《Naruto: The Best ANBU》Chapter 23


~No Pov~

It was the day that team 7 are heading back home. The bridge had been deemed 'The Great Naruto Bridge'. After Naruto's 'chat' with Inari, he would rarely ever leave Naruto's side. Naruto, once again, got annoyed. He then showed Inari how to communicate with the deceased without the use of a ouija board or something like that. Kurama had showed Naruto how to do that when he was around 5 so he could get to know his mom and dad. Naruto still talks to them every once and awhile. After he showed Inari how to talk to dead people, Inari had been up in his room chatting with his dad. Naruto also named his rabbit Snowflake.

~Naruto's pov~

Sometime after we started to head back to the leaf, Haku and Zambuza joined us. "Why are you two walking with us? I thought ya left to go somewhere." I asked Zambuza while Haku was once again wrapping an arm around me. "We decided to join the Leaf so we can be closer to you and your new make-shift family you have created. Plus, with already told Lord 3rd." Moomoo explained. I just hummed in response. We were behind the others.

Sakura was squealing about how 'cool' emo was. Sasuke was ignoring the banshee like usual. Kuro was talking up a storm with Kouki. Kakashi was reading his book like usual. It seemed that as if everyone forgot about what happened during the trip. I start petting Snowflake, who I am carrying in my arms. Her fur is slowly starting to change to brown, like it should be by now.

I sighed, as I moved Snowflake to the top of my head. "What ya doin' Naru?" Haku asked, clearly tiered. "Food." I replied simply as I raised my sleeve a little bit to undo the seal. I was careful to not let Haku or Zambuza see the scars left by the villagers. I always wear long sleeves for a reason, and that reason to to hide these scars I've collected over time. Some are from my ANBU missions when Kura was not paying attention to my wound for he was sleeping. Let me just say, it's a good thing I no longer feel pain! I have not felt any since after a beating when I was 4.


I took a nice deep breath in. I love being in the woods. It always had a nice fresh woodsy smell and if you are quiet enough, you would be able to hear the birds singing their songs with their chirps of a melody. I personally like the Forest of Death for barely anyone goes there 'cause of the giant sized animals that could eat you in a single bite. They are not that bad actually. I mean, their a hell of lot nicer than the villagers. For Pete's sake, I bet demons are nicer than them! You have no idea how much I have to restrain myself from killing them. Oh! That's right!

"Hey Moomoo. How's the building coming along?" I questioned him. "Pretty good, Naru. I know we only started a few months ago, but it is going swell!" he exclaimed while Haku just hummed in agreement. "Did you find any one else yet?" I once again asked. "A few more, and they been of great help rebuilding too." Moomoo responded. "That's good..." I trailed off. I sighed once again and looked up to the sky with Snowflake sound asleep on my shoulder, somehow managing to stay on and not fall off. I let the breeze run across my face messing up my hair.

Man I love being outside...

~Time Skip~

We finally made it back to the Leaf about an hour ago. We have been told that Kouki and his siblings were going to be placed on a new team with Haku as their sensei. I got to admit, I was a bit upset at first, but then again, I do understand why they may have done that. A team usually has 3 to 5 people in in. Oh yeah! We finally got Kuro registered as a person, not a ninja pet. We also found out that the chunnin exams are coming up. That means I will finally get to be able to wear something other than this ugly jumpsuit. Man, I did like orange at first, but man this is over kill! Anyway, Haku-nee and Zambuza are going over to the Makoto compound along with the rest of the fam to eat and catch up with each other. Or in Haku and Moomoo's case, get to know the fam.


~Time Skip to Dinner~

It went like this. Haku to my right, Yuki to my left, Kuro next to him, Zambuza beside Haku followed by Kakashi. The rest one this side were members of the Makoto clan. Across from me was Kouki, to his right Natalie fallowed by their dad Masahiro. To Kouki's left was Katsuo then Kurama. He was sitting over there for some unknown reason. I plan on tricking Kuro to tell Natalie he likes her, but how... I mean it is obvious that they like each other. They are like a duo of Hinata's! They keep blushing and stuttering in front of each other. It's honestly annoying as heck!

Oh! You wanna know what else I found out since we were gone? Kiba and Hinata started going out together. I always knew that they were meant to be. After dinner, Kuro, Kouki, Natalie, Haku, Katsuo, Kakashi, Zambuza and I all went out to do some late night training. During training, I may have 'accidentally' pushed Kuro's mouth onto Natalie's causing them to kiss. You should have seen them! They were both blushing a deep shade of red and kept stuttering. It was absolutely and utterly hilarious!!

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