The boat is sailing out of the harbor
The boat seems to sail on and on for rather a long time, with the Blue Danube heard clearly playing away in the background
Joan is fed up
Joan - How much longer is this fucking boat going to spend sailing out of the harbor? And can you hear that music, will it never end?
Mick the sailor - The music is coming from the captain's cabin he loves it
Joan - It's getting on my fucking nerves!
Roach - Calm down Joan, it is not worth being so upset over
Joan - Don't call me Joan you nasty little cow, you are a prisoner remember that!
Roach - I am surely not a prisoner, Mick and I are living together
Joan - I will soon put a stop to that
Delia - Why are you so irate Joan? Just calm down before you have a heart attack
Joan - And who asked you fattie, Stout!
Delia - Really Joan you are so rude, if this carries on I will push you overboard myself
Joan - HA I'd like to see you try.....when will this boat stop sailing and where will we end up?
Mick - Between you and me, I think Connors sabotaged the engines
Roach - Yes, this boat may simply sail on and on forever, it may never stop!
Joan - Where is that bitch Connors anyway? I am going to hit her over the head with a hammer when I see her
Delia - I'll hit you with a hammer in a minute if you carry on behaving like this Joan, remember one thing I'm the deputy governor not you
The blue Danube appears only to become louder and doesn't stop
Delia - I am going to throw you overboard in a minute if you can't control your temper.....at the very least when we return to Wentworth I will place you in Solitary
Joan - And how the hell do you think you will do that Stout?
Delia - Well you are a prisoner remember? and I am the officer!
Joan - Absolute nonsense the only prisoner here is Roach. I am a free woman and I am also in charge!
Delia - You are not in charge I am, and you never seem able to get it into your head
Joan - You can't even run a bath properly you fat fool...you are so fat you can't do anything efficiently, in fact, the only thing you seem to be good at is eating cakes Stout
Delia - It is not acceptable to taunt me about my weight, I am on a diet, I will punish you harder for this. Disrespect to the deputy governor is the worst crime of all
Joan - I will sort this out, I will throw Waters in the pound for escaping...and as for you Mick, you will also go to prison for aiding the escapee
Roach - You're crazy, I am also an officer and I am married to Mick
Joan - You will spend a year in solitary for this, all of you!
Roach looks at Delia, looking fed up
Roach - Del, can't we discipline Ferguson now, she has pushed me to the limits of my patience
Delia - Yes i agree, that is simply the limit Ferguson, when we get back i will let you and Connors have a fight in the laundry, I know she will beat you and this will teach you a few lessons
Joan - I tell you something Stout, I am fast becoming sick of you and soon I am going to bash you with my hammer!
Delia - More threats of violence, when will you ever learn
Joan - You're a joke Stout, everyone knows it! well don't expect to keep your job, I am going to see to it that you are fired, you aren't fit for a job in the prison!..... AND WHERE THE HELL IS CONNORS?
Rita suddenly appears
Rita- You called for me?
Joan - Too right I called for you, where the hell have you been?
Rita - Relax will ya, I was just fishing with Lurch and Nanc that's all
Joan - And what else have you been up to? Did you sabotage the engines! This boat is sailing a long way out
Rita - I did not touch the engines
Joan - You're a liar Connors, well as of now you are on a charge!
Rita - Well you'll have to get me back to Wentworth first!
The Blue Danube plays on and on
Rita - Calm down, this is nothing compared to that time I set you up as an accomplice in a bank robbery and you ended up behind bars
Joan - Yes, I haven't forgotten that either!
Joan attacks Rita
Delia suddenly flings Joan overboard, Joan screams as she falls in the sea
Delia, Roach, Rita, and Mick watch as Joan splashes around in the ocean
Suddenly sharks begin to swim towards Joan and circle her
Mick - Do you think we should help her?
Delia, Rita, and Roach shake their heads
Delia - No I gave her enough warnings
Rita - I wish you were governor Delia, you are funny and let us get away with anything we like
Delia - Well I'm sure by the end of the week I will be, I will make a better job of it than Mrs Pringle did during her disaster spell as acting governor!
The three of them watch as Joan struggles. they laugh as the shark's attack Joan and drag her under the water...Joan is dragged down towards the ocean floor, the last rays of sunlight disappear and it becomes dark and scary.....
....Joan wakes up screaming, sweat pouring down her face
The next morning Sister Andrea talks to Joan
Andrea - Was that you I heard screaming last night Sister Ferguson?
