《Changing the Future》17 - Only A Moment In Time
Everyone is looking for Cicada's identity. So far they know that he is Grace Gibbons father. Barry already went down to The hospital and found out that both of her parents are deceased. When Barry came back they checked the security cameras at the hospital. Only one man came to visit her. Orlin Dwyer.
They hired a multiversal detective who goes by the name of Sherlock Wells since Harry went back to Earth-2 to spend some time with Jessie. He has been helping team Flash spy on Cicada for weeks. "Orlin Dwyer also known as Cicada. He grew up in the midwest, in and out of juvie, popped up in Central City a few years ago, Part-time employee of Shrek's chemicals for the last two years, he mostly keeps to himself, gave a fake address, took custody of his niece. Grace Gibbons. Her parents were unfortunately murdered by a meta-human."
"That's why he hates metas" Dawn says
"Powers that he accumulated at the night of the enlightenment and he, as we all know, was struck by the Star Labs satellite. What we did not know that it was the same night that Grace was put into a coma. Dwyer now visits her every night and every day." Sherlock says
"Is here there now?" Barry asks and he nods "Lets go get him"
"Lets go get him?" Sherlock questions "How are we going to do that. As always I respect your spirit Monsieur Allen but as long as he has the dagger you remain powerless."
"Then let's destroy the dagger" Barry said
"We can't do that unless we have some power dampener dagger power dampener tech" Caitlin says
"We don't but if we did I would come up with a better name than that" Cisco said
"Like Dagger dampener" Barry says and Cisco points to one of his best friends in agreement. They the all of them except Dawn start arguing about what they would calling it coming up with different abbreviations. Dawn was too lost in her thoughts to contribute in the conversation. She then had an Idea and started talking to herself a bit.
"Guys" Nora said "I think we can make on"
"Make what?" Barry asked
"What if we can make something more powerful than his weapon" She suggested "We need something more powerful than his connection to the dagger"
"Like a sort of super charged magnet" Iris asked and Nora nodded
"I don't know is we have something strong enough for that" Cisco said
"And even if we could get the dagger we would have to take the dark matter out so we could strip it of its powers" Caitlin said
"Your suggesting we find a indestructible alloy that has super magnetic properties but allos has the ability to negate dark matter" Sherlock says "Where are we going to find such a thing?"
Dawn looks at all the people in the room and then says "The past. You've already come across everything we need. A strong alloy with magnetic properties"
"Savitar's suit" Cisco said
"Something to remove Dark Matter" Dawn said
"The speedforce transmitter" Caitlin said with a smile
"But that was speed force particles" Iris says
"But they are exotic particles, it is the same thing as dark energy" Dawn said understanding what Nora was saying
"Is that even possible?"Iris asked
"We would have to infuse the transmitter with the same type of dark matter from the particle accelerator"
"We'll have to blow up the Particle Accelerator again" Iris asks
"Not again just go back to the first time" Nora said
"This is going to mess with the timeline too much" Barry said
"No it won't because theses are just discarded objects in time, it won't affect anything" Nora said
"Well we can't just walk into the hospital ready to fight, if he knows coming then he's gone or worse other people could get hurt" Caitlin said
"Then you can do a time hack" Dawn said
"Time what?" Caitlin said
"It's when you plant something in the past so it's available in the future. Do you not focus when we watch movies together" Cisco says to Caitlin who shrugs her shoulders in response. "If you hide it near the hospital where no one will find it for years then he won't even know it's there" Cisco said and Barry was still skeptical about going back in time.
"So you go back in time with Barry to get all these objects" Sherlock says
"We can do this" Dawn says
"No, I can do this" Barry says "Can you figure out what dates to go onto?"
"We're on it" Cisco says
"Can you go ahead, I need to do something first" Caitlin said to Cisco who nodded
"Hey" Caitlin said as she caught up to Barry in the hallway
"Hey, aren't you supposed to be helping Cisco?" Barry said
"Uh yeah, I just wanted to check on you" Caitlin said
"I'm fine" Barry said
"Is that why you didn't let Dawn go with you" Caitlin said
"You think she should" Barry said and she nodded "I'm going back to some crazy time Savitar, Zoom, Thawne, plus she cant even time travel"
"With your help she can and the only person you're fooling with that lie is yourself, it's a good idea. Unless you have a better excuse than that she should go with you" Caitlin said and walked away. Cisco and Caitlin the informed Barry on the dates he needed to travel to so he can get each item.
