《Changing the Future》18 - Avoiding the Feelings
It's been a week since Barry and Caitlins almost kiss. Cicada hasn't show up anywhere and hasn't come back to the hospital to visit grace. "Ok, I'm going to go home, I'm feeling tired" Iris says
"I'll take you" Nora says leaving Cisco, Dawn, Caitlin and Barry in the cortex. Barry and Caitlin glanced at each other every now and then which did not go unnoticed by Dawn or Cisco.
"Are you guys ok?" Cisco asked
"What do you mean?" Barry said
"You two have been acting weird lately" Cisco said
"We haven't been acting weird" Caitlin said "Maybe you've been acting weird?"
"Ok" Cisco said not believing them
Barry then got a notification on his phone from Joe "I got to go to work, I'll see you guys later" he said and sped away.
"I'm going to go do work in my lab" Caitlin said taking her tablet with her.
"There is something weird going on right?" Cisco says to Dawn
"Ohh yeahh" Dawn says
"You know something" Cisco says
"No I don't" Dawn says and bites her lower lip
"Ah ha! Your biting your lower lip so you must know something" Cisco exclaims
"Ok fine, just you can't freak out ok?" Dawn says looking at her mother working in her lab and Cisco nods leaning closer so Dawn could say it softer. "They almost kissed" she whispered to Cisco
"WHAT?!" Cisco says
"Shhhhhhhhh" Dawn says looking at Caitlin who didn't notice
"What?!" He says in a whisper "When?!"
"After we went back in time and Killer Frost came out to defeat Cicada" she says
"I need to see this" Cisco says looking at the security feed. He saw them teasing each other. He them admire each other. He saw them about to kiss when Dawn sped in. "Why did you speed in?" Cisco said annoyed
"Because that's not how it's supposed to happen" Dawn said
"What's the big deal? So it happens a little earlier?" Cisco said
"The futures already changed so much and for all I know my brother and sister could be erased out of existence" Dawn argues back
"There are two more little Snowbarry children" Cisco said in awe thinking about it and Dawn nodded. "Can you tell me their names?" Cisco asks
"No you shouldn't even know they exist" Dawn said
"Well your no fun" Cisco said and Dawn rolled her eyes
Later that day there was an electrical surge at the power plant and Dawn and Barry sped there to go deal with it. Cisco and Caitlin were quarterbacking the mission. "Ok I don't see what's wrong" Barry says and then a lightning comes and hits one of the nearby structures "Found it"
"The skies were clear a minute ago" Caitlin says
"Uh guys we've got bigger problems" Cisco said "There is a experimental cold fusion core at the plant if the lightning hits it could blow up a whole block"
"You get the workers I got the cell" Barry says to Dawn who nods and speeds away. Barry saw a lightning was heading towards the core and went into Flashtime. He got the core a second before the lightning hit the power box and sent sparks flying as well as Barry. Dawn came back to see her dad on the floor holding onto the core.
"Dad" Dawn said and rolled him over so his back was on the floor. Dawn checked his pulse and felt nothing. "Guys he's not breathing" She said panicking over the coms
"He's going into cardiac arrest, you need to restart his heart" Caitlin said
"Mum, how do I do that?" Dawn said looking at her dad lying on the floor
"Rub your hands together to create lightning and then give him a chest compression" She says trying to keep herself together. Dawn does as she is told and rubs her hands together until they create Blue and yellow lightning. She gave him two chest compressions and nothing, he was still laying there lifeless. Caitlin the looked at her screen and saw his cital plumet. "We lost him" Caitlin said choking on her words.
"No, no, no" Dawn said and rubbed her hands together again until the lightning came. "You can't leave me, or mum, or uncle Cisco. We need you" She whispered under her breath as she continued to rub her hands together to create lightning. She gathered up as much strength as she could and the lightning was stronger than before. Barry then jumped up and fell back down into Dawn lap. The vitals then returned on Caitlin's screen again and both Cisco and Caitlin took a deep breath out.
"He's back" Cisco said and put a comforting hand on Caitlin's shoulder. Dawn hugged her dad as he was breathing raggedly and clutched onto her. When Barry caught his breath they sped to Star Labs and Caitlin and Cisco heard a grumpy Dawn and a chilled Barry.
"I promise, I'm ok" Barry said following Dawn
"Well you ok when I brought you back to life?" Dawn asks sarcastically
"Dawn..." Barry started but didn't get to continue
"Don't Dawn me, you almost died, you did die. Your always so reckless and it's a wonder you've made it this far." She said storming off. Barry sighed looking at his daughter storm off.
