《Twisted Wonderland x reader: We're All Mad Here》Prologue 0-1: The Stranger's Awakening
Y/n stirs awake when she hears something rattle in front of her,"The hell is that noise...? Is it morning already?" she mumbles tiredly, but becomes perplexed when she hears a high-pitched voice.
"Crap. People are coming. Gotta get a uniform while..." a grunts is heard as y/n feels something wooden in front of her,"Grrr!! The lid is too heavy." the voice sighs as y/n tries to find a way to open the lid,[I'm in that coffin, aren't I?] she thought as she remembers the horses and the carriage.
"Time for... my secret move! Guwaahuub~~~~There!" y/n yelps when the lid is suddenly blown off by blue flames,"The hell is with this fire!?" she backs up against the coffin,"Ok, OK. Gotta get... Whaaaaaaa!!!!" the voice screams and y/n looks down.
She's greeted by a very interesting creature. It was a cat-raccoon thing with blue flaming ears, blue eyes and a pitchfork tail. It's fur is gray all over except for the white patch on it's chest,"Why are you up!?" it, or actually he, screams with surprise.
Y/n studies her surroundings before looking down at the creature,"I'm in a room full of coffins and a raccoon is talking to me... Am I dreaming?" she mutters as she edges herself out of the coffin.
"Just who are you calling a raccoon!!!! I am the Great Grim!" the creature, Grim, places a paw in his fluffy chest,"Well, whatever. Hey, human! Hurry up and gimme those clothes!" he then demands as he points at y/n.
"Eh?" y/n raises a brow before looking down at herself. She's wearing a weird looking robe along with a uniform which was a bit small around the chest area,"Uh, but... I would be naked then." she points out awkwardly and Grim clicks his tongue,"Otherwise... I'll roast ya!" he threatens as a wall of blue flames appears behind him.
"No thank you! Someone, help me please!! A raccoon wants to roast me here!" y/n yelps as she high tails it outta there through the door,"I said I'm not a freaking raccoon!" Grim shouts as he runs after her.
Y/n ran down a hallway before making a right turn into a building. She looks into room and sees a classroom of some kind, but she didn't think to hide in there. Too obvious of a hiding place. She then ran out of the building and through a courtyard before running through another entrance.
She opens a set of double doors and is greeted by a library,"... Perf... Perfect..." she pants as she hastily enters the room and closes the doors behind her. She then goes behind a few bookshelves deep into the room and sits down against the case.
"Okay, this is one heck of a weird dream I'm having. Where even am I?" she mutters to herself as she secures the hood over her head more, it having fallen back a bit from her head,"Wait, am I even dreaming...?" she mumbles as she recalls horses and her walk to home, but it was all fuzzy to her. Besides, Grim's flames felt all too real with that kind of heat.
"Wah!" y/n yelps as she shoots up to her feet when she's surrounded by a ring of fire,"Did you really think you'd get away from my nose? Dumb human!" Grim spat with a victorious grin as appears from within the flames to stand before y/n,"Chill out, will ya!" y/n glares at the creature.
"If you don't wanna get roasted, better hand over-" Grim is cut off by a black rope wrapping around his body with a painful snap and he falls to the ground,"Buwah!? Ow! What's with this rope?" he struggles in it, making y/n hide a snort since he looks like a wiggly worm to her.
"This is no mere rope. It is a lash of love!" a male voice exclaims as a man with a crazy outfit came out from behind the bookcase. His face is concealed by a raven half-mask and the only thing that could be seen are two glowing golden dots for eyes. He also has pointy ears and short, wavy black hair.
His outfit is something else as well. It's a great coat slung over his suit with thick black feathers curling out from the blue-collar, while the tips of his coat are cut to resemble two bird wings. He sports black gloves with golden claw rings over each fingers.
"Ah, found you at last. Are you one of the new students?" the man asks after he picks Grim up and approaches y/n,"You shouldn't do things like that. Leaving the Gate on your own! Not only that, taking your untamed familiar with you to school is against regulations." he begins to scold.
