《Grimm Season 6 Episode 14: In the Nick of Time》Chapter Fourteen
Adalind parked her car in the garage and entered the elevator. She was anxious to hear about Diana's and Trubel's day. When the door opened, she found Trubel and Diana sitting at the table. Kelly was with them in his highchair. Trubel was holding a piece of pizza in one hand and a stuffed animal fox in the other. She shook the fox and made it hop around in front of Kelly, and Kelly was watching it, smiling and laughing. Trubel took a bite of her pizza and looked up as Adalind walked in.
"Hey," Trubel said with a mouthful of food.
Diana said, "Hi, Mommy," before she also bit into a piece of pizza.
"Hi, guys. How was your day?" Adalind asked.
Diana hopped down from the chair she was sitting in after setting down her piece of pizza on a plate. "Great!" she said, running to Adalind and giving her a hug.
"That's great, honey," Adalind said, holding Diana in her arms. Adalind looked up at the table and saw two boxes of pizza. "I guess you're not hungry."
"Nope, Aunty Trubel ordered pizza," Diana said. Adalind shot Trubel an amused look upon finding out that Nick's nickname for her stuck. Trubel grinned and shrugged.
"I got a half cheese, half Hawaiian one because I know Nick likes that one," Trubel said, pointing to an unopened box of pizza. "And all of the pizzas have that white garlic sauce instead of tomato sauce because I know you're allergic, and I wasn't sure if Diana was."
"We got a bacon pizza, too," Diana said, looking at an almost empty pizza box.
"Sorry, Adalind," Trubel apologized. "I know you hate bacon," she said, remembering the day that Adalind turned herself into Juliette and told Trubel, "Whatever, I hate bacon."
"That's okay," Adalind said, setting her purse down on the kitchen counter. "You guys seem to be enjoying it, and I like cheese pizza."
Adalind walked over to Kelly and asked, "How's my big man?"
"He's good, I think. We were just playing with Mr. Fuchsbau," Trubel said, wiggling the fox stuffed animal in her hand.
"Foozbow," Kelly giggled.
"I think he's trying to say Fuchsbau," Trubel said, giving the fox to Kelly. Kelly giggled again and pet the fox in his lap.
Adalind looked surprised.
"That isn't his first word, right?" Trubel asked, sounding slightly concerned. She would have felt bad if she was there to witness Kelly's first word and Nick wasn't.
"No, his first word was 'Grimm,'" Adalind said, smiling and shaking her head. "I told Nick to stop saying that in front of him."
Trubel stifled a laugh.
Suddenly, Adalind's phone rang. She answered it with, "Hi, Nick."
Trubel could hear Nick on the other end. "Hi, I'm on my way home," he said.
"Okay. There's pizza waiting. Trubel ordered it," Adalind told him.
"That sounds really good," Nick approved. He sounded hungry. "Did Trubel get my Hawaiian pizza?"
"Yep," Adalind said, smiling at Trubel.
"Okay, well make sure she doesn't eat it all in the next five minutes," Nick said.
"Hey!" Trubel yelled, pretending to be offended. "I heard that!"
"It's okay, Nick. She already ate a whole bacon pizza with Diana," Adalind comforted.
"You'd be surprised how much she can eat," Nick warned. Trubel glared at the phone.
"I'll guard your pizza with my life," Adalind promised. "See you soon."
"See you," Nick said. He and Adalind both hung up their phones.
Nick arrived a few minutes later.
"Where is it?" he asked with mock anxiety coloring his tone.
"It's gone," Trubel said.
"Seriously?" Nick asked disappointedly.
"Geez, Nick. Relax, it's right here," Trubel said, laughing and opening the second pizza box.
"It's nice to see you, too," Adalind said, standing unnoticed in a corner pretending to be hurt that Nick was only concerned about pizza.
Nick grabbed a piece of Hawaiian and a piece of cheese pizza before walking over to Adalind. "Sorry," he said, holding up the piece of cheese to Adalind so she could take a bite. Nick kissed her on the forehead. Trubel pretended to gag at his display of affection, and Diana laughed at her.
