《Naruto: The Best ANBU》Chapter 25


-Naruto Pov-

I slowly awoke with a dull ache in my left eye. I carefully got up. I noticed that I was still in the Uchiha compound. I only got moved to the guest bedroom. I then proceeded to walk to the bathroom. Once there I looked into the mirror and saw a bandage around my left eye. I then so slowly proceeded to remove the bandage. I put the bandage into the garbage and look back into the mirror. I saw the sharingan staring back at me.

Then it all came flooding back to me. Then I thought crossed my mind. I really am turning into a mini, yet stronger version of Kakashi...

"Thank you, Fugaku-san..." I whisper to myself. " You are welcome, Naruto." I jumped at the sudden voice coming doorway. " Don't scare me like that, Fugaku-san." I said placing a hand on my heart. "Sorry kiddo, didn't mean to scare you." he said while laughing.

I pouted at him. "Anyway, Naruto. Come and get some breakfast." he said while he walked away. I sighed and headed for the kitchen. Once I got there, I saw Yuki, Roa, Paku, Itachi, Mikoto, Fugaku, and a few other people at the table, including Sasuke. 'Good thing I remembered my henge.' I sat down at the table after getting some food. "What's the Dobe doing here?" A certain someone with a ducks behind on his head questioned.

Before anyone could answer, a young redhead stood up, "DON'T CALL NARU-NII NAMES!!" I quickly pushed him down and told him not to yell at others at the dinner table. He soon muttered a quiet 'Sorry' I sighed.

Breakfast went by without much talking after that. Once the table was cleared off, I went off with Itachi because he said he was going to show me how to use my new eye.


-Time Skip-

It's been about a week now. Fumiko and I started to go out five days ago. I've adjusted well to my new eye. We no longer have any real missions because we need to be training and whatnot for the chunnin exams. I heard some other ninja are going to start showing up soon.

Right now, I'm at the training grounds with my team. Kuro and I are going to stop wearing this obnoxious jump suites soon. I keep telling myself that. But I really don't want to wear it anymore. Its so annoying and vibrant. I really hate it. I really want to change out of it right NOW.

I sighed while watching Sakura such up to the 'Almighty Uchiha' Sasuke. She is so annoying. Kuro and I are sitting under a tree waiting for a certain someone I'm positive that you can guess. I really don't want to be here. I want to go home. Read a book. Write a book. Play on my phone. Eat. Do anything other than be out here with these people.

After about an hour of waiting, some of the animals had found me. I'm lucky that it was only about yen of them rather than the entire forest this time. I started playing with the two kits that showed up. One was a bright, yet not obnoxiously so, orange fur. The other one had red fur.

I sat crowed around a deer, two kits, three wolfs, a snake, a frog, a toad, and a bear. I had gotten weird looks from my teammates, but they did not dare approach me. I don't blame them though. I mean, if you saw your teammate sitting by all these animals, would you not look. When Sakura attempted to approach me for who knows what with a raised fist, the wolfs and bear started to stare her down as if saying 'Come any closer and we will kill you and it won't be quick.'


It was kinda funny watching her back away scarred like her voice is loud. I stared to fall asleep while laying on top of the bears stomach. Willing sleep to take me in, I fell into the darkness called sleep.

-Third Pov-

Sakura went over to wake Naruto up, but then started to get chased by the wolfs that were next to him. The baby foxes were laying on Naruto's back while the others were surrounding the bear while sleeping. It was quite the sight to see. Kuro had fallen asleep under the tree while Sasuke was watching the wolfs chase the banshee.

After two more hours, their sensei finally showed up. He got the wolfs to stop trying to get Sakura, who was hiding in a tree, and woke up Kuro. "What about the baka?!" the pink one exclaimed. Naruto started to shift in his slumber. "Quiet down and let him be. Do you want the bear chasing you along with the wolfs again?" Sakura gulped and shook her head.

Kakashi led them away form the area before they started training.

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