Joan - I'm afraid it was yes, I had a bad dream
Andrea - You woke everyone up, your chilling screams were heard all over the building, echoing down the dark hallways and corridors!
Joan - I am sorry
Andrea - No need to be sorry, I am just concerned that there is something that is troubling you and I wish you would talk to me if you need to
Joan - I am fine honestly
Marie is nearby
Marie - In any case I will look after Sister Ferguson, you can count on it
Andrea smiles with pride
Andrea - Sister Mary, always my kindest and most thoughtful friend! A wonderful gift from the Lord when he sent you to join us, Mary!
Marie - I only do what the Lord tells me to do, it is nothing special, I will look after Sister Ferguson...
......Sometime later Joan and Marie are alone
Marie (mocking voice) - Ok you bitch, what is wrong with you? I do hope you aren't losing it, Joanie?
Joan is angry
Joan - How dare you talk to me like that Winter! Show some respect
Marie chuckles
Marie - I don't have to do that and you know it, we are equals now.
Joan - Well just get off my back then, I don't need this grief
Marie- I just want to make sure you aren't losing it, I don't want you saying or doing anything that will blow our cover...no one must ever know that we are really escaped prisoners, there is no bloody way I ever intend to go back to prison
Joan - Look I'm fine ok, it was just a damn stupid bad dream that's all, it's no big deal
One of the other nuns is listening out of sight and looks shocked
Bea and Judy are sitting together in the dining room
Judy -We need to decide how to make Clements suffer. had any ideas yet?
Bea - A few yes, did you have any?
Judy - I thought we should start by starving her and making her suffer sleep deprivation. Marina can help us with that
Bea - Yes, good idea, that will do for a start
Judy - What about your ideas?
Bea - Making her think that Jacqueline is talking to her from beyond the grave, like what Ferguson and McKenzie did to me
Judy - Hey yeah, that's good and cruel
Bea - Only the best for our special special friend Sandra
Joan and Marie are in the gardens, cutting the hedges when the nun who overheard them approaches them
The nun - Sisters, I must have a word with you both, it is extremely urgent
Joan - Yes, what is it, Sister Mavis?
Sister Mavis - I overheard you both talking earlier, about being escaped criminals
Joan and Marie look shocked and worried
Marie - Listen Mavis love, you mustn't tell anyone else about that ok love!
Mavis - That's just the thing, I have to, I have to tell the police it's the right thing to do?
Joan - And send us both back to Prison, why would you do that Mavis? It's not very Christian is it, surely the Lord would want us to be forgiven, not condemned to hell in prison
Mavis shakes her head
Mavis - I just don't know, it feels wrong to just ignore it. Afterall in the movie Papillon the nun turns Steve McQueen in doesn't she
Marie - Yeah rotten bitch. I loved Steve McQueen in that movie and hated that lousy Nun, she should have won the Oscar for Best Movie Villain that year the evil bitch!
Marie lets out a cheeky laugh
Marie - Still got a crush on Steve McQueen even now!
Joan gives Marie a look and rolls her eyes with irritation
Mavis - Yes so anyway I have to inform the police....unless you both decide to hand yourselves in first, I am going to give you 24 hours in which to do it, after that, I tell the police myself
Joan - Now hang on a second can't we discuss this a bit more?
Mavis - What is there to discuss? That is it, I have nothing else to say, you have 24 hours to do the right thing or I'll do it for you
Joan (angry and aggressive) - You nasty bitch, you just don't understand what you are doing do you
Marie is clearly angry too but tries to stay calm and gives Mavis a smile
Marie - Joan is right love, you see there is something we need to explain to you, hopefully, if we can explain this to you it might help you understand better?
Mavis sighs
Mavis - Ok go on then, if you must, explain but i can't see how you can make me change my mind on this
Marie - Well you see it's like this Mavis love, Joan and I are escaped prisoners indeed, however that does not mean that we are still criminals, you see we are ex-criminals now, we are reformed and we found god and saw the errors of our ways
Joan nods along
Joan - Yes....that is correct. We found God and God guided us here. We were once in the darkness but now we are in the light....we were walking down the wrong path but now we are on the right path, the good and holy path
Mavis - Yes, well that is indeed extremely commendable but you must still pay your debt to society
Marie - But we are doing it right here can't you see that? We are paying back our debt by serving the lord
Joan - If you turn us in you are sending us back to a miserable hell, we will be sent back to darkness and it will not help us. We are much better off here
Mavis - No, it won't work ladies, it was a nice try though
Marie - What do you mean it was a nice try?
