《Twisted Wonderland x reader: We're All Mad Here》Prologue 0-3: School Time Refresher!
It was the next day. Y/n and Grim fell asleep once their heads hit the mattress, but their collapsing forms caused the mattress to fall through the bed frame. However, y/n did slept fine that night.
"Heeheehee... Don't you two have to be up to clean the school?" Skinny ghost chuckles, causing y/n to stir awake,"Wha...?" she mumbles as she sits up and rubs her one eye,"Unnnn... munyaaa... Five more minutes..." Grim mumbles in his sleep as he turns onto his other side.
"Oh, it's you guys again. Morning." y/n yawns as she stretches her arms above her head,"Morning kiddo." Chub tips his hat with a smile before floating over Grim with Jolly,"Laze about too long and you'll never wake up again." he says lowly,"Just like us! Eee heehee!" Jolly laughs.
Grim's eyes flutter open before he jumps onto all fours,"Ffgya!? It's those ghosts again! Hey you, wake up!!" he jumps into y/n's arms,"I'm already awake, dummy." y/n mumbles, still feeling drowsy.
"I hear you two live here now, hm? You're gonna get pranked. Kekeke!" Skinny cackles,"Shoot. We'll get rid of you eventually!" Grim declares while y/n tries to wipe the sleep from her eyes again.
Footsteps catches their attention before the door bursts open to reveal a beaming Crowley,"Good morning, you two. Did you sleep well?" he asks as y/n sits on the side of her bed,"Yes sir..." she says in a drowsy tone.
"I was all sprawled out then I fell out the bottom if the bed! Just how ramshackle did you let this place get?" Grim frowns with crossed arms, his tail swaying with annoyance,"Then the ghosts woke me up, this is the worst!"
"I mean, he's not wrong, sir. But, I did slept well after a while." y/n admits before noticing a plump plastic bag in Crowley's hand,"Quite tough of you despite finding yourself thrown into another world. Wonderful!" Crowley beams before placing the bag on the girl's lap. Y/n opens it slightly to see various clothes inside.
"I came to speak to you about your work for today. So please, get dressed and meet me downstairs." Crowley says before leaving the room. Grim yawns with a stretch before leaving the room as well. The ghosts were long gone already, leaving y/n the only left in the room.
She sighs before pouring the entire bundle of clothes onto her bed. She sorts through them and found she has extra underwears, which made her blush in embarrassment of course because, how the heck did they get her measurements. She has some sets of the same school uniform except it was modified for her. She has some extra civvies clothes as well and bathroom necessities.
She then does her bathroom business before heading downstairs to meet up with Crowley and Grim,"Ah, I'm pleased to see your uniform fits you. Splendid!" Crowley says with a pleased smile while y/n sweatdrops at him,"I'm sacred to ask about how you knew my measurements." she utters.
"Today, you are to clean the campus." Crowley chirps,"... But the campus is quite large. Cleaning every nook and cranny without magic would be impossible. So for today, I'd like you to clean the Main Street area from the main gate to the library. Understood?" he instructs while Grim looks as bored as his gourd.
"Understood sir." y/n nods as she picks Grim up,"Please keep a close eye on Grim so he doesn't cause a scene like yesterday." Crowley says sternly,"Er... I can try..." y/n smiles awkwardly as she knows Grim has a temper.
"I'm counting on you. You have permission to have lunch in the school cafeteria. All right then. Work enthusiastically." Crowley smiles before leaving. Y/n finally took notice of the necessary cleaning supplies Crowley has left for her and Grim.
"Tsk... No way I'm doing any cleaning." Grim clicks his tongue,"I wanna got to class and use a bunch of awesome spells, like, 'bang! Boom boom boom!'" he says with a child like eagerness,"You can do some self-study in the library after we're done with our cleaning. For now, let's head for campus." y/n chirps as she puts Grim down, who mutters something under his breath.
Y/n grabs her supplies before she and Grim leaves for Main Street, catching a few eyes here and there. Ten minutes of walking later, they've reached their destination. Before them stood seven strange statues that, for some reason, triggers something inside y/n,[Where have I seen these guys before?] she thought with a hum.
