《Grimm Season 6 Episode 14: In the Nick of Time》Chapter Nineteen
Monroe and Rosalee used their sense of smell to follow the trail of where they had come from. They eventually made their way back to the road and back to their cars. Monroe and Rosalee were only able to fit a few people in their Fiat, Nick, and Trubel took Gina and Olivia in their car, and Hank and Farris took a few girls with them. Wu called Franco and drove with him and the rest of the girls to the precinct.
They worked as a team to finish up the rest of the case. Wu and Hank took statements from the victims, Nick wrote up a less than truthful police report, Farris and Renard sorted out Jorge's release from the mental institution in Spokane, and Franco called friends and family of the victims to deliver the news. Monroe and Rosalee talked to the girls, trying to console them until their friends and family could pick them up. They explained to the girls that monsters and creatures weren't real and that Gina had drugged them so that they would hallucinate; it was easier and healthier than telling them that what they saw was real. All of the girls were mentally and physically exhausted, so they were all receptive to what Monroe and Rosalee were telling them.
Trubel had headed back to the shop to tell Eve what happened and help her close the store.
Franco hung up the phone and sighed. "Finally finished the last call," he said. "Ms. Graham's parents are coming to pick her up," he told the group. Hank and Wu had also finished their job talking to the victims and taking their statements. They were helping Nick construct his report.
"I'm going on a coffee run. Stumptown donated some coffee for that fundraiser a few weeks ago, and I know where we keep it," Franco said. "You guys want anything?"
Nick, Hank, Farris, and Wu said, "Yes," at the same time. Franco made an exhausted and hopeless expression. "I'll come with you," Wu offered, and Franco looked relieved. They started walking down the hall.
"I guess it's a good thing I cleaned out the coffee maker today," Franco said.
"Hey, that's my job!" Wu said, pretending to be offended.
Franco laughed before growing more serious, "It used to be before you started working on those weird cases with Nick. Seriously, what's up with that?" he asked.
"What do you mean?" Wu asked.
"C'mon, Drew," Franco said. "Doesn't it feel like these cases are getting weirder and weirder? I mean, Chupacabras, people getting their throats ripped out, and now people getting kidnapped in the woods by someone they claimed was a witch."
"Portland is definitely being kept weird, I can admit to that much" Wu agreed, remembering a Portland motto, "Keep Portland Weird."
"Sometimes I don't even know what to think about this stuff," Franco admitted. He and Wu arrived at the coffee machine and started making coffee as they talked. Wu worked on making hot chocolate for the kidnapping victims. "You know, sometimes it just feels like I'm missing something," Franco said.
Wu knew the feeling. "It's all part of the job. The trick is being able to handle it."
"Yeah, I guess..." Franco said. "It just gets to you sometimes." He thought to himself quietly before looking at Wu and asking, "What was it that got to you?"
"Which time?" Wu asked jokingly.
"Look, Drew, there's no judgment here, okay. I just remember when you went to that institution for a few days and when you punched that guy in the bar, and I'm just curious," Franco asked.
"Don't worry about it, man," Wu said. "The first time, I was overwhelmed about my friend getting attacked, especially since I was the one that told her to move to Portland. The other time... I think you're right about the cases getting to you because that's what happened to me."
"How did you get through it?" Franco asked, embarrassed. He seemed to be struggling. He had spent so many years, watching all of the crazy cases get solved without understanding what was really happening. He felt like it was time to get some answers now that suspicion and curiosity grew in his mind like a weed. From his questions, Wu was finally able to confirm that Franco wasn't as clueless about the world as he seemed; for a long time, Wu had wondered if his partner saw what he did.
"I realized that there were people that had my back like you and Nick and Hank," Wu answered. "It made it easier for me."
Franco nodded, looking like he was slightly comforted by the thought.
"Look, don't let this stuff get to you. You're a great cop and an even better partner," Wu said. "And you know I always have your back, right?"
Franco smiled. "Right," he said, nodding. He looked like he had been carrying a heavy weight and was finally allowed to drop it. "Thanks, man." He paused before asking a final question. "So, why have you been hanging out with Nick so much?"
