《Naruto: The Best ANBU》Chapter 28


~Naruto's POV~

So, apparently, I may die within the next few months.

Well, what's new?

There is always a chance I might die on any day. Either I die on a mission, a beating, or a heart attack. What difference does it make? A ninja must continue to serve their village until death. So, until I die or something happens, I'm going to be stuck here for awhile.

Well I'm going to get out of here sooner of later. It can be by death or just leaving, it doesn't matter to me. I'd prefer to leave alive though.

I was told this yesterday. It's now 2:32 in the morning. I took a shower instead of just changing. By the time I was done, everyone had went to bed. So, I decided to go for a run through the village.

After awhile I went to the Forest of Death.

Once there, I removed my henge. Thanks to my amazing sense of sight, I am able to know where I'm going without running into anything. As I am running, I take in deep breaths and get the wonderful woodsy smell.

I love it.

It's my favorite smell.

I love the sound of leafs crunching under my feet as I run.

This is my favorite thing to do in the whole world.

Just running through the forest. No one to annoy me.

It's perfect.

I came to a stop at a clearing. Once in the middle, I climbed up a fairly big rock and laid down. With my hands under my head, I gazed up at the sky.

"There's so many stars here, ya know."

I spoke to myself.

Soon there was a movement in the bushes, causing some leaves to crunch. I didn't bother to move because the creature was an animal.


It has a different chakra pattern. All creature have a different pattern depending on their species.

It's actually petty easy to tell them apart once you experience them all.

This one in particular is a fox. The same fox from the cave.

The small fox then hopped out of the bush attempting to catch a mouse.

I chuckled at the sight.

The fox soon caught the mouse and ate it before leaving, leaving me noticed.

I looked back up at the sky. The sun was just coming up.

'Oh yeah! My team and I are supposed to have lunch with the other teams to day. Around 1 I think...'

I got off my rock and started walking home.

By the time I got there, it was 11:30.

"Where were you?" Yuki asked.

"On a run. Why? Did you miss me~" I teased.

The boy huffed and pouted, looking away with a blush.

I ruffled his hair before speaking. "So, anything I miss?"

Yuki shook his head. I then went to my room and found Kuro reading a book on his bed.

"I'm sorry about my behavior lately, Naruto. Kurama told us about the whole 'you might die' thing. I guess I was just angry that there's nothing I can do to help you..." Kuro apologized, looking at me with sorrow filled eyes.

I sighed while walking towards his bed. Kuro had his head down.

I crouched down to match his level. I then gently rised his head.

"It's okay, Kuro. I forgive you. I don't know what I would do if I was told you, Yuki, Kakashi, or anyone I cared about were told that they was going to die."

Kuro started crying, so I pulled him into a hug and let him sob into my shoulder. We stayed like this, in each others embrace, Kuro crying upon my shoulder, for a good half an hour.


I then helped Kuro get cleaned up and ready to go.

By the time we were done, Kakashi had already left. It is now 12:55, so we gotta get going.

Since it would be to much effort to run and get their on time, we decided to use our father's justu, the flying thunder god, to get there. We didn't need to used any markers or something like that.

I'm wearing a red long sleeved shirt, tan pants, headband around my neck, and matching boots with a black jacket tied around my waist. The clothing items helped show off my muscles.

Kuro is wearing a blue short sleeved shirt, black pants, purple jacket, blue sandals, and headband around his upper arm. The shirt aloud the muscle on his arms to show.

We went inside the BBQ place that was chosen to eat at, and found everyone. Kuro and I took our seats next to Kiba and across from Shikamaru and Choji.

A few minutes later, you could hear Sakura shouting from the other side of the table, "WHERE ARE THOSE TWO IDIOTS AT?!?!"

And we calmly replied with "We are over here." To which the three boys responded with, "Stop doing that!"

Everyone's then turned to my brother and I.


The girls blushed once they noticed our outfits.

The waiter soon came over and asked for our orders. While taking our orders, he kept glaring at me. I am just glad no one seemed to notice.

After he left, big mouth started saying stuff like 'Stop trying to be cool!' And 'You'll never be as amazing as my Susuke-kun!'. Although everyone ignored her.

Once our food arrived, the chatter at the table died down as everyone started to eat.

I saw Ino, who is setting next to me, attempt to take some of my food.

"Don't eat that, you'll probably die." I warned her, taking a bite of my meat.

"That's mean!" Ino shouted.

"But it's true." Choji chimed in.

"What do you mean?" The blonde questioned.

"It's poisoned." I simply replied while taking another bite.

The people at the table stared at me in shock, well, except my brothers and three friends.

"WHY ARE YOU EATING IT THEN?!?!" Neji shouted.

"Because I can, you idiot."

"He's immune to poison." Kakashi-nii explained.

"Why and how?" Shino asked calmly.

"Had to survive somehow, ya?" I responded.

He must have understood what I meant because he nodded and continued to eat.

I then ignored everyone's questions and ate.

Once I was done, I put the money on the table and left, once again ignoring the other while my brothers and friends payed no mind to me.

Was around three so I went to go train Yuki some more like I promised him I would.

Hey guys! I do hope you enjoyed this chapter, and have a good week. Until next time, bye!

Word Count: 1105

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