《Against All Odds | Han Solo [1]》[06]


"If we can just avoid any more female advice, we ought to be able to get out of here." Han told them, looking at the princess and her friend.

"Excuse you, I helped get us into the detention center no trouble, you're the one who caused all the havoc." Emilia argued. "Oh and if you had followed my advice we wouldn't have been in that situation, once again you show just how dumb you really are."

"You might wanna rethink what you just said, Princess." Han walked closer to the girl.

"I don't think I do." She replied. "If you'd asked for my advice that would have gone a lot smoother, trust me." The pair glared at each other for a while after she had finished speaking.

"Well, let's get moving!" Luke interrupted yet another staring contest. Chewie then began to growl, moving away from the garbage shoot.

"Where are you going?" Han asked.

"No, wait. They'll hear!" Leia yelled as Han aimed his blaster into the shoot. The noise echoed and Emilia along with Luke shook their heads.

"How idiotic can one man get?" Emilia asked Leia who shook her head

"Come here, you big coward!" Han demanded. Chewbacca shook his head. "Chewie! Come here!"

"Just leave him be!" Emilia yelled at him.

"Listen. I don't know who you are, or where you came from, but from now on, you do as I tell you. Okay?" Leia said, stunning Han for a second.

"Look, Your Worshipfulness, let's get one thing straight! I take orders from one person! Me!" Han said back.

"It's a wonder you're still alive." Leia started walking away, Emilia by her. "Will somebody get this big walking carpet out of my way?" Leia complained. A chuckle was heard from Emilia as she stayed where she was, listening to what Han had to say.

"No reward is worth this." He told Luke.

"It is if you keep getting insulted. But she's right, it's a surprise you're not dead." Emilia patted his chest before meeting Leia and walking with her.

"There she is." Han spoke as they walked down reaching a bay window to view the ship.

"C3PO, do you copy?" Luke spoke in his comlink. Emilia glanced around to make sure no one approached.

"We're right above you. Stand by." Luke spoke again.

"You came in that thing? You're braver that I thought." Leia addressed. Emilia laughed at this.


"Nice! Come on!" Han gestured for them to run again, shooting both of the girls a dirty look. They turned a corner only to be met with many Stormtroopers.

"It's them! Blast them!" Emilia heard before Han blasted them instead of taking cover behind the wall like the rest of them. One Stormtrooper flew in the air, causing the others to run away and Han to follow them.

"Get back to the ship!" Han yelled, Chewie following him.

"Where are you going? Come back!" Luke yelled back to them but Han had already turned the corner.

"He certainly has courage." Leia commented.

"More like stupidity." Emilia replied, watching the smoke filled corridor. "And here's me thinking you couldn't get any dumber than before, yet here we are." She muttered to herself.

"What good will it do us if he gets himself killed? Come on!" Luke grabbed Leia's hand, dragging her along. She grabbed Emilia's, dragging her. They ran through the corridor, both Luke and Emilia shooting at approaching Stormtroopers. They reached a bridge that was only half there. Luke almost fell but Emilia and Leia grabbed him.

"I think we took a wrong turn." Luke stated. Emilia searched around looking for a way across but was cut off by shooting. Leia quickly hit the button next to the door, making it close.

"There's no lock!" She informed them. Luke blasted the controls.

"That oughta hold it for a while." Luke spoke, looking around the space.

"Quick, we've got to get across. Find the control that extends the bridge." Leia ordered. Emilia glanced towards the door controls.

"I think he blasted it." Emilia said over the banging sounds from the other side of the door.

"They're coming through!" Leia yelled as Luke searched for away across. A blast hit the wall behind him. Emilia began to shoot at the Stormtrooper so that Luke could continue finding a way across. She shot at the newer ones that appeared.

"Here, hold this." Luke shoved his blaster into Leia's hands. Both women shot at Stormtroopers above.

"Here they come!" Leia informed them as the door behind them began to open. Luke threw the rope above him, it tied around a pipe above. Leia then gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"For luck." She told him.

