this along with Ace,"That's your definition of 'not really'?! He's angry, no matter what way you toss it!" he tells before y/n pats his back.
"Okay Ace, let's just get ready for the way. Why don't you head on up first and get ready?" she suggests and Ace huffs before stomping back upstairs,"That guy..." Deuce sighs with a shake of his head,"Would you like some tea or coffee, Deuce?" y/n offers and Deuce gives her a warm, soft smile,"No thank you. You should quickly get ready yourself." he suggests and y/n nods before heading upstairs.
Afterwards, the group left and are currently walking down Main Street with Grim taking the lead,"Hey, hey! Outta my way~ The almighty Grim is passing through on his way to begin life as a student of Night Raven College!" he boasts, making the human trio sweatdrop while they pass some eyeing students. Some of which eyed y/n and Grim mostly.
Grim then stares at Ace with mischievous eyes,"Look at my collar. Unlike that lame thing around your neck, mine is fabulous. On top of that, you can't use your magic right now, huh? You'd make a really good janitor today." he cackles before trotting onwards,"Nyaha! I feel good!"
"Jeez, little bud sure can hold a grudge, huh?" y/n awkwardly smiles while Ace is seething beside her,"Grrrnnrrgh! Just you wait until I get my magic back!" he shouts whilst shaking his fist on the air.
"The headmaster literally just told us yesterday to not make another scene..." Deuce sighs,"Anyway, you're going to have problems in class with your magic sealed. Have you thought about apologizing to Dorm Leader Rosehearts and having him remove it?" he suggests.
"I hate this so much! Why am I the one apologizing!?" Ace groans with hands gripping his hair,"We've still got some time before class, and I'm curious about the other dorms. Let's go on a wander while we watch Ace's apology." Grim snickers.
"This isn't a show! Screw this!" Ace yells as he turns to walk away, but y/n and Deuce each grab his shoulders and drag Ace behind them. They made their way to the Mirror Chamber, where y/n marvels at all of the mirrors. Each carved uniquely.
The mirror they walked up to was carved with play cards surrounding it along with a heart on the top and two heart spear crossing each other behind it. Little mushrooms also decorated the side of the small stairs and two red lanterns stuck out on either side of the wall.
The mirror ripples as they get closer to it, and just when they made contact, a bright light consumes their vision. Y/n and Grim stood in awe at their new surroundings. A huge manor, most likely the dorm, stood before them and they could see a freaking maze behind the building. The hedges decorating the front were all trimmed neatly and the heart-shaped rose bushes were simply beautiful.
"Whoa! This is gorgeous! It couldn't be more different from ours!" Grim exclaims and y/n pouts at him,"Hey, come on bud. Ours is still in development!" she whines as she nudges Grim with her foot gently.
The group then made their way around the building to the maze, where they spot another student with mid-lenght orange color hair,"Crap. I've gotta hurry and get these roses painted." he hisses with worry as he paints rose after rose.
"Hey, someone's here." Grim notes as the boy spots a stray white rose,"Oops, nearly missed that. Leave even a bit of white and my head's gone." he mutters to himself while y/n's eyes widen at his words and actions,[Somehow, I feel like I've seen this before... Total deja-vu.] she thought.
The boy in question finally spots the group and blinks in confusion,"...Hm? You guys need something?" he asks before his eyes lands on y/n,"What are you doing with that?" Ace asks as he gestures to the paintbrush and paintbucket full of red paint in the boy's hands.
"This?" the boy lifts the items up slightly,"Can't you see that I'm painting the roses red?" he says like it's the most obvious thing to them,"Huh!? But why?" Deuce asks with utter surprise while the rest are also flabbergasted by this.
"Ahh, it's been a while since I've got to see such cute reactions like this. Actually, aren't you the new kids that shattered that 10,000,000 Madol chandelier yesterday?" the boy hums as he puts the paint supply down.
His words causes a cloud of depression to float over the group's heads,"We're gonna hear about that chandelier until the day we graduate..." Ace sighs with disappointment as y/n pouts.
"And you're the one who added on even more punishment by stealing the dorm leader's tart that very same night!" Cater points to Ace, who silks even more,"I feel. So lucky getting to meet the notorious newcomers first thing in the morning~" he chirps before whipping out his phone.
