《Naruto: The Best ANBU》Chapter 29


-Naruto POV-

"Hey, guys! Where were you yesterday?" I asked as I approached my group of friends. "Only Choji, Shikamaru and Kiba showed up to the restaurant."

"Well," Katsuo started, "that's because Demon was tired, bored, and needed to update soon, so she forgot about her oc's, and didn't notice until the day after she posted the chapter, and was/is to lazy to go back and change it." Katsu explained.

"Katsuo Makoto! You broke the fourth wall!! You baka!" Natalie and Kouki shouted at their brother while Fumiko, Kuro and I tried to stop ourselfs from laughing. Fumi was the first to burst.

Nata kept hitting Katsuo with a news paper and saying, "You don't break the fourth wall! Bad dog! Bad!"

And that's where Kuro and I lost it. I fell to the ground with Fumiko, Kuro and, now, Kou.

Natalie was chasing Katsu around training ground 44 trying to hit him more while Katsuo's running around like a blind man attempting to get away from hi sister.

After awhile, everyone calmed down.

Started walking trough the village, with no real destination in mind.

After a bit of walking, a heard a child like scream and some other children's voice's.

Our group decided to check it out, 'cause, why not?

Upon arrival, I saw Jiji's grandson being held up by a man I recognized as Kankuro, along with a woman named Temari, who was saying that he should put the kid down. There was also two other kids their attempting to get their, what I'm guessing, friend back.

"We would advise you to put the child down." Kuro and I said in sink.

The five looked startled because, I guess, they didn't hear nor see us coming.

"Yeah! And why should I listen to some little brats?!" the man growled.


Kuro and I took our face masks off before saying, "Because Panda-Chan is right behind you."

I saw the two pale and quickly turn around, probably knowing who we were talking about.

And sure enough, Gaara was was right there, along with a confused Sasuke. Guess he didn't notice him.

"H-hey Gaara..." Kankuro trailed off, noticeably scarred for his life.

Temari cowered back a little before speaking, "I-I told him to put the kid down, b-but he wouldn't listen..."

Gaara walked pass them and to Kuro and me.

"Long time no see, Panda-Chan~" We taunted him a bit.

The corners of his mouth moved upward slightly, before setting back into a then line.

I noticed him looking at the people behind us with ever so slight curiosity.

I smiled.

"Guys! This is Gaara. Gaara, this is Katsuo, Kouki, Natalie, Kuro's girlfriend and Fumiko, my girlfriend." I teased my brother a bit while pointing each person out, I then proceeded grab onto Fumiko's small, yet soft, hand and hold it in my own.

Katsuo stuck out his hand. "Nice to meet you, Gaara."

To which Gaara shook his hand, much to his siblings surprise, "Likewise." The redhead responded to the brown haired boy.

"How do you three know each other?" Kou asked.

"I'm an ANBU, remember. And I can take Kuro with me when he's a fox. Shikamaru, Choji and Kiba know him too. We had a few missions in and near his village, so of course we'd go and talk to the one and only one-tailed jinchuriki. Oh! That reminds me!! Has Shukaku been nicer, or does Kura got to go have another 'chat' with him?" I explained/questined.

"He has been better since their last 'chat'. How has the village been treating you?" Gaara replied.


"Ohhh, they have been treating wonderfully!" I respond with sarcasm lacing my words.

Gaara just tilted his head a bit.

I sighed and grabbed his arm before gliding us away from the group, along with waving the two siblings of Gaara's off.

"You really take it easy on them, Gaara. And try smiling more. You'll make more friends that way, or, at least seem more approachable, ya know." I said, grinning at him.

He slowly morphed his lips into a small smile. "There you go! You look a lot better when you smile, believe it!" I cheered.

I saw a hint of red stain his cheeks as he muttered a small 'Thank you.'

I then went on to tell him about the villagers and what they done to me, along with getting my new eye.

After awhile, we headed back to the group and saw Kuro and Natalie sitting on a bench, holding hands and laughing. Kouki, Katsuo and Fumiko were standing around and chatting. Once see saw us making our way back over there, she ran towards me.

"Naru-chan! Let's go get something to eat, please~" She begged while holding onto my arm.

I smiled a little before saying "Sure, why not? My treat. Ya hear that, guys?! If ya want free food, than let's go!" I cheered while heading towards whatever restaurant the group was leading me to, while Fumiko dragged me along because I was 'To slow'.

I chuckled at her childish behavior.

Man, I love this girl.

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