《Twisted Wonderland x reader: We're All Mad Here》Prologue 0-4: Hundred Broken Windows!
Hours later after today's event, Grim and y/n sat in the empty cafeteria waiting on Ace,"I'm already beat from cleaning all day... Now we have to wipe a hundred windows, too..." Grim whines on the table that y/n is lying her head on, arms crossed under her chin.
"Tell me about it. The cleaning chemicals is making my skin so dry, I hate that feeling." y/n sighs,"Unfortunately, we've got no choice in the matter." she adds with a slight whine and pout.
"That Ace guy sure is taking his sweet time. Who does he think he is, making me wait! I'm pissed!" Grim grumbles with crosses arms as y/n stays quiet.
They waited for another hour or so before their patience, especially Grim's, wore thin,"...He's taking way too long!!" Grim shouts as he jumps onto his hind legs,"Wait, don't tell me he bailed out on us!" he asks as y/n sighs and stands up from her seat.
"Afraid so bud. Let's go find him." she says and Grim jumps onto her shoulder,"I'm not gonna let him get away with putting all the punishment on us! Let's go henchman! We're gonna catch Ace and make him do all the window wiping!" Grim shouts as he points at the exit,"Sure, sure..." y/n rolls her eyes before leaving to find Ace.
They searched classroom to classroom until coming to a stop at their tenth one,"Oraaaa! Where's Ace!? You'll pay for hiding!" Grim shouts as he jumps to the floor, frustrated with having no luck in finding the ginger.
"Um, Grim..." y/n taps his head and motions to the empty classroom,"... Ah, there's nobody here!?" Grim exclaims,"No, I'm here." a new voice states and the duo turns to a painting of a man with a pointy nose wearing a top hat and glasses.
"Ffgyaaaaaaa!!!/Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!" y/n and Grim hug each other in fright,"The picture talked!!" the yell as their body quivers at the impossible happening before them,"What now? Talking portraits are no a rare sight in this school, no? Everybody here can speak, including the Lady on the wall over there, and the Gentleman on the wall over here." the painting states,"Portraits have mouths, so of course we can talk. Isn't that normal?"
"Oh, I see... Sorry about that sir. Normally where I'm from, paintings don't talk." y/n says as she puts Grim down,"Your definition of 'normal' and my definition of 'normal' are different. It's all about respecting each other's individualities. Am I wrong?" the painting says,"No, sir. I guess not." y/n quirks a smile.
"That aside, who are you looking for?" the painting asks,"A guy named Ace. He's got a heart mark on his face and hair that sticks up." Grim tells him,"Ah yes, I know him. He's one of the freshman who started today. He went back to his dorm not too long ago..." the painting reveals.
"Whaaahaaat! So he did try to get away! Which way did he go?" Grim asks as his fur bristles a bit with anger,"The entryways leading to the dormitories are in the inner part of the East Wing." the portrait reveals and Grim spares y/n a glance,"Hey! We're going after him." he states before leaving,"Thank you for your help sir!" y/n gives the portrait a smile before running after Grim.
"No way I'm wiping a hundred windows. Gonna head on home..." Ace yawns with hands laced behind his head,"There he is!" y/n points at Ace once she and Grim spots him,"Heeeeeeeey yoooooooouuuuu!!," Grim charges at Ace with a scowl, causing Ace to jump in surprise at the sight of them.
"Ack!! They found me!" he panics before running off,"Jeeeerk!! Hold up!! I won't let you be the only one to escape!" Grim screams,"Did you really think I'd stop just because you told me to? I'm outta here!" Ace yells,"It's not fair for only you to get out of it! I want to skip out too!" Grim whines,"Ya little rat!" y/n scowls at the monster before spotting a blue haired boy in the distance.
"Huh?" the boy stares at them with confusion,"Outta my way! Outta my way!" Ace shoves him to the side,"Eh... oo-ooh!?" the boy yelps as he's shoved to the side,"Hey! Catch that guy please! He's trying to skip out on cleaning!" y/n shouts at the blue haired male.
"Magic to capture someone!? I should freeze their legs, no, how about restrain them? Or I could... Uummm..." the boy mumbles to himself as y/n stops next to him, Grim still chasing after Ace,"Look dude, anything will do! Just hit him hard before he gets away!" y/n pants with her hands resting on her knees,"What she said!" Grim shouts back.
"Anything!? Any... thing... Eeeiii!" the boy quickly whips out his magic pen and points it at Ace,"Anything is fine, so come on! Something heavy!" he shouts and next thing Ace knew, a giant cauldron pot lands on top of him,"Gueeeeh! What the heck!? A pot?" he groans as he rubs his head before trying to push the pot off of himself.