"Hey, hey~ Let's take a selfie! Yaaay!" he cheers as he pulls the entire group into the frame before taking the selfie. Cater then eyes y/n and pulls her in once more,"You're a really super cute girl~! Let's take a selfie with just us two~" he cooes before putting his lips lightly against y/n's cheek.
Said girl's eyes widen as her lips went straight with surprise and her face is entirely red from this while Cater winks up to the camera and takes the selfie. When he finally pulls away, y/n could finally breathe again while her two certain males behind them glares holes into Carter's head.
"Wow~ This one came out great! Can I put these on Magicame? Tell me your names so I can put you in the tags." Cater asks eagerly,"I'm Deuce Spade." Deuce huffs, still peeved about what his upperclassman did,"Ace." Ace spat with a glare,"Grim and my henchman!" Grim chirps,"I-I'm y/n..." y/n stammers, still a bit flustered from what just occurred.
"Boop! And up it goes~" Cater chirps before putting his phone away,"Oh right, name's Cater Diamond, I'm a third year. You can call me Cater. Caycay is fine, too~ Nice to meetcha~" he cooes with a wink, mostly in y/n's direction.
"Nice to meet you as well, Cater." y/n nods with a smile, her blush finally gone and Cater realizes something,"Ah, you're the student that became the prefect for Ramshackle Dorm that everyone's been talking about." he then wraps an arm around the girl's shoulders,"Surprised you're chill with living there! It's super dark, I can't even imagine any part of it being Magicammable. You have my sympathy." he then tousles y/n's hair gently.
"Man, this guy really doesn't know when to shut up, does he?" Grim glares while Cater realizes something again and slaps a hand to his forehead,"What am I doing? I don't have time to just stand around and talk! The party is tomorrow. I don't wanna lose my head for being late." he picks up his paint supply once more.
"Hey, you guys mind helping paint the roses?" he asks sheepishly,"But why are you doing something so weird in the first place?" Ace asks with crossed arms and a brow raised,"Because red roses at a party are the most photogenic! I guess? I've also gotta color in the flamingos for the croquet match, so my hands are extra full right now." Cater tells them.
"You have to color in flamingos, too!? Your chores are so weird." Grim admits,"Isn't that animal abuse??" y/n asks and Cater shakes his head,"Nah, it's all fine." he reassures her with a smile.
"So the tart that Ace ate was going to be used for the dorm leader's birthday party. No wonder he was so mad..." Deuce says quietly,"Uh, no? That's not it." Cater raises an amused brow at them,"It's not!? Then whose birthday is it?" Ace asks with shock.
"No one's. Tomorrow is our dorm's traditional 'Unbirthday Party'. The dorm leader choses a random day that isn't anyone's birthday, and we have a tea party." Cater explains and y/n's brain spins at this,"What...? What...?" she whispers with a confused expression.
"The heck kind of tradition is that!?" Ace exclaims at that ridiculous explanation,"Listen, you can worry about that later! Just focus on making the roses red!" Cater says with a playful wag of his finger,"Deuce, Grim, you two can do it with magic, yeah?" he smiles before holding out the paint supply to y/n,"Ace, y/n, since neither of you can use magic right now, here's some paint." he chirps as y/n takes the paint supply from him before Cater gestures to more behind himself.
"W-We can change the color with magic?" Deuce asks with widen eyes,"I've never done anything like that." Grim admits with curiosity,"No worries, it's fine! Just relax! We'll figure it out!" Cater reassures them as he pats Deuce's shoulder,"We better hurry if we don't wanna lose our heads, though." he adds and that made y/n gulp.
