《Killer Frost • Stiles Stilinski / Boyxboy》13


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I walk into the doors of school yet again, no sign of Chris. I see the pack but ignore them as I decide to walk around and search for him.

He's probably in the library as always...

I walk into the library and walk around searching for him. I then whip out my phone and type a text for him and decide to send it as he hasn't answered 30 of my texts this week. He hasn't even read them.

why didn't you tell me you checked out of the hospital early?

are you coming to school tomorrow?

hey how are you?

Chris ...

frosty c'mon answer me.

I give up, I miss you

I decide not to text him again and just let it be. If he doesn't want me then that's all right I guess...

"Hi sorry, You alright?" I hear a voice come from behind me. I turn around and see a tall man with brunette hair with glasses. He stares at me confused and I stare at him back.

"Yeah why?" I ask him and he just scratches his hair nervously.

"Because you're standing in front of all the botany books and I need to get one." He says explaining trying to get me out of the way. "Sorry." He says smiling nervously and I chuckle softly and move away and he starts looking at the titles of the botany books.

"You're into science huh?" I say trying to make a new friend. He turns around sliding a book out of the shelf and stares at me with a small smile.

"Just biology overall but yeah, I guess you could say."

"Wow, I used to have a friend who was into science, like biochemistry." I tell him and he smiles lightly.


"That's cool." He says trying to finish our conversation. We both then stop talking and look at ourselves awkwardly.

"Stiles." I say bringing out my hand. He chuckles softly and holds all the books he has on his other arm to shake my hand.

"Daniel Isley."

"Nice to meet you."

"Pleasure." He says and suddenly the bell rings. "Well I'll see you around." He says rushing out of the library and I look at him in awe. I smile lightly and then remember that he isn't Chris Snow. .

I look around me one last time to make sure he is here... and he is not. I take a hard sigh and figure that I should go on with my life and hope that whatever he's doing, wherever he is, that he's okay.

I miss him, and I need him to survive.


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Chris' House

I start taking a shower calming myself down. I run my fingers through my hair and I take a deep sigh feeling relieved until everything turns cold.

I quickly turn closer to my hot water and start warming myself up but it just all freezes. No fun.

I stare at the icicles hanging from the shower nozzle and quickly run out of the shower.

I grab my towel and wrap it around my body and see myself in the mirror. My lips have gone to a complete blue, my skin a pale and colder tone while my hair has streaks of white.

This can't be happening.

I grab a pair of hair scissors and cut off the white streaks from my hair. I chop the streaks off and stare at them in my hand. Please don't let this happen to me.

Suddenly I hear my phone ring and I look at the screen seeing its a call from Stiles. I quickly turn the ringer off as I'm trying to get rid of him. I can't let him see me like this, not like this. I can't let him know this about me.


The only thing I can do with Stiles is to just let him go. I can't do anything anymore to save this relationship I have with him now.

I stop and try to calm down as it will help me control myself. I dry myself down with my towel, fix my hair and get dressed in a black oversized t-shirt and underwear.

I walk out of the bathroom and into my room as I see a video message on my laptop from my mom. I sit down in my desk and open the video up as I pay close attention to what she is saying.

"Chris! I've been going over the data I've collected and found some disconcerting results." She says and pauses starring down and then stares back at the camera. "Your body's chemistry is changing in ways that I don't fully understand, but one thing is clear... These powers you have, the more you use them, the more difficult it'll be to reverse them." She says and I feel disappointed, I've killed many people with these powers and I'm not even sure if I've gone so far that it'll be impossible.

"I'm sorry honey, but listen to me, you must not use these powers under any circumstances-" She says as I get angry and I don't control myself and allow myself to loose myself yet again. I freeze the computer through the anger and realize that I can't be helped no more, I have to figure out another way to help myself.

"Lydia." I whisper realizing she can see the future.

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