《Changing the Future》19 - All the Feels
It's been a week since the incident and things have been quiet. Cicada hasn't made a move and no metas have showed up, even thefts have decided to take a break. Cisco and Dawn have come up with a plan to push Caitlin and Barry together. A day of fun and if it doesn't work then they will end up having a fun time together.
Cisco, Dawn, Caitlin, Barry and Dawn were in the cortex. Lately Barry has been checking in with Iris see how she has been feeling. Before when he was around her he would feel giddy and happy, in love. Now he looked at her as a best friend, she wasn't anything more and could never be more. Nora has been spending time with her mum and has occasionally helped out at Star Labs and CCPD.
Caitlin thought she buried theses feelings a long time ago and she never thought she would have a child after Ronnie. When she found out she had a daughter with Barry she was so happy not only that she had a child but that it was with a amazing guy.
In Star Labs everyone was talking and asking Dawn about the future. "Do I still have my long hair?" Cisco asked "I realised I never asked you"
"Sadly" Dawn said and then blows raspberries. "I'm bored" she said and gave Cisco a look.
"Me too" he said "Let's do something"
"What?" Barry asked
"I don't know" Cisco said
"Can we do a challenge?" Dawn asks
"What kind of challenge?" Caitlin asks
"Any" Dawn said
"Or we can do many and the winning team gets to pick or make the loser do something, we can figure that part later" Cisco said
"Well I will not partake in these challenges" Sherlock said
"What about you guys" Cisco said motion to his best friends with the licorice in his hand
"I'm down" Barry said
"Me too" Caitlin said
"I dibs being on a team with Cisco" Dawn said
"Should we be offended" Caitlin said
"No because we know Cisco needs the help and I am not choosing between the two of you" Dawn said and Barry and Caitlin looked at each other and smiled.
"Looks like we're partners" Caitlin said
"Yeah, after all we are quite the pair Dr Snow" Barry said
"You remember that" Caitlin said
"If course I do, it happened the day you got drunk and I could never forget that" Barry said and smiled. Dawn and Cisco fist pump watching the two, their plan was already working. "So, what are we playing?" Barry asks
"Well if we are going to do this we are going to need someone to run the challenges." Cisco said
"I'll do it" Sherlock says coming in the room. "I have hit too many dead ends with Cicada" They all nod and while Sherlock is thinking of a plan Dawn and Cisco come up to him and explain what they are doing.
Sherlock then comes back with the first game. Two truths and a lie. Everyone looked at him confused to why he chose it and he explained it. "What? You know how to play two truths and a lie, yes?"
"Yeah, it's just a interesting choice" Caitlin said
"How do we make it competitive" Dawn asks
"Each person will say 2 each, and if your partner guess it right you get a point" Sherlock says and they nod "Cisco will go first"
"My favourite movie is Star Wars attack of the clones, I wore a keep calm shirt on my first day and star labs and I like red licorice better than black" Cisco said
"Your favorite movie is Star wars revenge of the sith so the first one is the lie" Dawn said
"Correct" Cisco said and high fived Dawn
"Ok, Barry your go" Sherlock said
"Um ok, the first time I got my speed was in a alleyway, I like Friends the tv show and i like big belly burger better than Jitters "Barry said
"Definitely not the first one" Caitlin said and was thinking about the other two. She then remembered that once she caught him watching Friends at Star labs after Bett San Souci died and the conversation they had after Frost saved his life. "It's the third one"
"Yep, I like them both equally" Barry said
"Did you really have to make it hard?" Caitlin said
"Well I want to see how well you know me" Barry said a bit flirtatiously "How did you know I like Friends?"
"I remember I saw you watching it after Bett San Souci died and even though you said you grew up with Iris I can tell when you're lying" Caitlin said and he nodded remembering the time.
"Who was Bett San Souci?" Dawn asked
"She was one of the earliest etas we found and the first one who was not trying to kill us" Cisco said
"Didn't you also have a crush on her?" Caitlin asked
"Yeah he did" Barry said "Remember that pick-up line he used on her, oh what was it?" Barry said as he and Caitlin were hard at thought.
"Oh she was asking if there were any other metas" Caitlin said and Barry continued
"Yeah and you said there've been a few and he said" Barry continued
"But none that looks like you" They both said laughing while Dawn was focusing in her parents not the story as much. She still found the story hilarious and had could imagine her uncle Cisco saying something like that.