"Uwaaah~ Amazing. So this is Main Street." Grim says with amazement as he stares at his new surroundings with glimmering eyes while y/n goes up to a statue of a woman with horns,"I didn't get a good look yesterday, but what's with these statues? All seven of them look pretty scary." Grim admits.
"They look scary? I think they look pretty cool. Well... some of them." y/n admits as she doesn't tear her eyes away from the horned woman. Something about her and the other statues just... Triggers something in her memories. A fuzzy one at that.
"This granny looks especially snobby." Grim points to a statue of a rather large woman in a puffy dress holding a scepter. Y/n walks over to him to stare at the puffy woman,"You don't know about the Queen of Hearts?" a voice speaks up from behind them.
Y/n turns to see a boy with ginger hair, bright scarlet eyes and a unique red hear painted on his left eye,"Queen... of Hearts?" she whispers before feeling a dull pain in the back of her head. She rubs that area with confusion,"Queen of Hearts? Is she important?" Grim asks and y/n deadpans,[She's a queen, Grim. Of course she's important!]
"In the past, she was the queen who lived in the Rose Maze. She was someone who valued rules and discipline above all, strict in all things from the march of the Card Soldiers to the color of rose bushes."
"It was a land of madness where all submitted to her rule." the boy explains,"How come?" y/n asks and the boy grins at her,"Why, you ask? Because or else it was off with your head!" he exclaims and y/n gulps as she rubs her neck,"That's terrifying!" both she and Grim say.
"She's cool! I like her style." the boy admits,"Nobody would listen to a queen who's just nice all the time, right?" he says with a quirked brow,"That's not true..." y/n mumbles with pursed lips,"I suppose. A strong leader is better." Grim agrees with a smile, making y/n deadpan.
"Uh, excuse me. But, who are you?" y/n asks and the boy gives her a smile,"I'm Ace. A fresh-faced first year. Nice to meetcha." the boy, Ace, introduces himself and y/n smiles at him before shaking his hand,"I am Grim. A genius who'll become the greatest mage." Grim declares with a paw on his chest before pointing at y/n.
"The dimwit over here is y/n. She's my henchman." he adds and y/n nudges him with her foot,"Call us acquaintances. But yeah, names y/n l/n." she says with a smile that took Ace's breath away for a moment before he composes himself,"You've got an odd sounding name." he admits.
"Ya think so? Hehe, I think it's normal." y/n says with a light tone,"Hey, Ace. So is the lion over there with a scar also famous?" Grim asks as he trots over to the lion statue, the two humans following behind him,"Sc... Scar? Somehow that also sounds familiar. Dang it, where have I heard of all of them before?" y/n wracks through her brain, but no go unfortunately.
Ace raises a brow at her before looking up at the statue himself,"Of course!" Ace answers Grim,"This is the King of Beasts who rules the savannah. However, he was not born to be king, but he took the throne through effort and elaborate planning. After becoming king, he even invited the hyenas, the outcasts of the savannab, to live in his kingdom without discrimination." he explains.
"Wow, that's really amazing!" y/n says with glimmering eyes,[Yet... Something about that story doesn't sit well with me...] she thought in the back of her mind, her grip tightening around her broom.
"Ooh. He's as cool as rock 'n' roll for seeing past uh, social status, was it?" Grim says with amazement before moving to the middle statue between the Lion and Queen of Hearts,"Who's the lady with octopus legs next to him?"
This statue also triggers something in the back of y/n's mind,"The Sea Witch who lives in a cavern in the deep. She made it her life's work to help all the unfortunate merfolk." Ace began and y/n whispers slowly under her breath,"Poor... Unfortunate souls... Wait, what? Where'd that come from?"
"Apparently as long as you pay the price, she will fulfill any request, from changing your appearance to helping you find love, you name it. If it was within her power, there wasn't anything she wouldn't do. They say her prices were pretty high, though. Well, that makes sense since she can grant anything." Ace explains.
"Fair enough, I suppose." y/n shrugs as she leans against her broom,"Nyaaa ha! So what you're saying is that I can get rich if I become a great mage!?" Grim says with amazed eyes before running over to a statue of a man wearing a huge turban and is holding a staff in the shape of a cobra.
