《Against All Odds | Han Solo [1]》[09]


Leia, Angelica and Emilia stood around a table along with 3PO and a field commander the information of the location of the Death Star displayed below them. Emilia felt utterly useless standing there, watching as the Death Star moved closer and closer to them, as Luke and many others risked their lives to destroy it. Both Angelica and Leia had made Emilia promise to stay, not wanting her to risk her life, not wanting to lose their best friend. Both girls loved the short-tempered woman and both knew they would be lost without her so they forced her to stay, despite her anxiousness.

Emilia Burns was a girl who worried much too much about her loved ones. She would sacrifice everything to make sure they stayed safe. Despite her sarcasm she felt a lot. When she cared you were blessed. You were blessed because she didn't love easily, so when she did it was special. She feared for all of the pilots lives. She didn't know all of them but she knew that they each had family and friends to get back to. She knew they were special to someone. That's why she flinched noticeably when an explosion sounded and one of the pilots became disconnected.

"Squad leaders, we've picked up a new group of signals. Enemy fighters coming your way." A control officer spoke over the headsets. This caused Emilia to stop pacing and stare ahead at her sister and Leia, her eyes widening at Luke's reply.

"My scope's negative. I don't see anything." Emilia began pacing again when he said this.

"Keep up your visual scanning. With all this jamming, they'll be on top of you before your scope can pick them up." Emilia heard as she joined her sister, standing still. Angelica placed an arm around Emilia's shoulder to calm her down. She smiled weakly at her sister, unable to stop the constant sinking feeling in her stomach. She continued to listen in as more ships exploded, she flinched every time another person died. Then it was Luke in trouble and she held her breath in anticipation and worry. Emilia let out a sigh of relief as another pilot helped Luke, preventing what Emilia dreaded. She cared for the young Jedi, he'd wormed his way into her heart through his determination and unconditional loyalty.


The first hit to the target didn't work and Emilia let out a huff of frustration, leaning her head on the table for a second before standing up straight and biting her nails. She was restless. The mission seemed to be taking forever.

Soon Luke was inching closer to the target as the enemy shot at him. Emilia listened closely to what they were saying. Angelica grasped her sisters hand tightly, showing her that she too was worried. Emilia matched the pressure on her hand when she squeezed back, hoping that Luke would be okay.

"His computer's off. Luke, you switched off your targeting computer. What's wrong?" They heard someone say over the communicators. Emilia's eyes widened, even more anxious than before.

"Nothing. I'm all right." Luke replied. Emilia frowned in confusion until she realised what he was going to do. She turned to her sister.

"He's going to use the force." She whispered. Angelica registered what she had said, her eyes widening as she went to speak but decided against it, not knowing what to say. Both Emilia and Angelica thought using the force was a dangerous idea but knew that something had told him it was the right thing to do. They both had experienced the force, Angelica in a stronger way than Emilia.

"I've lost R2!" Emilia glanced at 3PO before beginning to watch the screen again. Shortly after a cheer sounded out through the speakers.

"Yahoo!" Emilia's head shot up. "You're all clear, kid." She recognised Han's voice and fought a smile at his reappearance. "Now let's blow this thing and go home!" There was a long pause and the sound of a faint explosion. "Great shot, kid. That was one in a million." Emilia smiled widely and hugged her sister tightly, cheering. Leia, Emilia and Angelica ran to meet Luke. Angelica joined the younger two because Emilia had grabbed her hand and dragged her along.


Leia yelled Luke's name with Emilia as they ran to meet him. Leia got there first and hugged him tightly. He then turned to Emilia who threw her arms around him and jumped up and down with him.

"Hey! Hey!" They heard as Han ran towards the group, hugging Luke.

"I knew you'd come back! I just knew it!" Both men were laughing.

"Well, I wasn't gonna let you get all the credit and take all the reward."

"Hey, I knew there was more to you than money." Leia said joining in the group hug. Emilia kept her distance, still annoyed at the man.

"Hey, Princess." He greeted, walking towards her. She brought her hand back and slapped him in the face. He assumed she would be happy to see her, of course he was wrong, like a lot of times when it came to her. "You're unpredictable sometimes."

"I'm pretty sure me being pissed at you isn't unpredictable." She spat back. Then she did what shocked everyone, including herself and Han, she kissed him. It was short but he couldn't help but smile slightly.

"I did not want to see my sister do that, I'd just like to point that out." Angelica spoke, smirking at her Emilia.

"Oh get lost, Angelica." She laughed pushing her sister slightly.

"What was that for?" Han asked after the beautiful woman turned back to him.

"For coming back." She replied simply. He was the one who insinuated the kiss the second time, bringing her in for longer as both of their stomachs flipped. There eyes were closed as he leaned his head downward and she stood on her tiptoes. She was the one to pull away, smiling. Her smile faded when she caught a glimpse of the fried R2.

"Oh, my! R2! Can you hear me? Say something!" The other droid spoke. "You can repair him, can't you?" Emilia watched the scene as it occurred. Her attention was taken away from the droids by Angelica.

"Well, Mum and Dad aren't here and won't be here to say this, so it's my job." Angelica spoke. "Hurt her and I'll blast you into the next galaxy."

"Well now you've done that, you might want to go greet your husband." Emilia pointed to Angelica's husband who stood in a pilots uniform. She gasped and ran to him, kissing him. "And she complains, hypocrite." Emilia joked.

"We could always retaliate." Han suggested.

"You just want to kiss me again don't you?" She questioned and he nodded. She leaned closer, moving to kiss his cheek before walking away.

"You're such a tease." He yelled at the retreating figure. She turned around.

"How else am I meant to keep you interested?" She then continued to walk away.

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