"To think I call you guys my friends" Cisco said while they were laughing
"Guys next round" Sherlock said and Caitlin and Barry apologised
The next round Dawn and Cisco didn't get the lie but Barry and Caitlin did. For the rest of the game they all got it right. The final score was three to four and Barry and Caitlin won. "That was a quick game" Dawn said
"Yeah It was" Barry agreed
"It's cute you think that's all you I had planned" Sherlock said "I'll be back soon" He then left the lounge and came back with a bunch of cards.
"What are we playing now?" Cisco asks
"Charades" Sherlock said "Also they are of people not movies and books and stuff and since Dawn and Cisco went fist last time, Barry and Caitlin you will go first"
Caitlin went first and looked at her card which she smiled at. She put up one finger and Barry said "One word" and she nodded she pretended to be cold and Barry got it right away. "Frost!" He said and she nodded. They high fived and she sat next to him.
Dawn then wet and after a few tries Cisco finally got it. Barry went up and and got the Green Arrow. He put up two fingers and she said "Two words" nodding he pretended he was shooting an arrow. "Arrow" she said excited and he urged her to go on "The Arrow" she said unsure. Barry didn't know how to show her the colour green through his action so he thought he'd look for a green object. The first green thing he saw was actually her jumpsuit. He walked up to her and lightly pulled her sleeve. "What?" she said confused. He then shot another arrow and kneeled down to lightly tug her sleeve. "Oh, Green Arrow" she said and he smiled at her. They didn't notice how close their faces were until Cisco interrupted their stare.
"Are we going to play or are you two just going to stare at each other all day long" Cisco asked and Dawn chuckled.
"Well it's your go isn't it?" Caitlin said and Cisco got up to pick his card. Cisco smirked at his card and put it down on the table.
"Three words" Dawn said as Cisco put up to fingers. He put up two fingers and she said "Second word" and he nodded. Cisco then started running on the spot and Dawn said "Flash" and he nodded. Cisco then put three fingers up and she said "third word" and he did the same things Caitlin when she got frost. "Frost" Dawn said and Cisco nodded gleefully. "Team Flash Frost" Dawn said and they high-fived. When Cisco came to sit down.
"Team Flash Frost?" Caitlin asks them with a raised eyebrow.
"I didn't make them" Cisco said in defence. They played a few more rounds and they tied because Cisco and Dawn actually tried this time. Caitlin and Barry also went easy on them.
The next competition Sherlock had planned was twister. Dawn already knew that she was going to win this because of the countless times she played when she was young and beat everyone that challenged her. Barry and Caitlin were standing on one side of the mat while Cisco and Dawn where on the other. Dawn volunteered to go first and then they went around. She first had to put her left foot on a blue circle and put it as close to the middle as she could. Barry was next and put his right hand on a yellow circle towards the outside. Cisco going next had his left hand on a red and Caitlin had to put her left foot on a yellow one. Dawn then put her right foot on a red circle. Barry then had to put his right hand on green and Cisco did the same already stretching his limits. Caitlin then put her right hand on a blue circle which she placed next to Dawns foot. "Big mistake" Dawn said smirking and then Cisco slipped landing on his face.
"Owwww" Cisco said
"Out!" Sherlock yelled ins French accent.
"I'm gonna get some water, I'll be back soon" Cisco said and walked away to the kitchen. Now it was the Snow-Allen family. Dawn now had to put her left hand on a yellow circle which was easy. Barry then had to move his left leg on a blue circle and wasn't hard to hold for the flash. Caitlin then moved her left foot to a green circle and said "Why do I feel like I'm Sara like posing or something?"
Barry and Dawn laughed at this and Sherlock gave the next set of instructions it wasn't much of a change for any of them and Dawn groaned in annoyance of how slow this game was going. She finally got a hard one and had to move her left leg from red to green while her right hand was on blue and her left hand on red. She slid down into hr sort of splits and said "Finally something kind of hard" Barry and and Caitlin were shocked and knew they probably had no chance against their daughter. Barry was next had to move from yellow to red but some of the space as being taken up by his dear daughter. He reached over her so he could out his left hand on a red dot. Caitlin thankfully didn't have to so much except move her hand one space over. Dawn had to move her right hand to yell which wasn't a challenge and Barry had to move his left hand to red so he was in a strange plank position. Caitlin had to move her right hand on the red dot so she moved it to the corner near Barry. Dawn then moved her right leg to blue which made her more comfortable. Barry then had to move his left leg to a yellow dot and he moved it so it was next to Caitlin's left hand. He saw her look at him and gave her a wink. She gave him a warms smile in return, both of the completely ignoring what Sherlock said she had to do next.
