《Against All Odds | Han Solo [1]》[03]


Emilia sat across from where Luke practiced with a lightsaber, a small robot shooting at him. Obi-Wan faltered, which didn't go unnoticed by Luke or Emilia. Emilia quickly stood, making her way to her old friend, ignoring the dreaded feeling she felt within herself.

"Are you all right? What's wrong?" Luke questioned as Emilia reached the old man. She held out her arm for support as he started to speak.

"I felt a great disturbance in the Force... as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened." Obi-Wanspoke, rubbing his forehead. "You'd better get on with your exercises." Obi-Wan told Luke who walked back to his previous spot.

"Well, you can forget your troubles with those Imperial slugs. I told you I'd outrun 'em." He informed the group, sitting by the standing Emilia. She watched as Luke continued to practice, ignoring Han. "Don't everyone thank me at once." He added, making Emilia roll her eyes and sit down opposite the smuggler. She let the chair spin slightly so she could continue to watch Luke.

"Oh thank you so much Han, you're our hero. However can I repay you?" Emilia spoke, sarcasm dripping from every word.

"Well I have a few ideas." Han replied, winking at the girl.

"You're disgusting." Emilia spat back, turning her attention away from the smuggler.

After a pause Han started to speak again. "Anyway, we should be at Alderaan about oh-two-hundred hours." The young girl in front of him nodded absent-mindedly.

"Now be careful, R2." C3PO spoke up from where he sat, playing some form of game with Chewbacca. R2 took his move and caused the Wookiee to start yelling in his language, angry.

"He made a fair move. Screaming about it won't help you." C3PO defended the smaller droid.

"Let him have it. It's not wise to upset a Wookiee." Han spoke, interrupting the argument. Emilia turned her attention to him and the game.

"But sir, nobody worries about upsetting a droid." C3PO argued.

"That's 'cause droids don't pull people's arms out of their socket when they lose. Wookiees are known to do that." Han retorted, smirking at the robots and then at the female Jedi in front of him.

"I see your point, sir. I suggest a new strategy, R2. Let the Wookiee win." C3PO told R2 and Emilia couldn't help but giggle. She then went back to watching Luke practice.

"Remember, a Jedi can feel the Force flowing through them" Obi-Wan told him.

"You mean it controls your actions?" Luke asked.

"Partially. But it also obeys your commands." Emilia spoke up this time, surprising Luke and Obi-Wan. "My parents were Jedi." She explained. She knew that the Force was apart of her family but she felt that she herself didn't inherit the gift, which didn't bother as much as it should have. She felt that amount of power was too much. "My sister on the other hand. She got the looks and the power." Emilia joked. The droid then shot Luke. Emilia laughed along with Han.


"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid." Han told Luke.

"You don't believe in the Force, do you?" Luke asked as he continued focusing on the droid in front of him.

"Kid, I've flown from one side of this galaxy to the other. I've seen a lot of strange stuff, but I've never seen anything to make me believe there's one all-powerful force controlling everything. There's no mystical energy field that controls my destiny." Han explained and Emilia smiled slightly, knowing the man was wrong. "It's all a lot of simple tricks and nonsense."

"Really? Making objects move and controlling the weak minded are simple tricks?" Emilia questioned, raising her eyebrows. Before Han could reply Obi-Wan spoke again.

"I suggest you try it again, Luke." He got up and grabbed a helmet, covering Luke's head with it.

"This time, let go your conscious self and act on instinct." Obi-Wan told Luke who started laughing.

"With the blast shield down, I can't even see. How am I supposed to fight?" The future Jedi asked.

"Your eyes can deceive you. Don't trust them." Obi-Wan explained. Emilia slumped back into her chair, getting comfortable. Han shook his head as everyone watched intently. Luke missed the droid dramatically and it shot him with a laserbolt. Emilia giggled again at this. She didn't notice Han glancing over at her on several occasions.

"Stretch out with your feelings." Obi-Wan spoke. Luke stood in place, frozen, before the robot dived and began shooting again. He deflected all the shots and Emilia applauded him.

"You see, you can do it." Obi-Wan praised.

"Go Luke!" Emilia cheered.

"I call it luck." Han replied, denying all evidence of the Force.

"In my experience, there's no such thing as luck." Obi-Wan contradicted him.

"Look, going good against remotes is one thing. Going good against the

living? That's something else." Han replied.

"Oh please, you just hate that you can't do that." Emilia challenged him.

"I'd like to see you do something like that then, Princess." Han challenged back. Emilia didn't reply, instead she glared at him.

"How is you sister?" Obi-Wan asked Emilia.

"She got married his name is Noah, he's nice. I think they're trying for a baby. If they are I don't really want to know." Emilia smiled slightly, thinking of how happy her sister was on her wedding day. "She's happy so I'm happy." She shrugged. A beeping then sounded.

"Looks like we're coming up on Alderaan." Han informed them before returning to the cockpit. Emilia noticed as the ship began to shake like something was hitting it. She made her way to the cockpit to find out what it was, Luke and Obi-Wan close behind her.

"What's going on?" Luke questioned as they entered the cockpit.

"Our position is correct, except, no, Alderaan!" Han exclaimed.

