《Naruto: The Best ANBU》Chapter 19


~Kuro's pov~

I woke up around 5:10. After I walked down the steps and about to walk pass the study, I saw a mass at the desk. I walked up to the mass to find it was Naruto. It seemed like he had recently fallen asleep. As I was about to turn away, I saw that he had clutched onto a book next to him. I got curious, so I went over to him and slowly, and gently pried the book about his grasp. He has to be extremely tiered or he would have woken up once I got within a 5 foot radius of him. I suspect that he won't wake up till around 7ish.

I walked out of the study as quietly as I could. I then proceeded to go to the living room and sit down on the sofa. I opened the book and started reading. I noticed the writing style was similar to the author, Fumio Ayumu. I then started wondering, 'Why does Naruto have a uncompleted and unpublished book from Fumio Ayumu?!'Then it clicked. Naruto was Fumio Ayumu! But why would he have not told us?

I decided to wait until he admits it, or until I can't bear not getting answers. I sneaked back into the study and put the book back, and carefully snuck back out without waking him up. I then proceeded to head to the kitchen to get to making breakfast. Soon after I started cooking, Jiraiya came in. "Hey, Kuro! What cha cooking?" he asked. "Eggs, bacon, and pancakes, Jiraiya." I replied. "Where is Naru at? He is usually the first one up, no?" he then proceeded to ask. "He is sleeping. I do believe he went to sleep recently, so please don't wake him up, or else he will be in an awful mood, k?" I told him. He nodded in response, then went into the living room, or somewhere.

Right before I was going to call everyone to eat, Naruto walked into the dining room. "Hi Naru! Sleep well?" I asked him. He gave me an annoyed look, so I guess, he didn't. I sighed as he sat at the table, still holding that annoyed expression, and walked into the living room where everyone was waiting for food to get done. I called them into the dinning room to eat. Once everyone was their, we all thought the same thing 'Someone or something ticked Naruto off...'


"Naru-nii, whats wrong?" Yuki asked. "Don't worry about it..." Naruto grumbled.

~Naruto's pov~

Someone went through my stuff! That's what's wrong!! I guess I'll wait to see if the culprit has the guts to confess, or they are going to get a piece of my mind! I sighed as I started to eat, the others soon fallowed in pursuit.

When I was done, I cleaned my dishes then announced, "I'm going out for a while. If I am not back by tonight, I be here by morning." Then shunshined away to the hokage's office before they could ask questions. "Do you have any missions that involve killing, or something, Jiji?!?!" I said/shouted at the Sandaime as I put on my ANBU mask.

~Sarutobi 's pov~

'Someone must have ticked him off... Best give him a good mission to relieve his anger on any thing but the village, huh...' Sarutobi, the Sandaime, thought.

~Naruto's pov~

Sandaime gave me a mission to escort three siblings. Two girls, one is a year older than me, while the other is the same age as me, and their little brother, who is about Yuki and the twins,Paku and Roa's age. They have a special kekkei genkai that allows them move objects within a 50 meter radius with a flick of their hands. Apparently, the females could move objects that are up to 75 pounds, while, the male, could only move up to 50 pounds. They are from a small village a little way away from here. Their parents died recently when someone tried kidnap them again. Apparently this happens kinda often, so I might have the chance to kill someone who attempts to take them. I was told the eldest name is Fumiko Kaoru, the second females name is Kyoko Kaoru, and the male's name is Mamoru Kaoru. When they arrive at the Leaf Village, I am to test their ability's as ninja.

I shunshined over to where I am to meet the other ANBU that will be joining me on this mission. When I arrived, I saw Deer (Shikamaru) and Boar (Choji) talking by the gate. I walked over to them and said, "Hi guys. You two ready to go?" They nodded their heads, then we proceeded to take off into the direction of the small village.


We got there in a few hours with little mishap. You see, Boar forgot to eat before he left, so we had to stop for a bit while I undid one of my seals and pulled out some sandwiches for Boar to eat. Then Deer wanted some to 'cause I made it, or so he said. So I had to it there and wait for them to hurry up and eat. For some reason, they just ate slower and slower as time went by, so I got up and left them with a clone. They immediately stuffed the sandwiches into their mouths and took off after me, with my clone showing them the way.

When we finally made to the village, we saw the siblings sitting on a bench with their stuff waiting for the people who are to escort them to the village hidden in the leaves, aka my team. My team and I walked up to the siblings. "Hello. Are you three Fumiko, Kyoko, and Mamoru?" I asked the group. "Yes we are." replied a girl, who I guess is the oldest.

She has pink hair that has slight waves in it that goes down to her shoulders. She also has bright purple eyes. (Know what, found a picture. Putting it in.)

For some reason, my heart sped up went she spoke. The other girl had long dark brown hair to her lower back with a blue bow on the back of her head, she also has green eyes.

The boy had short wavy blonde hair with blueish green eyes.

"Are you sure that you're ANBU?" Kyoko asked. "Yes we are. We may be young, but we are not weak." I said. Boar then said, "Ya. You see fox here, he is the ANBU captain. He even trained us." Deer sighed and muttered trouble some under his breath before saying, "I'm Deer, he is Boar, and that's Fox." I sighed and took out a scroll and sealed their belongings inside of it. "Ready to head out?" I asked. They all nodded their heads. "Aright then, let's go."

As we made our way back to the Leaf village, we ran into few groups that wanted the siblings, which I killed. I was also asked all sorts of questions about the village, such as, 'What's it like there?' and 'Are the villagers nice?' along with a few others.

A few hours later, we could be found at the Hokage's office. I already tested them. Fumiko and Kyoko are high gennin level, while Mamoru was low gennin. It was decided that he would join the academy for a year or two. Kyoko was on Katsuo's team, or team 10. Fumiko was on Natalie's team, or team 9. I was told to show them to their new home. Their new house had two floors, two bathrooms, four bedrooms, a dinning room, a medium sized kitchen, a fairly big living room, and a good sized back yard. Before I left, the three stopped me.

"Tell us who you are." Mamoru said. "I am Fox." I replied. "No, baka! Your real name!" Kyoko added. I sighed, then said, "I am not required to give you my name, now if you'll excuse me." I said while opening the door. Before I could walk out, one of them slammed the door closed using their powers. "You are not going anywhere until you take off your mask and tell us your name." Fumiko stated. "Wanna bet?" I asked. They gave me confused looks in return. Before they could day anything more, I shunshined back home. I walked inside and took off my mask. It has been around a day since I left. As I closed the door, Yuki greeted me. "Welcome back, Naru-nii! Are you feeling any better?" He asked. I replied with, "Yes I am. Thank you for asking, Yuki. I'm going to take a bath. I'll tell you about my trip later, okay?" He nodded his head in response.

I undid my henge to find that I had five tails? Wait, didn't I just have two? I ask Kurama later then.

Word Count: 1544

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