For some reason, y/n just couldn't bring herself to stare into the eyes of the snake staff. Something about it rubbing her the wrong way,"Then, what about this man in the big hat?" Grim points at the statue,"It's called a turban, bud." y/n says as she and Ace walk up behind him.
"The Sorcerer of the Sand. He was a cunning vizier to a foolish sultan and saw through the fake prince, that was actually a street rat trying to deceive the princess. Then he obtained a magic lamp and rose to become the most powerful sorcerer of all! With that power, they say, he became sultan." Ace explains while y/n hums with a tilt of her head and a hand on her chin,[Somehow, I got the feeling that came with a really big price.]
"Ho hoh! So it is important for mages to be an excellent judge of character!" Grim exclaims before moving to a statue on the right of a beautiful woman holding an apple that has a skull face,"Ooooh! This lady sure is beautiful!" he claims.
"She is the queen said to be the fairest in the land. Everyday she would check the 'beauty ranking' through her magic mirror. And when it looked like she might fall from the number one spot, she never hesitated to do anything to get it back." Ace explains and y/n gulps at this, feeling quite intimidated by this,[By that, does he mean... Anything?]
"I guess she had the strong will to remain the most beautiful in the world? So freaking amazing..." Ace says with pride,"They say she was even adept at making poisons." he adds and y/n sweatdrops,"She's pretty... but... no thanks..." Grim and y/n say simultaneously.
"You think? But it's cool that she has something she'll never give up." Ace claims,"S-Sure, that single-minded drive is pretty cool." Grim stammers a bit before quickly running over to what y/n can described is a man of Greek culture. Also, his hair is on fire.
"Over there, what's with the guy on fire? His very appearance is terrifying." Grim says with nervous eyes,[Somehow, this guy looks like he'll be a hoot at parties.] y/n thought,"He's the Lord of the Underworld! He rules a land crawling with evil spirits on his own. No doubt he is extremely skilled." Ace began.
"He may look scary, but he's a man of integrity who accomplished that detestable job forced onto him without ever taking a break. Cerberus, the Hydra, and even the Titans, all fought in battle following his orders." he explains and y/n whistles lowly,"Impressive." she nods and Ace grins at her,"Hhmm, hmmm. It's important to remain down to earth despite being capable at what you do." Grim hums before trotting over to the very last statue.
The one of the horned woman y/n couldn't tear her eyes away from,"And the last one, with the horns?" he asks and y/n stares straight into the woman's eyes,"That is the Fairy of Thorns from the Briar Valley. Noble and elegant, even within the seven she is top class in magic and curses! She can create storms by manipulating thunderclouds and cover an entire country in thorns. My point is, her magic is on a whole other level." Ace explains.
"There was even a time she transformed into a huge dragon!" he adds,"Say wha? That's so cool!" y/n exclaims with glimmering eyes,"Oooh! A dragon! All monsters look up to them!" Grim reveals.
"They're all so cool~" Ace says in a sing-song tone before giving Grim a mocking smile with a raised brow,"... Unlike a certain raccoon."
"Ffgna!" Grim snaps his eyes up to him while y/n's eyes widen at this,"Eh?" she voices when Ace starts cackling at them,"Pffft... Ahahahah! I can't bear it anymore! Ahahahah!" he laughs loudly.
"Hey, what's your damage dude!?" y/n glares at Ace,"Aren't you the guys who went crazy at the entrance ceremony?" Ace inhales before pointing at y/n,"You were summoned by the Dark Mirror even though you can't use magic, and you, monster..." he then points at Grim,"...weren't called, but still trespassed."
He then laces his hands behind his head,"Man, it took everything I had not to lose it at the ceremony." he huffs in amusement,"Wha!? You're a rude one!" Grim glares at Ace while y/n sends bad vibes to Ace,[Trip and fall on your stupid face... Trip and fall on your stupid face...]
"So in the end you weren't allowed to enroll here and now work as janitors? Haha, pathetic." Ace laughs mockingly,"What did you just say?" Grim growls,"I will break your jaw, bitch." y/n growls as well, but Ace doesn't take her seriously.
