《Naruto: The Best ANBU》Chapter 15


~Naruto's pov~

Kiba, Kuro, Shikamaru, Choji, and I are going to visit at Natalie, Katsuo, and Kouki's house. Choji, Shikamaru, and I want to see Masahiro-san. Kiba and Kuro are going to meet him also. We have known Katsuo, Kouki, and Natalie since we were four. We met in the park. Choji and I were laying down next to Shikamaru. We were talking and watching the clouds. It was around seven, i believe. We heard a girl screaming and calling for help. When we got there, we saw a little girl, who was no older than three, being beaten by, who we later found out, her 'Father'. Shikamaru, Choji, and I immediately went into action. I got the mans attention away from the girl, who we later found out her name was Natalie, while Choji and Shikamaru tended to the girl, and help her get to the hospitable. I had put the man in restraints, and took him to the Sandaime's office. After I explained everything, he had gotten life in prison. I soon joined the other two at the hospitable, with my mask on, and went to talk the the girl. She told us that she was part of the Makoto clan. We took her to her uncle and aunt's, Masahiro and Masami, who later adopted her as one of their own. We became friends from then on. We also, became close to her new brothers, Katsuo and Kouki. They left konoha a month before the twins birthday for training, I think.

Anyway, we are now standing in front of a almost mansion like place. The Makoto's are a well respected clan. The clan members often make great shinobi. Their intelligence could compare to a Nara's. Their strength is almost abnormal, and I should know.

We head into the place, and the three Makoto shouted, "We're home!" We then fallow them to their study. "Tou-san, Naru-chan and his friends are here!" Natalie exclaimed. "Naru-chan?" Kuro said, still in his fox form, with a teasing tone. I growl at him while he only laughs at me. "Naruto! It's nice to see you again my boy!" Masahiro exclaimed. "Nice to see you again, to." I replied with a real smile on my face. He is like a father to me. We grew close with the years we knew each other. After they left, we would often send letters to each other. After a year or two, tho, we sent letters a little less often, each passing letter. I even trained with him and his clan. "How have you been, gaki?" he asked. "I've been good for a while." "Come, we have some caching up to do." he said and motioned for my group and I to fallow him.


We fallow him to the living room and sat down. We then proceeded to introduce ourselfs. Kuro showed him along with Katsuo, Kouki, and Natalie, his fox form. I also showed them my tail and ears. Then proceeded to tell them we are brothers. We all took turns telling each other our life story's. In the end, we all ended up staying the night. It was a Friday, so there was no school, so it was fine. They also met Kurama while we were talking. Masahiro didn't seem that afraid of him, so much interested in getting to know the 'All Great and Powerful Kyuubi'. Kurama also agreed to help train some of the clan.

The next day, I had brought Yuki and Kakashi to meet the Makoto clan. Everyone got along great. While everyone was talking/training with Kurama, I added more weight to my weight seals and did some training of my own with Kuro joining me.

Kuro and I sparred for a bit before going to race each other. The first one to stop or collapse loses. We made a bet. If he wins, he can go about out of his fox form. If I win, he has to cook for everyone for the next month.

We put our masks up and got ready. "GO!" We both shouted. I sprinted off ahead of him. He soon catches up and tried to pass me. I undid a few pounds of my weight seal and run ahead of him while he pouted and did his best to catch up. This went on for a few hours before I had to stop 'cause, ya know, I was exhausted! I then see Kuro walking up behind me smiling. "I win!" he exclaimed. I sighed. "Guess so." I say in between huffs of breath.


We then decided to make dinner for everyone at the Makoto compound, which was a lot of people! We head to the grocery story and buy a lot of beef and vegetables. We were going to make some beef stew. Kuro and I then head home with the ingredients in some storage seals.

Once we got there, I took a look to see how training was going with the others. I then see most of the Makoto clan along with Choji and Shikamaru passed out on the ground while Kurama was telling them to get up and keep training. I sweat dropped. "Kura, I think that's enough for today. Why don't you help Kuro and me cook." I say trying to help give the others time to rest. I remembered when Kurama was training me. He would train me till I pass out, day in, day out. Kurama turn and fallowed me to the kitchen. I told him what we are cooking, and he started pealing the potato's and such.

By the time we were done, most of the clan's men that passed out, had woken up and made their way to the massive dinning room. Since there was around 40 to 50 people in their clan, they had a massive dinning table with a lot of chairs. Kuro set down the pots of stew we had to make, on the table I had set.

After dinner, I headed home with Yuki, Kuro, and Kakashi. Kurama had already went to sleep in my mind. When we got home, I took a shower after everyone else had. By the time I was done, everyone else in the house had already went to sleep. I only headed to the study. I started deciphering some ancient scrolls for fun till I got sleepy. I went to bed around 5:40 something. I made sure not to wake Kuro, again.

Word Count: 1094

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