《Naruto: The Best ANBU》Chapter 22


-Naruto Pov-

After while of walking, we made it to a boat. As everyone was getting on, I only stood by and watched them. "Get in! Naruto-baka!" the banshee screeched. I shook my head before saying, "I don't like boats." I then proceeded to walk away on the water. Before the banshee or emo could anything about water walking, I was already out of sight. And I could of sworn that I heard Kouki and Kuro laughing, while Kakashi gave an exaggerated sigh.

I sat down on the ground waiting for the boat to come after I made it to shore. After 20 long minutes of waiting, they finally showed up, as we started walking again, I blocked out all of the emo and banshees questions. And yes, the emo was asking questions. I threw a kunai at a tree, which someone was there until they replaced themselves with a white rabbit. Before anyone could move or say anything, the rabbit jumped onto my head.

You know the two started laughing. Really, is everything funny to them or what?! I started petting the rabbit until it fell asleep. I decided I will keep her. As we were walking, we were again stopped. This time it was by Zambuza Momochi's sword flying at us. I caught the sword while everyone else ducked. Ya I know I being a show off, but I don't care.

"Hey! Moomoo! That was not very nice!" I whined. The others just looked at me strangely. I put down the sword as Moomoo came down. He picked his sword back up. He walked over to me and gave me a hug. He is what you may call my father figure. As he broke off our hug, I started answering the questions that my teammates had. That was until, Haku came down and hugged me, making me fall to the ground with her.


"Haku! Get off!" I choked out. "But Naru-chan! I haven't see you in ages!" she whined as she got up. I then was stuck answering my teammates questions with Haku rapping her arms around my neck in a 'hug', or so she calls it. I personally call it, STOP CHOKING ME!! Anyway Moomoo was off to the side while being upset that Haku is not giving him any attention.

I met them when I was 3 and stayed with them for 2 years. With Jiji's permission of course. Haku is like a older sister to me.

The rabbit was still somehow asleep on top my head. After I finished answering most of their questions, Zambuza and Haku took off.

We have made it to Tazuna's house. All I got to say is, I don't like the kid. Inari was the child's name, while Tsunami was his daughter's name. Tsunami seemed like nice girl who had been through a lot. My team and I went upstairs to our rooms. It went like this:




Kakashi got the couch.

After everyone was asleep, I speed off into the woods. I soon found Gato's hideout. I quickly pulled my twin katanas. One had a fully white blade with white handle along with a peach braid and white guard. It's name is Yang. The other had a fully black blade with a black handle and red braid along with a black guard. It's name is Yin.

I then proceeded to murder anyone and everyone I saw. When I got to Goto, gotta say, I tortured him, slowly and painfully. When I was done, it was around 5 in the morning, so I hurried off to a river to wash off the blood, and made my way back to Tazuna's house. Everyone was still asleep when I got their. I went up to the room I'm using. I picked up the rabbit which I left in there, and went out of the house again. This time I left a note. I was bored and wanted to do something today, so decided that I'll help out this little village.


I went to where their so called farms were, which I'd call a deserted waste land, and renewed the soil in a way with my earth kekkei genkai. I also had made some plants like potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, ect. I then went around the town and gave out money and food to the people. I had a bag of carrots with me for the rabbit and I to munch on. I also went around fixing buildings and shops. I helped heal some people while I was at it. By now it was noon, so I guess I should be heading back.

After hearing Inari saying something again, I decided to do something about it. I went up to his room and closed the door along with putting up silence seals. I then explained to him about my childhood. By the time I was done, he was crying harder than before. He soon fell asleep so I tucked him into bed. I took down the seal to find that everyone was gone.

They probably went to see what I did with the place. I hope they like it cause I'm not changing it. I then headed off to the bridge. I saw very few people working on the bridge. I made 100 shadow clones and had them work. After an hour, my team and Tazuna finally showed up. I was nearly done with the bridge. "Yo" I said with a wave before going back to work. The banshee kept screeching at me about this and that. The emo just had an annoyed look on his face.

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