[School? I'm in a school? But, I was about to go on vacation!] y/n mentally pouts,"Let me go! I'm not their freakin' familiar!" Grim wiggles in his binding, but the man waves him off"Sure, sure. The rebellious ones always say things like that. Just quiet down for a moment."
He then snaps his fingers and Grim's mouth instantly shuts itself,"My goodness. It's unprecedented for a new student to leave the Gate on their own. Uuuggh... How impatient can you be?" the man sighs with a shake of his head.
"The entrance ceremony is already well under way. Let's head to the Hall of Mirrors." he adds as he turns his back to y/n,"... Gate... New student...? Wha?" y/n whispers to herself, but the man heard her.
"It's the room you woke up in with all of the doors. All students admitted to this academy must pass through one of those doors to arrive here." he explains as he starts to head for the exit of the library, y/n following close behind.
"Normally, students wake up only after the door is opened with a special key, but..." he trails off and y/n perks up at this,"Ah, guess you mean the coffins. Yeah, mine got blown open by some fire." she reveals causing the man to stop and turn to face her before looking at Grim.
"So in the end, the culprit appears to be this familiar. If you're going to bring it with you, you have to take responsibility and properly take care of it." he lectures before looking at a clock about the library entrance,"... Oh my! Now isn't the time to be long winded. The entrance ceremony will soon come to a close. Let's get a move on."
"Hold up a sec! Just, who exactly are you sir and where am I?" y/n quickly asks and the man places a hand on his chin with a hum,"What's this? Are you still dazed? It appears the teleportation magic has left you disoriented... Well, no matter. It happens often enough." he waves it off.
"I shall give you an explanation as we make our way there. For I am gracious." he says humbly before he swiftly leaves the library,"Somehow, I feel like that's a load of bull." y/n sweatdrops behind scampering after the man.
They soon found themselves in the courtyard once more,"So, what is this place?" y/n asks once more,"Ahem. This is Night Raven College. Budding mages blessed with unprecedented talent gather from all over the world here at the most prestigious magical academy in Twisted Wonderland." the man starts off.
He then places a hand on his chest,"And I'm the board chairman-appointed headmaster in charge of looking after this college, Dire Crowley."
[Finally, a name to a face! I was about to call him Sir Birdbeak.] y/n thought with relief before realizing something,"Did you just say magic? As in, this is a magic school?" she inquires.
"Only those mages deemed worthy by the Dark Mirror can attend this school." Crowley explains and y/n's mind flashes back to the carriage.
"An Ebony Carriage carrying a Gate should have gone to meet you as well." Crowley describes,"Oh yeah, I remember that now..." y/n deadpans with a sweatdrop,"The Ebony Carriage goes to welcome new students chosen by the Dark Mirror. They are special carriages that carry the Doors to the academy."
"Carriages are the vehicle of choice for special occasions. Is that not what conventional wisdom has dictated since the days of yore?" Crowley tells her,"So what you're telling me is that, that carriage just brought me here?! On it's own!?" y/n exclaims with wide eyes as she stares up at Crowley.
Grim starts to struggle again as he tries to yell something, but it all came out muffled,"Come. Let's go to the entrance ceremony." Crowley gestures to huge, grand double doors way up on a big staircase.
Y/n takes in a deep breath as she follows after him,[I'm not getting out of this, am I?] she thought with dread before perking up when she hears voices. From what she can pick up, they're all male,[Oh shiitake mushroom, this is an all-boys school, isn't it?] she pales a bit;
"Which reminds me, where did the headmaster go? He flew out right in the middle of the ceremony..."
"Abandoning his post..."
"Did he get a stomachache or something?"
Crowley immediately slams open the double doors, catching everyone's attention in the huge room,[Oh man, that's a lot of dudes!] y/n thought with surprise as she follows closely behind Crowley, some eyes following her form.
