《Naruto: The Best ANBU》Chapter 14


~Naruto's pov~

It has been around three weeks since my 'break' from school. I am starting my ANBU duties once again in another week. I am currently sitting in my class room lessening to Iruka making some announcements. "And lastly, we are having three transfer students coming. Come in and introduce your self's!"

Then came in three transfer students. The first one had short brown hair and green eyes with a short sleeve tight green shirt along with black, sorta baggy, pants. He had dark blue shinobi saddles. 'Wait' I thought.

The next one was a girl with long blonde hair down to her knees and bright blue eyes, she had a blue sleeveless top, ripped up blue jeans, and light brown boots. 'It can't be!' I thought to my self.

Lastly, came another male with brown hair almost to his chin with green eyes. He wore a long sleeved light black shirt with tight dark green pants. He had a pair of dark red shinobi saddles on his feet. 'They are!' I practically shouted in my mind.

All of a sudden, Shikamaru, Choji, and I stand up. This got the entire class to look at us confusingly. Then, all three of us shouted at once, "KATSUO?! NATALIE?! KOUKI?!" They then stare at us with wide eyes before shouting back, "CHOJI?! SHIKAMARU?! NARUTO?!" We all just stand there looking at each other dumbfounded until, that piping banshee, started screeching. "WHAT?!?! HOW DO YOU GUYS KNOW EACH OTHER?! THEY JUST CAME IN TODAY!!" she screeched. The transfer students along with Kuro and I held down our ears. Kuro is in fox form, of course. Everyone else in the room had only slightly filched do to the noise.

Choji, Shikamaru, and Kiba then whisper shouted, like always, "There is a fox in here!" The banshee that goes by Sakura, the blushed a little from embarrassment, and muttered a 'Sorry' that most could not hear. Iruka then sighed and asked them to introduce them self's.


"I am Katsuo Makoto!" the Short brown haired boy said. "I like my twin brother, Kouki, adopted sister, Natalie, my dad, Masahiro, my late mother, Masami, my three best friends, Choji, Shikamaru, and Naruto. I dislike mean people, those who take others for granted, those who are always loud for no good reason, and those who can not tell a kunai from a scroll. My hobby's are training, hanging out with my friends, reading, and some other stuff. My goal, for now, is to become strong and protect those I can for."

"Hello! My name is Natalie Makoto!" the blonde girl with the long hair said. "I like my semi-brothers, Katsuo and Kouki, my semi-father, Masahiro, my late semi-mother, Masami, my three best friends, Choji, Naruto, and Shikamaru! I dislike those whom can not tell a kunai from the scroll it is sealed in, those who take things for granted, fangirls, fanboys, screaming banshee's, and stuck up little brats. My hobby's are being with my friends, reading, training, and fighting. My current dream is to be able to protect and take care of the people I care for."

"'Ello! My name is Kouki Makoto!" The boy with the brown hair than goes down right above his chin said. "I like my brother, Katsuo, my adopted sister, Natalie, my dad, Masahiro, my late mom, Masami, and my three best friend since early childhood, Naruto, Shikamaru, and Choji. I dislike people who betray their allies, screaming people who don't know how to shut up, stuck ups, and those who cannot tell a kunai from the scroll it is sealed into. My hobby's are, fighting, training, learning new things, being with my friends, and sleeping! My dream for now is to get stronger to protect those I care for."


"Alright! Very good. Now, go take a seat wherever is available." The three then sat behind Kiba, Shikamaru, Choji, and me. "It's been awhile." I said to them. "Sure has, Naru, Shika, Choji, and new guy with a dog on his head." Kouki said back to us. Kiba was now glaring daggers at him for what Kouki said. We all had to stifle our laughs. "His name is Kiba. The one on top of his head is Akamaru." "Alright then, Kiba, Akamaru. So, Naru, does he know?" I nodded my head. "Good!"

"Is he strong?" Katsuo asked. "I can last about, umm, three minutes, I think." Kiba said. "No, it was 2minutes and 53 seconds." I corrected him. "Still after every little detail, uh?" Natalie said to me. I then grin at her and said, "Yep!" "Hay, I have to ask..." "What is it, Choji?" Katsuo replied. "Umm, how did... Masami-san... pass... on? Oh! Y-you don't have to answer, if you don't want to... " "Oh, no! It's alright. Anyway, Mom had passed on do to an unknown illness when we where at the age of six." "She was a nice women..." I muttered. "Yeah, she was..." Shikamaru said sadly.

Just then, that screaming banshee, that goes by the name of Sakura, started screeching, interrupting their conversation. "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS TALKING ABOUT?! YOU ARE DISTRACTING ME AND MY SASUKE-KUN!! YOU'RE NOT POST TO BE TALKING IN CLASS!!" All of a sudden, Natalie stood up and in a clam, and not at all loud, voice replied back with, "Well, if that's the case, then why are you talking, no, yelling, which is in return, distracting the hole class while we were barley noticed, and talking quietly. Therefor, yell at yourself before you yell at someone else, when you're worse then them."

The banshee then proceeded to huff, with a slight blush from embarrassment, and sat down next to 'her' Sasuke-kun.

As the day went by, we all spent the class time quietly talking to each other and caching up, or in Kiba and Kuro's case, getting to know these people for the first time.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Do you like the new characters? Anyway, thanks a ton for reading. Until next time, bye!

Word Count: 1007

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