《Against All Odds | Han Solo [1]》[02]


Emilia waited patiently as Luke sold his speeder. She managed to go unrecognised even when she recieved several stares from passing men, who couldn't help but admire her beauty. She simply learnt to ignore it, especially since she had recieved them on many more occasions. They made their way to docking bay 94.

"If the ships as fast as he's boasting we ought to do well," Obi-Wan spoke to the two and Emilia chuckled lightly.

"What a piece of junk," Luke commented (loudly) as they reached the bay.

"Luke," Emilia scolded, slapping his arm lightly.

"What? You're thinking it too," Luke replied.

"Maybe I am, Maybe I'm not. Either way I didn't voice my thoughts on it," Emilia exclaimed, rolling her eyes. She watched as Han Solo's figure emerged from where he was fixing something in his ship.

"She'll make point five beyond the speed of light," Han spoke, looking at Emilia. "She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid. I've added some special modifications myself," Han told them, or more like bragged as Emilia thought.

"Who are you trying to impress there, Solo? Because it isn't impressing us," Emilia replied, pursing her lips as she crossed her arms, her voice unimpressed, mimicking her facial expression.

"Well aren't you a handful, Princess?" Han replied, smirking at the smaller woman in front of him.

Emilia scoffed before walking past. "Let's just get onto this pile of junk."

"I thought you said you wouldn't voice your thoughts on this?" Luke asked, chasing after Emilia.

"I said I wasn't going to voice my thoughts before, I never said I wouldn't later." She shrugged once she spoke and continued to walk. "Plus his whole persona screams asshole, so I had to say something," Emilia whispered the last part, laughing slightly afterwards. Luke joining in.


Chewbacca soon joined the two ahead of Obi-Wan and urged them inside. Emilia glanced at the Wookiee, realising she didn't know his name.

"I never got your full name. I mean I got, what I assume is, your nickname from him," she spoke addressing the Wookiee. He let out a grunt in reply and Emilia nodded, having learnt several languages since she was a child. "Chewbacca," she repeated and smiled warmly at him. "It's nice to meet you." The Wookiee let out a slight roar in reply that Emilia translated to 'you too'. Emilia smiled widely at Chewbacca, realising she preferred the Wookiee over Han. Meanwhile Han was watching the girl greet the Wookiee in amazement, not knowing that she could understand Wookiee and wondering how Chewie was so calm around her, not growling aggressively at her when she walked closer to him.

A few seconds after getting inside the ship, the unmistakable sound of blasters firing was heard, making Emilia run to a seat. She swiftly strapped herself in, worry consuming her.

"Oh, my. I'd forgotten how much I hate space travel," C3PO spoke.

"Now is not the time 3PO," Emilia bit out, gripping the sides of her seat as the ship took off. Luke and Obi-Wan started towards the cockpit so Emilia decided to follow, wanting to see how far they were from being able to make the jump to hyperspace.

"Stay sharp! There are two more coming in; they're going to try to cut us off." She heard as she entered.

"Why don't you outrun them? I thought you said this thing was fast," Luke spoke, obviously annoying Han, as Emilia noticed. She couldn't help but smirk at the comment and silently praise the boy for saying what he did. Han turned to face him.


"Watch your mouth, kid, or you're going to find yourself floating home," he threatened, before turning back around and speaking again. "We'll be safe enough once we make the jump to hyperspace. Besides, I know a few maneuvers. We'll lose them!"

"Well that just makes me feel so much better," Emilia remarked, sarcastically.

"Any better ideas, Princess?" Han asked, making her go quiet. There was a pause before he spoke again. "Here's where the fun begins!" He exclaimed.

"I wouldn't call this my idea of fun," Emilia replied, her voice gaining volume.

"Maybe when we get out of this you can show me," Han flirted and Emilia scoffed. He sent her a wink. She glared in reply.

"In your dreams and my nightmares," she spat at him, already annoyed at his antics.

"How long before you can make the jump to light speed?" Obi-Wan questioned as more shots were fired towards them.

"It'll take a few moments to get the coordinates from the navi-computer," Han informed, while flicking some switches and pressing buttons. The ship then began to rock violently and Emilia had to grab Han's shoulders to steady herself. He smirked up at her and she quickly moved her hands, choosing falling over feeding his ego.

"Are you kidding? At the rate they're gaining-" Luke began to speak but was cut off by Han.

"Traveling through hyperspace isn't like dusting crops, boy! Without precise calculations we could fly right through a star or bounce too close to a supernova and that'd end your trip real quick, wouldn't it?" Han spoke, his voice fast, showing his anger and annoyance at the boy.

"Now is not the time to argue! Just get us out of here for God sake!" Emilia yelled, angry as the firing continued, causing a red light to start flashing.

"What's that flashing?" Luke asked, pointing. This made Han wack his hand away and almost hit Emilia.

"We're losing our deflector shield. Go strap yourself in, I'm going to make the jump to light speed." Han ordered and despite Emilia's dislike with being bossed around she followed his instructions, rushing towards where she sat before.

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