《Naruto: The Best ANBU》Chapter 13


~Naruto's pov~

I woke up with a pain in my left left eye. I groan and tried to sit up only to find that I was being held down. I look to my right to find Kurama in his fox form sleeping next to me and thumping his tail against me. I looked to my left and saw Kuro huddled next to me in his fox form with his tail also thumping against me. I looked over Kuro to see what time it was on my alarm clock. 3:24. I sighed and decided to just lay their instead of waking them up. I took my free hand that Kuro was not laying on, unlike Kurama whom was laying on my right arm, and felt my left eye. I could tell that there was a bandage wrapped around it. I sighed once more and decided that I would just hide it with the henge that also hid my fox like features.

I felt sleep come to take me once again. I did not resist in the slightest. This is probably the most sleep I have gotten in one night for the past few months. I then let sleep consume me.

~Time Skip~

I woke up once again when I felt shifting on the right side of me. I looked over and noticed that Kurama was getting up. "Where ya goin'?" I asked him in a sleep ridden tone of voice. He jumped when he heard me talk. I guess he didn't think he would wake me up. "I am going to make some food for everyone. Now, just stay here and rest. If you need anything, just wake Kuro up to get whatever you need, alright." he replied. I just nodded in response. I reached over to my nightstand and pulled out my favorite orange book. I've read this one around 19 times. It is my favorite of the series so far. This book, is the fifth book in the series, and I love it!


Kakashi likes the first book best tho. Soon after Kurama left the room, Yuki and Kakashi came in to check up on me. Kuro woke up after they shut the door a little to loud. He shuffled a bit before sitting up and yawning. After a few moments, he got up and changed back into his human form.

"So how are you doing?" Kakashi asked me. "I am doing fine pending on being stabbed in the eye." I said with a bit of a chuckle at the end. "Naru-nii, did you want to postpone the dinner?" Yuki asked me. I thought for a bit. Then I replied with, "No. It's fine." "What were you going to announce anyway?" Yuki asked me. "That's for me to know, and for you to find out at the dinner." I answered him. He sighed in defeat. "Alright then. We will wait then." he smiled at me as he said this. Kakashi then came over to my side. "Let me check you eye real quick, okay." he said to me. I only hummed in response. He removed the bandage. As expected, I couldn't see a thing out my eye. I sighed. "Can't see anything, can you?" he asked me. I shook me head no. He sighed. So, Naru? How do you want to hide this? Or do you want to hide it?" "I am just going to hide it with a henge." I replied.

He nodded. Then we all heard Kurama shout, "Foods done! Come and get it!!" I chuckled at his antics. Kuro helped me up and down the stairs while the other two fallowed behind us. I sat down with Kuro to my right, and Kurama to my left. Kakashi and Yuki across from us. After we finished, Kurama did the dishes while Kuro and I started to make the feast. Yuki and Kakashi were setting up tables and chairs in the back yard for everyone to sit and eat at. We have Anko, Mikuto, Fugaku, Itachi, Kurenai, Shibi, Tsume, Gai, Asuma, Jiji, Choza, Shikaku, Yoshino, Ibiki, Choji, Shikamaru, and Kiba joining us for dinner. These people were almost all the people who could tell I was not the demon, but a child.


~Time Skip To Dinner~

It is now 17:26. The Nara's have already shown up along with Ibiki, Anko, Jiji, Itachi and his parents. About another twenty minutes and everyone had arrived. I did not have my henge up for all of these people know about me, or at least my fox like features. I trust this lot the most. Yuki and Kakashi already set the tables when Kuro, Kurama, and I came out carrying the food. After we brought the food out, everyone was practically ran over each other and fought to get as much of our food as possible. Kuro, Kurama, Kakashi, Yuki, and I were laughing our butts off at the scene before us. Soon enough, they all got their food that they were practically killing for. After they were done fangirling/fanboying over their food, Kuro and I stood up and got everyone's attention.

"We have an announcement to make!" Kuro exclaimed. Everyone was listening intently. "Kuro and I are brothers!" I fallowed up. You could hear cheers from everyone along with surprised gasps from some. "What about your eye? What happened to it?" Yoshino asked with a concerned tone of voice. I sighed and replied with, "I was attacked yesterday. They took my sight out of my left eye." Everyone gasped at that and gave me looks full of worry. It took me a while to reassure them that I was indeed fine.

Soon enough, they all left and went home. I got the next few days off from ANBU and the academy to get used to only having one eye to see out of. After cleaning up, I summoned some clones to help me with learning how to do stuff like trowing kunai's and other things with one eye. It took a couple of days, but I finally got used to only having one eye. Another two days, I could do everything just fine. There was not that much difference other than the lack of view. Kuro had gone to the academy for me. All he had to do was take a permanent marker and draw three whisker lines on each side of his face, then almost no one could tell us apart. When he came back home, he would tell me what happened that day.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading this chapter! I do appreciate you all reading this. If you have any suggestions for the story, let me know comments! Anyway, thanks for reading! Until next time, bye!

Word Count: 1115

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