《Against All Odds | Han Solo [1]》Epilogue


Emilia and Leia were to hand out medals to Han and Luke for their bravery and destroying the Death Star. Emilia, being the princesses best friend, had been requested to assist. She wore an elegant white dress, like Leia's and wore her hair down. She watched as they walked down the long path towards them. They reached the pair. Emilia struggled to keep a straight face, especially when Luke broke out into a smile. She then started to smile brightly, taking one of the medals to place around Han's neck while Leia did the same to Luke. Han started to smile as well when he looked at the beautiful girl in front of him. He winked at her and she smiled again, unable to keep the serious expression on her face for more than a few seconds. She gently placed the medal on him before stepping back with an also smiling Leia. She looked over to a fixed R2 and a shiny C3PO, smiling at them as well before facing the audience they had. She smiled brightly next to her best friend as the two men bowed and then turned to face the audience as well. They applauded the group. She noticed Angelica in the audience applauding and smiling brightly. Angelica winked at her younger sister, causing her to roll her eyes.

A/N There will be sequel to this. I've started writing it so it will hopefully be up by next week, so check my profile.

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