"You know that I like weird stuff," Wu told Franco. "That's why I'm also into video games, fiction books, and trivia. The strange cases are, honestly, more fun to solve once you get used to them; working on them is something to do at home other than play with my cat."
"You and your damn cat," Franco complained, grinning.
"Maybe that's what you need," Wu said. "A cat."
Franco shook his head and laughed with Wu.
Making the coffee took longer than they thought. They had to make 8 cups of coffee (Wu decided to make one for Renard who was still in his office) and 7 cups of hot chocolate. It also took a long time to distribute the drinks; on Wu and Franco's second trip, Hank and Farris helped them carry the drinks up to everyone.
After some caffeine-fueled work, everyone was finally ready to get home. By the time Nick was ready to go, almost everyone was gone. Hank had to drive him home since Trubel took his car to talk to Eve.
"You coming, Nick?" Hank asked when Nick hesitated at his desk while Hank and Farris had already started walking away.
"Yeah," he said. "I'll be right there, I just have to deal with something first. Nick looked in the direction of Renard's office.
"Okay," Hank said. "We'll get the car." Hank and Farris exchanged a concerned look before walking away in the direction of the parking lot. Nick walked up to Renard's office door and heard him say, "Come in."
"Do you have a minute?" Nick asked.
"Sure," Renard said. He was putting papers into his briefcase but stopped when Nick had come in. Renard closed the briefcase and set it on his desk. "Congratulations on your case today, Detective. That was some excellent police work," he approved, sounding like the average police captain without any outside relationship to Nick.
"Can we really go back to this?" Nick asked gesturing to himself and Renard.
Renard sighed. "I'm not sure we can," he admitted. "But for what it's worth, Nick, I am sorry for what I've done in the past."
Nick thought about what Renard had just said and tried to recall a time when Renard said he was sorry for anything. Nick couldn't remember one.
"I made some bad choices for bad reasons, and that's not something I'm proud of or that I can take back. But I am going to be in my daughter's life, and I am going to be in yours because I am the captain of this precinct. So how are we going to fix this?" Renard asked.
Nick was surprised that Renard was asking him for advice. That was new.
"Adalind said that you had made up with her for what happened," Nick began.
"I did," Renard confirmed.
"I want us to be able to work together and get along because that's what is best for all of us. If Adalind can forgive you, then so can I," Nick said. "Let's start over," Nick added. Normally, he would have been warier, but he trusted Adalind's judgment and Renard did seem to be changing for the better. Nick also had his experiences in the other place to support his beliefs; in that time when they all faced something dangerous and terrifying, they came together. Renard had gotten himself killed to save his daughter; Nick respected that and, also, remembered that Renard had never been the kind of person to risk his life for someone before. He was different.
"I would like that," Renard said, shaking hands with Nick.
"See you tomorrow," Nick said, leaving Renard's office.
"Wait," he said. "I need something from you."
Nick was curious as to what that something might be. It turned out that Renard needed a phone number. Nick gave it to him and left the precinct.
Nick arrived home and found Adalind sitting at the counter, still awake.
"Why are you still up?" Nick asked, happy to see Adalind.
"I just wanted to wait for you to get home," she said, getting to her feet and wrapping her arms around Nick. "Eve dropped the kids off two hours ago," Adalind said. "She told me about your day."
"It was busy, but we solved the case," Nick said. "And how was your day?"
"It was fine. I wasted too much of my time worrying about the kids," Adalind answered honestly.
"Wasted?" Nick asked, confused.
"Diana and Eve apparently had a great time today. It was hard to get Diana not to follow her home," Adalind said, laughing.
Nick laughed, too. He was incredibly relieved that Eve had taken good care of Diana.
"Now that you're here-" Adalind said, interrupted by a yawn. "I'm going to get some sleep."
"Adalind," Nick said. "Can I talk to you about something?"
"You can try," Adalind said. "I might fall asleep on you," she chuckled.
"Trubel offered me a job with HW. I would be training Grimms with her. She made it sound relatively safe," Nick began before changing the topic. "How do you feel about me being a cop?"
Adalind took a deep breath. "It worries me," she admitted.
"And what do you think about me working for HW?" Nick asked.
