《Killer Frost • Stiles Stilinski / Boyxboy》14



FLASHBACK/DREAM, Dread Doctor Hideout

I sit in the bed that Theo has me chained to and I stare at the food he left me. It's poison. He's trying to brainwash me. I stare at it although, I'm hungry. I need the energy.

I suddenly hear the doors of Theo's hideout open and I hear him walk towards me softly.

"I bet if Ethan were here you'd eat it." He says reminding me of Ethan.

"You don't know anything about Ethan." I say as he turns a corner to see me and looks at me as he leans against a wall crossing his arms. He stares at me and I stare back at him. He's scary.

"What's your plan anyways? You're going to kill everyone?" I say to him trying to get information out of him and he smirks a little.

"Not everyone." He says hinting that I'll be left alive.

"Then why are you keeping me here?" I ask him and then he walks towards me standing a few feet back.

"Because I don't wanna be alone." He says and pauses. "Not anymore." He hints that he has something for me and believe it or not, I did too.

"I'm never going to be with you Theo... ever."

"Yes you will. Just like ended up with Ethan." He says trying to compare himself to someone so much stronger than him.

"You don't know anything about that. You will never know, neither understand." I say in pain starring at him aggressively as my brown hair is laid all over my greasy forehead.

"I know that you him." He says trying to comfort me all of a sudden. I've been here for what seems a week already and he's been visiting me constantly and being sweet but it's all part of his brainwashing. "More than Stiles." He says and walks over to me and sits next to me in my bed.

"You've been through so much, yet you're so strong." He looks over at me and pushes the tray of a sandwich towards the side. "You lost your father which made your mom become the workaholic she is, then your friends brought you into all this trouble, you met Ethan, lost him because of Stiles and Scott." He says and then pauses and stares at me. "Both of us lost so much." He says starring at me and I start to feel emotionally drained. I start to cry in pain and wipe my tears.


"I just wanna go home." I say starring at him crying. "Theo please, let me go." I beg him as I grab his arm trying to let me go.

"." Theo says and stares at my hand. I let go of him as I start to fear him. "..." He says and lays his hand on my cheek as I start to cry. "." He says and starts reminding me more of Ethan and how I loved him.

"I loved him, so much." I say in pain and Theo smiles at me. He takes his hands off of me and I do too and he then holds my hand.

"And then Scott took him away didn't he?" He says being dark trying to get into my head but he is right. "." He says and as he talks more I get more angry, I feel the rush, the same rush of darkness rushing through me.

"." He says smirking as his hands move the hair from my face. I stop crying too and stare at him fearlessly. "." He says and chuckles softly, suddenly he leaves all his hands from my face and whips out his claws and I don't flinch or anything but just let him do whatever.

He quickly slashes the chain off of me and gets up from the bed walking off. As he walks away his footsteps echo, .



Chris' House

I rise up fast and breathe heavily. As I do breathe heavy, I start to see my cold breath in the air and decide to leave it alone. It's nothing, just the curse. I start to catch my breath and calm myself down and then I hear the same banging sound from my dream.

I look at where the sound could be coming from and it's my window. I see a rock fly towards the window and it bangs on the window again. Stiles.

I quickly get off my bed and run to the window and see him through the glass. Stiles smiles at me and seeing him here now, just makes everything warmer. I forgot how warm he made me feel and I smile back at him. I quickly slide open the window to let him in and he walks through. I close the window behind him and see him standing there.


I quickly wrap my arms around him and hug him tightly. "I missed you." I confess to him and Stiles holds me tight.

"I missed you too babe." He says and kisses my forehead. I let him go and he lets me go too and he shivers a little. "It's colder than Antarctica in here." He says and looks at me confused seeing me in a shirt and underwear.

"I don't know what you're talking about, it's pretty warm in here for me." I lie and Stiles chuckles softly. I quickly get into my bed and Stiles follows along also throwing his pants and shoes away. "What are you doing here Stiles?" I ask him being serious and he hesitates.

"I missed you." He says and stares right into my eyes. I don't respond and simply just decide to ignore it. "Where have you been anyways? You checked out of the hospital without telling me, and you disappear for a couple of days. No text, no calls, it's almost as if you died." He says and as he says that it's almost like I died, he's almost right. I'm dying.

"I'm sorry, I-I just got busy with things." I tell him as I don't know an excuse. He shakes his head and grabs ahold of my cold hands and as he does I feel myself getting warmer.

"Look... Chris, I don't know what the hell you've been going through, but we're in a relationship and... ." He tells me and I look away from Stiles as I get flashbacks of all the dead bodies. "Chris." He says and I look at him faking a small smile until I burst. "What's wrong?" He says grabbing my head to stare into my eyes.

"I'm scared of what's happening to me." I say as a tear runs down my cheek and freezes a little. Stiles couldn't tell because of how dark my room is, only our silhouettes and eyes are visible in this darkness.

"What's happening to you?" He says and I can't tell him. I can't tell anything to him. Not now, not ever. Not until I can figure out a way to reverse it. "Chris babe, c'mon answer me." He says and I ignore him once more and I push his hands away from my head aggressively. He gasp and then sighs deeply as if he's giving up on me, and I don't want him too. "Wow."

"I'm sorry." I say as my voice breaks. "You wouldn't understand." I tell him and he shakes his head.

He wouldn't know what it's like to have to hide yourself and cover your anger constantly. He wouldn't know what it's like to pretend everything is peachy when everything is not!

"You're doing it... again." He says to me and looks at me disappointed. "." He says and I stare up at him because he doesn't understand.

"" I yell harshly at him but no sign of Killer Frost manifesting, but I can feel him. ""

"Open up to me Chris. Let me in." He begs for me as he grabs a hold of my hand but I feel cold all of a sudden.

"." I say letting some of my anger out. "" I start pushing the blame on Stiles now and realize I'm going too far with this. "" I say harshly and look at him coldly, he looks at me back shocked and sad. He never realized how I really felt till now.

". ." Stiles says romantically and comes close to me and hugs me. "You're going to be alright, I have you now." He still doesn't understand... I'm unfixable, the broken can't be fixed... .


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