《Naruto: The Best ANBU》Chapter 27


~Naruto Pov~

You will never guess what I saw on the way home yesterday!

I saw a flipping rhino, elephant, and a lion!!

Like, what the heck?!

Then guess what?!

They started chasing me!

Man! I almost got caught a few times too!!

Then I just had to run into a group of villagers who wanted to kill me!

It's a good thing I had my henge up, ya know.

I had quickly shunshined away.

I was unable to get up and move around last night because I refuse to make a animal get off me if they are asleep and comfortable. Especially if I can handle saying in that spot.

I am now standing in front of my teammates.

The emo and banshee looked extremely shocked by my sudden appearance, because I didn't want to walk, I shushined. Also, I got cornered by the villagers and found this the quickest way out.

My brother ask just a simple question to me, which was, "Them again?"

As to which I nodded my head. He sighed then hit me on the head. "You idiot! I thought you would no better then to go near them, baka!"

"Oh, shut it, birdbrain. At least I got away, ya?! They'll be finding out soon enough anyhow! Sheesh!" I then bonked him on the head.

"You little!" Kuro yelled out before jumping on top of me.

I fell to the ground and quickly got up.

"Come at, little brother!" I taunted.

He growled and launched towards me. I quickly duck and move out the way.

"Is that all you got? I thought you were trained better than this!" I shouted out as I continued to dodge more of his punches and kicks.

My words seemed to aggravate him even more. He started to continuously kick and hit at random and his moves sloppy.


I grabbed his fist and used it to lift Kuro up and slam him into the ground.

I then straddled him and pin my twins arms above his head. I then leaned down to his ear and whispered, "Good try, but I win, little brother."

Kuro growled at me.

Ever since Kurama told him that I am older yesterday, he started acting up. It's really annoying for me because he keeps trying to fight me.

I then punched Kuro in the gut and got off him.

He growled at me before stopping away, holding the now forming bruise.

I sighed and turned around to face two gaping idiots.

"What!" I barked out.

The pink one took some steps back, hiding behind the other.

The duck butt hair styled one was about to speak before a swirl of leaves and flames appeared.

There now stood Kurama and Kakashi. Kurama was holding onto the back of Kuro's shirt while Kakashi held Yuki's forearm.

This confused me. They never showed up like this.

"Naruto, we need to have a talk with you three." Kurama stated.

I nodded my head simply before asking, "What about, Kura?"

"About you and you shift."

I rose a brow at this.

I then sighed and nodded.

I looked behind me to see the confused faces of Sasuke and Sakura.

"Let's go."

And with that, we went to our house. Upon entering, I took off my henge and stretched my eight tails.

I followed everyone to the couch and sat down. I was sitting next to my younger brothers and across from us sat my two older brothers.

"You are going to die."

"Okay, what else?" I asked Kurama with a raised brow.

He sighed before continuing.

"Within the next three months, you'll be getting your 9th, and final tail. It is then you will transform into the fox you are. There is a strong possibility of you dying during this process if not ready. Do you understand, Naruto?"

"Yes, I understand. Now if you don't mind me, I'm gonna go change. My clothing is now dirty thanks to Kuro and mines little squabble."

I then got up and went upstairs to change.

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