《Grimm Season 6 Episode 14: In the Nick of Time》Chapter Sixteen
Hank was stumbling over logs and tripping on rocks. Usually, he was able to catch himself, but one time he slipped on some moss and landed in the mud while Farris looked on and laughed at him.
"Yeah, you keep laughing," Hank grumbled. "But, don't expect me to help you when you fall."
Farris grinned and helped Hank to his feet. As the hike went on, Hank couldn't help noticing how gracefully and powerfully Farris moved through the forest.
"Do you do this a lot?" Hank asked from behind her as she trekked through the greenery.
"Oh, yeah! I love this stuff," Farris said. "It was something I used to do all the time with my ex-husband. I still go hiking whenever I get the chance."
"No offense," Hank began. "But, why?" As if on cue, he tripped over another rock and caught himself on a tree before he could fall.
"It keeps me healthy, and something about it relaxes me. You'd probably like it more if you had more experience," Farris said, watching Hank brush his hands off on his pants. "Or if we were actually staying on the trail.
"Maybe," Hank said skeptically. Farris grinned at him, and they both started walking again. They looked at the ground as they walked and talked, searching for the plant.
"So, what was it like for you when you found out?" Farris asked him.
"It was... strange. Before Nick told me, I thought I was losing my mind. I put bullet holes in my closet when nothing was there, I couldn't sleep. I probably should have been institutionalized," Hank said, sounding embarrassed. "I didn't think I could talk to anyone about it, so for a while, it was me against the world."
"What happened?" Farris asked softly.
"I eventually lost it when I was working a case with Nick. One of the victims woged, and I almost shot them. Nick had to stop me and explain to me that what I saw was real," Hank explained. "After that, there was definitely a learning curve. It took a while to figure out who's what and that, sometimes, you just don't know. Luckily, Nick was a good teacher. Part of me is happy that he was there for me and another part thinks I wouldn't have seen what I saw if I weren't working with a Wesen magnet."
"So, you and Nick are pretty close?" Farris clarified.
"Yeah, Nick and I go way back. We're partners, but we're also friends which doesn't always happen. I trust him and he trusts me, and that's why I find myself in a dangerous situation every week," Hank said, sounding exasperated.
"Sounds exciting," Farris joked. "Maybe you should have your own TV show."
Hank laughed. "I'd be up for it as long as I don't get killed off," he said, grinning.
Farris smiled back before growing more serious, "How do you handle all of this? Working with a Grimm can't be easy."
Hank was starting to realize that Farris was reminding him of Zuri. When she dated him for the benefit of Black Claw, all she ever talked about was Nick...
"It's not. Sometimes it's hard to know who and what to trust," he said seriously.
"Well, hopefully, I can trust you because I'm going to need someone to show me the ropes," Farris said. Hank liked the sound of that.
He trusted Farris a lot more than he trusted Zuri. Of course, Farris would ask a lot of questions about Wesen and Grimm; she recently discovered the world she knew was completely different than the world she actually lived in. That made someone's head spin, and Hank knew it.
"The best way to learn is by working on cases. The fact that you're here tells me that you're going to fit right in," Hank said happily.
"Have you told a lot of people about... everything?" Farris asked.
"No. We don't usually tell anyone we don't absolutely have to. It took Nick a whole year before he told me everything. Nick didn't even tell his girlfriend until two years after finding out he was a Grimm," Hank explained.
"What about Wu?" Farris asked.
"Almost four years," Hank said.
"What about that girl, Trubel?" Farris asked.
"Nick told her the day he met her, actually," Hank said casually.
"Really?!" Farris was surprised.
"Well, she was a little different. She was a Grimm but didn't know it. Nick figured it was better to tell her than let her think she was crazy."
"I didn't know she was a Grimm," Farris said.
"Well, knowing what I know now, I can see why she and Nick wouldn't really want to shout it from the rooftops," Hank said. "Nick's told me that there were people who came to Portland from the other side of the world specifically to kill him."
"Yikes," Farris said.
"Yeah," Hank said with agreement. "Sometimes I think it would be cool to be like them, and other times I realize how much it genuinely sucks."
"Speaking of being like something," Farris said. "Is Wu a human like us?"
