《Naruto: The Best ANBU》Chapter 12


~Naruto pov~

After the academy, Kuro and I went to take a DNA test to see if we are related by blood or not. We took the test about an hour ago. We are currently in the waiting room waiting, well, for the results. We were then called into a room where they told us what we came here to find out. That answer was...

We ARE related. Apparently, he is my twin. I flashed Kuro a real smile at the results. He gave me on of his grins in return. Then some questions rose in my head. 'Why is he able to turn into a fox?' and 'Why did Kurama not tell me he was my brother?' I decided to ask Kurama when we get home.

As we were leaving, I asked him if he wanted to make a feast for dinner tomorrow to cerebrate. He nodded his head yes. We both pull up our masks, he had to wear one for the villagers would sometimes think he was me, and headed to the store to buy the ingredients for the feast. We also decided to invite our friends, Choji, Shikamaru, and Kiba. Kuro and I will tell them along with our kinda brothers that we are indeed blood related. I invited my friends and their parents to dinner 'cause they have also been quite kind to me.

On my way back, my mask must have fallen down or something, 'cause now I am being chased threw the village. I cannot shunshin away for they would know that I was not dumb. I cannot fight back, or they would find someway to blame me for the beating. They tried saying that I attacked first so they just 'defended' themselves. The civilian counsel always sided with them.

As I am running, I came across a dead end. I got cornered in a ally way. I closed my eyes preparing for whats to come. It barely hurts anymore, physically, anyway. It hearts me way more mentally. I mean, your whole village hates you for something you are not. They will not let you buy anything, let alone enter their shops. They also stare at you with disgust and hatred. This is a everyday thing without my face mask.


About ten minutes into my beating, I felt a surge of pain in my left eye. I finally scream in pain. Around twenty minutes later, the group started to split up and leave. A bit after they left, Kurama came out and told me in a soft and kind voice, "Kit, I could not heal your eye in time. I am sorry, but you are going to be blind in your left eye..." He put his head down while a few tears slid down his face. By this time, my wounds have grown numb. "It's alright, Kura. At least you tried..." I ended my sentence barley over a whisper before I blacked out.

~Kurama pov~

Before Naruto hit the ground, I caught him. I kept saying sorry and sorry over and over again and again. I could not do anything that would have not worsened the situation at the time, but if it meant saving his eye, then I would of. Should of. I picked Naruto up and started on the way back home. Some time during this, Naruto's henge wore off, but I was to worried about his well being to notice. I stayed to the roof tops to avoid the villagers. I had used my chakra to heal him as much as I could as I was racing back home.

When I got there, I shouted "HE HAD BEEN ATTACKED AGAIN! THEY TOOK HIS EYE!!" Kakashi, Kuro, and Yuki where in front of me and Naruto in a mater of seconds. "What happened?!" All three shouted at once. I then explained to them as I was rapping Naruto's left eye and cleaning the blood off him. I knew better than to take him to the hospital. Last time they tried to poison him! Since then, I would just take him to him house and heal him. When I finished explaining, Kuro kept saying 'I should have never have left him alone!' and 'This is all because of me...' along with some incoherent words that even I could not hear.


After I got him cleaned up, I took him upstairs to his bedroom with Kuro fallowing me. The other two were still in shock I guess. I opened his door and took him to his bed and set him down. I took the blanket and pulled it over Naruto. I then proceeded to transform back into my fox form and lay beside Naruto. I lightly thumped one of my tails against him.

Kuro also went back to his fox form and laid next to Naruto on his other side. His fox form was a little bit bigger than he used to be. He would now be a litter shorter than where Naruto's shoulders were at. He soon also started to pat Naruto with his tail. I fell asleep soon after Kuro did.

Hey guys! Sorry I have taken a bit longer to update than usual. I had taken a trip to a place than did not have WiFi, so I could not update. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter! I will have another one up soon. Until next time, bye!

Word Count: 901

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