《Twisted Wonderland x reader: We're All Mad Here》Prologue 0-2: Bewildering Amnesia!
Y/n and Crowley searched books through books, but both of them came up empty handed,"There really isn't anything." Crowley utters as he shuts a book while y/n groans,"Nothing on my part too." she admits as she puts a book away.
"Not only the world map, but the name of your home isn't written in any history." Crowley states before standing in front of the shorter girl and leans down close to her face,"Are you truly from where you say? You aren't lying to me by chance?" he interrogates and y/n backs up,"No, absolutely not!" she quickly says.
"Looking at all this, you may have somehow been brought here from another planet..." Crowley hums,"Or another world due to some sort of mix up." he adds as he stands straight back up.
"With all due respect, that sounds ridiculous, but not impossible." y/n says bluntly,"What did you have on you when you came here? Do you happen to have anything that can varify your identity, like a driver's license for a magic car, or a slipper...? You appear to be empty handed." Crowley asks and y/n pats her pockets before feeding something small on her right hip and sometimes heavy on her left hip.
[My gun and mp3? Hm, well Crowley would likely be alarmed by a weapon, so only my mp3 would do.] she thought and pulls out her mp3,"I have this, my mp3 player. Will this help?" she says and hands the device to Crowley, who hums and studies the small device from all angles,"Afraid not, I've never seen something like this before." he admits as he hands the device back to its owner.
"This is concerning." he frowns,"I can't just let someone, let alone a lady, who can't use magic to stay at an all-boys school. However, as an educator, I can't just toss a penniless teenager who has no means of contacting their guardians out on the street. For I am gracious." he mutters to himself.
"Hmmmm... I know!" he snaps his fingers with a smile,"There is an unused building on campus. It was once used as a dormitory in the past so if you can clean it up, you should at least be able to sleep there. For the time being, I shall allow you to stay there!" he announces and y/n gives him a look of doubt,[Why do I get the feeling it's a shack?]
"Then I will look for a way for you to return home." Crowley adds before looking proud of himself,"My graciousness is limitless! I am a model for all educators." he boasts and y/n sweatdrops at the man's ego.
"We had better be on our way. Let's head to the dormitory. It may be a bit old, but there is a certain charm to it." he says as he holds out a hand for y/n to take before guiding her to her temporary home.
"A certain charm, huh?" y/n deadpans at the sight of a rickety old building that's barely standing on its last beams. What's worse is that it's dark and it's most likely a haunted house,"Right, right. Please come inside." Crowley ushers the girl into the house, who immediately grimaces at what's before her.
Old furniture either broken, dusty or turned on their sides. Wallpapers peeling from the wall due to rain and or old age. Painting either having fallen to the ground or are tilted askew. In short... It's a hot mess in here.
"Oh shiitake mushroom." y/n sighs,"Staying here will at least keep you out of the rain. I'm going back to do more research. Make yourself at home." Crowley pats her shoulder before turning and leaving,"Don't go wandering around the school! Goodbye!" he closes the door behind himself as he left, leaving a raining dust in his wake.
Y/n sighs before letting out a small sneeze,"Geez, I know this place is abandoned or whatever, but would it kill someone to keep it clean once and awhile? I could make a dust-castle outta this!" she grumbles before taking her robe off and folds it up before placing it on the coffee table.
"Time to get to cleaning, I suppose." she mumbles before walking down a hallway with her targets in mind. Luckily, there was a cleaning closet nearby with all of the necessities in it, although a bit withered from age.
Y/n grins as she rolls up her sleeves,"Let's go kick some dust bunny asses!" she grabs the supplies and begins her number one mission.
Clean up this shack of a home.
Hours later, y/n had managed to clean the entire front entrance, an upstairs bedroom and managed to get the lights working again before collapsing on a freshly cleaned couch. The pitter patter of the rain outside soothes her being as she let's out a relieved sigh,"Huh, when did it start raining...?" she mutters with exhaustion.
"Hyiii! It's really coming down!" a familiar voice squeals and y/n whips her head in the direction of the entrance. There Grim had slipped in by the door and shook his fur dry,"It's you again!" she jumps to her feet with a baffled expression.
"Gyahaha! You've got this stupid look on your face like a bat being attacked by a water gun!" Grim laughs at y/n's reaction,"How the heck are you back here!?" y/n asks as Grim trots towards her,"Sneaking back into school again is easy-peasy for me. No sweat." he says smugly.
"You literally got thrown out." y/n points out,"If you think getting thrown out is gonna make me give up on getting in, you've got another thing coming!" Grim points a paw at her with a smirk.