"I'm not going to tell you what you should choose, Nick. I like that it's safer, but I know that you enjoy being a cop. You're great at it, and I think Wu and Hank need you, but if you want a change..."
"I just don't know what choice to make or how to make it," Nick admitted.
"I think you should do whatever you want, Nick. I want you to be happy. Be a cop, work for HW, do both. I don't care. I support whatever decision you make," Adalind promised.
"Thank you," Nick said. "I love you."
Adalind kissed Nick and said, "Come to bed, soon."
Nick told her he would.
Trubel exited the elevator to the HW compound and was greeted by one of the guards that watched the gate. "Welcome back, Trubel," he said. He was actually a decent guy and wasn't half as scary as he looked, at least in Trubel's mind he wasn't.
"Thanks," she said as the guard opened the gate.
"Long day?" he asked.
Trubel shrugged and walked away, wanting to go to her room and go to bed.
"Oh, Ian and Alexander were looking for you!" the guard yelled after her.
She turned away from her room and started heading towards the conference room. "Of course, they were," she said grumpily.
She walked into the conference room without knocking and found Ian and Alexander sitting in the same spots that always sat in. "Do you guys live in here, or something?" she asked, sitting down at the table.
"Just about," Alexander answered. "How was your day?"
Trubel knew they didn't care, so she just cut to the chase. "Look, if this is about Nick, I brought up your offer, and I didn't get an answer. He needed to think about it," Trubel said.
"Alright, then," Ian said. Trubel looked exhausted like she would drop down on the floor where she stood and fall asleep. Ian decided to let her get some sleep because it looked like she needed it. He also imagined that she wasn't the most pleasant to be around when she was cranky and tired. "Keep us updated," he said.
Ian stood up, expecting Trubel to leave.
"What about Eve?" she asked.
Alexander stood up, too. "If it means that much to you, and she does, in fact, want to work with us, then so be it. We will find a place for her," Alexander said.
"She has done a lot for us, and I hear Meisner spoke quite fondly of her," Ian admitted.
"I'll talk to her," Trubel said, happily. She was glad someone was giving Eve the credit she deserved, and she was also happy that Ian and Alexander mentioned Meisner.
"This is it," Farris said. Hank had driven her to the Spice Shop that morning, so he had to drive her back. They pulled into her driveway.
"Thanks for your help with the case," Hank said, sounding disappointed.
"Sad it's over?" Farris joked.
Hank grinned at her. "Is it bad that I want to say, 'A little bit'?"
Farris laughed at him. "Yeah."
Hank laughed lightly. "I guess I'll see you around," he said.
"How about tomorrow?" Farris asked him with a huge smile spreading across her face.
Hank raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Tomorrow?"
"Don't think you can get rid of me that easy," Farris warned him. "I'm sticking around whether you like it or not. You have a lot to show me."
"And what if I asked you if you were free tomorrow night?" Hank questioned cautiously.
"I'd say pick me up at 7:00," she said. She flashed a smile at Hank and got out of his car before Hank could respond.
Trubel entered her room, hit the lights, and sprawled out on the bed, not bothering to change into more comfortable or less dirty clothes. She thought about her day and knew she was falling asleep when she continued to digress into unrelated topics. Eventually, the images in her mind weren't of her own intentional creation; she was finally asleep and even in unconsciousness it felt good.
Scenes and people, some she knew and some she didn't, flooded her mind. One particular scene was odd; she was in the middle of the dark woods, far from civilization, when she heard her phone ring.
Ring, ring, ring.
Trubel opened her eyes and was greeted by her dark room in HW. She had just fallen asleep, or at least it felt that way, when she was woken up by the ringing of her phone. Trubel rolled over in the bed and groaned as she reached for her phone. Without checking the caller ID, she growled, "This better be important," and answered the phone.
"What?" she demanded sleepily, lacking the patience to be less direct.
"Trubel?" a man's voice asked.
Trubel had felt sleepy before, but she didn't feel that way now. She sat up in bed quickly and turned on the light in her room as she asked, "Renard?" She was wondering if she was still dreaming.
"Yes," he said hesitantly.