They were interrupted by dawn when she said "Mum, did you hear what Sherlock said?"
"Sherloque, it's a simple pronunciation" he said and they all ignored him.
"Uh no I didn't" Caitlin said
"Right foot to red" Dawn said and Caitlin nodded but knew she wasn't going to make it. She tried anyway and fell but worse she ended up falling onto of Barry and made him fall as well. Dawn using her speed sped off the mat so they wouldn't bump into her as well. Barry fell to the side so he landed on his back and Caitlin landed next to him but she head landing on his shoulder. Both of them looked at each other and started corrupt fits of laughter while Dawn was admiring her parents.
They then got up and Sherloque declared Dawn the winner. This last game Sherloque came up with to break the tie breaker. A staring contest. In the end that's what it came down to. They sat down facing each other and just looking into each others eyes and if you look away then you're out. "Go" Sherloque said.
Barry and Caitlin juts looked at each other as they have been all day except this time wouldn't be interrupted. They could just look at each other and could read each others minds. All their emotions flow freely between each other and an unexplainable connection that they share. Even if they won't admit it to themselves they know they have feelings for each other. In that moment they both just looked at each other the past few year flashing in their minds. When Caitlin went in the pipeline for the first time Ronnie died, when Barry took care of her her when she was drunk, how she always worries for him, when she turned into killer frost, when they fought about his safety, every bit of advice they gave each other, every time they thought it would be the last time they saw each other, all their hugs, every time she fixed him up, all the times he saved her, all the time she saved him and all the feelings they had. They didn't even need words they just knew that the other was thinking about the same thing as they were.
Their thoughts were ruined when Dawn and Cisco couldn't stare at each other any longer and Sherloque said "Winer, Barry and Caitlin"
They smiled at each other and didn't need words, they high-fived and went to go boast to Dawn and Cisco. "Why did you break?" Cisco asked pretending that they didn't't do it on purpose.
"You were doing something weird with your eye, it's not my fault" Dawn said defending herself when Barry and Caitlin interrupted.
"Well it doesn't matter because we won and you lost" Barry said and Caitlin nodded.
"We make a pretty great team" Caitlin said
"Hell yeah we do" Barry said and they high-fived for the billionth time.
"So what are you going to make us do?" Cisco asked
"I forgot about that part" Caitlin said
"Me too" Barry said "You got any ideas?"
"Nope, you?" Caitlin said
"I have one" Barry said and Dawn and Cisco look at each other scared for what they are going to have to do.
Next thing they all knew they were in a private karaoke room. "Barry, you know I hate singing" Caitlin said
"Please just for fun" Barry said and she got swallowed up by his emerald green eyes.
"Fine, just this once ok?" Caitlin said and he had the biggest smile on his face which made her smile. Cisco had already chosen a song to sing, 500 miles. Dawn groaned hearing hearing uncle Cisco sing this song more times than she cam remember bit Caitlin and Barry were very excited to here Cisco sing.
When he was done Barry and Caitlin were cheering very loudly. He stepped down from the stage and Dawn looked for a song she liked to sing. It had none of her favourites, probably because they were from the future until she saw one song she smiled at it but continued looking. She saw one old school song that she liked and was on the list. 'Baby one more time' started playing and all three were surprised that was song she chose. She sang beautifully like her dad and Caitlin smiled at that. When she was done there was a very loud sound of applause from Cisco, Barry and Caitlin. Dawn sat next to her mum who complimented her. "You have a beautiful voice like your dad" Caitlin said,
"You told me that when I was younger as well" Dawn said "It made me feel so happy that you could see some of him in me"
"You are so much like him in so many ways" Caitlin said
"Yeah, but. Also wanted to be like you too" Dawn said and smiled. Then a familiar tune came and interrupted the moment. It was Summer Nights.
"Barry" Caitlin complained and he dragged her on the stage.
"Just one song" Barry said and once again her feelings for him over took her doubts and concerns.
"we are going to bring this place down" Caitlin joked remembering that from the first time she sang this song with him. This obviously made him laugh and made her smile "Summer lovin, had me a blast" Caitlin sang all off pitch, "Summer lovin happened so fast"
"I met a girl crazy for me" Barry said and then everything started disappearing. It was like Cisco wasn't there, Dawn wasn't there, not even the furniture was there. It was just them looking at each other when they could or their eyes were looking at the lyrics. Caitlin was always mesmerised by the sound of his voice and loved hearing it. In that moment she found herself loving him more than she ever has and even her off pitch singing was one thing he loved reminding him of one of the best memories, it makes him love her more than he ever has.
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