《Grimm Season 6 Episode 14: In the Nick of Time》Chapter Thirteen
Adalind was sitting in her office. She met with a few clients throughout the day, but she still felt lonely. It was strange not having Kelly with her. She trusted Trubel, but she couldn't fight her anxiety. She called Trubel for the third time that day.
"Yeah?" Trubel asked.
"How's it going?" Adalind asked.
"I'll let you figure that one out," Trubel said. She put the phone one speaker, and Adalind could hear Diana laughing saying, "It's your turn!" They must be playing a game.
"What are you guys doing?" Adalind asked happily.
"We're having a Wesen drawing contest," Trubel said. "Diana always wins, but I think I'd have a chance if she actually drew with her hands, rather than her eyes, if you know what I'm saying."
"Trubel!" Diana whined.
"Okay, I pick... a Muassasat Al Shabaab," Trubel said. Adalind heard scribbling sounds over the phone. About five seconds after Trubel requested a Wesen drawing, Diana said, "Done!"
"See?" Trubel asked Adalind, laughing. "She's such a cheater!"
"Now, what?" Diana asked.
"Gevatter Tod," Trubel said before telling Adalind, "We're still good here."
"Okay," Adalind said. "Thank you, Trubel."
"No problem," Trubel told her.
"I'll probably call you a few more times," Adalind warned, sounding embarrassed but not embarrassed enough to stop calling.
"I'm sure you will," Trubel agreed bluntly.
Adalind laughed. "Yeah. Bye, Trubel."
"Talk to you in five minutes," Trubel joked before hanging up.
Five minutes later, Adalind realized she forgot to ask Trubel if she fed Kelly. She dialed Trubel's number.
"I didn't actually mean we'd talk in five minutes," Trubel answered.
Wu, Nick, Rosalee, Monroe, Hank, and, now, Farris were looking through Spice Shop and Grimm books. They were searching for anything that involved Hexenbiests turning people into Wesen. Farris started to get nervous when they explained to her that that kind of thing could be possible.
It was getting late, but eventually, Rosalee found an entry that was related to what they were looking for.
"This entry is from 1897," Rosalee said. "And it's in English!" she approved. "I journeyed to Seattle, only expecting to stay there for a night or two before making my way to Canada's Klondike region. My goal was to strike it rich like others had done before me. Little did I know that I would become engrossed in a mystery that originated a few miles away from the city. Upon my arrival, I heard rumors circulating of a forest witch that was kidnapping young, human women who entered the city. This caught the entire city's attention as there was already a lack of women in the city from the influx of men arriving for the gold rush. I decided that I would investigate this mystery and knew that whoever hired me would pay generously," Rosalee read. She rolled her eyes, obviously not enjoying the Grimm's sole interest in money. "I eventually found a group of desperate men who offered to hire me under the condition that I would work with a local Grimm. I agreed and met my partner that night. His name was Jasper. He told me that he had been searching for answers to this case since his fiance was kidnapped about a month ago. He said he had reason to believe that the witch, who we both thought to be a Hexenbiest, did not kill her victims immediately and, instead, kept them as Wesen slaves. He had heard that she kidnapped young women in groups and killed them individually when they reached a certain age. Despite our research, Jasper and I were unable to find a cure for the witch's spell that turned humans into Wesen. We headed into the woods, armed with axes and swords in preparation to cut off the Hexenbiest's head. Jasper and I became lost in the forest as the skies darkened, and only then could we find the cabin. It was our belief that the Hexenbiest was able to hide her evil den from those who searched for it using another spell. When we approached the house, we became frozen as if our entire bodies were turned to stone. It was then that the witch appeared in front of us. She saw we were Grimms and let us go, only to chase us through the forest. I watched as she caught up with Jasper and quickly snapped his neck. There was nothing I could do for my partner, and I ran in no particular direction to escape the witch's wrath. I barely escaped with my life and vowed never to return to the forest." Rosalee finished reading and looked up to find a horrified expression shaping everyone's face.
"It doesn't say how to stop it," Nick observed.
"Then we keep looking until we find something that does," Rosalee said.
"At least we have some idea what's going on," Hank said.
"Jordan Graham could still be alive," Farris pointed out. "It doesn't sound like the witch will kill her until she gets older."