"Is something wrong?" Trubel asked frantically. "Is Nick okay?" She couldn't think of any other reason why Renard would be calling her.
"Everyone is fine," Renard assured.
"Then what do you want?" Trubel demanded, furious again.
"I wanted to talk to you," Renard said.
"Yeah, I figured that one out already," she replied bitterly. "What? Do you have more of my friends to kill or something?"
"I know you're still upset about what happened to Meisner," Renard stated casually.
"Can you blame me?" Trubel hissed.
"Not at all," he said. Trubel never thought that Renard would accept blame in a million years. There was a pause before Renard continued. "That's why I called."
"Okay?" Trubel said confused. She was pacing her room anxiously, now.
"Meisner used to be a good friend of mine. The night he died, Bonaparte was slowly choking him to death using his powers. That's why Meisner had blood coming out of his eyes and nose."
Trubel didn't want to listen to that. "I don't need a second by second account of how you and Bonaparte killed-"
"I'm just trying to explain to you that I shot Meisner to stop his suffering. Bonaparte would have killed him anyway. It would have been slower and more excruciating if I hadn't done what I did," Renard explained.
"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" Trubel answered furiously.
"No, I just wanted you to know the truth," Renard responded.
Trubel scoffed. "I know as much truth as I need to. I know that you knew Bonaparte was destroying the HW compound and you knew that Bonaparte was going to kill him."
"I didn't know, I tried to stop him," Renard defended.
"Shut up! I'm sick of hearing what you tried to do because all I can think about is what you didn't try to do," Trubel screamed over the phone. She figured the whole compound could hear her, and she didn't care. If anyone tried to stop her, her anger would quickly become their problem rather than Renard's. "You knew what Black Claw was doing and you didn't try to stop them. You betrayed everyone, you let HW get destroyed, you almost got Nick killed, and you let Meisner die right in front of you, and for what? Power?"
"I made a mistake," Renard admitted.
"You made tons of them and they killed Meisner," Trubel growled. She scoffed to herself again before saying, "Maybe I should make a mistake." She wanted to kill Renard.
For Renard, the conversation was not going how he had hoped it would go. He had expected it to be that bad but hoped it wouldn't be. "I didn't call you to remind you of all the pain and anger that I caused because of my selfish actions. I called to tell you that I'm sorry."
"Well, I hope you weren't expecting forgiveness because I don't have any," Trubel snarled.
"I expected that," Renard said. "And I deserve worse."
"Yeah," Trubel agreed. "You do."
"But it doesn't change how sorry I am," Renard said.
Trubel was shaking her head with rage and then sorrow. "I'm not the one you should be apologizing to," she said, quieter than anything else she had said during the conversation.
"Why are you holding on to grudges if you're not the one who wants an apology?" Renard asked her despite the fact that he knew the answer.
"Meisner didn't deserve what happened to him," Trubel answered quickly. "He was a good man, and there's no way in hell that I'm going to let him be forgotten like this. Even if I'm the one that has to carry his memory by myself. I'm angry for me, and I'm furious for him."
"I already made my amends with Meisner. I promise," Renard told her. "And I'm never going to forget him. He helped me in life and death, and I will always regret what happened because I had to be such a... a." Renard was searching for the right word.
"Coward?" Trubel guessed.
"Coward," Renard agreed.
Trubel felt herself starting to forgive Renard. She shook her head, shaking out the feeling of forgiveness.
"Trubel, I'm so sorry for everything. I know you cared about him, and I'm the reason he isn't here anymore," Renard confessed. "I was weak, an abuser, a murderer, a power-hungry coward, and I would take it all back if I could, but I can't."
Trubel didn't respond right away. It was eerily silent until Trubel's voice came out, sounding more pained than Renard had ever heard it. "You think all of this is your fault?"
"I know it is," Renard told her.
"You're wrong," Trubel said. "You did all of this, but none of it would have happened if you were dead. If I had waited just a little longer before calling the police, you would have died when Weston Steward shot you. I saved your life.... This is my fault."
"Don't say that," Renard said, feeling guilty. "This was me, not you... And I want to make all of this up to you."
Trubel didn't respond.
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