《Grimm Season 6 Episode 14: In the Nick of Time》Chapter Eighteen
When they reached Forest Park, Farris led the way on a trail that would take them to the scene of the crime.
"They said Jorge came out of the woods from this direction," Farris said, pointing into the woods. The group started walking in that direction.
As night fell and darkness surrounded them, the group worried more and more that they wouldn't be able to find the cabin and save Jordan. However, they kept searching; they weren't giving up yet.
"We have to find this thing," Trubel said. "The stuff I drank is going to wear off in a few hours."
"Monroe and I didn't pick all of the flowers. We can always make more," Rosalee offered.
"No. No way," Trubel said, determined. "We are finding the cabin tonight, and I am not drinking more of that stuff."
"Does anyone have any idea where we are or what direction we've been heading?" Wu asked.
A few people said, "No."
"Then, we're lost," Wu said. "The cabin should be right here."
Suddenly, Farris said, "I think we should go here," and started walking. Hank ran after her because she was already walking away from the group.
"Why?" he asked.
"I don't know," she said. "I just think we should."
Hank looked over at Nick who seemed as questioning as he was. "Okay," Hank gave in. The group changed its course to follow Farris.
They kept walking until Nick said, "Wait."
Everyone stopped.
"Do you hear that?" he asked. Everyone exchanged a confused look.
"What?" Rosalee asked.
"Birds," Nick said. "Lots of them."
"I don't hear anything," Trubel said. Why did Nick have better hearing than she did?! She was jealous, despite the fact she knew the horrific answer - Nick had almost been blinded permanently by a Jinnamuru Xunte and was also turned into a zombie by someone working for the Royals. Trubel didn't want to experience either of those things, but she still thought it would be cool to have super hearing like Nick.
"It's coming from that way," Nick said, pointing in the direction that they had been walking. They started moving again. Eventually, everyone started hearing the birds.
"They sound so pretty," Farris said, enamored by the birds' calls.
"Anyone else thinking this is really freaky?" Wu asked.
"Yes," the group agreed, all except Farris. Farris picked up her pace and everyone started questioning her self-control as she wandered closer to the bird calls.
"This has to be the Hexenbiest spell," Nick told Hank. Hank looked concerned. "Janelle," he yelled, running after Farris. She didn't stop.
"Come on, guys," Farris said.
"Janelle," Hank said, grabbing her arm to keep her from continuing. "Maybe you should stay back here. I'll wait with you," he offered.
"I'm coming," Farris said.
"I think-" Hank began.
"I'm coming," she repeated.
"Dude, I'm sure it will be fine. We'll just keep an eye on her," Monroe said.
"Then, let's keep going," Farris announced as she started walking again.
A few minutes after that, Wu asked, "You guys see that, too, right?" Wu was pointing at something glowing between trees in the distance.
"Yeah," Trubel answered. Farris and the rest of the group were walking towards it.
"That has to be the cabin, right?" Monroe asked.
"Probably," Nick said.
"You guys should wait here," Trubel said.
"I don't think that's a good idea," Nick said.
"Then, try to follow me and get stuck like the others," Trubel challenged. Nick made an unhappy face.
"Janelle, you have to stop!" Hank suddenly yelled. Everyone quickly looked in Hank's direction. He had his arms wrapped around Farris; she was still trying to walk towards the cabin's lights despite the fact that Hank held her in place.
"I just want to see," Farris said peacefully, moving against Hank.
"Why aren't we cabin crazy?" Monroe asked.
"Well, the Hexenbiest seems to be targeting human women," Rosalee said.
"And birds," Wu added, squinting through the darkness in an attempt to see where that calls and chirps were coming from.
Trubel walked over to Hank and put her hand on Farris's shoulder. "Are you okay?"
Farris stopped trying to walk away from Hank. Trubel's touch seemed to erase the spell's effect on her.
"I'm good," Farris said, embarrassed. "That was weird. I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault," Hank said while Trubel turned to address the others.
"It works," she said. "I guess I'll go find Jordan."
"Since it works, we're coming with you," Nick announced. Hank and Wu were nodding in agreement.
Wu held out his hand to high five Trubel. Wu wanted Trubel to touch him so the Hexenbiest's spell wouldn't ever be able to affect him. He felt awkward asking Trubel to touch him, however, so he figured a high five would be the way to go. Trubel understood Wu's motive, so she grinned and high fived him. Trubel then high fived Monroe and Rosalee and fist-bumped Nick and Hank.