"Gyahahaha! Check it out! Ace is as flat as a pancake under that cauldron! Pathetic!" Grim cackles as he rolls on his back while holding his tummy,"Yikes, that's gonna hurt in the morning." y/n grimace before walking over to Ace's trapped form.
"I didn't think I'd get a cauldron. Did I overdo it?" the blue boy mutters, but y/n gives him a thumbs up,"Nope! You were a lot of help catching this guy! Thanks for that!" she gives him her winning grin, causing the boy to become flustered,"O-Oh... It was nothing!" he stammers.
Y/n then helps Ace to roll the cauldron off of his form before he sat up in a crisscross position and rubs his back,"Man, this hurts... Couldn't you just have left me alone and wiped those 100 windows clean in a flash for me?" he pouts up at the girl, who gives him an unimpressed look with a raised brow and crossed arms,"You really think wiping a hundred windows is easy? Don't give me that bullshit. Besides, these are direct order from the Headmaster himself." she scolds.
"Wiping 100 windows as punishment... What in the world did you all do?" the blue boy asks as he approaches them,"Just so you know, I wasn't evolved with this. I tried to stop these two actually." y/n points to Ace and Grim. The boy looks at Ace for an explanation.
"I got into a bit with the furball, and we might have charred the Queen of Hearts' statue a bit." Ace confesses,"You damaged one of the Great Seven statues!? Of course you'd get into trouble for that." blue boy says with a flabbergasted tones before placing a hand on his head,"You get into a prestigious school then do something like that on the first day..." he shakes his head.
"...Shuddup. And who are you?" Ace gets back on his feet,"Oh yeah, we didn't catch your name. Sorry for not asking." y/n rubs the back of her head sheepishly,"I'm Deuce. Deuce Spade. Would it hurt you to remember your classmates' faces at least? Ummm..." Deuce trails off, trying to recall Ace's name.
This made the trio before him sweatdrop,"You don't remember me either." Ace comments,"The irony of it all." y/n adds, causing Deuce to become flustered,"M-my point is! If the Headmaster ordered you to do something, then you better take it seriously." he lectures.
"Yeah, yeah. I hear you... Then let's it done and over with." Ace sighs as he laces his hands behind his head before taking notice of something and y/n did as well,"Hmm?" he hums.
"... Hold up... Grim has been awfully quiet this entire time." y/n purses her lips before she and Ace study the room around them, hoping to spot a certain monster. Unfortunately, they didn't.
"Ah! That furball's gone!" they realize before running to the nearest window. Low and behold, there's Grin walking down Main Street with a smug grin,"He heh! I leave it to you all! Bye-bye!" he looks up at them with a wave of his tail before trotting off.
"Dumb cat! He made me take his place!" Ace fumes while y/n grips her hair tightly,"Once I get my hands on him, I'm gonna turn him into a fur handbag!" she screeches before Ace turns to Deuce,"Hey! Umm, Juice?" he calls out with uncertainty,"I'm not Juice. Deuce! Deu!" Deuce corrects him.
"You're partly responsible so help us catch that furball!" Ace asks,"Why me?" Deuce asks and Ace points a thumb at y/n,"This deadweight can't use magic so they don't count! Let's go!" he runs off as y/n, once again, sends bad vibes his way,[Trip and fall... Trip and fall... Trip and fall...]
"By the way, I'm y/n. Nice to meet you Deuce." y/n gives the male a nod,"U-Uh, a pleasure!" Deuce stammers a bit before they both run after Ace,"Excuse us!" Deuce shouts as they pass some students and y/n almost ran into a tall male with literal fiery blue hair,"Sorry!" she says with a slight bow, unintentionally flustering the poor guy.
"Ack! He's getting away! Wait up guys!" y/n shouts as she runs after the two boys. The boy she left behind felt his knees go weak at the sudden human interaction, and with a girl no less,"A girl... talked to me... A girl... talked..." he fainted after that,"Brother? Brother!" another voice calls out to him.
Meanwhile, the trio chased Grim practically around the entire campus building before ending up in the cafeteria,"Crap! He's darting around everywhere!" Ace grunts as he tries to catch Grim, but said monster onto his head before leaping onto the giant chandelier,"Hehehehe! Catch me if you can, suckers!" he cackles,"Grim, get down from there!" y/n shouts with slight worry.
"Kuh, getting on the chandelier is an underhanded move! We haven't learned the magic to fly yet..." Deuce glares at the monster,"Is there any magic we can use to trap or capture him..." Deuce began to mutter to himself,"Ah, I've got it!" he snaps his fingers before pulling his magic pen out and points it at Ace.
