《Naruto: The Best ANBU》Chapter 21


~Naruto pov~

Soon after Jiji told the ANBU to get the bridge builder, a old man carrying a bottle of sake came into the room. "Your mission is a C-rank. You are to protect Tazuna here and take him back to the Land of Waves. Your team shall stay there until the bridge is completed, understood?" Jiji spoke up."Yeah. Y'all be protecting with ya's lives." The man called Tazuna slurd, obviously drunk. "Meet up at the gates in an hour." Kakashi said before he shunshined away. As soon as we left, I let Sasuke and Sakura in front of Kouki, Kuro, and me. I grabbed onto both of them and shunshined to Kouki's house. We made it there just before Natalie and Katsuo opened the door to enter their house. They both turn around a bit startled for there was a sudden poof behind them.

"Hey guys!" Kouki exclaimed. I saw Kuro blush a little when he saw Natalie. I already knew they both liked each other, but they won't admit it.

After having a little chat, when then went inside their hour for Kouki to get his stuff. We only had about 15 minutes until we had to go. I always have a week worth of supplies in a storage seal on my arm. Kuro does need to get home for he needs to pack. I also should make some snacks for the trip too...

After Kouki was done, I shushined us to my house. As Kuro was packing, I had Kouki helping me make some snacks real quick. By the time we were done, we only had a minute left. I quickly took us near the meeting spot, careful no one saw, and we booked it to the meeting area. When we got there, Sakura hit us on the head and told us how late we were. We were on time. Right down to the second.


Before I could say anything, Kakashi poofed in. "Alright team! Let's head out!" he said with his eye smile. I could tell he was excited about something. Probably because the new Icha Icha book came out yesterday. I can't blame him, I already bought and read at least 3 tines.

As we made our way to the Land of Waves, the Banshee kept asking Tazuna questions like, "Don't you have nija in the Land of Waves?" No they don't, baka. I answered in my mind. I was getting ready bored. We have been walking for two hours. Kuro and Kouki were in front of Tazuna while Sakura walked next to him. Kakashi and Sasuke were behind them. So I'm in the back all alone and bored. I had also left Kurama at home to watch Yuki.

Soon enough, we passed by a puddle. Worst. Disguise. EVER! As soon as Kakashi passed the 'puddle' the demon brothers came out and ripped Kakashi to shreds. Kuro and Kouki must have been to engrossed in their conversation to notice. Sasuke and Sakura both got into a defensive stances in front of Tazuna. I then let out a little sliver of my KI and directed it at them. Gōzu and Meizu then tried attacking me with their chains. As soon as they barely grazed me, I quickly grabbed and broke the chains. I then proceeded to ask "Do you really want to do that, Gōzu, Meizu?"

They quickly jumped back in fear. By now Kakashi came out of hiding, and Kouki along with Kuro, turned around. So now everyone was looking at us. "We are sorry, Naruto-sama!" Meizu apologized. "Please forgive us, Naruto-sama!" Gōzu begged. I sighed. "You're lucky you provided me some entertainment, or I'd have your heads."


Meizu then spoke up, "Naruto-sama, t-there was p-poi-son on the chains... " he said as he cowered in fear. I sighed once more. "Did anyone get hit with the chains?" I asked out loud. All they could do is shake​ their heads, still shocked that I knew the demon brothers and that their calling me sama. "Then every thing is fine, nay?" "Naruto-baka! You got hit with the chains!!" she shouted. She has done a fine job at keeping her voice down, most of the time anyway. "No worries. I am immune to most, if not all, poisons." Before they could say anything else, I shooed the brothers away, then started walking.

While we were walking, Kakashi had asked Tazuna why the demon brothers were after him. I listened in as he explained. 'should have guessed...' I thought.

Hey guys! Sorry for tha wait, but here's another chapter for y'all peeps. I had time to write this during school. High school is not as bad as I thought. Anyway, until next time, bye!

Word Count: 798

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