《Against All Odds | Han Solo [1]》[08]


The group were transported into the main hanger. They sat in silence, both women quickly jumped off of the transportation upon it stopping.

"Emilia!" A high pitched voice yelled. Emilia turned around to see a slightly older female running towards her, her sister.

"Angelica!" She yelled back, embracing her tightly, glad to see her again.

"I was so scared when they sent you off." She spoke into her shoulder.

"I told you I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself." Emilia replied, letting go.

"I'm your older sister, without Mum and Dad around I have to look after you." Angelica told her, nudging her shoulder.

"More like the other way around, I'm far more responsible." Emilia joked.

"Who are they?" Angelica asked, peering around her shorter and younger sister. Emilia turned around looking at the men and the Wookie.

"They helped Leia and I get here." She explained.

"Who's the handsome one?" Angelica smirked.

"You're gonna have to elaborate. The taller or the shorter? Also I thought you were married?" She asked her sister.

"The taller and I was thinking for you, I need my sister to be happy."

"I'm happy being single. Anyway, he's Han Solo, an absolute dick. He pisses me off." Emilia told her sister, now facing her and not the group.

"Well he's staring at you." Her sister smirked at her. Emilia turned around once again. She was quick enough to make eye contact with him before he looked away.

"Whatever." She huffed and walked away from her sister.

Emilia stood in a room full of pilots, listening to the plan to destroy the Death Star. Dodonna stood before them, a large display behind him showing a diagram of the Death Star. She stood by Leia as he spoke.

"The battle station is heavily shielded and carries a firepower greater than half the star fleet. It's defenses are designed around a direct large-scale assault. A small one-man fighter should be able to penetrate the outer defense." He told them as the pictures changed.


"Pardon me for asking, sir, but what good are snub fighters going to be against that?" One of the men stood and asked.

"Well, the Empire doesn't consider a small one-man fighter to be any threat, or they'd have a tighter defense. An analysis of the plans provided by Princess Leia has demonstrated a weakness in the battle station." He explained to the room as Angelica moved to stand by her younger sister. "The approach will not be easy. You are required to maneuver straight down this trench and skim the surface to this point. The target area is only two meters wide." Once he said this the room filled with murmurs of shock. "It's a small thermal exhaust port, right below the main port. The shaft leads directly to the reactor system. A precise hit will start a chain reaction which should destroy the station." More murmurs sounded throughout the room and Emilia sighed.

"Don't worry, it'll work." Angelica attempted to comfort her sister. Emilia smiled weakly up at the taller girl.

"Only a precise hit will set up a chain reaction. The shaft is ray-shielded, so you'll have to use proton torpedoes." Dodonna continued. "Man your ships! And may the Force be with you!" He finished after a slight pause.

Emilia took a walk with her sister to the docking bay where they were all getting ready to fight. Emilia watched on worriedly, she knew Luke was helping and she felt a sense of dread at the thought.

"You probably shouldn't be in here now that I think about it." Angelica broke the silence that had consumed the two.

"Why?" Emilia asked, looking around the large place.

"You'll worry more than you need to, you worry too easily." Angelica explained, wrapping an arm around her sister to lead her away. They turned and Emilia's line of sight went to Han Solo packing things away.

"Give me a second." She muttered before walking over to the man. "Hey, Pretty Boy!" She almost yelled, reaching him. "So that's it, you just up and leave as soon as you get your reward?" She tried to hide the hurt in her voice.


"That's right, yeah! I got some old debts I've got to pay off with this stuff. Even if I didn't, you don't think I'd be fool enough to stick around here, do you?" Han told her. She masked her emotions, making her face almost blank.

"So you're just leaving when they need your help the most?" Her voice was calm, different to all the other times they'd argued. It left him wanting her to yell at him, for her face to go red as she got angrier, he disliked the calm. It made him feel worse about leaving.

"What good's a reward if you ain't around to use it? Besides, attacking that battle station ain't my idea of courage. It's more like suicide." Han shrugged at her and she struggled not yell at him. Her hands balled into fists. She was furious.

"Take care of yourself then, it seems like it's the only thing you know how to do." She closed her eyes, keeping herself calm before turning to walk away. She stopped, her breathing fast as it got harder for her to hold in her anger. She changed her mind. Spinning on her heel, she marched over to Han, her fists still clenched. Unclenching her fists, she pushed him. When she went to push him again he grabbed her arm. "You are so selfish, do you know that? I wish I'd never met you, you just make me want to punch a wall. You're irritating and beyond stupid. Did you think for one second that maybe they want you to stay. The rebellion? Luke? Leia?" She struggled to get her arm out of his grip. A red face accompanied her glare and her tugging. The fact that she was ranting and felt like she was flinging insults together didnt bother her, she was only concerned about him leaving and how enraged she felt.

"What about you, Princess?" Han asked, towering above her.

"What about me, Pretty Boy?" She glared up at him, standing still now, waiting for his answer.

"Do you want me to stay?" He smirked at her as she went redder. Sighing, she kept eye contact.

"Yes. Believe it or not you're not the worst person to have around, once you get past the selfishness and the fact you're an ass." Emilia replied, her voice softer than before. There was a long pause as Han registered what she said and she waited for him to say something. When nothing was said she knew he wasn't changing his mind. "Have fun throwing away your chance at some form of friends." She spat, her voice laced with venom. She ripped her arm out of his grip and stormed off. Her sister was the first person she decided she wanted to see as she rushed over to her (who looked as angry as her).

"What did the asshole do?" She looked at her sister who looked like she was about to cry.

"He's leaving. He's just, he's just so selfish." She let out a frustrated groan, wiping the stray tear that fell. "I don't even know why I'm upset." She laughed bitterly through the tears.

"Maybe you like him? I mean it's not so unrealistic." Angelica spoke, her voice soothing. Emilia shook her head at her sister. "He's looking over here so don't turn around. We're not letting him see you like this." Angelica led her little sister away who quickly wiped away her tears. "Come on." She whispered, holding her sister close as they walked to where they would monitor the mission with Leia. Immediately, Emilia stood up straighter, blocking the smuggler from her mind. "He's a dick not worth your time." Angelica told her, making Emilia laugh.

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