"Do you want to go check on her?" Caitlin said
"She just had to bring back to life, we should give her a minute. In the meantime where did that storm come from?" Barry said looking into her soft brown eyes as she stared into his emerald green ones.
"A storm like that, disappearing on a matter of minutes shouldn't be possible" Cisco said looking at the computer reviewing the data when neither Caitlin or Barry responded. He looked up and saw them just looking at each other, smiling dreamly, not that either of them noticed. "Uh, guys" Cisco said and both of them turned their heads.
"Right the storm" Barry said "it shouldn't be possible"
"Unless someone was making it possible" Caitlin said
"Like weather wizard?" Barry said and Caitlin nodded "Lets see if Mark Mardon is serving his life sentence at Iron Heights" Barry got Dawn and they went to Iron heights since there was some disturbance with the camera. They checked with eth Warden and Mardon had been there the whole day. "Looks like this was a bust" Barry said and he satrted walking away with Dawn.
"Yeah looks like you died for nothing" Dawn said
"Dawn I know it was hard but you have to understand to do what we do is dangerous and it comes with risks" Barry said
"I know it comes with risk but that is a completely different thing from you saying on the field. If I wasn't there you would be dead and I wouldn't exist" Dawn said and the their feud was interrupted by the building shaking. Then in the next room, where Mardon was being held, the roof fell and a woman holding a staff embedded with dark matter came through. Using her staff she blew all the guards away along with Barry and Dawn.
"Don't mind me, I'm just here to pick up my dad" The lady said
"Jocelyn?" Mardon asked
"Joss, actually" She said and was about to open the door when Barry beat her too it and sped him to Star labs. Barry and Dawn came behind Joss and made her angry. "I want my dad" she said
"That's not going to happen" Dawn said
"We'll see about that" Joss said "Bring my dad to Porta Plaza in one hour or Central City will become a wasteland" Then she portaked away using a lightning bolt. At Star labs they are trying to come up with a plan to take on Joss Jackum, a weather reporter who had a piece of meta tech. Cisco had named her 'Weather Witch' which was only fair since her father was Weather Wizard.
In the end the decided to use a hologram and pretended it was her dad. Caitlin was in the VR and had to pretend to be Mark Mardon. Dawn and Barry were in front of the Plaza when she came walking down the steps. "Where's my dad?" she demanded
Barry then sped away and appeared with the hologram. "Right here" Barry said
"Great" Joss said and then a yellow jeep started crashing down on the hologram. This shocked everyone and Joss just smiled. "Thank you for helping kill him" she said and started walking away but stopped when she heard her father's voice. Turning around she realised that it wasn't actually him but it was a hologram. "You tried tricking me, npw your city is going to pay Flash" Joss said and was suddenly gone again. Another lightning was about to hit Barry when Dawn sped him out of the way.
"Thanks" he said "I'm gong to follow her"
"What?" Dawn said "You almost just died and you don't care"
"You know how dangerous this job is" Barry said
"I know but I can't lose you and you don't seem to care, and if you die than I don't exist yet again you don't see to care" She said speeding away.
Barry sped back into the cortex by himself and saw the looks on Cisco and Caitlin. "You guys heard that didn't you?" Barry asked
"Cisco do you mind giving us a minute" Caitlin asked and Cisco nodded and walkout of the room. "Barry, please tell me you get where she's coming from"
"Yeah I get she's scared of losing me and she's scared that she won't exist but I thought she already knew the risks" Barry said
"She understands, but it doesn't mean she's not scared. Barry she had to bring you back to life away and she did get erased from existence and she would have stayed that way if she didn't tell us that I was her mum." Caitlin said and Barry nodded looking down at the floor. Caitlin walked up to him and cupped his face so he looked at her "Now I see somethings on you mind too"
"It's just she really thinks I don't care, it probably sounds stupid but I can't help it." Barry said
"Deep inside she knows you care it's the fear and anger that makes her say these things" Caitlin said. Both of them realised that they were standing very close to each other but were too afraid to move. They can't help it. All the feelings. As much as they try they can't avoid them. The connection is too strong, seeing what their future holds makes them even happier. Then Dawn sped in unintentionally, disrupting the moment.
"How do we track her down?" Dawn asked feeling sad
"We are looking for weather anomalies in central city" Caitlin said and looked at Barry who gave her a nod. "I'm going to go help Cisco"
"Ok, call me if you need me" Dawn said and was about to leave
"Wait" Barry said "I know your mad that I keep risking my life and I know there is more to it than that, so what's' really on your mind"
"I'm scared that I changed everything and thing sin the future will be a lot different, not in a good way. If I wasn't at the power plant you could have died then and there and I wouldn't exist" Dawn said "If I lose you I lose everything and that's what really scares me."