"Not at all!" Crowley exclaims,"Ah, he's here." a boy with red hair and blue-gray eyes points out before eyeing y/n,"I cannot believe you all. We were missing one new student, so I went to find them." Crowley gestures to y/n, who pulls her hood more over her head.
"You are the only one yet to be assigned a dormitory. I shall watch over the raccoon, step in front of the Dark Mirror. Also, take your hood off while you do so." Crowley instructs and y/n looks up at the huge mirror in the center of the room.
[Huh... Where have I seen that mirror before?] she thought as she steps up to the mirror while Grim muffled something with desperate eyes. She fiddles with her hood for a bit before reluctantly lowering it. Murmurs starts to stir around her.
"Whoa, that's one feminine face."
"No kidding. That guy's definitely Pomefiore material."
"Uh, doesn't his robe look a little funny to you?"
Y/n sees a beautiful man with blond hair fading to purple smirking in her direction with a look of pride. The mirror's eyes seem to widen a tad before returning to normal,"State thy name." it says.
"Y/n L/n." y/n says, her voice ringing in everyone's ears as the murmers stirs up again;
"Whoa, even his voice is feminine."
"Yeah, he sounds just like a girl."
"Uh, is nobody gonna mention the robe thing?"
"Y/n... The shape of thy soul is..." the mirror stops talking and y/n thought for a moment she broke it or something,"Is unknown." the mirror finally reveals.
"Come again?" Crowley is baffled by this,"I sense not a spark of magic from this one... The color, the shape, all are nothing. Therefore, she is suited for no dormitory. Especially since her gender doesn't qualify for this academy." the mirror explains, shocking everyone in the room more;
"He is a she!?"
"That's a chick!?"
"Huh, who would've thought? Oh yeah, me... Assholes."
Crowley quickly walks up next to y/n,"An Ebony Carriage would absolutely never go to meet someone who can't use magic, as well as pick the wrong gender!" he claims as y/n sweatdrops at his words,[Was that a sexist comment there?]
"In 100 years, there has not once been a mistake in student selection. So why in the world..." Crowley trails off as Grim frees himself from his binding,"Mghmgh... Pah!" he lands on all fours in the middle of the room,"Then I'll take her place!" he exclaims.
"Stay right there! Raccoon!" Crowley points at Grim, whip in hand,"Unlike that dumb human, I can use magic! Let me in the school instead!" Grim smirks in a haughty manner as he stands on his hind legs and crosses his front paws,"If you need proof, I'll show you right now!"
Grim then proceeds to take in a deep breath and y/n feels the hairs on her neck stand on end,"Everyone, get down!" Red hair shouts and Crowley brings y/n down to the ground just as Grim starts firing fireballs everywhere randomly,"Nnnaag~!!"
"Waaaah! Hottttttt! My butt's on fire!" a boy with red eyes shouts as he tries to pat the fire out on his robe,"Take your robe off! Quick!" y/n shouts as she gets up while the boy does as instructed. They both then step on the fire to put it out.
"At this rate the school will be a sea of fire! Somebody, catch that raccoon!" Crowley commands as y/n and the boy successfully put out the fire,"Che! What a pain." a tall male with long brown hair spat,"Hmm? Aren't you good at hunting? Doesn't it look like a nice, plump snack?" the beautiful male mocks.
"Why me? Do it yourself." the tall male waves him off as he turns away with bored eyes,"Mr. Crowley, please leave it to me." a male with glasses offers as he steps up with a smile,"I'm sure the others couldn't stomach harassing the poor creature, so I will take it upon myself."
"That's Azul for you. Always trying to earn himself points." a floating tablet draws out with a deep voice. Y/n stares at it with glimmering eyes,"Sweet!" she grins while the white haired boy she helped smiles at her and grabs both of her hands,"Thanks for the help! I owe you one!" he beams before looking straight into her eyes and turns a slight pink.