Hank had already told Farris that Monroe was a Blutbad. Now the only person she didn't know about was Wu. "He used to be," Hank said.
"Used to be?" Farris asked anxiously.
"Yeah, he was scratched by a lycanthrope, which is kind of like a werewolf, and it had a side effect," Hank said.
"So, what is he now?" Farris questioned.
"This is going to sound weird, but I don't really know what he is. He isn't Wesen, but he can kind of morph, too," Hank said, shrugging. "He's kind of Neanderthal-like."
"Can he transform whenever he wants like Rosalee?" Farris asked.
"I've only ever seen him do it when he's mad, but I think he could if he tried."
Farris was nodding to herself. Hank was impressed by how much she kept her calm.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner," Hank said. "It wasn't just my secret to keep."
"I understand," Farris said, smiling. "At least I know now."
Nick and Trubel easily made their way through the forest. Wu was following behind them, watching amusedly as they swiftly jumped over large logs or leaped from one rock to another. They had great coordination; it was something that came with being a Grimm. Wu carefully looked around himself for any sign of the ghost plant while enjoying the hike. He wasn't exactly outdoorsy, but he did enjoy forests on the rare occasions he was in them.
On the other hand, forests kind of freaked him out. He remembered having nightmares that weren't actually nightmares about running in the woods. He remembered waking up with hair and skin in his teeth. He liked nature, but he wasn't really fond of some of the influence it used to have over him.
He was grateful that, now, he had much more control over himself. He also had to admit that it was actually kind of fun not being a boring human anymore.
"How hard is it to find a plant in here?" Trubel asked irritated. "There are plants everywhere?! Why couldn't the spell require moss or a fern or something?" She agilely leaped over a log that was so tall it reached her waist.
"Wouldn't that be easy?" Nick agreed, doing the same thing Trubel did to get over the log. "You see anything Wu?" he asked, stopping as he waited for Wu to slowly climb over the log.
Wu said, "Nope," and the group started moving through the forest together.
"This is taking forever," Trubel grumbled.
"Well, on the bright side, it takes 2 weeks to become usable, so a few extra hours aren't really going to make that much of a difference," Nick said.
"That's a pretty dark bright side," Wu said from behind the Grimms. "What if the Hexenbiest kills Jordan before we can get to her?"
"I don't know," Nick admitted. "But we can't do anything more than what we're already doing, so we don't really have a choice."
The group hiked together in silence for a few minutes until Wu's stomach growled. He wondered if being in the woods made him hungry because of what he was. "Are you guys hungry?" Wu asked the group.
Nick shrugged and Trubel said, "I could eat."
"I guess we'll take a small break," Nick said. He pulled his backpack off and set it on a rock. He, Wu, and Trubel sat down on a slightly damp log. Trubel opened the cooler and passed out the sandwiches.
Nick watched, mildly horrified, as Wu and Trubel scarfed down their whole sandwich in less than a minute. Nick took another bite of his sandwich while the other two ate their granola bars.
"So, Nick," Trubel said, swallowing a bite of food. "I've been meaning to talk to you about something."
Usually, when people started conversations like that, it wasn't a good sign.
Nick waited for her to continue. "I have been working with a few HW leaders," she said. "And they said that they know you."
"What are their names?" Nick asked.
"I don't know one of the guy's last names, but he said his first name was Alexander," Trubel said.
"Does he work for the Wesen Council?" Nick asked. He didn't know that Alexander had survived the attack from Black Claw.
"Mm-hm," Trubel mumbled, swallowing another bite of food. "Used to. He and the Portland Compound leader say they want to rebuild it," Trubel explained.
"Who's the leader?" Nick asked.
"He's the other guy who said he knew you," Trubel told Nick. "Said his name was Ian Harmon or something."
"Ian?" Nick asked, shocked.
"So, you do know him?" Wu asked, intrigued by the conversation.
"Yeah, he used to date Rosalee. I covered up a murder for him back when I had just learned I was a Grimm under the condition that he didn't come back to Portland. He was a member of the Resistance and, at the time, I didn't quite have a hang of the whole being-a-Grimm thing. Sometimes I think about some of the stuff I did back then and I can't help feeling like an idiot," Nick confessed.
"Whatever you did couldn't have been as bad as some of the things I did," Trubel said. "Remember, I killed three people during my first 24 hours in Portland."