"Did you have fun today?" Nick asked Diana. Diana nodded enthusiastically. "And, how was holding down the fort?" Nick asked Trubel. Trubel rose from her seat at the table and walked over to join Nick and Adalind.
"Pretty good. Kind of weird, but good," Trubel said.
Nick and Adalind exchanged a nervous look at the word, "Weird." They wondered to themselves what Diana had done.
"Weird?" Nick asked.
"We'll talk about that later," Trubel said, punching Nick playfully in the shoulder before putting her plate in the sink. "So, how was your day? Did you learn anything about the case?" she asked as she washed off the plate.
"Yeah," Nick said. He was going to have to figure out a way to explain the case in a child appropriate way. "We found out what's going on and we found an entry in one of the books that explained the same thing happening in Seattle in the late 1890s," Nick explained as Trubel dried off her plate and put it back in the cabinet.
"That means that Wesen can be created?" Trubel asked.
"It sounded like the guy who wrote the entry heard of some spell that was capable of that," Nick said.
"That's kind of unsettling," Adalind said. "Could you find a reversal spell?"
"Kind of," Nick said. "We found a cure, but it involves using a kind of plant called the Ghost Pipe. It has to be fresh, and Rosalee doesn't have any, so we're all going hiking tomorrow."
"It's blooming this time of year, so it should be easier to find them. They tend to grow in clusters," Adalind said.
Nick and Trubel both looked at Adalind with raised eyebrows.
"Ghost Pipe is not really favorite of Hexenbiests. It's used in many kinds of mixtures to undo specific spells," Adalind said. "That's why I know about it."
"Do you know where to find it around here?" Nick asked.
"Well, it can be found all over the state," Adalind said. "I haven't ever looked for it before, but I would try searching in dense, dark forests because the Ghost Pipe doesn't need light to grow."
"What about the Tillamook State Forest?" Nick questioned.
"It's heavily wooded and at a lower elevation," Adalind said. "I'd say it's worth a look, though a friend of mine used to get her Ghost Pipe from forest regions in Olympia."
"Maybe we could check there if we can't find any in Tillamook," Trubel suggested.
"We?" Nick asked.
"I'm coming with you guys," Trubel said, clearly determined.
"Okay," Nick succumbed. "It'll be good to have another pair of eyes."
"Um, Nick. I didn't talk to Sean about watching the kids tomorrow," Adalind said.
"It's okay," Nick said. "I talked to Eve, and she said she'd help us tomorrow."
"Wow. That's, that's..." Adalind stammered. "Good," she said uncomfortably.
"We had a good conversation, and Eve made it clear that she was perfectly fine with helping us. Zero weirdness, I promise," Nick assured.
"Okay," Adalind said, sounding like she felt a little better about the situation. "As long as she's okay with it, I am, too."
Nick smiled and kissed Adalind.
Trubel wasn't paying attention. She was kind of surprised that Nick talked to Eve, but she was also happy it happened. Trubel knew Eve needed something to do, so she was happy she had convinced Nick to give Eve some kind of purpose.
Trubel, Nick, Adalind, and Diana all talked about their days and even had time to play a few board games. It all felt very abnormally normal. Diana and Adalind watched with amused expressions as Nick and Trubel battled each other in a game of checkers. Trubel won and said she had bragging rights as the ultimate Grimm, but Nick said that their game didn't count as a fight; they would have to settle their who-would-win-the-fight score by playing something else later. They decided on playing a round of paintball at a later date. It involved weapons which went against Wu's rules, but they would have the same weapon (and same advantage), so it didn't really matter.
Eventually, it was time for Diana and Kelly to go to bed. Adalind took care of that while Nick and Trubel stayed behind to clean up food and game pieces.
"I guess, now is a good time to talk about the whole 'weird' thing," Trubel said, walking over to the cupboard and pulling out the Grimm books she put in there so Diana wouldn't transport them to another dimension or something. She grabbed the Grimm Ancestry book out from the stack. She opened it to the Kessler page and said, "Diana did a little drawing today."
"Diana drew in the Grimm Ancestry book?" Nick asked nervously.
"Look at it," Trubel said, shoving the book into his arms.