"Oh, uh, no problem! You're not burned, are you?" y/n asks as she checks him for injury,"No! I'm all good! Thanks." the boy says sheepishly as he jumps back from her with pink cheeks,"Uh, okay...?" y/n raises a brow at his jumpy nature.
"Are you all even listening!?" Crowley screams over the chaos,"If it's just catching some stupid raccoon, can't you do it yourself, Teach." the tall male questions with crossed arms. Unfortunately, his words made things worse.
"For the last time, I'm not a raccoon!" Grim glares at the male,"The Great Grim, destined to become the greatest mage ever, is me!" he declares with great pride.
"It certainly has moxie. Care to assist me, Riddle?" glasses guy, Azul, looks to Redhead with crossed arms,"I can't overlook those who break rules. Let's hurry and get this over with." Riddle sighs with a hand propped on his hip.
Both he and Azul approaches Grim with what appears to be pens with gems on them. Riddle was the first to point his pen at Grim,"OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!" he shouts and a heart shaped collar of black and red is locked around Grim's neck.
"Nygah! The heck is this!?" Grim grunts as he touches the collar,"Laws of the Queen of Hearts: Number 23, 'One shall never bring a cat into a festival.'" Riddle recites before he points at Grim,"You being a cat means you've broken the rule. I shall have you leave at once."
"I'm not a cat!!" Grim shouts and y/n gives him a look of doubt,"I'll burn this collar right up and..." he blow only air before looking perplexed at this outcome,"Well that was anticlimactic." y/n comments in amusement,"E-Eh? I can't use my fire!" Grim panics.
"Hmph! You won't be using any magic until I remove the collar. Just like an ordinary cat." Riddle smirks in a mocking manner as he practically looks down at Grim,"Wh-What!? I'm not some pet!" Grim says with an offended tone,"Don't worry, I'd never keep a pet like you." Riddle says with an icy tone,"I'll take it off anyway when you get thrown out." he adds with a wave of his hand.
"Wow, as wonderful as ever. Any and all magic gets sealed by your Unique Magic, Riddle." Azul compliments with a smile before turning slightly away,"I simply must have it... Err, I mean I wouldn't ever want that cast on me." he adds quietly to himself and y/n gives him a strange look.
She then flinches when Crowley stomps over to her,"You must do something about this! It is your familiar, after all!" he shouts and y/n deadpans at him,"Dude, he ain't mine. I just met the little critter today." she states bluntly,"Properly discip... eh? It's not yours?" Crowley stops his lecture as he looks at y/n in surprise, who nods at him.
"Never met him before in my life until today." she states,"Y-You did?" Crowley sweatdrops before clearing his throat,"Anyway, let's get it out of the school at any rate. We won't turn you into a stew. For I am gracious." he says he picks up Grim by his scruff,"Someone help, please." he adds and a student took Grim and hastily made his way to the exit.
"Gyaaa! Let me go! I'm going to, going to..." Grim grips onto the door with desperation,"Become the greatest magician!" he declares one final time before he's dragged out of the building with the doors shutting behind him.
"Wonder why the lil critter's so desperate. I kinda feel bad for him now." y/n purses her lips with furrowed brows,"We had a bit of trouble along the way, but this brings the entrance ceremony to a close." Crowley announces,"Dormitory Heads, please show the new students back to the dormitories." he instructs before humming.
"... Hm? Now that I think about it, I don't see the leader for Diasomnia, Mr. Draconia, around at all..." he took as he scans the crowd,"That's no different from usual, is it?" the tall male crosses his arms with a frown.
"What? Did nobody tell him about the ceremony?" the boy y/n helped earlier asks as he pits his robe back on,"If you're going to complain, you should have done it yourself." the beautiful boy tells him,"Hmmm. But, I don't really know anything about that guy." the Burned Butt boy says sheepishly and y/n tilts her head at this especially when she hears people talking.
"By Draconia... Do they mean that Malleus Draconia?"
"Is he seriously attending this school?"