"It said in her file that her birthday is a week from now," Nick remembered. "She's older than all of the other victims, and next week might be old enough for the Hexenbiest to get rid of her. We have to find her fast. We're running out of time."
"Now all we have to do is keep looking, find the right book, find the right story, find the right solution, use the solution, not die, and save Jordan," Wu said sarcastically.
"Well, this is fun," Monroe said, grabbing another book.
They heard the bell ring from their hideout in the basement.
"I'll see if it's a customer," Rosalee said. Monroe said he'd come with her and followed her up the basement stairs. Everyone downstairs heard talking but couldn't quite make it out. Eventually, Monroe and Rosalee headed back downstairs with Eve trailing behind them, looking somewhat frantic.
"Eve?" Nick asked. He noticed a book in her hands.
Eve looked like she was about to say something, but before she did, she noticed Farris. "Who's this?" she asked.
"I'm Deputy Janelle Farris," Farris introduced.
"Uh-" Eve began, not really sure how to ask who Farris was and what she knew.
"It's okay," Hank said, knowing the direction of Eve's thoughts. "She knows."
Eve noticed the books open on the table in the Spice Shop. "I can see that." She held up the Blood Magic book. "People can be turned into Wesen," she announced suddenly.
"You're a little late to the party," Wu said. "We found a story about it."
"But did you find the cure?" she asked, setting the book on the table excitedly. She woged into a Hexenbiest.
Farris yelled, "Oh my, God!" as she jumped out of her chair and backed away from the group.
Eve pulled the dagger out of the book and opened it before woging back into human form. She looked up at Farris and said, "You must be new to this," Eve said.
"A little," Farris admitted, cautiously moving to sit at the table again.
"She just found out today," Hank defended. He wasn't quite happy with Eve's directness, but understood that directness was part of who she was now. He still gave her a disapproving look.
Eve smiled weakly and turned to Farris. "I'm sorry. I had to woge to open the book."
"That's okay," Farris said weakly. "I'm good."
"Good," Eve said before turning her attention back to the pages. She explained as she looked through the book, "I was thinking about your case last night," she said to Nick. "Something about Wesen being created sounded familiar, but I couldn't exactly remember what. I was reading this book when I fell asleep, and I had a dream about some kind of plant. I remembered seeing the plant when I was turning pages in the book, but I never read the page it was on. Until this morning," she said, finding the page.
She showed the book to Rosalee, and Rosalee pulled it close to herself, very intrigued. "There is a type of saprophytic plant called the Ghost Flower that grows, not by photosynthesis, but by gathering environmental nutrients with the aid of a symbiotic fungus," Rosalee began, examining the page. "I've heard of this before," Rosalee said, "The Indian Pipe, or Ghost Plant, has been used in the past by humans for spiritual purposes. More recently, it has been used by humans to treat a range of disorders like seizures, muscle spasms, and certain mental illnesses. Of course, I've heard of many other applications from treating eye problems and toothaches to treating colds and warts. Some of it depends on which part of the plant you use and how you prepare it."
Rosalee was giving a long and unnecessary speech. She was having a Monroe moment.
"Sorry," she said. "This is what happens when you're married to Monroe," she said laughing.
"I wouldn't know," Monroe said playfully. "I'm stuck married to you." He kissed Rosalee while they both laughed softly.
Wu cleared his throat.
Rosalee laughed. "Right," she said, turning her attention back to the book. "It says here that some of the spiritual associations hold value. For example, it has a reputation for assisting those that are considered lost souls. It's supposed to be grounding," she said, reading the book more. "The Ghost Pipe is known for helping lost souls find their way, particularly in emotional, challenging, or dichotomic situations. This translates to the Wesen world when applied to Hexenbiest spells. This particular plant offers support for natural, pre-spell states of being which includes Neues Wesen, or New Being, spells where a Kehrseite is transformed into a Wesen being. It is also commonly applied to Andere Anblick, or Other Scene, spells where a Hexenbiest manipulates what others may see and feel. Both aforementioned situations require similar or intertwined spells and, therefore, have the same cure - the Ghost Plant."
"Do you have some?" Eve asked anxiously.
"We have dried Ghost Pipe," Monroe answered.
"Wait," Rosalee said, before reading from the book once more. "The Ghost Plant, in this specific case, must be fresh. It should be cut finely directly into a small, glass jar; the jar must be small enough to be filled to the brim with the diced Ghost Plant. Next, add three drops of Grimm blood per Ghost flower added to the jar."