"I think we all had some issues with adjusting to our new selves," Wu pointed out.
"Remember when I found you in your apartment covered in blood," Nick asked Wu, sounding like it was a positive memory.
"I thought you were going to arrest me for murder," Wu admitted smiling.
They laughed for a bit before Trubel got back to her original topic. "Ian and Alexander wanted me to tell you that they said, 'hi,'" Trubel said.
"How thoughtful," Nick said sarcastically.
"Were you guys friends?" Wu asked.
"No, but we weren't enemies either. It was complicated," Nick said.
"Do you trust them?" Trubel asked seriously. The way she spoke made Nick suspicious.
"They've both double-crossed me," Nick said. "But, like I said, some of that happened a long time ago and we weren't really enemies. I had the chance to arrest them both and decided against it. Why do you ask?"
"They wanted me to do some special work for them, and I said I would. I guess I should have talked to you first, but I don't really know that what I know now changes my mind. They seem willing to work with me, and they even gave me today off when I asked, but it was conditional. They wanted me to ask you something," Trubel said.
"Me? That's kind of strange," Nick said.
"Not really," Trubel said. "They know you're a Grimm and they think that you could be useful."
"For what?" Nick was confused but also concerned. He kept thinking of what happened with Eve... Or how HW kidnapped Trubel when they found out that she was useful.
"The same thing I'm doing now. They're creating different branches of HW: a human branch, a Grimm branch, and a Wesen branch. They want me to train and educate Grimms, and they want you to help me."
Wu wasn't involved in the conversation, but he was definitely intrigued by it. He especially wanted to know Nick's answer to the job offer.
"And you already agreed to work for them?" Nick asked.
"Yeah," Trubel said. She no longer talked between bites of food because she already finished all of hers.
"That kind of sounds like a pretty good gig," Wu said.
Before Nick had a chance to respond, Trubel said, "You aren't even supposed to know about this, Wu, so this conversation ends here. I'm just passing on a message, Nick, I don't expect you to actually want to do this," Trubel said. She wanted Nick to work with her, but she knew his heart was with the Portland Police Department.
Nick was interested in the offer more than he wanted to admit, but he didn't need to decide on it then, or at all if he didn't want to.
Trubel stood up from the log and asked, "Can we find the stupid Ghost Plant so we can get out of here?"
"Let's do it," Nick said. He put all of the wrappers and extra bags in his backpack and started walking through the forest with Trubel and Wu.
Monroe was holding hands with Rosalee as they searched among the trees for the Ghost Pipe. Monroe was extremely close to Rosalee so, if she slipped, he could help her catch her balance or break her fall is she couldn't. Rosalee didn't mind; she like being close to Monroe. Like the others, they talked as they looked around the ferns for the plant they needed.
Monroe and Rosalee woged at the same time. They had been doing it at regular intervals so they could smell the air with their sharpened senses.
"What do you smell?" Monroe asked Rosalee.
"A lot," she answered, still taking whiffs of the air.
"Me, too," Monroe said.
"Wait," Rosalee said. "I think I have something." The wind was blowing in her face, carrying scents with it. Rosalee thought she smelled the Ghost Pipe, and so did Monroe, so they began walking in the opposite direction of the blowing wind.
They followed the scent attentively but eventually slipped back into easy conversation.
"What are we going to name them?" Monroe wondered. His children and his family seemed to be occupying most of the spaces in his mind.
"I don't know. We don't even know if they're boys or girls," Rosalee said.
"Okay," Monroe said. "If they're boys, what are some ideas that you have?"
"Well..." Rosalee thought. "I want them to mean something. I don't want them to be random names that I pulled off of a list from the internet because they sound pretty."
"Then, you're going to hate my ideas," Monroe joked.
Rosalee laughed at him before continuing. "I think it would be nice to name them after important people. Like Freddy, or my favorite uncle, Henry, or my father George," Rosalee said. "Not that George or Henry were very significant to you," Rosalee said, admitting that the names were somewhat one-sided.
"If they're important to you, they're important to me," Monroe promised happily.
"What do you have in mind?" Rosalee asked.
"I definitely don't want to name them Xavier," he said, thinking about his backstabbing, Hasenfussige Schnecke, dead ex-friend.