"Tch, so what? If he's attending this school, he's attending. Besides, didn't any of them try to invite the guy? Geez, guess social outcasting happens here too." y/n says with displeasure as this reminds her of her life back at home.
Seriously, people can be such judgy bitches when they want to be.
"Oh, I knew it." a deep voice spoke up from next to y/n, who jumps at the sudden presence next to her. She could see strands of black and pink hair peeking out of his hood along with dark red eyes,"I came here to check if my suspicion was right, and sure enough Malleus isn't around. It seems the invitation 'never arrived' again." the short male says with displeasure as he makes air quotes with his fingers.
"My deepest apologies. I promise, we didn't intend to exclude you." Azul says with guilt,"His aura makes it hard to approach him." Riddle explains.
"It's fine. Members of the Diasomnia Dormitory can come with me... I hope this doesn't upset him..." the small male mutters the last part and y/n remembers something, hoping she still has it.
To her luck, she still has a medium sized pack of freshly baked cookies of many variety she took from her workplace,"Excuse me!" she calls out to the male,"Hm? Oh, can I help you, my dear?" the small male gives her a kind, welcoming smile which turns into confusion when y/n holds out a pack of cookies to him.
"This 'Malleus' guy seems to have it rough around here, huh? Someone told me that cookies will make it all better, so I want you to give this to him. Even though I don't really know the guy." y/n smiles awkwardly, but the small male gives a warm smile as he gently accepts the gift,"I'm sure he will be delighted to receive this. Thank you for such a kind gesture. I will be sure to repay you, my dear." he says with a slight bow before turning around to leave with his newer members following behind him.
Y/n ignores the flabbergasted stares burning into her back as she waves at the small male,"You're quite brave to give someone like Malleus an offering. Truly, I am surprised." Azul admits with a smile before he leaves with his dormitory.
The others follow their actions as well, giving y/n a look once over and the boy that y/n saved gave her one last wild wave before leaving,"Then, y/n, I'm terribly sorry about this but... We must have you leave the school, especially considering you're a female in an all-boys academy." Crowley says as he places a hand on y/n's shoulder.
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Edean World Online
Edean World is the first game that Neos created who also create the virtual pod called AVTR (Avatar). A game created by integrating other game that is on the brink of corruption. Edean was only release after years of preparation and now is the time Neos shared their new world.It is the most unique game that enable players to have unique abilities that is tailored according to their real life abilities and skills. The world itself is also unique than other game because of self conscious AI and environment. Tadashi Rishido a college fresh man student and one of the few student able to attend a prestigious college abroad but an accident occurred than will take his ordinary life into something that most people would instantly grab._______________________________This is my very first story that i tried to post publicly coz i didn`t have the guts and time to do so.There will be errors and other stuff coz im not really good at english i just like to read LN and WN.It is also inspired from re install of warhawx and clockwork by VRdraco.a bit mecha but its all part of the story so no spoilers.I add the mature content for gore and cursing of the mc inside his head. But i`ll keep it minimal.
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A crumbling autumn leaf
DROPED That systems comes out of nowhere, he's fine with that, it will be hard, but he can bring everyone... What do you mean we don't get to go to the tutorial? Well fuck. How did everyone else die anyway? They just needed to stay silent and not touch webs! Magic isn't even that hard, they could have survived this if they had just listened! Now his family is gone and Aki has nothing but time and the system notifications to figure out what actually happened to the rest of the world, perhaps even finding another reason to live after he finishes destroying the dungeon he spawned at from inside out. ***** This novel bases heavily on novels like Defiance of the fall, The new world and The Legend of Randidly Ghosthound. I would like to think that's it though, so please point out any sort of copying. As someone has pointed out though, i warn now that the main character is bisexual, so please, don't waste your time if that bothers you.
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HYBRID: Jimin ✔️
"Y/N, please tell me that I do not have a tail right now."BTS Jimin x ReaderHybrid AUTranslations : Portuguese[Highest Ranking : #85 in Fanfiction]
8 113