"I didn't need to see that." Emilia joked before grabbing onto both of them, hoping not to fall as they went across. Luckily they all landed on the platform opposite. The other side's door started to open and the Stormtroopers started to crawl through. They ran through the door, leaving the shooting Stormtroopers behind.


Emilia, Leia and Luke met Han and Chewie near the docking bay where the Millennium Falcon was being kept.

"What kept you?" Han asked as they came to a stop.

"We ran into some old friends." Emilia said, not wanting to explain everything.

"Is the ship all right?" Luke questioned.

"Seems okay, if we can get to it. Just hope the old man got the tractor beam out of commission." Han told them as they watched the Stormtroopers around the ship.

"Look!" Luke spoke as the Stormtroopers left there posts.

"Now's our chance! Go!" Han whispered. The group rushed to the ship soon after he spoke.

"Ben?" Luke questioned as they ran to the Falcon. He had noticed the Jedi fighting Darth Vader. His voice stopped Emilia in her tracks. Her eyes followed the direction he was looking in and she gasped at the sight of the two fighting. She watched on as Vader brought his lightsaber round, hitting Obi-Wan in the side before the Jedi disappeared from sight, his cloak falling to the floor.

"No!" Luke yelled out as Emilia let out a short scream that sounded like 'Ben'. It was a scream that was filled with sorrow and pain, one that made Han's heart shatter at the sound, at the girl's pain. The Stormtroopers turned towards the two and start firing. They retaliated.

"Come on!" Han yelled at the two, making Emilia back up towards the ship, leaving Luke behind.

"Come on!" Emilia yelled as she backed away.

"Luke, its too late!" Leia yelled, flinching as the blasts went passed her.

"Blast the door! Kid!" Han yelled at Luke, who followed the instructions, preventing Vader from entering the docking bay, along with other troops. Han and Leia ran into the Falcon, Emilia close behind. Luke soon followed.

The group sat on the Millennium Falcon. Luke was tracing shapes on the table in front of him, obviously mourning the death of his mentor. Emilia stood further away from them, holding back the tears that were threatening to fall. Leia grabbed a blanket and placed it on the boy, pitying him. Luke shook his head.

"I can't believe he's gone." He spoke up, not looking up from the table.

"There wasn't anything you could have done." Leia informed him in an attempt to comfort him.

"She's right." Emilia told him.

"Come on, buddy, we're not out of this yet! You too, Princess." Han gestured towards where the blasters on the ship were placed.

"I'm guessing you mean me?" Emilia yelled after Han.

"Yeah!" He yelled back. She soon followed him. All three climbed into a gunport. Leia headed to the cockpit. The others placed the headsets on, positioning themselves.

"You in, kid? Princess? Okay, stay sharp." Han spoke to them. The enemy started to shoot at the ship. Emilia started to shoot at the fighters but was unable to hit them as they moved too fast.

"They're coming in too fast!" Luke yelled over the headset.

"No kidding." Emilia yelled back. More shots were fired towards the Falcon.

"We've lost lateral controls." Leia informed them.

"Don't worry, she'll hold together." Han told them. "You hear me, baby? Hold together!" Han added quietly after a slight pause.

"Get a room pretty boy!" Emilia replied, aiming once again at a fighter.

"Aww Princess, you think I'm handsome." Han said, making Emilia roll her eyes.

"I never said I thought you were handsome, you just have an okay face that I imagine makes other girls swoon at your every word. A face others find attractive." She stuttered over her words slightly. She heard laughter as a fighter blew up.

"Got him! I got him!" She heard as another fighter blew up. She smiled as Luke cheered.

"Great kid! Don't get cocky." Han replied.

"Yeah, you don't wanna end up like him." Emilia replied.

"We're in the middle of a battle and you still manage to find time to insult me." Han spoke, amusement evident in his voice.

"I'm not me without it." She smirked slightly as she continued to aim.

"There are still two more of them out there!" Leia informed them, cutting there conversation short. Emilia shot again, successfully hitting a fighter and aimed for the next that was passing by her. She took a deep breath before shooting again, successfully hitting the last. She smiled brightly, letting out a sigh of relief.

"We did it!" She yelled, climbing out of her seat.

"That's it! We did it!" Luke cheered with her.

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