"Definitely," Rosalee agreed.
"Hm..." Monroe thought. "I think Felix is a good one. I got along better with my uncle more than my dad sometimes. Though, Bart could work, too." Monroe paused before asking, "What about Jost. Named after Jost Bürgi who made clocks in the late 1500s and was the inventor of the cross-beat escapement and the remontoire. He was famous in his day for having the most precise clocks of his time that were accurate down to the minute which many thought to be the effect of excellent craftsmanship and his innovations."
"Jost could work," Rosalee said, hesitantly.
"Or what about Christiaan after Christiaan Huygens, the inventor of the pendulum clock. I mean, technically, Galileo came up with the idea of using a pendulum and Christiaan Huygens figured out all the math. Then, William Clement developed his ideas further, creating the first longcase clock. He was basically the father of grandfather clocks. Though he took credit for the anchor escapement which many believed Robert Hooke actually inv-"
Monroe was diving deeper and deeper into his digression. Rosalee knew that, in a few minutes, Monroe would be talking solely about the history of clocks, completely forgetting the point of the conversation they had been having.
"Honey, do you want boys or girls?" Rosalee asked to throw him off guard.
Monroe looked surprised, pausing mid-rant. "Uhhh," he said anxiously.
"Relax, Monroe, I was just wondering if you had a preference or some kind of expectation," Rosalee said, chuckling.
"Well, if we had all boys, I would be worried. I mean, what if they aren't like me and are into, you know, like sports and social events. But then again, what if they are like me? When I was a kid, I know I did some pretty objectionable things. Back in the bad old days, I was out of control, I was wild, I was... I don't know," Monroe said. He gave up trying to convey his worries.
"So, girls, then?" Rosalee asked.
"Well, I'm not really sure. I can only hope they'd be like you, you know? As far as I know, I wouldn't be very good at relating to women, and I don't even know what I should worry about with daughters," Monroe replied anxiously.
"Trust me, they'd be better off if they were nothing like me," Rosalee said. "With some of the things I got into..." Monroe shot Rosalee a nervous look. "I'm straightened out, now, obviously, but I just hope none of our children have to go through any sort of straightening out phase."
"I hope so, too," Monroe said, understanding her past struggles.
"I think we'll be alright as long as our children aren't boys or girls or anything like us or nothing like us," Rosalee said jokingly.
Monroe laughed nervously. "I'm happy to finally be starting a family with you and finally settling down, but I'm just so... so flustered. Is it supposed to be this nerve wracking?"
"Raising children, especially three at once, isn't supposed to be easy, Monroe," Rosalee assured.
"I know that, but I just feel so unprepared. There's so much I don't know how to do, and, like, so much that I don't know I'm supposed to know how to do," Monroe worried.
"Honey, it's going to be okay," Rosalee said. "We'll both be learning together, and we have each other when times get rough."
"I'm not worried about you!" Monroe whined. Rosalee looked at him with an expression that crept towards a glare. "That didn't come out right," Monroe said, quickly correcting his mistake. "What I mean is, I look at you, and I can already tell that you're going to be great at it. You're patient, you're attentive, you're loving. How could our children not fall in love with you? But me? I don't know what I'm doing, and my dad and I didn't have the best relationship. I don't relate to people in general. I mean, what if they don't like me? Or what if-"
"Monroe, you have to stop," Rosalee said.
"I know I'm in my head about-" Monroe acknowledged.
"Monroe!" Rosalee yelled. She had stopped walking and pulled her hand towards herself, still holding Monroe's hand, so he would stop walking. "Look."
Monroe stopped, looking confused until he noticed a small group of white flowers sticking up from the ground. He had almost stepped on them.
"Ghost Pipe!" she yelled excitedly.
"You found it," Monroe said, happily.
"We found it," Rosalee clarified.
"I can't say that I was much help," Monroe said, letting go of Rosalee's hand and leaning down next to the flowers. He woged, smelled them, and woged back into his human shape.
"Oh, yeah. That's them, all right," Monroe confirmed. He stood up again as he said, "I wonder if the others had any luck."
"Monroe," Rosalee said quietly. Monroe looked away from the little flowers. "I'm scared, too," she said.
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