"Chill man, why do you even want to get into this school?" y/n asks with a raised brow as she kneels in front of Grim,"That's simple! I'm a genius who is destined to be a great mage! I've been waiting for the Ebony Carriage to pick me up!" Grim explains with a paw in his chest before his ears began to droop,"But... but..."
Y/n began to feel bad for the little guy and give him a small pat on the head,"Hmph! The Dark Mirror just doesn't have an eye for this." Grim gestures to himself making y/n's shoulders shake in amusement.
"So that's why I came here on my own. Not letting me in would be a loss for the world. Humans just don't get it." Grim grins,"Sure..." y/n nods absently before a droplet of water drips on Grim's head, causing him to jump,"Nyaa! So cold! The roof is leaking!" he yelps as he gets out from under the leakage.
Unfortunately, another droplet from a different leakage got the drop on him,"Fgyaa! It keeps coming! My adorable ear fire is gonna go out at this rate!" he cries out as he jumps around to avoid the rapidly dripping water.
Y/n grabs her bucket she used to clean the windows with and puts it under the leakage, but sighs when she spots more,"I'm gonna need more buckets." she states with hands on her hips while Grim crawls under, her still folded, robe.
"Magic should fix this leak up real quick." Grim tells her,"Dude, I can't use magic!" y/n reveals,"... Oh right, you can't use magic? Pfft! You're useless!" Grim snickers and y/n frowns,"Why you little... Then help me if you're such a genius!" she spat with annoyance.
"Huh? Help you? No waaay! I'm just some random monster staying in a rainy place." Grim waves her off and y/n deadpans at him,[Just admit you don't know how to fix it man. It's not that hard.] she thought before Grim points a paw at her,"You better get a can of tuna ready before I do any work." he bargains and y/n just gives up on him.
She then jumps when more leaks appear,"Better find those buckets quickly. Otherwise my only shelter will be flooded at this rate." she mutters before leaving for the hallway. Though this time, the deeper she went down the hallway, the chiller the air seems to get. As if eyes were boring holes into her very being.
The wood creaks under her weight as she slowly makes her way to the cleaning supply closet, it being further from her than normal,"Ooh, I don't like this." she whimpers quietly before whipped around when she hears a 'thunk' behind her,"What was that!?" she yelps before rubbing her arms.
She shivers when she feels a presence behind her. She slowly turns around and her eyes widen with terror at the sight before her.
There were three ghosts floating before her,"Santa mierda!" she curses as she jumps back while the ghosts began to laugh as they starts to circle her,"We haven't had a guest in such a long..." a skinny ghost says.
"I'm itching for some action." the biggest ghost laughs cruelly,"Kyaaaaaaaa!!" y/n screams as they start to zip by her form, causing her to shield her face and curl into herself a bit,"What are you freaking out..." Grim comes around the corner, but freezes at the sight of ghosts before him,"Gyaaaaaaa!!!! G-g-g-ghooooooooootts!!!" he yowls in fright.
"The people living here got scared of us and left." a medium sized ghost says,"We've been looking for more ghost pals. How about you guys?" the jolly one says frighteningly,"No way in hell, damn it!" y/n growls with a glare as she grabs a stray rubble and chucks it at the ghost, but it obviously passes through him,"... Right... Ghosts... Dang it."
"Grim the Great Magician isn't scared of some ghosts!!!" Grim declares before blowing fireballs at the ghosts, but he missed by a mile,"Where are you aiming?" Skinny mocks with a smirk while the Jolly one waves his arms up and down,"Over here, over here!" he laughs.
"Shoot! Stop disappearing!" Grim shouts as the ghosts circles them from above while y/n grabs some torn curtains and bats the stray fire out. Grim shoots more fireballs at them, though took notice of something.
"Are you seriously aiming at them with your eyes closed!? You're gonna burn our only place of shelter to the ground!" she screeches at him,"Shut up! Don't try to give me orders!" Grim scowls at her and y/n gets an idea,"If you win, I'll get you a can of tuna and you might win the headmaster's favor if you drive them ghosts away." she bargains with a grin.
Grim's eyes widen at this,"Wah...!? Mmmgmm, I-I'm a genius. I can take care of all of them by myself..." he falters before the ghosts closes in on them,"Bunch of cowards ganging up on us!" he screams.
"Cool, now don't burn me, the one who can get your precious tuna." y/n spat as she stood behind Grim with the ghosts circling them,"Hey, you! Tell me where the ghosts are!" Grim tells her and y/n grins at him,"Ya got it! On your left!" she shouts and Grim fires to the left, hitting the Skinny ghost.