Nick grabbed it and examineb the page briefly. He saw Trubel's name and looked up at her confused before turning his attention back to the page. He stared at it for almost an entire minute.
"Diana said we're related," Trubel said when Nick looked up from the book. "We're third cousins, actually."
Nick laughed. "I should have known," he said, shaking his head.
He threw the book. It slid before landing perfectly next to the pile of other Grimm books. Apparently, he was too happy to be careful with the book. "Come here, cuz," he said, opening his arms.
Trubel grinned, narrowed her eyes, and shook her head. Nick tried to wrap his arms around her, but she dodged him and ran behind the counter.
"Don't run from love," Nick said, laughing like a maniac as he and Trubel circled each other around the counter.
"I'm not. I'm running from my psycho cousin," Trubel said, laughing.
"You can't choose your family," Nick warned.
"Well, we did, and it apparently worked out," Trubel said.
Nick was grinning. "Okay, I give up," Nick said.
"Good," Trubel said, walking over to the table to grab the pizza. "You should try this," Trubel said, holding up the box with one piece of bacon pizza left. "It's life changing." Nick grabbed the slice and took a bite.
"You weren't kidding," Nick said. "I think you've converted me to bacon-ism."
"That's what cousins are for," Trubel said. As Nick finished the pizza, he walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a bag for Trubel to put the Hawaiian and cheese slices into.
Nick finished his piece, and Trubel put the other pieces in the bag. She walked over to the fridge to put them away.
Nick snuck up behind her and wrapped his arms around her in a hug. Without thinking, she stomped on his foot and threw her head back to bash the back of her skull into his face.
"Ow!" Nick said, holding his nose after letting go of Trubel.
Trubel turned around with horrified eyes. "Nick! I'm sorry!"
Nick wiped his hand on his face. His nose was bleeding.
"What the hell?! You know you shouldn't sneak up on me!" Trubel said, sounding mad because she felt guilty and embarrassed.
"I didn't think you'd attack me." Nick's nose was bleeding a lot. "A little help?" he asked. Trubel grabbed a wad of paper towels and shoved them into his open hand. He pressed the wad to his face and said, "Ow," again.
"Don't be a baby," Trubel said. "You're lucky I didn't break it."
Nick, surprisingly, laughed. "Maybe you would win if we ever fought."
Trubel grinned. She couldn't disagree with him there.
"Nothing like a loving family hug," Nick said, tilting his head back in an attempt to stop the bleeding.
Adalind walked out of the room she shared with Nick and the children. "Alright," she announced. "The kids are in bed. Now, what was all that yelling about?" she asked. Nick turned around to face her.
"Nick, what happened?!" Adalind asked, worried. She ran over to Nick to examine his bleeding face.
"I tried to give Trubel a hug," Nick said.
Adalind shot Trubel a horrified and reprimanding look. "Trubel!" she said, appalled.
"He snuck up on me," Trubel said. "It was an accident."
"I was trying to embrace my sweet little Grimm, after finding out we were related," Nick said jokingly, knowing sweet and little were not words that anyone would used to describe Trubel. Trubel grabbed the book and showed Adalind the name that was added to the Kessler family tree.
"Diana did this," Trubel said.
"Well, that makes sense," Adalind said, shrugging.
"Yeah, except I didn't get the annoying gene," Trubel said.
"And I didn't get the heartless gene," Nick said. He had just been injured by his little cousin. How could he look smug?
"I'd watch what you say," Adalind warned him. "She might not let you get away with it."
Trubel smiled triumphantly, but the grin faded when her phone rang.
"HW," she said, answering the phone.
The conversation was short, and when Trubel hung up, she said, "Got to go. I'll see if I can work on the case tomorrow."
"Okay," Nick said. He had gotten his nose to stop bleeding, and pulled the bloody wad of paper towels away from his face, throwing them in the garbage. "We're meeting at the Spice Shop at 8:00," he said.
"Got it," Trubel said goodbye to Adalind before turning to Nick. "I'm sorry about your nose, cuz," she said, giving in and giving Nick a quick hug before disappearing in the elevator.
"We've been thinking. We want to know if Nick would be interested in helping us," Ian said.
Trubel was sitting in the conference room with Ian and Alexander.