"On top of that, you don't even know about the Great Seven. How ignorant can you be?" Ace pokes y/n's forehead, who was very tempted to bite his finger off,"I recommend you go back to kindergarten before coming to Night Raven College." he suggests teasingly before laughing more.
Grim grumbles and grits his teeth from next to y/n as he lowers his front to the ground,"Look man, just buzz off, will ya? Why bother bullying us anyway?" y/n pushes Ace back,"I thought I'd just mess with you a bit, but you really blew my expectations away." Ace smirks as he ruffles y/n's hair before turning away, leaving a very displeased Grim and y/n behind himself.
"Unlike you two, I actually have classes to attend. Keep this school squeaky clean, janitors." he says before walking away,"This jerk! He's just gonna say that and leave! I'm pissed now!" Grim growls and y/n feels the hairs on her neck stand on end again,"Wait, Grim now-!"
"Fuunnaaaah!" Grim blows a fireball at Ace, who narrowly dodges it,"Hey! Watch out! What're you doing!" he yelps as he stares at Grim with wide eyes,"It's what you get for making fun of me! I'm gonna light up that fire-head of yours!" Grim threatens,"Fire-head, huh?" Ace mutters as he pulls out his magical pen. Y/n noticed everyone at school has them on their person.
"Heeee. You've really got guts picking a fight with me." Ace says with an annoyed expression,"You too. I'll turn you into a puffy, little toy-poodle!" he returns the threat,"Grim, stop already!" y/n scolds as she contemplates whether or not to wack the cat with her broom.
Unfortunately, Grim doesn't listen and attacks Ace again, who smirks at the incoming fireball,"Uh-oh, gotta watch out. Take that!" he shouts, using wind magic to deflect the attack in a different direction,"This guy is using magic to blow wind all over the place! It's making my flames dance around!" Grun grunts and y/n hears nearby voices.
"What's happening? A fight?"
"Yeah! Get 'em!"
"Hey, will ya shut up! You're making the situation worse!" y/n glares at the boy with animal ears as she points her broom at him,"U-Uh, yes ma'am..." the boy sweatdrops.
"Grim, if you don't stop imma wack your ass with my broom!" y/n threatens the furrball, who falters for a bit,"A flimsy little fire like that won't hit me." Ace continues to egg on the little monster,"What? Brace yourself! Eat this!" Grim blows a massive fireball at Ace, who smiles with confidence,"And I just change the trajectory with wind like... that!" he redirects the fireball away from himself.
Unfortunately, that causes the Queen of Hearts statue to go up in flames, leaving it charred afterwards,"Oh shiitake mushroom..." y/n feels her blood turn cold at this,"Aaaaaaaaaah! Crap! The Queen of Hearts' statue is charred!" Ace panics with dread,"It's because you're blowing the fire around! Just let me fry you!" Grim points rapidly at Ace.
"You really think someone is just gonna let you fry them?" Ace glares at Grim with annoyance before the both of them yelped when y/n wacks them with her broom,"I told you to stop, didn't I!? You idiots!!"
"Enough!!!" a dreadfully familiar voice shouts at the trio as Crowley stomps towards them,"Just what is going on here!?" he shouts as he glares at the quivering trio.
"Ack! Headmaster..." Ace whispers with fear,"He's gonna tie us up with the 'Lash of Love'! Get outta here!" Grim shouts before he and Ace tried to make a run for it, but Crowley immediately captured them with his whips,"Ooooww!" Ace screams,"Ffgyaaa! Two days in a row hurts!" Grim whimpers as y/n shakes her head at them.
"This is my Lash of Love! It'll be another hundred years before you can outrun me!" Crowley tells them,"I told you just yesterday to 'not cause any trouble', didn't I? Then you go and char a statue of the Great Seven! You seem very much eager to be expelled to me." he scolds,"Wait! Anything but that!" Ace pleads with a panicked tone.
"And you, this is not how you supervise Grim." Crowley turns to y/n with disappointed eyes,"In our defense, this guy straight up came to us and started to make fools of us. I tried to keep Grim under control, but the guy kept tormenting the poor critter, which lead to all of this." y/n explains and Crowley raises a brow at this before sighing.