"Hotttt!" he panics as he pats the fire out quickly,"I hit it! Alright, let's chase them all outta here!" Grim cheers and y/n fistbumps the air,"Awe yeah!"
"To your right!"
"Above us!"
"Grim, your left! No, your other left!"
"There's only one left!"
"I was trying to sound cool!"
"You failed then!"
"Behind us!"
Finally, after long minutes of fighting off ghosts,"Fugnaaaaaa~!!!" Grim fires one more fireball at the wailing ghosts,"Hee-heeeeeee! We're gonners! Run away~!!" the ghosts scream before fleeing in various directions of the house.
"E-Eh? We... won?" Grim says with surprise before y/n kneels before him,"That was amazing Grim! Thanks buddy!" she praises with a grin,"Ha-hee... That was sc... No, I wasn't sacred at all! This is nothing for the Great Grim! How 'bout that, ghosts? You done?" Grim quickly corrects himself with a brave facade that just made y/n smile,"All hail the Great Grim!" she jokes with a giggle while Grim looks so proud of himself.
Footsteps cuts off their little moment of victory and the culprit, is of course, Crowley,"Good evening. I have graciously brought you supper." he says with a round tray in hand covered by a lid in order to keep the food warm.
The older man stops in his track at the sight of Grim,"You're the monster that ran amuck during the entrance ceremony! I threw you out of the school. What are you doing here!?" he demands to know while y/n quickly stood up.
"Sir, it's okay! Grim actually helped me with a little... Uh, problem." she says sheepishly,"Hmph! I exterminated the ghost problem! Be grateful!" Grim huffs with crossed arms, sporting his signature haughty smirk.
Crowley sports a perplexed expression,"Hmm? What do you mean by that?" he asks as he puts the tray of food on a nearby table,"Well, you see sir, the thing is..."
Y/n then proceeds to tell Crowley of the three ghosts and how she and Grim fought them off together. It seems her explanation has triggered a memory within Crowley,"Now that you mention it, there were some prankster ghosts living here so students keep away from this dormitory, and that's why it is now empty. I'd forgotten that. However, hmmm..." he hums in thought, hand pinching his chin.
"I never expected you two to work together to get rid of them." he stares at the monster and human duo with thoughtful eyes,"I'm not gonna overlook that 'together' comment. She was just standing there watching. And I did this for a can of tuna." Grim claims before pointing an accusing paw at y/n,"Ah! I haven't forgotten that tune yet!"
"Why you little rat!" y/n growls at Grim with a scowling glare,"I helped you because your aiming was way off! Who fires fireballs with their eyes closed!?" she scolds, exposing Grim and causing the little monster to falter a bit.
"I'd like the two of you to show me how you exterminated those ghosts." Crowley requests, stopping the two's bickering,"But, we've already gotten rid of all the ghosts! Before that..." Grim turns to y/n again,"Give. Me. Tuna!" he demands with a smack of his paw for each word,"I'll give you your damn tuna when I get a can! Chill out, will ya!?" y/n frowns with hands on her hips.
"I shall be the ghost." Crowley announces,"Say what now?" y/n raises a brow,"If you beat me, I'll give you tuna cans. For I am gracious." Crowley bargains before taking out a seethrough bottle with some milky white liquid inside,"Transformation Potion!" he then proceeds to pops open the cord and downs the entire content in one swift gulp.
There was a bright flash of light and when the duo opens their eyes, they see Crowley has turned into a ghost,"Eeeeeh, I don't wanna. This is a pain and I have to team up with her again..." Grim whines while y/n circles Crowley to take in his new form,"So cool..." she whispers before looking down at Grim,"Grim, bud, this could be your chance to get into this school!" she tells the little monster.
"Grrnuu..." Grim grumbles before giving in,"This is the last time! You absolutely, absolutely have to give me my can of tuna!!!" he tells the two people before him. With those final words, the two began to fight off Crowley, but he was definitely faster than the other three ghosts.
"To your right!"
"In front!"
"He's zipping everywhere!!"
"Just focus! Left!"
An hour later, the potion finally wore off and Grim pants with exhaustion while y/n pays his head softly,"Hee-haaa... How 'bout that!" Grim wheezes,"I can't believe... there is a person who can command monsters." Crowley says with astonishment as y/n stood back up,"Huh?"
