《Grimm Season 6 Episode 14: In the Nick of Time》Chapter Seventeen
Both Hank's group and Nick's group hadn't found any Ghost Plants. They made their way back to their cars, hoping that one of the other groups had been successful. Nick's group arrived at the parking lot first. They noticed they had been hiking for three hours and turned around after that, but the trip back to the cars was much easier than when they had to walk slowly and keep their eyes trained on the ground. Hank and Farris also trudged their way out of the forest after three hours, but they were slower than the Grimms and Wu.
Nick was leaning against his tan Land Cruiser with Trubel and Wu when he saw Hank and Farris walking down the road towards them. They later told Nick and the others that, when they exited the forest, they were about a mile away from the lot; they had to follow the road for a while to get back to the cars.
"Did you find anything?" Nick asked, concerned.
"No, you?" Hank asked.
Nick shook his head.
"Maybe Monroe and Rosalee found something," Trubel offered optimistically.
Nick looked uneasy. "I hope so. If they didn't, we'll have to figure something else out."
The two groups found a log to sit on where they described their hiking adventures to pass time. After a while, Nick started to wonder if they should go looking for Monroe and Rosalee.
"They should be here by now," Nick said. He pulled out his phone and checked the time. "It's been more than six hours."
"Can they get lost?" Farris asked. She was curious if people like Monroe and Rosalee had some sort of sixth sense that helped them orient themselves in the forest or if they could use their heightened sense of smell to sniff their way out.
"I think it would be unlikely," Nick said. "That's why I'm worried one of them got hurt or something." Nick looked at his phone and noticed that he had no bars. There was no way that calling Monroe and Rosalee would help when neither one of them were likely to get any kind of reception.
"There aren't any Hexenbiest kidnappers here, are there?" Wu asked.
"Hope not," Trubel said. "But, just a few minutes ago, there were Grimms, humans, a Neander-Wu, a Blutbad, and a Fuchsbau in the woods, so it wouldn't surprise me if there were other things, too."
Everyone looked at Trubel as if to say, "You're not helping."
"Just saying," she tacked on, shrugging.
Trubel had given everyone the creeps. They all started thinking about the creepy creatures that could be wandering around in the forest. Farris would have been more worried about the world's monsters if she had seen what the others had; even her imagination wasn't as horrific as reality. While Farris worried about werewolves and vampires, Hank and the others worried about the very real Kinoshimobe, Wendigos, Geiers, and Schakals.
Suddenly, they heard rustling coming up from behind them. Nick stood quickly and put his hand on his gun, preparing to rip it out from the holster. Hank, Farris, and Wu also turned around, but they backed away from the noise. Trubel pulled a knife out of out of her boot and stood next to Nick.
The greenery concealing the inner forest shook until it revealed Monroe and Rosalee emerging from the woods. They had come back the exact way that they had come, confirming Farris's sense of smell theory.
Monroe was panting. "I'm getting too old for this," he said as he stepped out of the forest, holding his wife's hand. He and Rosalee both looked up to see concerned faces. "Uh, hey, guys," Monroe greeted, nervously. There was a group sigh of relief as everyone realized Monroe and Rosalee were safe, and monsters weren't coming out of the forest to eat them all.
Nick took his hand off of his gun, and Trubel quickly stuffed her knife back in its sheath.
"Welcome back," Wu greeted.
"Where have you guys been?" Hank asked.
"Oh, we got a bit carried away," Monroe said casually.
"Did you find it?" Nick demanded anxiously.
"Yeah, actually," Rosalee said. "We found a small cluster and took one of the flowers with us. We should probably get it back to the shop sooner rather than later.
"Good idea," Farris approved. They all climbed into the cars they had arrived in and drove to the shop to create their anti-spell tincture.
The Spice Shop phone was ringing. It had done that a few times throughout the day. Like she had done before, Eve walked over to the phone and picked it up. "Exotic Spice and Tea. This is Eve," Eve said.
"Eve, it's me," Nick said. "We're on our way."
"You found the plant?" Eve asked happily.
"Monroe and Rosalee did," Nick credited.
"Okay, I'll see you soon," she said, about to hang up.
"How are the kids?" Nick asked.