"Ow," Wu mumbled as he looked at his hand. Monroe exchanged a sympathetic look. Trubel was not the most careful or gentle person.
"We're ready to go," Trubel said. "I'll go in first. Give me a minute head start."
Hank motioned to himself and Farris. "We'll take the back to see if there's an exit or if anyone else is outside."
"I'll take the front with Wu," Nick offered. He looked over at a worried Rosalee and remembered that she didn't want Monroe to help with cases. "You guys should sit this one out."
"Thanks, man," Monroe said, relieved.
"We'll be here if you need us," Rosalee said, guilty that she and Monroe weren't helping.
"Don't worry about it," Nick said. He put his hand on Monroe's shoulder, "You guys have helped enough, already." Monroe and Rosalee both looked at him with a relieved, grateful expression.
"Let's go," Trubel said, impatiently.
"Be careful," Nick warned her.
"Yeah, yeah," she said, sounding slightly irritated as she began walking towards the cabin. Nick nodded at Hank and Farris who followed stealthily behind Trubel in the dark. Like Nick and Wu, Hank and Farris turned their flashlights off and crept from shadow to shadow. Nick and Wu crouched behind some shrubbery near the house to catch anyone who ran out, or to run in if things sounded like they had gotten out of hand. Hank and Farris disappeared in a massive garden that sprawled behind the house.
Trubel looked around in the dark and saw two women stacking baskets next to the house. They looked up, noticing Trubel and how close she was, and ran screaming into the house. Trubel sighed before walking up to the porch. She wondered if she should knock, decided against it, and opened the door, casually walking inside. The others watched this happen, and Nick was already counting away 60 seconds, eager to follow Trubel into the house.
Upon entering the house, Trubel found a few women gathered around a wood burning stove. There were others setting a table, and others that were cleaning. The two girls who ran inside earlier were trying to tell the others that someone was coming when Trubel walked in and interrupted them. Trubel counted 8 people total, but none of them looked like they were the Hexenbiest. They were definitely all in their twenties, except one of them who looked like they were in their thirties; she was glaring at Trubel.
They all woged at once when they saw Trubel enter the house. Each one was a different kind of bird Wesen, some of which Trubel had never seen before, and others she hadn't even heard of before. They must have never encountered a Grimm in their lives because they didn't react to her at all.
"Woah," Trubel said, looking at all the different Wesen species.
"Who are you?" one of the girls demanded; it was the girl who was glaring at her. She was a Scharfblicke and definitely bolder than the others.
"Uh, I got lost in the woods and I saw this cabin," Trubel said.
"That's not how this works," the girl responded. "You should be waiting outside for Gina." Trubel knew what that meant: she was supposed to be stuck outside as a human statue until Gina greeted her, turned her into the Wesen of her choosing, and kept her as a prisoner in her creepy cottage.
"Gina?" Trubel asked. She had a feeling that Gina was the person she was looking for.
"Get out," the Scharfblicke ordered aggressively.
Another girl that looked like a Canary stepped forward from the group and said, "Olivia, maybe she needs help."
"I do need help," Trubel said quickly. "I'm looking for someone named J-"
"What is all of that racket?!" Trubel heard someone yell from upstairs followed by stomping noises. "You know I hate it when you girls make so much noise! You're supposed to be making me dinner, not throwing a party!" she growled, marching angrily down the stairs. It didn't take her long to notice Trubel.
"How did you get in here?" she snarled.
"I walked in," Trubel said smugly.
The woman woged into a Hexenbiest and looked deeply into Trubel's black eyes. "Grimm," she hissed.
Trubel grinned in her face, "That's right, and I know what you're doing here. I'm looking for Jordan."
Gina, still woged, screamed, "You're not taking them away from me!" at the top of her lungs. All of the glass in the room shattered - cups, plates, vases, windows.
Nick and Wu heard and saw the windows explode, accompanied by a blood-curdling scream.
"That's our cue," Nick said, standing up and running towards the house.
Trubel had been standing next to a cabinet with glass doors. When it exploded, she had to duck and cover her face to avoid getting cut by the sharp shards of glass. By the time she was able to look up, the Hexenbiest was already running towards her, slashing her long fingernails towards Trubel's face. Trubel was standing up against a counter and couldn't back away from the blows.