"That explains why this is in the Blood Magic book," Hank said.
"Grimm blood must be what counteracts these specific Hexenbiest spells," Nick theorized.
"Why don't you just take the Hexenbiest's powers away instead of making this?" Monroe asked.
"We would have to get close enough to do that," Wu replied.
"Right," Monroe said. He hadn't thought of that.
"And by the sound of the story, it doesn't look like that's possible," Farris added. "What's next?" she asked Rosalee.
"100 proof vodka must be added until the jar, again, is filled to the brim. It is crucial to stir the mixture to expel any air bubbles before securing the lid and shaking the jar vigorously. Following this, the jar must be stored in a cool, dark, and dry location where it must be allowed to sit for a minimum of.... two weeks, though six is recommended."
"Uh-oh," Wu said.
"We can't wait two weeks," Nick complained.
"We don't have a choice unless you have any better ideas," Rosalee suggested.
"First, we need to find the plant. We can't make this until we have the Ghost Pipe," Monroe pointed out. "How much do we need?"
"It just says that we need a single fresh specimen if we want a single dose," Rosalee said.
"Well, where do we find it?" Hank asked.
"It's found in the majority of the U.S., as well as in Canada and Asia, typically at low or average elevations. It grows in thick, dark woods with humus-rich soils. Because it is dependent on a mycorrhizal fungus from the Russula genera for its nutrients, knowing the area where the fungi grow is constructive to finding the Ghost Pipe. It is wisest to search for it in the wild because the Ghost Pipe is difficult to propagate and, therefore, rare," Rosalee read.
"How do we know what we're looking for?" Wu asked.
"It's a small plant that typically flowers from June to September," Rosalee read.
"It's a good thing we fall in that time range," Farris interrupted.
Rosalee nodded before continuing. "It's typically four to eight inches tall and a pure white color, though they will occasionally appear pink or possess black specks. Only the white flowers are useful when curing Andere Anblick or Neues Wesen spells. The Ghost Plant has a singular flower that bows at a young age but straightens as the plant matures. Either stage may be used, though mature plants are typically recommended."
"We need to find this plant, like, now," Monroe said.
They had spent the whole day looking for information. It was sometimes easy to forget how much time really passed until they found what they were looking for in the books; there were always so many to sift through, and what they had been looking for was particularly rare.
"It's getting late," Nick said. "By the time we pack everything we need, it will already be dark."
"Then, first thing tomorrow morning we'll set out," Hank said.
"Great," Nick approved. "Who's in?"
"I am," Farris said determinedly.
"We are," Wu said, gesturing to him and Hank.
Monroe didn't answer and, instead, exchanged a look with Rosalee. "We're looking for a little plant. It shouldn't be too dangerous..." he suggested.
"Then, I want to come with you," Rosalee said. "We can go together."
"If you're worried about Monroe, he can stay here with you," Nick told Rosalee.
Monroe turned to Nick. "No way, dude. You need our sense of smell," Monroe said. He had a point. "But, I don't know if you should be hiking, Rosalee," he suggested to Rosalee anxiously.
"I can hike just as much as all of you," Rosalee said stubbornly.
"Okay," Monroe submitted. "If that's what you want. But who's going to watch the shop?"
"I will," Eve said. "If that's alright with you."
"That's perfect," Rosalee admitted, smiling.
"I can make sure we have all of the supplies we need, here while you all look for the flower," Eve said.
"Adalind can help me pack some snacks," Nick suggested.
"I have hiking gear," Monroe said. "Backpacks, compasses, maps..."
"Good," Nick said. "Everyone bring your own water bottle. We'll meet here at 8:00."
Everyone agreed to the plan.
Wu, Hank, and Farris were the first to leave. Monroe and Rosalee were the next which left Eve and Nick in the Spice Shop.
"Isn't Adalind waiting for you?" Eve asked as she put a few books away on the shelf in the basement.
"Yeah," he said. He was awkwardly standing in the corner, looking around himself at nothing in particular.
"Are you okay, Nick? It looks like something's bothering you?" Eve asked. She had known Nick for so long that reading his emotions were as easy as reading a book.
"I'm fine," Nick answered suspiciously quick.
