《Naruto: The Best ANBU》Chapter 24


-Naruto's Pov-

The exams are coming up in a month or two so we can all get some more training in. Kuro and Natalie did confess soon after that. I have received a 'mission' from the old man. I had to take Fumiko, Kyoko, and Mamoru out to take a tour of the village. Why he chose me of all people, I will never know. I mean, the entire village hates me, so why should they be forced to be given a tour by the dreaded demon?!

I sighed as I walked to the siblings house. The three of them were already waiting outside their house. "You three are Mamoru, Kyoko, and Fumiko, or am I wrong?" I question the three siblings. "Yes, we are. I'm Fumiko Kaoru, the oldest. These are my younger siblings, Kyoko and Mamoru Kaoru. Who may you be?" She replied. "I'm Naruto Uzumaki." I responded. "I'll be your tour guide for today, but I must put up a henge for personal reasons, alright." I continued before putting up a henge. I now had dark brown hair and gray eyes. I was also a few inches taller now. This is my usual henge for when I am going out with people or don't want to wear my mask.

Fugaku-san and Mikoto-san said that they have a surprise for me tomorrow. I honestly can't wait! Their surprises are always the best of the best.

I start by leading the group to the shopping district. While there, we all ended up doing some shopping. We bought shirts, long and short sleeved, pants and shorts, the girls got dresses and I got a new suit along with Mamoru. We all also had gotten some formal clothing. All in all, it was a good trip, and that's a lot coming from me, I'll tell you that. Afterwords, we went to go look at all the restaurants. After they had found a place they wanted to eat at, I offered to pay. You know, as a welcome gift. It does not make much a difference to me. I mean, I have a LOT of money saved up over the years. $12,342,563,285,187 dallors to be exact. So no, I don't need to worry about buying four people lunch.


After eating, I showed them around the training grounds a bit. "Alright! Do any of you want to go into the Forest of Death? The animals are more than 10 times their original size, just to warn you." I spoke up. The three then nodded their heads in agreement. While showing them around, we ran across where Kiba, Shika, Choji, Yuki, Kuro, Natalie, Kouki, Katsuo, Kaka, and Kura were all training. Oh! Did I mention that I took my henge off (not the one that hides his ears and tails) as soon as we were out of the villagers sight? No? Well I just did. I then Introduced them to each other. We then ended up training together afterwords.

All to soon, the sun had set and the moon has raised high into the night sky.

I walked the two girls and the only boy home, with my henge back up. "I had fun." I stated as we reached their house. "Me too..." Mamoru and Kyoko yawned out. I just chuckled at them. "I hope we can do thing again sometime soon." Fumiko replied. I then proceeded to give her a big smile. What I did not expect was for her to reach up and give me a kiss on the cheek. I then looked at her, a blush covering her adorable face, but not as big as mine. I am sure my face resembled a tomato or something. She only chuckled at me before giving me a another kiss, but this time to my lips. She quickly pulled away before I had time to react and said a 'Have a good night' before going into her house and to bed. I'm just happy her siblings were already inside when she did that.

I then proceeded to head home with a blush on my face the whole way there.


-Time Skip-

I slept for once last night. I even managed to finish a book I've been working on. I am currently heading over to the Uchiha compound with Kuro and Yuki. When we got there, Yuki went off to play with Roa and Paku. Kuro and I were fallowing Itachi to who knows where.

We ended up going into an underground room area. "What are we doing down here?" Kuro questioned. "You'll see..." was the only response given.

Soon enough, Mikoto-san and Fugaku-san appeared. "Well Naru, we found someone willing to give you an eye. That person is..." Mikoto started off.

"Me." Fugaku finished. "Really?! You don't have to! It's your eye, I can deal with one!!" I exclaimed. He only chuckled at me before saying, "Non since, Naruto. I'll give it to you, after all, you helped everyone in more ways than you could even think of." I blushed slightly at his words while Kuro laughed at me.

Mikoto soon had me and Fugaku lay down on two beds in the room. She then proceeded to put us under.

Hey guys! Really sorry for the long wait, but here ya go! I have no excuse for not writing this chapter sooner. I really do hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a good week! Until next time, bye!

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