However, when Gina was a few feet away from Trubel, she stopped. She looked like she had run into, and was slashing at, an invisible wall; Gina couldn't get close enough to Trubel to injure her.
This must be what the book meant when it said she couldn't interfere, Trubel thought.
The door suddenly opened, revealing Nick and Wu with their guns drawn. Trubel heard some of the girls behind her whimpering. They were scared of Trubel, Nick, and Wu, but they also looked somewhat scared of Gina.
"Get on the ground," Nick ordered.
"Another one," Gina hissed, noticing Nick's black eyes. She grinned and looked intently at Nick who began shifting his gun to aim at Trubel. "I can't hurt you," the Hexenbiest told Trubel. "But he can."
It was clear that Nick was trying to fight it. His brow was furrowed in concentration, and his hands were shaking uncontrollably.
"Nick," Trubel said nervously.
"I can't control it," Nick said nervously. He was gritting his teeth with the effort to gain control over himself again.
"Nick, stop!" Wu said.
"I'm trying," Nick answered, his voice sounding strained.
Wu tried to pull Nick's arms away, so he would aim somewhere else, but didn't have the strength. The old woman laughed as Wu struggled futilely. Wu transformed into his Neanderthal state and began making some progress shifting the aim of Nick's gun which Gina wasn't happy about. She waved her hand sideways as if she was swatting a fly, and Wu went flying across the room, smashing into the wall of the cabin.
Trubel's eyes widened with horror as she watched Wu go flying and Nick's finger press down slightly on the trigger. Trubel leaped behind the counter, pulling the girl behind her down, too, so she wouldn't get shot. The other girls that had been standing behind her had the foresight enough to run. Trubel looked at the dove-like girl, gasping for air with her mouth opened, and realized that she was too shocked to do anything at all. Suddenly, her bird features disappeared, and the young woman, though shocked, looked very confused. "What is going-?" she began to ask but was interrupted by gunshots.
The gun went off too many times to count until it finally made a clicking sound. It was empty.
The Hexenbiest released Nick from her gaze, and Nick dropped the gun, panting with exhaustion. The Hexenbiest ran at him, trying to throw punches and slice his eyes with her long fingernails. Nick blocked most of the blows but was distracted when he saw Trubel stand up from behind the counter. Trubel was perfectly unharmed.
"Trubel, go!" Nick yelled as he fought with the Hexenbiest.
Trubel knew what he meant and nodded. She pulled the girl that once looked like a dove to her feet. "You need to get out of here. It's not safe," Trubel warned. She pointed to the door. "Get outside!"
"I don't know i-" the woman began to object.
"Now!" Trubel yelled. The woman looked at the Hexenbiest with eyes full of terror; the woman shook her head unable to tell Trubel that she was too scared. Trubel huffed irritatedly before using a calmer voice to say, "It's okay. I'll come with you." Trubel grabbed the woman's hand and dragged her to the door. Trubel pushed her outside and watched for a brief second as the girl took off running. Trubel saw Hank and Farris walk around from the back of the house. They saw the girl and grabbed her. It looked like they were trying to calm her down, but Trubel didn't keep watching to see if they were successful.
Trubel ran back inside.
Nick was still fighting with Gina. Nick threw a punch that connected with her face. She hissed and backhanded Nick. Hexenbiests were strong, so the blow sent Nick flying across the room. Nick quickly got to his feet and dodged another one of the witches blows and threw one, himself, aimed at the witch's chest. It connected and the witch screamed ferociously before throwing her claws in the direction of Nick's face. Nick was only partially able to avoid the witch, and her fingernails dug furrows into his cheek.
While this was happening, Trubel grabbed the hands of two more girls who were paralyzed with fear and dragged them out the door. Trubel, then, ran quickly back into the house to find more. Hank ran in with her, noticing she, Nick, and Wu needed help. Hank started fighting with the Hexenbiest and was doing well until the witch used her powers to throw Nick into Hank. Nick and Hank crashed together onto the floor and tried to scramble to their feet, but they were too slow. Gina grabbed Hank off of the floor and backhanded him. Hank went flying and landed, dazed, next to an unconscious Wu.
Trubel had gotten two more women outside by that point but was, now, frozen in place, watching the violence unfold.