"What do you mean? Where is it?" Emilia questioned this time, the whole situation making her panic.

"Thats what I'm trying to tell you, Princess. It ain't there. It's been totally blown away." Han explained.


"What? How?" Luke asked.

"Destroyed... by the Empire." Obi-Wan explained and Emilia gasped slightly, shocked and upset by the situation.

"The entire starfleet couldn't destroy the whole planet. It'd take a thousand ships with more fire power than I've-" Han was cut off by a beeping sound and a flashing light. "There's another ship coming in."

"Maybe they know what happened." Luke thought aloud.

"It's an Imperial fighter." Ben told them, making Chewie bark in concern.

"It followed us!" Luke exclaimed.

"No. It's a short range fighter." Obi-Wan replied as Emilia continued to watch the smaller ship.

"There aren't any bases around here. Where did it come from?" Han spoke.

"It sure is leaving in a big hurry. If they identify us, we're in big trouble!" Luke addressed Han, asking him to deal with the problem.

"Not if I can help it. Chewie, jam it's transmissions." Han instructed.

"It'd be as well to let it go. It's too far out of range." Obi-Wan told them and Emilia couldn't help but nod.

"I agree, lets just go." Emilia agreed.

"It won't be out of range for long." Han said, concentrating on the fighter in front of them all.

"A fighter that size couldn't get this deep into space on its own." Obi-Wan told them and Emilia glanced around the empty space in front of her, the only thing she saw was stars and the fighter ship.

"It must have gotten lost, been part of a convoy or something." Luke suggested.

"Or a space station is around here. So I think we should go back." Emilia spoke up, being ignored.

"Well, he ain't going to be around long enough to tell anyone about us." Han ignored Emilia, annoying her.

"Am I invisible or are you deaf?" Emilia spat back.

"Look at him. He's headed for that small moon." Luke pointed towards the Death Star. Emilia's eyes widened as she realised what it was.

"I think I can get him before he gets there. He's almost in range." Han informed them but Emilia ignored him this time.

"No! That's not a moon, turn back. Now!" Emilia ordered but was ignored as they continued towards it. "It's a space station!" She explained, her voice higher pitched as she began to panic.

"It's too big to be a space station." Han waved her off.

"It's a space station for God sake!" She yelled as they got closer and closer.

"I have a very bad feeling about this." Luke voiced.

"Yeah, I think your right." Han agreed making Emilia huff in annoyance.

"Oh so you listen to him. Talk about being a dick." Emilia waved her hands in frustration.

"Full reverse! Chewie, lock in the auxiliary power." Han ordered. "I did hear you, Princess, it's just your voice is too whiny to listen to properly." He smirked at her as her face went red with anger.

"God you're unbelievably irritating." She muttered, moving slightly away from him.

"Why are we still moving towards it?" Luke asked alarmed.

"We're caught in a tractor beam. It's pulling us in." Han told him, his voice sounding too calm for Emilia's liking.

"See this could have been avoided if you just listened to me." Emilia yelled at him, still angry.

"Now is not the time." Han yelled back, turning to face her as she let out a loud and angry sigh.

"There's gotta be something you can do." Luke broke up the argument.

"There's nothin' I can do about it, kid. I'm in full power. I'm going to have to shut down. But they're not going to get me without a fight!" Han said as Emilia tried to think of a plan.

"You can't win. But there are alternatives to fighting." Obi-Wan placed his hand on Han's shoulder.

"Aren't you a smuggler?" Emilia asked, seeming calmer than before.

"How did you know?" Han asked, turning to the girl.

"It's pretty obvious. You're whole persona screams it as well as asshole." Emilia explained. "Anyway, not the point, don't you have somewhere where you put the stuff you're smuggling?"

"I'm starting to like you, Princess." Han replied before rushing them all towards the compartments.

Emilia was crushed between the Wookiee and Han in one compartment while Obi-Wan and Luke were in the other. She avoided eye contact with Han as there faces were only inches apart. She could feel his breath on her as she practically sat on his lap.

"You know if you wanted to get this close to me you could have just asked." Han down at her as she stayed as still as she could.

"Like I said before, in your dreams, I would rather get captured by the Empire." Emilia replied, still angry at him. He went to speak again but she held a finger up to her lips, silencing him as footsteps sounded.

"Boy, it's lucky you had these compartments." Luke spoke once they were out.

"I never thought I'd be smuggling myself in them. This is ridiculous. Even if I could take off, I'd never get past the tractor beam." Han complained as Emilia got out of the compartment, with his help.

"Leave that to me." Obi-Wan offered and Emilia sighed, already predicting that he was going to say that.

"Damn fool. I knew that you were going to say that!" Han exclaimed.

"Who's the more foolish... the fool or the fool who follows him?" Obi-Wan replied.

Emilia stood with her blaster in front of her, waiting for the Stormtroopers to approach them so the could take their suits.

"Hey down there, could you give us a hand with this?" Han yelled down, attracting their attention. Emilia immediately shot at them. She put the suit over her clothes, struggling to fit it over certain areas.

"This is crushing my chest." She complained. Han stared at her wide eyed as she spoke. "What? It's true." He shook his head at her, the slight blush on his face not going unnoticed.

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