《Naruto: The Best ANBU》Chapter 26


~Third Pov~

Naruto woke up due to a certain pink haired loud mouth. Apparently, Sakura tried to wake the blonde boy once again. She believed that the animals left, but they only went to find some food. When they came back, they saw the banshee approaching the sleeping figure, so they started chasing her once more. But this time, she was not safe in the trees since the bear could climb.

Kakashi, Kuro, and Sasuke didn't bother helping her. The three believed that she needed to learn a lesson one way or another. And apparently she chose another. Naruto let out a grown as he sat up.

"Would ya shut it up?!" he shouted out before laying back down. Not long after, the animals came back with one of the wolves dragging a shaking and crying pink haired banshee.

The bear went back over to Naruto, who climbed onto its back. He snuggled into the warm fur. It was amazingly soft and comfortable. However the boy could not fall back asleep.

Kuro went over to one of the deer and started petting it. The deer rubbed his face against his chest. Kuro let out a chuckle.

Kakashi just sighed while Sasuke already left before the banshee came back.

~Naruto Pov~

Fugaku-san said that he told everyone he lost his eye when someone tried to break in.

My genjustu also conceals my given eye and looks like my birth eye.

So far, not a soul knows about it unless they were there or I told them.

'Man... This bear is soft. Not as sift as Kurama's fur, but pretty close.'

I dug my face deeper into its fuzzy fur. .

I felt the bear start walking. To where, I don't know. But to be fair, I don't really care.

I felt Kuro, and Kakashi's chakra going farther and farther away. I made no attempt to go back towards them. I am way to comfortable to even move.


About ten minutes later and the bear stopped. I picked my head and looked around. We were quite far into the forest. We are in front of a large cave. Then bear entered and had me get off him.

I sat down with my legs crossed and hands in between them, then yawned. I noticed a lynx coming towards me. It was a small little thing.

The creature rubbed it's head on my leg. I pulled into my lap and started petting it. The little critter nuzzled into me and started to fall asleep.

I smiled at the lynx in my lap.

A few minutes later and the bear had come back with food and other animals.

You see, this is not the first time something like this has happened.

Infact, this is the 49th time, to be exact.

I sit in a circle with the rest if the animals while the food was being distributed. In all, there was about 37 animals in this circle, in this cave, in the middle of the woods.

In front of me were placed some berries, an animal carcase, along with some other edible stuff. How they passed it out and such, how should I know. I was not paying attention and next thing in knew, they are all eating. So I joined them in the art of stuffing your face full of food.

Once every creature was done, I went over and stated to play with the younger ones. I always enjoyed spending time with the animals.

If not for them, along with a few others, I would have lost my mind long ago. So I don't really mind when they come up to me, want me to play with them, or when they just wanna be petted.

Their really adorable, you know. Many think their mad beast who only want to kill. But they'll be wrong. The animals are extremely friendly once you get to know them. Well, at least to me, that is. I don't know about others though...


Any who! I now, officially have, 1 fox sleeping on top of me, nearly suffocating me, a bear cub crushing my lower half, a lynx using my arm as a pillow, putting my arm to sleep, 2 chicks nuzzled into my tails, I took my henge off before we started eating, a panther, full grown, nuzzled into my side, almost crushing my tails, a wolf on the other side doing the same, along with a lot of others.

I. Am. Burning.

All their fur and feathers are making it feel like its 548 degrees Fahrenheit. That is way to hot. It's as if I have been placed in an oven again....

Don't ask...


Well! I wish I did not lay down now...

I sighed. I can no longer feel my arms and legs. And with the fox in my face, it's fur keeps going into my mouth. Not to mention, I can't breath.

I don't like this...

But I like this...

I am comfortable...


I can't feel my face...

I internally screamed.

So hot!!!

So comfy!!!

Help me!!!

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