Eve stopped putting away books so she could get a better look at Nick. "Nick, is this about what happened in the other place?" she asked, sounding slightly disappointed. "Because I thought we had a good conversation, and I thought we finally figured out all of our problems."
"No," Nick said earnestly. "It's not about that, I just... I needed help with something, and Trubel suggested that you might be a good person to ask. I agree with her, it's just-"
"Just tell me what it is," Eve said calmly.
"Eve, we're in a good place right now, and I honestly think that, this time, it's going to last. I accept you as a person and you accept me, now that both of our lives have changed so much. I know that you aren't Juliette, and I care for you in a different way than I loved her, but there are parts of you that you share with the person you used to be."
"What are you saying?" Eve asked him, somewhat concerned by what he was saying.
Nick continued his speech. "I'm just saying that it's good to be friends after everything that's happened, and I trust you, but I don't want to put you in an uncomfortable situation."
"For the love of God, Nick, just spit it out," Eve begged. Nick looked worried and it made her anxious.
"I need someone to babysit Kelly and Diana," he blurted out.
Eve laughed at him. "That whole speech for that?!" she asked, grinning.
"You're one of the only people that are qualified enough to do it, and I trust you. But, when we were in the other place, you said that you didn't care about being happy like you had a better purpose in life being who you are. I know you want to help the world and use your power for good, and asking you to help me with my children makes me feel like a total ass because you used to think that Kelly should have been our baby and-"
"Nick," Eve said, cutting Nick off from another anxiety-fueled speech. "I told you in the other place that everything happened for a reason, and I believe that you having a child with Adalind was one of those things," she said.
"But, I know you want to do bigger and better things, and it just seems cruel to ask you to do this for me when, in a different life, you could have been settled down with kids on the way with someone who is in love with you."
"I don't want that, Nick," Eve said. "There was a time when that was something I wanted, and maybe it's something I'll have in the future, but I don't resent you for having a life."
"That's not what I'm saying," Nick objected.
"I know. You think that I want to be doing something life-changing like when I was saving the world with HW," Eve guessed.
"Yeah, I guess I do," Nick admitted, somewhat embarrassed.
"Well, you're right," Eve said. "I want to help people in a significant way, and I want to be where I'm needed. But, right now, HW doesn't need me, and people here do. Do you remember when your mother said that Diana could do great good in the right hands?" Nick nodded. "I think taking care of her, and any child for that matter, counts as a significant job, don't you?"
"Yes," Nick admitted again. "But-"
"But, nothing," Eve interrupted. "I like kids, and I would love to help you and Adalind on days when neither one of you could watch Diana and Kelly."
Nick sighed with relief. "Thank you," he said. "I don't know what I'd do without your help. Diana would chase off any normal babysitter, and who knows what Kelly's going to be able to do!"
"It's not a problem," Eve clarified. "Diana and I relate in ways that she can't relate to anyone else. I like her, she likes me, and I could probably show her how to behave in a way that she'll understand. I know what it's like to have more power than you know what to do with."
"I knew you'd be the perfect person to help us," Nick confessed.
"How does Adalind feel about this?" Eve asked cautiously.
"She's on board. She knows she can't take the kids to work forever, and she doesn't quite feel comfortable handing off Kelly to Renard, yet," Nick said.
"I don't blame her," Eve said. "But, maybe Renard is starting over, too." Eve and Nick started putting the books away. Monroe and Rosalee had helped them earlier, so there weren't that many left.
"It feels like everything is finally falling into place," Nick said. "Usually, the feeling doesn't last, but this time..."
"Feels different," Eve agreed.
Eve and Nick walked together out of the shop after shutting off all of the lights. They made sure all of the doors were locked before climbing into Nick's Land Cruiser.
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messages // frerard
frankyoass: 😤😤✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻 traitorslay.gee: yOUrE A MINORfrankyoass: IM TURNING 18 SOONslay.gee: i knOw BUT JUST REMEMBER THAT I AM TAKENHighest Ranking;#477 in Fanfiction 2/5/16#23 in mcrfanfic 5/28/18#20 in mcrfanfics 5/9/18#7 in mcrfanfics 2/22/192019 note: this book was created when i was in seventh grade. as a grown writer, my writing skills have drastically improved and im well aware of the poor plot and horrible grammar. thank you!©h0lydun (2015)
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