Barry joined everyone in the cortex and they had double checked everything. "Don't want to forget this" Cisco said chucking Barry his ring. "Emergencies only!" Cisco instructed "Don't want to give you any ideas"
"Thanks man" Barry said
"Your welcome" Cisco said and Barry looked at Caitlin who looked at her daughter. Dawn was slumped against a chair wishing she could go in the past with Barry. Barry then looked at her and nodded to Caitlin who smiled.
"Dawn, Nora" Barry said to get their attention "Come one" Dawn smiled and followed her dad. She high-fived Caitlin on the way and then hurried along.
"Are you sure you want me to come?" Nora asked "Are both of you sure?"
"Yeah" Barry said after getting approval from Dawn and they left the room.
"Your a great mother Caitlin" Iris said
"Thank you. You are too" Caitlin said
"Your being polite, I just wanted to say sorry, I owe a apology as well." Iris said
"It's ok, I get it you just wanted to save you family. At the end of the day that's what being parent is about and you are a great mother." Caitlin said and gave a soft smile to Iris.
Barry, Nora and Dawn were at the pipeline entrance, all of them were dressed in black and prepared to face what they see. "Just follow my lead ok, if anything goes wrong do exactly as I say" Barry said and Dawn nodded. "Ready?" Barry asked and she pushed her thoughts aside and nodded. Both speedsters sped off and ran laps around the particle accelerator and jumped when they saw a blue portal open. Dawn and Nora saw all these memories of Barry and was amazed. Barry was looking out for the moment in their final showdown with Savitar. "Now" Brary said and they landed in the middle of a forest.
They looked around to make sure that they were in the right spot at the right time. Behind them they then saw the god of speed running and they thought they were going to get caught until he sped right past them. Savitar was engaged in a fight with Barry, Wally and Jay. Savitar's lightning blast sent all of the hero's flying and Pat Barry fell near Dawn and Future Barry. He was to wrapped up in his fight to see that they were there. Barry and Dawn then sped closer to the fight. once they were close enough they hid behind a wooden pillar. They were watching Barry on the floor with Savitar making threats at him. Barry had then phased Savitar out of his suit and took his place. Past Barry was now standing over Savitar and said "How does it feel to get so close to your ascension and fall on the ground"
"I see now it's written" Savitar said
"Nothing written" Past Barry said
Barry then heard the time wraith and Dawn asked "What was that?"
"A Time Wraith, there here to protect the timeline from speedsters who mess with time. Both of you have to get the pieces and meet me where we first landed " Barry said and sped away. Dawn turned her attention to what was happening with Savitar and saw Barry phasing the suit. Pieces then shattered everywhere and Dawn saw a few pieces roll in front of her. She grabbed one of them and head a gunshot. Dawn shuddered at the sound and saw her aunt Iris holding a gun at Savitar. Nora was speechless ad had no clue her mum could do something like that.
Savitar's body then started to fade away and Dawn saw the piece of the suit fading in and out. "We got to go" Dawn said to Nora who nodded and the both sped away from the scene and saw their father being chased by a time wraith. Nora grabbed onto Dawn's arm and reversed time so she could get past the time wraith with her father. They entered the speedforce with the Wraith still chasing them. Barry looked for where they had to go next and grabbed onto them and took them to 2016. All three of them were now in some alleyway and Barry asked "Did you get the piece"
"Yeah" Dawn said and showed him
"Nice work" he said and the both saw Blue lightning pass and Barry turned his head. "Zoom, he has Wally and I'm going to make the exchange. We got to go." They then sped to Star Labs and hide behind a door so they can still see what's happening. Zoom just stole Barry's speed and now had hime pinned against the wall.
"Jay stop" Caitlin said "If you have any humanity left, than let him go" she had her hands clasped together and tears in her eyes that didn't fall. Zoom then shoved Barry to the floor and he caught his breath. Future Barry looked down, upset that his daughters had to see this. He didn't want them to see all the pain and the fact that he didn't do anything to save Caitlin. Cisco then came towards the door and Barry, Nora and Dawn hid against the wall. Dawn look worried at her dad who told her to stay calm.