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Born into House Vesely, the third most powerful family within the Kingdom of Ranislava, fourteen year old Lady Iskra had it all and more. She had command over a large number of servants that answered her every beck and call, whatever she wished for she got without issue and her friends served a purpose in inflating her ego and bolstered her social standing and she was poised to become the next queen once her betrothed, the Crown Prince, ascended the royal throne. Life for the young woman was good. That, however, all came to a crashing end when she discovered the rumors surrounding her soon to be husband and a low ranking barons daughter to be true. In a blind rage, she had nearly murdered the girl but was quickly subdued and tried. In a strange twist of fate, she has been stripped of everything she once held dear and exiled into the Ranislava’s most dangerous and untamed duchy, Voldigrov. A land rich in volcanoes and home to roving armies of orcs, goblins, trolls and other foul and hideous creatures that prey upon those who are stupid enough to enter the cursed domain. Now, alongside two of her former family’s most trusted servants as well as a levy of unwashed and untrained peasants, she must traverse into the mysterious realm and cling to a sliver of hope that the gods of fate don’t bring further ruination upon her.
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ON PAUSE: FURTHER INFORMATION BELOW In a world where zombies are common and everything is evolving to acclimate with radiation, our Main Character has a special trait about him that helps him acclimate and evolve with the harsh conditions as well. But where will that lead him, and will that be enough? Take a look into my mind for what I like to consider "The Perfect Specimen" Original posting can be found at https://www.webnovel.com/book/11219113306294805/The-Perfect-Specimen ------------------------------------------------ It's my first novel and I am writing here to just get some feedback. Please don't hold back and give me everything you got. I'll take mindless rants and very constructive good criticism. I just appreciate the fact that you took the time to read and review if you did! Further update. This novel is now on pause. I have been taking everything in from the experience of writing this novel, both positive and negative feedback. I will revisit this novel in the future after I get a more concise picture of what direction to take it in. In the meantime, I am going to be writing another novel on my own time and after I finish it, I will begin the daily upload process. After I finish, I will come back and revise this story on my own time and re-post it after fixing everything I want to fix. Thank you all so much for reading, I will be back with this and more stories in the future. Until then, be on the lookout for me! :)
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If you’re good at something, never do it for free. That’s what Ludgar’s uncle taught him. Sellswording isn’t the most glamorous life, but it pays well if you’re good at it. Interesting as well, if you ignore the very probable possibility of a swift, sticky end at the hands of pointy things. When the mercenary lifestyle grows incompatible with the Kingdom of Evandis, he and his merry band of misfits set off west to seek those with a better proclivity for warfare and with much deeper pockets. At his side: a wandering barbarian who teeters on the edge of savagery, a girl who would have a heart of gold if she didn’t pawn it off to the nearest fence, a wannabe knight who is absolutely overcompensating for something, and the last person in the universe who should be anywhere close to magic. But, as most mercenaries find, the right decisions are quite an expensive luxury, and the wrong ones happen to pay very well. Then again, what are the value of morals to a hungry wolf?
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Born into a cruel and bloodthirsty world, a young man seeks to avenge his family and find justice. Join him as he gains the strength to conquer kings and defy fate. - - - - - - Bloodline: Crappy Human bloodline (50%) Space King bloodline (50%) 'Did you really have to transmit that my human bloodline made me weaker??' 'Yep! I can't help myself. I see something weak, and I just have to point it out.' The cover art isn't mine. All credits go to the artist.
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|| BNHA Imagines ||
looking for some good fluffy, angsty, spicy stuff to read? well come on over, we've got it all! i do any character, male or female. have fun ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) i'm taking requests right now, so if you want one, please message me or go to the chapter that says: R E Q U E S T S (Part 2). that's where I'll accept recommendations from. any other chapter with the name requests is old. thank you
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Manly Lady ✓
Yán Gen is absolutely sure that he is a straight man, he loves women, gorgeous women with voluptuous figures. He often fantasize about them whether in his wake and sleeping state. He sometimes read an R18 wuxia books, his favorite plot is always about a man from modern world who transmigrated into a martial world and being the male lead that he is, became an overpowered lord or became an immortal, not to mention that he has a lot of goddess like women in his harem to bed.Ah... this kind of life, if only he could die and transmigrated into a martial world to become an overpowered lord. He will die happily.But heavens ah heavens... What did he do wrong?Is it because he died as a horny virgin man without knowing the taste of a woman that you're punishing him now?Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the very horny virgin man named Yan Gen has his dream shattered after being transmigrated into a body of a goddess like beauty of a 14 years old girl.He loves a beauty with all his heart, he could even offer his own life but being a beauty himself is absolutely NO!P.S: THIS IS MY ORIGINAL STORY!
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