Mavis - Oh come on, I am not half as stupid and gullible as you two clearly think I am I know you are both feeding me a load of crap to fool me and manipulate me into changing my mind. It's like I say it was a nice try but it won't work, you have 24 hours then I go to the police
Joan (very threatening manner) - look you bitch...
Marie cuts Joan off and looks rather defiant and cocky
Marie - Sister Andrea already knows the truth about me and she supports me, if you do this you are disobeying the wishes of our leader, you really want to let Sister Andrea down like this
Both Joan and Mavis look surprised
Mavis - I don't believe you
Marie - Its the truth
Mavis - And Sister Ferguson? She knows the truth about her too?
Marie - Well no but I know she would be supportive to Joan too if she knew
Mavis - You're just a liar.. but even if she does know it makes no difference. If it means I have to disobey her I will because she may be the head nun but she is not above the law...so I will tell you one last time, you both have 24 hours to hand yourselves in or I'll do it
Mavis turns and marches off
Joan and Marie are alone
Marie - Damn it, what are we going to do now?
Joan is angry
Joan - This is your damn fault, maybe if you hadn't started talking about it earlier she wouldn't have overheard us
Marie - Never mind now, we need to figure out what to do
Joan - I'm not going on the run again, no way. it's too risky out there and we are safer in here
Marie - Yes, i agree, so what the bloody hell do we do about that stupid cow Mavis?
Joan - Was it true that bit about Sister Andrea knowing the truth about you?
Marie - Yes, but it doesn't seem like it's going to help us does it, not if Mavis is going to go to the police regardless
Joan - We could try talking to Andrea and ask her to talk to Mavis for us, maybe. Mavis would listen to her?
Marie - I doubt it, I think Mavis has made up her mind, I've known her a while now and she is quite stubborn....and anyway Sister Andrea only knows the truth about me remember, she doesn't know about you so I don't know how she'd react if she did know....she supports me but I don't know if she'd do the same for you. She knows me better than you and for some bizarre reason she likes and trusts me but she hardly knows you yet and she might not support you in the way she does me...
Joan -True... Well the way I see it we need to shut Mavis up.....permanently
Joan and Marie share a knowing and sinister look
Bea Judy and Marina are with Sandra in Isolation
Sandra - When will I be allowed anything to eat? I am really very hungry
The three of them laugh cruelly
Bea - Hear that Jude, Clements says she is hungry
Judy - Yeah I heard, pretty rotten eh
Sandra - Well I haven't eaten for days now, you will have to give me something soon
Judy - Hey well I guess that will be up to the governor, right Bea
Bea - Yes right
They all look at Marina
Bea - What do you think then Miss Donovan, will Clements get any food?
Marina - No not for ages yet, and when she does it will merely be a few scraps at a time
They laugh again
The nunnery
Sister Mavis is alone in her room, reading from the bible, as Marie arrives
Marie - Mavis love, Joan and I want to talk to you in the garden later during evening worship
Mavis looks completely disgusted and horrified
Mavis - You have to be joking, you disgraceful woman! I never ever miss evening worship, I have never skipped it in 20 years, not even when I had flu and I don't intend to start now
Marie - God will forgive you if you miss it just this one time, please, Joan and I just want one last talk with you, you see we have deiced to hand ourselves in as you want but we just want you to listen to us one last time, it's important
Mavis isn't very happy but softens a little
Mavis - Well ok, I suppose I can make up for missing worship with some self-punishment later on. Since you and Joan are going to do the right thing I will listen to you what you have to say
Marie looks delighted
Marie - Thanks love, see you in the garden later
Sandra is chained securely to the bed, with a mysterious but ominous-looking device attached to her. She looks scared and confused
Sandra - What the hell is this? what are you doing to me?
Marina, Bea, and Judy stand over her
Sandra- Answer me! please tell me what is going on!
Marina - You'll find out in good time, you just try and sleep now
Marina, Bea, and Judy all grin sadistically
The nunnery in the evening. It is almost dusk
The Nuns are in the chapel singing hymns
Sister Mavis is alone in the garden, the light is fading as she waits for Joan and Marie
All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small...
It is dark and cloudy as Joan and Marie arrive in the garden to meet Mavis
Marie has her hands behind her back
Mavis - So what did you want to say to me?
Joan - Well it's just like this see.... I'll let Marie tell you
Marie brings her hands to the front to reveal she is holding a large rock
All things wise and wonderful, the lord god made them all...
Mavis tries to back away as Marie runs at her, holding the rock above her head with both hands
Mavis trips and falls to the ground, she tries to get up again but Joan grabs her legs and keeps her on the ground
Each little flower that opens, each little bird that sings.....
