《Naruto: The Best ANBU》Chapter 20


~Naruto's pov~

After I was done with my shower, I had Kurama come out in his human form. I then proceeded to ask him "Why the sudden three extra tails?" He then responded with "You already should have seven or eight tails. I guess they are just taking their time to grow out." I sighed. I then suddenly remembered something I meant to ask him awhile ago. "Hey Kura? How come Kuro is part fox?" "Well, dear Naru-chan," he started. I only glared at him as he continued. "some of my DNA got mixed with his when you two where in you're guy's mother's womb."

I nodded my head in understanding. "Well, if that's all, I am going back to sleep." he said. Before I could say anything else, he poofed away. I sighed before heading into the kitchen to find something to eat. The other already went to bed for it was 21:00. Tomorrow all of our teams are going to meet up at a BBQ place and get to know each other. Jiraiya was nowhere to be found, so I am guessing that he already left or something. After I went in the kitchen, I decided to make my self some PB&J sandwiches.

After I was done, I went back to finishing my book. I only had a chapter or two left. Plus, Kurama is asleep. I will go question Kuro why he was snooping throw my stuff. I smelled his sent around the area I was sleeping at. I yawned. Wait... I... yawned? I YAWNED!! I AM FINALLY GOING TO GO TO BED RELATIVELY EARLY FOR ME!!! Maybe I will be able to sleep all night! I cheered in my head. Good thing Kurama is a deep sleeper, eh? With out wasting time, I quickly garbed my newly finished book, and put it away. I then proceeded to hurry up the stairs to my room and snuggled into by blankets.


"I didn't wake up for the entire night for once!" I cheered during breakfast. The three look at me in shock (Kurama is out), but then smiled. Kakashi then said that we have a mission to day and to get ready to leave. Kuro and I soon left with Kurama back in my mind. We made our way to the bridge our team usually meets on. I saw Kouki napping on a tree while Sakura was adoring Sasuke, while Sasuke, was just being the broot he is.

'Ahh Sasuke, why can't you be more like your brother. Heck! Even your father is an upgrade from you. And I'm talking about how he treats others, not how he treats people who he shows emotion to!!' I thought to my self. I then went over to my 'crush' and asked, "Sakura-chan~! How have you been?" She responded with, "DON'T TALK TO ME!! I DON'T LIKE YOU AND NEVER WILL!!! STAY AWAY FROM ME AND MY SASUKE-KUN!!" I sighed. I just asked you how you been... Man you're such a pain...

I then went over to Kuro, who was attempting to wake Kouki up, and sat next to him. After a while, Kouki finally woke up due to Kuro almost shaking him to death. We talked to each other about random topics until Kakashi arrived. Which was two and a half hours later. Kouki, Kuro, the banshee, and I shouted at Kakashi at once. "YOU'RE LATE!!!" Kuro and I had real quickly taken the earplugs that we had put in, out so we could hear. Soon after he had shown up, my team and I headed to the hokage tower to receive our mission.

~No pov~

~Time Skip~

"Sak in place..."

"Sas in place..."

"Kuro in place!"


"Kouki in place."


"Naruto, are you in place?!"


"Naruto! Are. You. In. Pl-" Kakashi got cut off by a eruption of laughter.

The team headed over to the sound. What they saw was unexpected to say at the least.

Naruto was surrounded by deer, foxes, rabbits, snakes, cats, dogs, boars, wolfs, and anything in between. there was at least 30 of them. Naruto was in the middle being attacked by a hoard of licks, nuzzles, and purrs. "Not again..." Kuro trailed off. Kouki, Sasuke, and Sakura say at once, "What do you mean again?" Kakashi then responded with, "He has always been good with animals, maybe even to good. Whenever one spots him, twenty come over. Since we're in a forest, all of them from a mile around come to him... It's rather annoying honestly." Kakashi ended with a sigh.

"H-h-hel-p m-meeeeee!" Naruto managed to get out before bursting in laughter once again. The Uchiha had done the famous Uchiha hn, the banshee started saying Naruto baka this and Sasuke-kun that, while Kuro and Kouki started laugh, and that left only Kakashi to save Naruto from the over loving animals.

While Naruto was being cuddled to death, Kakashi had found Tora, also trying to get to Naruto. After around an hour, Naruto has finally escaped his cuddling death. Now, Naruto was holding a sleeping Tora in his arms, right outside the hokage's door. "Enter." a calm and tiered voice sounded through the door.

~Naruto's pov~

After we walked in, I showed Shijimi how to hold Tora properly so I do not have to repeatedly go and find her with my team. Jiji started to read off the missions, well, before Kouki, Kuro, and I complained, at once, "But Jiji!! We wanna do a higher rank mission!!! Please?!" The old man sighed. Before he could speak, Iruka spoke up. "You are not qualified to do anything more than D-rank missions, an-" Jiji cut him off. "It's alright. Plus they have Kakashi, ne?" Iruka only sighed at the old man. "I will give you 5 a C-rank mission. Bring in the bridge builder!" He called out to the ANBU standing by.

Hey guys! Sorry about the later update. First week of high school... It goes like this: ground floor, third floor-3, ground floor, third floor-3, bottom floor-lunch room below ground floor, third floor, then back outside for the end of the day. It has really been tiring me out. Plus, my lunch is at 1:44! I have been having trouble getting up at six and not going to bed at four or five! Anyway, I've been thinking about trying to do a Blue Exorcist fan fic. What do you guys think? Well, until next time, bye!

Word Count: 1075

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