"To be honest with you, my intuition as an educator has been telling me that you have talent as a trainer or beast tamer since the uproar during the entrance ceremony." Crowley claims as he holds y/n's shoulders,"But... No matter how..." he starts to mutter to himself as he pulls away from the young girl.
"Uh, sir, would you allow Grim to stay with me and attend your school?" y/n asks quietly and Crowley is surprised by her request,"What now? A monster?" he eyes Grim, who has glimmering eyes,"You..." he stares at y/n with gratitude.
At this, y/n clasps her hands together with puppy dog eyes,"Oh please, oh gracious one! Let Grim stay and help me fend off the ghosts! I'm scared they're gonna come back." she says dramatically as sparkles practically surrounds her being.
Crowley sweatdrops at this as he stares at her puppy eyes,"... Hah... It can't be helped. Very well." he gives in,"Hnn!? Really!?" Grim smiles broadly as y/n grins at this,"However."
Ah, there's always a 'However'.
"I can't simply allow someone, let alone a monster, who wasn't chosen by the Dark Mirror into this school." Crowley explains before pointing at y/n,"Also, I can't let you be a freeloader here until you return to your own world."
"Well...talk about short-lived joy..." Grim pouts with his ears down while y/n shrugs,"Tell me about it." she sighs.
"Let me finish." Crowley catches their attention,"Concerning the fact that your soul was called here, the school has to take responsibility as the ones in possession of the Dark Mirror." he tells y/n,"For the times being, you shall be permitted to stay in this dormitory for free. But, other necessities you will have to provide for yourself." he adds and y/n nods.
[That's not much different from my previous lifestyle.] she thought,"Seeing as you have nothing to your name... Fufu, here is my proposition." Crowley chuckles lowly,"And that will be?" y/n crosses her arms with a raised brow.
"No need to fret, I'll have you do maintenance and odd jobs around campus. From what I can see you're pretty decent at cleaning." Crowley reveals and y/n perks up at this,[Oh, guess it isn't that bad. I always had to do maintenance work myself in order to save money.] she thought calmly.
"Would you two like to become the 'handymen' of the school?" Crowley offers with a coy smile,"This way you will receive special permission to remain on school grounds. I shall also allow usage of the library for you to gather information on how to return to your world and for learning purposes. For I am gracious." he says humbly,"However!"
Ah, another 'However'.
"Only after your work is done." he says sternly,"Okay, I can do that." y/n shrugs with a smile,"Eeeh!? I'm not okay with that!" Grim exclaims before jumping to climb onto y/n's shoulder,"I wanna wear that fancy uniform and be a student!"
"It's fine if you're unsatisfied. I'll simply toss you out again." Crowley bluntly states,"Ffgnaa!? I get it! I just have to do it. Just do it!" Grim gives in and his ears flatten against his head,"Then we're both on board with this. We understand the condition sir." y/n smiles with hands on her hips.
"Wonderful. Then, you two, devote yourselves to working as janitors at Night Raven College starting tomorrow!" Crowley exclaims dramatically as he points at the duo.
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The people in this world lived in a few categories. At the top, there are the Winner, the riches, and the successful. While at the bottom, there is the Loser who has nothing. One day, the whole world heard a voice. [Foolish Human. The time has come.] The message came from a God that was dissatisfied with Humans. So, God changed the whole world, creating a new Continent on the sea. The New Continent, called Trial Ground, is full of monsters and Trials from God. The world falls into panic, but I don't care about that. I have no time to panic. Because it's a chance for me to rise up. It's a chance for us, the Losers, to change our lives. Why? Because I am the Loser. So, I will show the world that I, the Loser, is not someone that can be underestimated. [For the last time, entertain me, Humans!] My adventure to become the Winner begins with the last voice of God. 0-------------------------------------0 Disclaimer:The Cover is Commissioned from @just_dit Warning:English is not my first language, please forgive some small grammar mistakes. Comments about fixing the grammar mistake is appreciated! The pace of the first 30 chapters seems to be slow, please understand it! Also, it's for casual read, don't expect too much description in each scene :) This novel has been proofread by wonderful people: Reina, Lilith Arruelle, Swordater, and Ganoush Also uploaded on webnovel and scribblehub
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SUNRISE ༘ bakugo katsuki
𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝗱𝗶𝗱𝗻'𝘁 𝗲𝘅𝗶𝘀𝘁 𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗹 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗺𝗲𝘁 𝗵𝗶𝗺. fluff. male reader. ₁₀₋₃₀₋₂₀₂₁ ₜₒ ₁₁₋₁₉₋₂₀₂₁
8 99