Trubel saw the witch turn to Nick, pick him up by his shirt collar, and throw him upward towards the ceiling. Nick smashed down to the ground with pieces of drywall and dust. The witch laughed at Nick who was groaning on the floor, and she looked like she was about to use her powers to throw Nick across the room like she had thrown Wu. Nick was trying to get to his feet and was choking on the debris that was floating around him.
Trubel knew she needed to help the girls, but she couldn't let Nick get killed by a Hexenbiest, either. She quickly pulled a knife out of her boot and sliced her hand open. Her hand immediately began gushing blood onto the blade of the knife.
Trubel threw the knife as hard as she could and looked on as it sailed through the air. The bloody blade buried itself in the Hexenbiest's back with a hard thudding sound.
The Hexenbiest screamed and turned around to glare at Trubel. "I'll kill you," she snarled. She ripped the knife out of her back and made it levitate in the air before using her powers to send it flying towards Trubel; it headed straight for Trubel's face. The Hexenbiest watched triumphantly as she knew the knife would travel through the young Grimm's eye and bury itself in her brain, killing her. The knife flew straight, so fast that Trubel couldn't see it coming, and almost reached its destination.
However, about an inch away from Trubel's right eye, the blade stopped. The Hexenbiest who had been smiling happily and holding her hand up as if she were pushing an invisible button with her palm to guide the knife's flight, made a pained expression and let her hand drop. The knife floating in front of Trubel's face fell to the ground.
Trubel sighed with incomprehensible relief as she watched the Hexenbiest fall to her knees and, then, fall backward onto the floor. Nick had finally gotten to his feet and saw Gina begin convulsing on the floor. Gina screamed, and her Hexenbiest spirit rose up from her body and dissipated into the atmosphere.
"Woah," Trubel said. Unlike Nick, she had never used her blood to take a Hexenbiest's powers before. She thought it was kind of cool.
Nick looked up at Trubel. He was still completely covered in drywall dust. "Are you okay?" he asked.
"I am now," Trubel said, looking at Gina crying on the floor. "What about you?" she asked.
"I'm good," Nick said, sounding out of breath. Nick opened the door and said, "Farris, I could use your help in here."
Farris was talking to the girls with Rosalee and Monroe. She looked up, said something to the group, and ran up the porch steps. "Sorry," she said. "Hank thought I should stay outside and help the girls."
"Hank was right," Trubel said, pointing to him in the corner. Hank slowly sat up and was holding his head like it would fall to pieces if he didn't.
Nick rolled Gina over and handcuffed her. Nick asked Farris to take her outside, and Farris nodded, following directions. Trubel walked over to the remaining three girls. Only one still looked like a bird. It was the Scharfblicke.
Trubel led the two human girls outside to Monroe and Rosalee before coming back in to talk to Olivia.
"How come you're still a bird Wesen?" Trubel asked.
Olivia's answer came out in a malevolent hiss. "It's who I am. Gina didn't create me."
"At least you're not trapped here anymore," Trubel tried to reassure.
"I was never trapped here. I wanted to be here!" Olivia shouted. "Look what you've done! You ruined everything!"
"Ruined? Gina was kidnapping people!" Trubel yelled back.
"We weren't kidnapping," Olivia said darkly. "We were collecting. Didn't you see the variety and the beauty in what we had here?"
Trubel was horrified. They were collecting people? That was seriously messed up.
Nick was kneeling in front of Hank and Wu, and Wu had just woken up. Nick was asking both of them questions when he heard Olivia, technically, confess to kidnapping. He grabbed Hank's handcuffs and threw them to Trubel who slapped them on Olivia's wrists.
"You're sick," Trubel said disgustedly.
"You're ignorant," Olivia said gently and blissfully.
Wu grinned and swirled his finger around his ear in a circle, signaling that he thought Olivia was crazy. "I guess this is the cuckoo's nest," Wu said.
Hank chuckled and then groaned as he grabbed his head.
Trubel handed Olivia off to Nick, and the whole group walked outside. They were greeted by Monroe and Rosalee, Farris, and a group of confused, yet grateful, girls. The girl who had once been a Canary ran up and hugged Trubel. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she cried into Trubel's shoulder.
"Uh, you're welcome," Trubel said uncomfortably.
"Thank you, all," another girl from the group cried. "I haven't had control over my thoughts in years," she said, tearing up.
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