"They're great," Eve said. "Kelly's asleep, and Diana has been helping me with work around the shop." Diana was standing next to Eve, and Eve handed her the phone.
"Hi, Nick," she greeted excitedly.
"Hi, Diana," he said. Diana handed the phone back to Eve.
"I'll get everything ready," Eve said.
"Great, thank you," Nick said. "And thank you for your help with the kids."
"It's no trouble at all. Diana and I are having a great time," Eve promised. "Talk to you soon," she said and hung up the phone.
Eve was standing in the main room of the Shop when everyone entered. She told everyone that she had gotten everything ready in the basement, so the group followed her downstairs after Rosalee flipped the sign outside to closed.
Diana was sitting at the table in the middle of the basement. She was surrounded by the necessary supplies: a glass bottle, 100 proof vodka, the open Blood Magic book, sharp scissors, a thin stirring rod, an eye dropper, and a sterile needle.
Diana wanted to watch them work. Making mixtures and spells and tinctures fascinated her.
"Okay," Eve said. "I grabbed everything we need." She gestured to the table.
"Perfect," Rosalee said. She pulled the jar out with the Ghost Pipe in it. "Can someone rinse this off?" she asked. "We need the dirt off of it," she said.
"I got it," Wu said, taking the jar upstairs to rinse it under the bathroom sink. Rosalee thanked him and walked over to the book.
"We can use the whole plant, roots, stems, and flower, for this," she said, looking down at the page. "Only Grimms can use the tincture," Rosalee said, "And, it has to be the same Grimm who used their blood in the mixture."
Nick and Trubel exchanged a look. "Roshambo?" Trubel asked. Nick smiled and shook his head. "I'll just do it," he offered.
"Um, there might be a problem with that," Rosalee said. "It says here that there has been one recorded incident using this tincture. In this situation, a male Grimm mixed the tincture and used his blood. Apparently, it had no effect, and he was killed by the Hexenbiest he was trying to stop.
"It says that in there?" Hank asked.
"It's sort of a cautionary tale/data collection type record," Monroe said, looking over Rosalee's shoulder. "It says that there might be a link between gender and the effectiveness of the tincture. As a result, the book recommends male Grimm blood for combating Zauberbiests and female Grimm blood for stopping Hexenbiests."
"Of course, it's just a single documented case," Rosalee said. "It doesn't seem like this has been attempted all that much. It could have just been a fluke, or maybe the Grimm mixed it wrong."
"I don't think we should risk it," Trubel said. "I'll do it."
"I don't know," Nick said. He was still protective of Trubel even though he knew she could take care of herself.
"She's right, Nick," Hank said. Everyone in the room nodded. "Trubel should do it."
Nick looked around himself for help and found that no one was in agreement with him. "Fine," Nick said hesitantly.
Wu came downstairs, holding the cleaned ghost plant. He handed it off to Rosalee who grabbed the sharp scissors and cut the flower into small pieces directly above the tiny glass jar. The jar was so small that the diced flower filled it to the brim.
"I guess I'm up," Trubel said, picking the needle up from where it rested on the table. Everyone cringed while she plunged the sharp object into the tip of her finger without hesitation.
"We need three drops," Rosalee reminded her.
"Got it," she said. She held her finger over the jar, about to drip her blood into it.
"Uh-oh," Wu said.
Everyone froze except Trubel who quickly pulled her dripping finger away from the jar's edge. "What?" Rosalee demanded, concerned.
"I just realized... Trubel is brewing," Wu said, and the group released a sigh, realizing that nothing was wrong. "Get it? Trouble?" Wu asked, grinning.
Trubel shot him an irritated look. "Ha, ha," she said before allowing three drops of her blood to spill into the jar.
There was a towel sitting on the table, so Trubel grabbed it to stop her bleeding. Rosalee walked to stand in front of the jar and used an eye dropper to carefully and slowly add 100 proof vodka to the mixture. Rosalee, halfway through, swirled the mixture and used the stirring rod to release any air bubbles before topping off the jar with more vodka. She, then, secured the lid and asked Nick to shake the bottle vigorously, but carefully so he wouldn't accidentally drop it. When that was all done, Monroe said, "All we have to do is wait 2 to 6 weeks."
"Why?" Diana asked. She had been with the others, watching Trubel and Rosalee work.