"I'm going to get the speed transmitter, you two just stay here" Barry whispered and they nodded.Barry crepted into room they were just in and couldn't find the speed transmitter, he looked around when he heard a whirring sound behind him. Barry slowly stood up and turned around to see Harry. He put the gun down and Harry said "You change quick"
"Uh yeah it was to weird being in my suit after I lost my speed" Barry said
"Well that's your fault" Harry said looking around
"I guess it is" Barry said "What are you looking for?" Barry asked
"Anything to help me find my daughter" Harry said and shoved his gun on the table "I don't have my daughter you don't have your speed, Zoom has Caitlin" Harry then lifts up the speed force Transmitter "this whole thing is going to hell in a handbasket" Harry said about break the one thing they need.
"Wait!" Barry said putting his hand out "Her frequency, Jessie, She's from earth-2 so she vibrates at a different frequency. Could you track her that way"
"Figure out how to find Snow" Harry said and gave the speed force transmitter to Barry ho took a deep breath out.
Dawn then came next to Barry and asked "Did you get it?"
"Got it" Barry said. They were about to turn around and go to december 11th 2013 when Zoom got in their way.
"Your not going anywhere Flash:" Zoom said
"You got what you want Zolomon" Barry said and out a hand in front of Dawn and Nora.
"And who are these two?"Jay said looking interestingly at the two girls "Other speedsters"
Barry and Dawn then sped away into the speedforce and Zoom was on their tale. While they were in the speedforce Zoom had gotten a hold on Barry but a time wraith got to Zoom. Almost taking them as well if Barry didn't push them all out. The speed force transmitter had broken due to the crash landing and Both Nora and Barry were shoved to the floor. Barry looked up and saw that it was broken. "No, no, no, no" Barry said and runs to pick it up at a at normal speed. "Damn it!" Barry said "I knew we shouldn't have done this, now we have no way of stopping Cicada and I don't even know when or where we are."
"Dad we can figure this out" Nora said
"We can't fix this, Cisco can't fix this, this is Wells' tech" Barry said
"Then let's go to Earth-2" Dawn said
"Harry's mind isn't what it used to be" he said
"No that Wells', the one the built the particle accelerator" Dawn said
"That's not Wells' it's Eobard Thawne" Barry said
"I know he's just really smart" She said"we could convince him to help us"
"No, the only person Thawne ever cares about is himself" Barry said he said and turned around and saw a newspaper on the floor. He picked it up and looked at the date. April 22nd "Why does that feel important" Barry said
"What feels important?" Dawn asked
"The date" Barry said
"This was the date you took down Hannibal Bates aka Everyman. For some reason Nora hated him" Dawn said looking at her sister
"I just don't like him" Nora defended
"I guess we need Thawne's help" Barry said
"At least if there is any weird behaviour you can just blame Everyman" Nora said and Barry nodded
"Come on let's go" He said and they sped to Star Labs. When they got there got there no one was there, Cisco and Joe were in Star City if Barry recalls. They went to go check the Time vault and when the phased in there they saw Thawn sitting in the wheelchair.
"Well, things just got complicated didn't they" Wells' said and got up to see Dawn and Barry "Barry Allen, but which Barry Allen? Clearly your later than the last time you popped up in here"
"Way later" Barry said
"Way later,"Who are your friends?" Well's said and then started guessing like it was a game "Let me guess, Jessie Chambers, no, maybe Lawrence, wait, Danica Williams"
"It doesn't matter who they are" Barry said annoyed with Wells. He looked at her again and realize who it was.
"your daughter's" Wells' said "You brought me your daughter, it's Dawn right?" he pointed at Nora
"Nora" she said noticing Barry's face.
"Nora" Wells said smirking "At least you still got one" Barry then clenched his jaw using all his strength to hold himself back and not hurt him. "What do you want?" Wells' said
"I want you to fix this for me" Barry said holding up the speed force transmitter
"No" Wells's said softly "If your here and he was here than that means..."
"You don't get home" Barry said with a satisfied smirk
"I get home" Wells' shouted "I get home! I go home! I get Everything!" while Barry just shakes his head
"You don't go home!" Barry interrupts "Unless, you help me"
"What do you want?" Wells' asks after giving a interesting look at Dawn
"Like I said, you re going to help me fix it" Barry said
"To do what?" Well's asks
"Drain Dark Matter" Barry said
"Who's?" Well's asks
"Not your business" Barry said
"It is" Wells' says
"No it's not" Barry said and then Barry and Wells got in a argument.