"You better stay away from him," Trubel growled protectively, jumping up and leaning over the table in the men's faces.
"That's a bit of a strong reaction," Alexander disapproved.
"Chavez recruited me by kidnapping me," Trubel said. "I'm telling you that you better not try anything like that with Nick."
"If you talk to him, that won't be necessary," Ian said.
"Fine," Trubel agreed, sitting back down slowly. "I'm helping him with something tomorrow. I'll make sure to ask him about your offer."
"Then, we have a deal," Alexander approved. Ian and Alexander both stood up to shake Trubel's hand. She stood but pulled her hand away from them.
"I want to ask you about Eve," Trubel said.
"The Hexenbiest?" Ian said, familiar with the name.
"She used to work here, but HW said they didn't want her anymore. Why?" Trubel demanded.
"Well, you said she was having a few problems with her powers, didn't you?" Ian asked.
"Yes, but she has other skills, and her powers are coming back, I think," Trubel said. Eve didn't woge as often as she used to and didn't use her powers as often, but Trubel was pretty sure she was still capable of both.
"I'm not sure recruiting her again would be necessary if that's the case," Alexander said. "She would be like using a nuclear weapon to stop a local protest. I'm not sure there's a place for someone like her."
"The work she did for HW was important to her, and she can probably do whatever you need. I want to offer her a position here," Trubel said.
"And what would that be?" Ian asked skeptically.
"She could work with me," Trubel suggested.
"We'll think about it," Ian said. "That's the best we can do right now."
"Deal," Trubel said, shaking hands with them before heading to her room to get some sleep.
It was morning, and a long hike awaited Nick and his friends. Adalind was with him, trying to pack food for the trip.
She had every snack from the cupboard laid out of the counter. "How many people are going?"
"Hm," Nick said. He started listing names and counted them on his fingers. "Me, Trubel, Hank, Wu, Janelle, Monroe, and Rosalee. I think that's it."
"Seven people," Adalind said before she started counting out seven granola bars. They were those chewy ones with the chocolate chips.
"These are Trubel's favorite, and Wu's, too," Nick said. "Let's grab a few extra." He grabbed a handful of bars and threw them in the cooler that was open on the counter. Nick and Adalind then started working as a team to make seven sandwiches.
Nick was cutting slices of cheese off of the block while Adalind pulled out pieces of bread and set them on a large cutting board. Nick was still slicing the cheese, so Adalind walked to the fridge and pulled out a bag of meat slices. Nick placed a few pieces of cheese on each sandwich while Adalind pulled out slices of meat and did the same; Adalind left one of the sandwiches without meat for Monroe, and Nick put tomato on it instead. Finally, Nick grabbed some lettuce from the fridge and added that to the sandwiches.
They didn't work in silence, however. As they prepared the food, they talked and joked and bickered.
"Adalind, can you cut up the tomatoes for me?" Nick asked, grinning.
"Nick, I'm allergic," Adalind reminded him.
"I know, I'm just kidding," he said, smiling. Adalind hit him on the shoulder.
"Ow," Nick said playfully. "Mean."
"Hey, it can't hurt more than your nose last night," Adalind laughed.
"Why do you laugh at my pain?" Nick asked sadly.
"Because, honey, you deserve it, sometimes," Adalind said. "But, I love you anyway."
"I love you, more," Nick said, kissing her.
"That's cheesy," Adalind said.
"I can't help being romantic," Nick said.
"No," Adalind laughed. "You're cheesy. You were eating it, weren't you?"
"Guilty," Nick said, taking a bite out of a leftover slice of cheese that was sitting on the counter.
When they finished making sandwiches, they grabbed a few slices of pizza and put them in the cooler, too.
"What do you think?" Nick asked. "Is that good enough?"
"What kind of hike would it be without trail mix?" Adalind asked, throwing a bag into the cooler.
"There," she said, satisfied with the prepared lunches.
She looked at the clock and told Nick she had to go to work. She said goodbye to Diana who was eating cereal at the table and playing with Kelly. She kissed Nick one more time before heading off to the office.
Nick drove Diana, Kelly, and him to the Spice Shop after grabbing a water for himself and one for Trubel.
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