《Against All Odds | Han Solo [1]》[05]


Emilia, Luke and Leia all made there way to the end of the cell block only to stop when they found Han and Chewbacca.

"Can't get out that way." He told them, holding his blaster up ready to shoot.

"Looks like you managed to cut off our only escape route." Leia responded, annoyed.

"Maybe you'd like it back in your cell, Your Highness." Han remarked sarcastically. Emilia glared at him before the conversation was cut short by blaster shots. Emilia grabbed Leia's hand and dragged her to cover.

"There isn't any other way out." Luke told them as Emilia shot at approaching Stormtroopers.

"I can't hold them off forever! Now what?" Han yelled back.

"This is some rescue. When you came in here, didn't you have a plan for getting out?" Leia asked, yelling at the four.

"We wouldn't be in this mess if he'd have listened to me!" Emilia yelled, as she continued to shoot.

"We also wouldn't have been able to save her." Han yelled back.

"Oh bite me!" Emilia yelled as she began shooting once again at the Stormtroopers.

"Maybe later." Han replied making Emilia scoff. "Anyway, he's the brains, sweetheart." He pointed to Luke who started to stutter. Leia grabbed the gun from look and shot by Han

"What the hell are you doing?" Han asked angrily.

"Somebody has to save our skins." Leia yelled. She gestured to the hole before jumping through.

"Into the garbage chute, Flyboy." Emilia crossed over to the hole, she followed Leia down.

"Oh! The garbage chute was a really wonderful idea. What an incredible smell you've discovered! Let's get out of here! Get away from there." Han aimed his blaster and shot, ignoring both Luke and Emilia's protests.


"Will you forget it? I already tried it. It's magnetically sealed!" Luke yelled.

"Put that thing away! You're going to get us all killed." Emilia yelled at Han. "And here's me thinking you couldn't get any dumber!"

"Absolutely, Princess." Han sarcastically remarked. "Look, I had everything under control until she led us down here. You know, it's not going to take them long to figure out what happened to us." He yelled at Emilia. She rolled her eyes at him and glared.

"It could be worse." Leia spoke up. After she spoke a groaning noise sounded. Emilia lifted her blaster.

"It's worse." Han replied.

"Your commentary isn't really needed." Emilia snapped back.

"There's something alive in here!" Luke said.

"That's your imagination." Han replied.

"Something just moves past my leg!" Luke told them, looking into the water. "Look! Did you see that?" He asked. Both Leia and Emilia had backed up onto a pile of rubbish, wanting to avoid whatever was in the water. Luke was suddenly pulled into the water, making all of them yell out. Han attempted to grab the boy. He yelled his name as he reached into the water. He surfaced and Emilia looked in shock as a tentacle was wrapped around his neck. He was gasping for air.

"Luke!" Leia yelled. She held out a pipe towards him. "Luke, Luke, grab a hold of this."

"Blast it, will you! My gun's jammed." Luke told them, his voice jammed.

"Where?" Han asked. What Luke said next was drowned out for Emilia as she shot into the water, hoping to hit the creature. Unfortunately Luke was dragged back under, making her scream his name in panic. The walls made a strange noise and Emilia glanced at Han in concern. Luke then surfaced making Emilia grab him as Leia shouted to do so.


"What happened?" Leia asked.

"I don't know, it just let go of me and disappeared." Luke explained and Emilia hugged him briefly.

"I've got a very bad feeling about this." Han said.

"For once we agree on something." Emilia stated, glancing around the place. The walls started to rumble and move towards the five.

"The walls are moving!" Luke stated.

"Don't just stand there. Try to brace it with something." Leia yelled, grabbing a long pole.

"I am not dying like this." Emilia shouted, helping Leia.

"Wait a minute!" Luke yelled, grabbing something. "3PO, come in 3PO. 3PO!" Luke yelled into the com-link. "Where could he be?" The pole that they had put between the two walls began to bend. As both women were quite short they began sinking noticeably into the rubbish. Emilia struggled to help Leia above it as well as herself.

"Get to the top!" Han ordered both of the women, attempting to help Emilia who gestured towards Leia. She wasn't going to put herself above her best friend. With Han's help she got Leia above but she herself began to go too far under, meaning it would suffocate her soon if she didn't get up. Han noticed this and picked the woman up, pushing her to where Leia was struggling to stay up.

"One thing's for sure. We're all going to be a lot thinner!" Han yelled.

"Your attempt at a joke is not appreciated." Emilia yelled back, still trying to get up.

"Get on top of it!" Han yelled to the girl.

"No, I'd rather suffocate down there." Emilia yelled back sarcastically. "I'm trying!" Emilia continued her struggle, finally above the rubbish, pushing herself against the walls. She heard Luke yelling but ignored what he was saying as she felt more and more panicked at the small space. Her breathing was heavy and she felt light headed. Her focus was to breath and lucky for her the walls stopped. She glanced around, making sure it was true. A short laugh, full of relief, escaped her lips as she turned hugged the person nearest her, who just so happened to be Han. She cheered and jumped as she hugged him, forgetting the fact that she disliked him.

"We're all right. You did great." Luke told the droid over the com-link. Emilia let go of Han, moving to Leia and hugging her tightly.

"Hey, hey, open the pressure maintenance hatch on unit number- where are we?" Luke asked. Han made his way to the door and read out the number.


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