"Cicada's" Nora said while Dawn stayed silent
"The one who got away" Wells' said "You wanna destroy Cicada's dagger don't you?"
"We want to save lives" Barry said
Wells laughs and then says "You wanna save lives, I bet you do. Especially your own right Barry Allen?"
"So are you going to help us or not because I can make your life more miserable than it is" Barry said "So which it is it?"
"Where are my manners? Could I get you a cup of water?" Wells says to Nora and Dawn. Wells than takes them to his workshop and gives them some water. "So who made this?" Wells asks
"Someone smarter than you" Barry said with no emotion
Wells then started laughing and says "I doubt that. You know for your plan to work, you're going to have to have his dagger in your possession."
"We've got that covered" Barry said
"You've got that covered, how's that?" Wells says in disbelief
"With this" Nora says, holding up a piece of Savitar's suit that she grabbed from Dawn.
"Is that..." Wells said going to touch it when Barry took it from Nora's hand.
"It's a piece of Savitar's suit yeah" Barry said
"You know what's funny about your dad Nora." Wells said having no clue who Dawn could be "is he hates me, hates me with a passion and yet a version of him was Savitar, was a bigger jerk than I ever was." Wells then starts laughing when he says "Did you see the face, like the pizza face"
"Can you hurry up?" Barry asked annoyed. Both of his daughters were shocked as they never saw this side of his father. Sure, they've seen him angry but they have never seen him hate.
"Yeah, I'll hurry up" Wells said
"I got to tell you using Savitar's suit, it's a smart idea" Wells said
"It was hers" Barry said looking at Nora who smiled at him
"Clever girl, whoever she may be" Wells said as he finished fixing the speed force transmitter.
"Got to go" Wells said "I look forward to seeing how this pans out" he then sped away and was back in the time vault.
"Hey dad..." Dawn said but was interrupted by Barry
"It was time to go back to the night it all began, let's go" Barry said and Dawn and Nora sped off in a trail of blue, purple and yellow lightning. Barry was going to follow them when something caught his eye. It was him and Caitlin, kissing. At first he was puzzled and realised that it was Hannibal Bates. He was surprised when she kissed back and then he started thinking he wouldn't mind if if she kissed him that way but he put thoughts out of his head and focused on the task at hand.
He caught up with his daughter's and went into the speed force again. Barry, Nora and Dawn moved subtly through the crowd keeping their heads down. "Whey are we coming this way?" Dawn asked
"It's a big moment Nora. Thawne's been waiting for this moment for 15 years. If we use the speed force he'll feel it" Barry said and the three of them went back to the time vault where they saw the reverse flash suit on display. Barry doesn't pay attention to it like his daughter's he just moved straight to the plinth and inserted the piece of Savitar's suit in the speedforce transmitter.
"Good evening Barry Allen I wasn't expecting you this soon" Gideon said
"You know her" Nora said surprised
"I know you as well Nora West-Allen, also known as XS" Gideon said
"Gideon, the particle accelerator is about to explode I need you to recalibrate some of the dark matter into this vial" Barry said. Barry was continuing to tell Gideon what to do as Dawn was getting closer to the reverse flash suit. She was about to touch the emblem when she heard Barry say "Dawn!" she got startled and backed away from the suit.
"You really hate him, don't you?" Dawn said
"Do you not know what he did?" Barry asked
"Mum didn't really talk about this kind of stuff, she talked about the hero you were" Dawn said
"Yeah" Nora said also no t knowing what he did.
"He killed my mother, in out home when I was 11 and he did it because he was angry, angry he didn't kill me." Barry said
"I'm sorry, we didn't know" Dawn said
"There's a lot that's happened that probably wasn't on the flash museum" Barry said
Bathilda the Bat
Bathilda is an overworked nurse who's life ends at the non-existant hands of a tornado. Upon meeting the creator of the universe shortly after her death, she decides to start a second life rather than joining God's harem of histories greatest women. How will she fare in this new world when she realises that the reincarnation process didn't work as she had expected it to and that a stranger has hijacked her mind? All she wants to do is help people, yet that seems like a far off dream and is easier said than done in a world full of monsters. Cover created by gej302. There is no release schedule for this work as it's mainly just a side project. Any comments will used to improve the work for everyone.
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