"My goodness..." he shakes his head before turning to Ace,"You, what's your grade and name?" he asks and Ace looks like he regrets everything now,"Ace Trappola, first year." he reveals softly with his head down.
"Then, Trappola, Grim and y/n, as punishment, I order the three of you to wipe 100 windows around campus!" Crowley announces,"Nyaa!? It's all cause this joker was making fun of us!" Grim quickly says as he wiggles in his bindings,"Eeeh!? Me, too?" Ace states with disbelief,"Awe man..." y/n pouts.
"Most definitely! After school, meet in the cafeteria. Understood?" Crowley Stas sternly as he releases the two,"Fiiiine..." Ace sighs as he stands up,"Nothing but misery since yesterday!!" Grim whines,"Hey, it could've been worse." y/n chirps as Crowley walks away.
"How so?" the two ask with annoyance,"He could've given us bathroom duty." y/n grimace at the thought as the two before her shiver in disgust,"Yeah, you're right..."
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Long ago Wendigos settled in the cold north away from most other Beings. Their almost secretive nature often gives Beings the impression of deep spirituality. And then there is Yrsa. Flighty at best she lives in her deceased grandparent's RV in the middle of the desert. Taking up the job of a mail carrier she earns enough money to keep her lights on and not much else. When a fairy on her route causes her to crash it triggers a chain reaction leading up to her finding a purpose.
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The Curio Shoppe
Kellan Klein is an ordinary college student with an average, if traumatic and painful past. Everyone grows up grappling with depression and anxiety that seem to be genetic in a house with parents that, while loving, fight all the time and have weird ideas about what kids should and shouldn't do, right? Everyone deals with bullying, racism, judgement on their romantic inclinations and their family's economic status and just general shittiness, right? All of Kellan's friends sure did, and for all of them, entertaiment media were a welcome escape from their painful, dreary lives. After all, who wouldn't want to sail the seas with Monkey D. Luffy and the Strawhats, or help Meng Hao con increasingly powerful and influential people, or join Cecil Harvey and his friends on their weird journey to save the world, or make friends with Peter Parker while pretending to not know he was everyone's favorite wall-crawling superhero? Kellan certainly wanted to, and while he pursued college to seek out a career he saw himself enjoying, something felt inexplicably empty about his life. So when a decidely sinister force kidnaps him and the prettiest man he's ever seen saves his life and offers him his wildest dreams, Kellan becomes the shopkeeper of a mysterious, dimension hopping shop, complete with a system that helps him acquire items. abilities, materials, and other cool shit to stock it with, as well as some other neat perks. Will Kellan become a boring overpowered MC, like the kind from web fiction that he reads to sate his boredom? Will he keep his generally kind, sweet nature despite the shit he's gone through and will go through, or will he inexplicably become a scary, violent, irrational arrogant douchebag? Will he use his newfound abilities to explore the multiverse and improve the lives of himself and others, or will he become his own antithesis, a purely mercantile jerk obsessed with money and profit, with no concern for anything that doesn't help or hurt his business? Find out in The Curio Shoppe! Author's note: Please suggest possible setting he could visit in the comments. I'll gather ones i'm familiar with, and at the end of every arc, a poll will be held to decide the next location he visits. There will be polls for other purposes, and I might not always go with the poll winner if I feel one of the other options is more fun to read/write about. I will not use the settings of other RRL writers without their permission.Do not ask for that, unless the author in question gives permission. Most settings he visits will be slightly AU in some way or another, but please remind me if I drift too far from canon unintentionally or characterize a character wrongly. This work will eventually fit all tags I selected once he visits universes suited to those tags, so don't ask when or where a given tag is coming. I do not own the cover art, it belongs to Nicholas Belanger Thiel, and I will stop using it if he asks me to. Kellan doesn't look like the old man on the cover, though once he acquires a disguise-type ability he may occasionally use that appearance. The tapir, however, will be a thing, as despite looking like a failed attempt at an elephant, tapirs are cool and this dragon finds them to be kinda cute. The art, along with more of Nicholas's pieces, can be found at https://www.artstation.com/artwork/51bXz
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