Mavis screams as Marie brings the rock down on her head
He made their glowing colours, He made their tiny wings...
Mavis has half her head missing and blood all over what's left of her face and all over her uniform as she runs through the grounds
Joan and Marie chase her
Marie - You don't have wings love, you can't fly away from us!
Mavis can't see where she is going and runs into the pond, she splashes around in the pond as Joan and Marie run in and catch her
The purple-headed mountain. the river running by......the sunset in the morning, that brightens up the sky...
The water goes bright red as Joan and Marie hold Mavis in it until she stops splashing and goes still
The cold wind in the winter, the pleasant summer sun...
Joan and Marie drag Mavis to a ready-made grave, in a far corner of the grounds, and sling her into it. Both of them are wet cold and shivering
Marie - Christ I'm freezing
Joan - Me too, lets just hurry up so we can get back inside in the warm
They use spades to start to throw the soil back into the hole
Marie - What I'd do for a warm summers day right now
The ripe fruits in the garden, he made them every one...
Task completed Joan and Marie make their way back towards the building. On the way in Marie picks a ripe apple off a tree in the orchard and bites into it, enjoying the crunchy juicy fruit
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On the surface, Xi Tianyi was the only son of Sword Empress Xi of the Buzhou Immortal Sect, the number one expert in the Huang Realm. His birth was noble, his status exalted. But the truth was that Xi Tianyi was actually a reincarnated man from a world known as Earth. On Earth, he was no one special, but with his new life, Xi Tianyi aims to reign invincible: past, present, and future. Among his goals was to travel back to Earth and reunite with his family. However, as Xi Tianyi proceeds further on his Immortal path, he discovers that rather than the protagonist, why does he seem more like the cannon fodder villain? Volume 1 is now available on Amazon! WEBTOON Topwebfiction Discord Twitter
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Ensis Core
Karius Corvider, a youth with the unique ability to sense emotions, is the heir to the most prestigious knight family in Arthas. Despite being the son of a legendary knight, his horrible sword skill earns him the ridicule of his peers. One day, he falls in love with a silver-haired beauty named Hilde after witnessing her amazing display of fortitude.The only problem is she is a prisoner of war destined for endless torture and death.Karius unleashes his magic, an ability he kept secret his entire life, and helps her escape. He doesn't have much attachment to his home except for his sister Annabelle, but he is forced to leave even her behind.But that's okay because he gets the girl, right?…Not exactly.Hilde turns out to be a terrifyingly strong warrior who hates mages with a passion, and he is one of them. Exiled from his home, he travels the barren surface world together with his unwilling partner. Their adventure takes them to strange lands where they face deadly dangers and adversaries, from fantastical creatures to crafty mages… to Hilde's terrible sense of direction.Will Karius ever pierce Hilde's heart? Or will her short sword pierce his first?-------© Kanda Hikaru and ensiscore.wordpress.com, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kanda Hikaru and ensiscore.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
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The Balance Breaker
A man witnesses the unreasonable and undescribable destruction of Earth. He doesn't how it happened, but he is sure that all life on Earth was done for. Fortunately, he is given a second chance and a gift as compensation by an unknown powerful being called the "Overseer of the Universe." The same series of events happened to all humans on Earth and they have also been given a second chance in life. Witness the adventures of the protaganist as he wishes to live his life to the fullest, meet new comrades, and to no longer make the mistakes he made in his past life, which made him live with regrets.
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Black Sun Rising
Soon after colonizing the Moon, Mars and a few other places, Earth suffers a nuclear holocaust. Humanity tries to renew and repopulate the now irradiated planet Earth. They’re based miles beneath the surface in bunkers scattered across the globe. Housed within are clones, designed to repopulate the catastrophic loss of life. They exist as slaves to the human race and are persecuted for being different. They possess few rights and can be easily discarded once their purpose is fulfilled. Young Charles Ariess is an imperfect clone, or a half-breed, and his future is grim. When a rare opportunity for escape arises, he and a few others of his kind, revolt. However, this is not luck, as he’s guided by an unseen force.
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Born mute, Saya is sheltered and trained to become a [mage], but she doesn't want to follow that path and chooses to forge her own, certain she will achieve what she wants. "No matter what blocks my path, I will win." In her ambitions, she is caught in matters far beyond the scope of her life, slowly learning more about the grim imbalance that threatens the world's order, and the government of gods' true motives. Is Saya really trailblazing, or is she being manipulated by the shackles of fate?
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