"It needs to stay in the jar for a certain period of time before it can become effective," Rosalee explained.
Diana pulled on Eve's shirt, so Eve bent down to see what she wanted. Diana whispered something in her ear, and Eve nodded.
Diana held out her hand for the jar, and Nick looked nervously between the people that surrounded him.
"It's okay," Eve told him.
Nick carefully placed the jar in Diana's hand and watched what she did as anxiously as the others. Diana caressed the jar in her hands.
"It needed to sit for six weeks in dry, dark, and cold location," Eve said.
"Okay," Diana replied. Her eyes turned purple as she stared at the jar. The liquid slowly changed color until it was a thick purple-brown color. "All done," Diana said.
"You mean, it's ready to use?" Rosalee asked Diana and Eve. They both smiled and said, "Yep" at the same time.
"Am I the only one getting creeped out?" Wu asked quietly. Hank was standing next to him and elbowed him in the side.
"Okay," Rosalee said, quickly turning to the book and reading it. "Monroe? Can you get my strainers from upstairs?"
Monroe said, "Yes," before disappearing up the stairs.
"I need another glass jar," Rosalee said, "And, a funnel."
"I'll get it," Eve said.
"Thank you for your help, Diana," Nick said. Diana hugged Nick and said, "We have to help the girls," she said.
Girls? How did she know there was more than one? Nick never said anything to her about that... One day, he would stop asking questions. Diana was Diana; she was powerful and she knew things. Everyone just had to get used to it.
"They don't really want to be there, but they think they do," Diana added.
"Huh," Farris said.
Monroe came downstairs with the strainers and Eve came with him, carrying a jar and a funnel. Rosalee put the funnel's end in the empty jar and had Monroe hold it. She positioned the strainer over the funnel and poured the full jar into it. The strainer caught the pieces of Ghost Plant. Rosalee followed the instructions in the book which said that the Ghost Plant needed to be squeezed so any extra fluid could be extracted and emptied into the rest of the tincture.
When everything was finished, the small glass jar full of the mixture was ready to be used.
"Now what?" Trubel asked, walking up to Rosalee.
Rosalee read the book. "Now you just, uh, drink it."
"What?" Trubel asked. "It wants me to drink gross plant juice, vodka, and my own blood?" she asked, sounding repulsed.
"Yep. You're supposed to drink the whole thing," Rosalee said answered calmly. "Maybe if you drank it fast..." she suggested sympathetically.
"Great," Trubel said sarcastically, picking up the bottle. "Here goes nothing," she said and threw the drink down like a shot as the group watched nervously.
Trubel started choking. Everyone wondered if it was the effect of the Ghost Plant tincture. Was there danger involved in drinking it that they didn't know about?
"Ew!" Trubel yelled. "Oh, God, that was disgusting."
"Wow. I think we found something that Trubel won't eat," Hank said.
Trubel was still choking when she told Hank, "Shut up!"
"How do you feel?" Nick asked worriedly.
"It burns," Trubel said, holding her throat.
"That would be the vodka," Monroe said, grinning slightly.
Everyone started laughing.
"What?!" Trubel demanded angrily. "I don't drink."
Everyone was still giggling like school children. Even Nick let out a small laugh.
"So, what's it supposed to do?" Trubel asked.
Rosalee stopped laughing and checked the book. "Hmm," she said. "It says, 'Those who drink it become a grounding force and beacon of truth. The Hexenbiest's spell for which the tincture is applicable will be ineffective on the individual. Those that are affected can be freed by a physical touch by the Grimm who drinks the tincture. The Hexenbiest from which the spell originated will be unable to interfere with this process.' I wonder what that means," Rosalee mused.
"A physical touch? So we have to find them. How long does the mixture last?" Trubel asked.
"Ten hours," Rosalee said.
"It might take us a while to find the cabin if we can find it at all," Farris said. "We had search and rescue looking for Jordan, and they didn't find anything."
"Jorge and the Grimm that wrote the entry in the book both got lost while wandering in the woods. They only found the cabin when night fell," Nick pointed out.
"Let's get lost," Trubel said, shrugging.
"We can start looking where the joggers found Jorge," Farris suggested.
The team jumped in their cars, making a single stop at a convenience store to buy a 10 pack of flashlights.
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