"Ace, give me boost! I think I can reach him like that." y/n says and Ace nods,"Okay." he says before squatting and lacing his fingers together, but he immediately jumps back up when he notices Deuce pointing his magic pen at him,"Whoa, whoa, wait a sec! Why are you pointing your magical pen at me!?"
"I'll just throw you!" Deuce reveals with a straight face,"Eeeeeh!? That's the worst idea yet!" y/n says bluntly,"I agree with her! You're joking, right!?" Ace gives a nervous smile before Deuce castes a spell on him that made his start floating,"Wooaaaahaa! Don't make me float!" Ace glares at the other male,"You're really going to throw me!? Knock it off!"
Unfortunately for him, Deuce ignores his words,"Catch him, ya hear. Take aim..." Deuce pulls his pen back a bit before flinging it forward,"Fire!" he flings Ace across the room and over the chandelier,"Wait, how is he gonna land!?" y/n panics with dread.
"Gyeeuuuhh hhhaaaaaa!!" Ace screams as he's hurled at Grim,"Ffnnghaaaaaa!" Grim yelps as his entire body of fur bristles up before being snatched up by Ace. They then both land on the ground harshly, but unfortunately, their little stunt caused the chandelier to swing violently before snapping and crashing to the ground into pieces.
Deuce shielded y/n from any stray debris before looking at the damaged they have caused,"Oh shiitake mushroom, the chandelier..." y/n whispers as her blood runs cold while Ace coughs up some dust,"I can't believe you!" he glares at Deuce.
"Ffnyaaaaa..." Grim groans as his eyes became swirls. Y/n sighs before picking the little critter up gently and cradles him like a baby,"I-I screwed up! I didn't think about the landing!" Deuce admits with dread as he bites on his gloved fingernails while Ace stomps up to him,"Are you... AN IDIOOOOOOOTTT!?" he shakes Deuce by his shirt collar,"We caught Grim, but if the Headmaster finds out we busted the chandelier-"
"If I... Find out?" a dreadfully familiar voice spoke up behind the group, who all shakingly turn to see Crowley there with crossed arms and a real pissed off expression,"Ah... Headmaster..." Ace starts to sweat bullets while y/n prepares herself for a long lecture and an even worse punishment.
"Just~ What~ Exactly~ ARE YOU ALL DOING?????" Crowley raises his voice to display his anger and displeasure,"Ffnyaa~ The room is spinning..." Grim slurs a bit, but y/n covers his mouth quickly,"You weren't satisfied with just damaging the statue so you decided to destroy the chandelier!? This is the last straw. I will have all of you expelled!" Crowley roars.
"Eeeeeeehhhhh!!" Deuce, Ace and y/n voices their horror and shock,"Please! Anything but that! I have things I have to do at this school!" Deuce pleads,"You have nothing to blame but your own idiocy..." Crowley spat and y/n feels guilty,"Sorry Deuce, it's my fault you're getting into trouble now... I roped you into our mess..." she utters, but Deuce pats her shoulder,"It's not your fault. I was the one who willingly came along." he gives her a brief smile before looking at Crowley again.
"I will pay for all the damages if I have to!" he exclaims,"This is no normal chandelier. This is a magical chandelier that runs on magic and lights candles that will burn for eternity. It is a masterpiece we commissioned the legendary Meister of Magical Tools to make." Crowley explains.
"It's a treasured legacy that has been around the school's very foundation..." he places a hand on his chin,"Taking into consideration its historical value, it would cost no less than a billion Madol. Can you pay for those damages?" he gives Deuce a pointed look.
"A b-billion Madol!?" Deuce exclaims with shock,"That's a lot of muns!" y/n chokes on her spit,"But Teacher, can't you just fix it up with magic..." Ace asks as y/n nods rapidly,"Magic is not all-powerful. Moreover, the magic crystal, which we call the heart of any magical tool, was shattered." Crowley points to said shattered crystal.
"No two magic crystals are the same. The chandelier will never be lit again." je frowns sadly,"How can that..." Ace's body shook with dread,"Crap... What am I doing... What am I going to tell Mom..." Deuce grips his hair,"... I'm going to be thrown into street..." y/n sniffs with worry and dread. Crowley gives them a once-over before coming up with an idea.
"... I know. There's on wag. There might be one way to fix the chandelier." he reveals, catching the group's attention,"What!?" they yelp with hope filled eyes,"The magic crystal for this chandelier was mined in the Dwarf's Mine. If we have a magic crystal of the same kind as the original, then repair might be possible." Crowley explains.