"Look I know it's hard but I will always try to come back home to you. I won't give up without a fight and people need saving if it's my life or there's I would have to choose theirs. Our job is difficult we have to make sacrifices we don't want to. I know for sure future me would not want to leave you and your mum" Barry said and Dawn nodded "I'm not expecting you to get like that but you have to understand that i will always put my life on the line"
"Yeah, also speaking of mum you haven't been talking much with her lately" Dawn said
"What are you talking about you see us talk in the cortex" Barry said and Dawn rolled her eyes. She was about to say something when Cisco called Barry in the cortex. "Any luck on finding Joss?"
"No just worse weather" Cisco said and Barry nodded looking at the monitors. Cisco notices that something was unsettling Barry and thinks it has to do with his almost kiss with Caitlin. "Barry you know if you need something to talk too i'm here" Cisco said
"Yeah" Barry said
"Like say if you wanted to talk about something that has happened and now you have conflicting about it, I'm your guy" Cisco said
"All right" Barry said looking at Cisco funny
"If there was a certain someone who you have conflicting feelings about someone I could help you with said feelings" Cisco said
"Are you good man?" Barry asked and Cisco nodded
"Peachy" he said and Barry gave him a raised eyebrow. They then found Joss's location and Barry sped to the Sheldon County Airport. Dawn and Caitlin came running into the cortex and stood next to Cisco. "Can you see Weather Witch?"
"No she damaged it to badly that the hanger is the only safe place. I got all the people to safety under the hanger" Barry said over coms
"Uh how do fight weather?" Dawn asked and Cisco looked at Caitlin with a knowing look.
"The wand we used to take Mardon down, I need you to get it from the starchives and give it to Barry" Cisco said and she nodded "Run baby Snowbarry" Cisco said
"Stop calling me baby" Dawn said and sped away. She came to the hanger and saw Barry taking care of innocent people.
"Hey" he said softly
"Here, Cisco says you can use this to stop Joss" Dawn said and gave the wand to him.
Joss the appeared at the entrance of the hanger and said "give me my dad"
"You know I can't" Barry said
"Then you know what happens next" Joss said and started spinning her staff
"Joss it was me, I deceived you not the. If your going to make someone pay make me" Barry said
"This is how you make heros pay" Joss said and continued to spin her staff until it created a lightning tornado.
"Cisco" Barry said
"You have to run around the tornado and the wand should absorb the lightning but all of the lightning will go through your body, you will become a human lightning rod" Cisco explained over the coms. Barry then looked at Dawn for approval. Looking at barry then at the people, the families there.
"Go" she said with a soft smile "I get it now" Barry's eyes sparkled with lightning and he sped off running around the tornado absorbing the lightning. Getting frustrated Barry took down her tornado she threw a lightning bolt at him. Barry using all the speed and power the extra lightning gave him threw on back at him. There lightnings collided making a blast of light. When it was over all Dawn could see was smoke.
"Do you see him?" Caitlin asked
"I, uh- I, I" Dawn said stuttering not seeing any sign of life scared she lost him. Shen then saw Joss' face and next to her was Barry. He had Joss in cuffs and was holding the staff. "I see him" Dawn said and Caitlin sighed in relief. Dawn went up and hugged her dad and they didn't even need to say anything to know that he will alway come back to her.
- In Serial28 Chapters
You Are The Gods.
You read the title right, YOU are a God within this story. In fact, every single reader of the story is a God. Many stories like to take the path that there are Gods that watch over the characters of the story, helping them or hurting them as the characters progress. What if, the readers of this story are the Gods that are watching the Main Characters? What if the readers could accrue points by reading that they could spend to help the main character, hurt the main character, or to even create new characters, dungeons, and scenarios? That is what I aim to create! I am trying to get the community involved in creating a reality that the readers themselves can directly influence! If you have any interest in this at all, I implore you to read the intro chapter called 'The Tutorial' and join everyone else on many interesting stories on Planet Earth and what it is to become! Volume 1 is where you can find how the system works, and the various things within the system! Volume 2 is the actual story and invasions itself. Volume 3 is where you can find previous polls and the such. Volume 3 is so we can all look back at the decisions made. Quick note. I am not the best writer, and will try my best to create the best quality story. There might be some grammar errors, or I might write in a simpler way compared to other authors because I do not have much time, nor can I write ahead either! If you wish to give me advice on the system as the story goes on, then I will gladly accept it. Lastly, just have fun with the story as I try to do something completely new! Cover Art made by one of the Deities, The Hive!
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