"I will go find a magic crystal! Please, allow me to go!" Deuce pleads,"Me too! I'll help out as much as possible!" y/n chirps in with determined eyes,"However, I have no guarantee that there are any left in the mine. The mine has been closed for a while and it's very possible it is exhausted of crystals." Crowley tells them.
"I'll do anything to get our repulsion rescinded!" Deuce claims determinedly with a hand on his chest,"... Very well. I shall give you one night. Come to me with a magic crystal by tomorrow morning, or face expulsion." Crowley holds up a finger,"Yes! Thank you very much!" Deuce smiles with relief before he and y/n high-fived.
"Oh boy, fine. Let's go get that magic crystal and be done with it." Ace sighs,"Use the Gate in the Mirror Chamber to go directly to Dwarf's Mine." Crowley tells the group as they made their way to leave,"Yes, sir!" Deuce nods before they all left.
"Ha! What now...? What exactly did I..." Grim finally came to as he looks around with confusion,"You're so lucky your ass was saved by the Headmaster. Otherwise, you would've made a nice handbag." y/n gives the monster a glare that sends shivers down his spin, but then he relaxes when y/n rubs his head,"I'm just relieved you didn't suffer any serious injuries. Be more careful, dummy." y/n adds and Grim looks up at her with doey eyes.
The group soon made it to the Mirror Chamber and stood before the Dark Mirror,"Oh man... Why did it turn into something like this? Today is really not my day..." Ace whines,"Now isn't the time for mumbling! Let's go!" Deuce scolds before standing in front of the mirror,"O Dark Mirror! Light our way to Dwarf's Mine!" he says and the mirror starts to ripple like water before the group are blinded by a white light.
When y/n fluttered her eyes open, she and the others found themselves in a dark forest,"So this is Dwarf's Mine... It used to be prosperous, thanks to magic crystal mining but..." Deuce trails off,"Uuuuhh... Feels like something could jump out..." Grim quivers as his ears flatten against his head, but calm down a bit when y/n pets his head.
"Oh, there's a house back there. Let's go ask them about the mine." Ace points to a small cottage that's been damaged with age. But, strangely enough, the little cottage causes a dull pain in the back of y/n's head,"Ow...?" she rubs the back of her head.
"You alright y/n?" Deuce asks with worry as Grim gives the girl a glance,"I'm fine. Just a little headache, is all. It'll go away, don't worry." y/n reassures him with a smile before following after Ace,"Do you really think she's alright?" Deuce asks Grim,"I think so. She's a thought girl, she'll be fine." Grim says with confidence before they both follow after their allies.
Deuce knocks on the door,"Good evening..." there was no answer,"I guess it's abandoned..." he says before opening the door to reveal a messy home full of dust, cobwebs and overturned furnitures,"It's a mess in here." he comments as they enter the little home.
"Puwah! I got spiderweb in my face... Peh! Peh!" Grim spits out as he rubs the spiderweb off of himself with a little help from y/n,"Aren't the tables and chairs on the small side? Are they for kids?" Ace questions as he squats near the furniture and counts the chairs,"One, two... There's seven! So many!"
"Mama bear must've been busy, huh?" y/n jokes with a chuckle and Ace grins at her with his own chuckle,"This was probably a lively home when Dwarf's Mine was thriving." Deuce smiles briefly as he studies the new environment.
Ace sighs as he gets back up,"Staying here is pointless. The coal mine is probably our best shot at finding a magic crystal. For now, let's go check it out." he says and they leave for the mine, which is found nearby.
"W-We're gonna go in that pitch black hole!?" Grim quivers,"Ya scared? How lame." Ace mocks before flinching when y/n jabs his side,"Naaanh!? I'm not s-scared at all!" Grim claims despite his obvious tremor of fear as he walks in front of the group,"I'm taking the lead! You guys, follow me!" he marches forward, his flaming wars ears lighting the way.
To say the least, y/n was in awe at the amount of crystals in the cave, all non-magical of course,"It's all so beautiful..." she breathes out and Ace couldn't help but take a glance at her expression before looking away with pink cheeks.
Yeah, he finds the girl cute. Sue him.
"Wait!" Deuce stops the group as he goes on the alert,"What." Ace gives him an annoyed look,"Something... Is there!" Deuce claims, causing Grim to cling onto y/n's leg,"Eeek!?"
That's when they hear ominous voice;
"Heeee hee her! Our first visitor in ten years!"
"Make yourselves at home. For eternity!"
Great, more ghosts...
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