《Naruto: The Best ANBU》Chapter 11


~Naruto pov~

I just got back home from a ANBU mission with Deer and Boar. We had to assassinate someone named, Orochimaru. Apparently he was one of the three legendary sannin. He actually put up a good fight. This mission had went on for about three and a half weeks. The reason was 'cause he sure does know how to hide. I think they told the kids at the academy that I had the flu or something like that. It has been around three years at the academy. I really am surprised that I have been able to keep up this act for this long. Yuki has been going to the academy for about two year now. As I expected, he is the top of his class. Shikamaru and Choji have been doing great at the academy. They have all made sure to not show off to much for it would rise suspicion on how and where they have learned everything at. Choji and Shikamaru also joined the ANBU around a month ago. I am the leader of their team since Kakashi had decided he would become a gennin team leader. Itachi had just been transferred to a different team. Shikamaru is ANBU Deer, while Choji is ANBU Boar. I have also become friends with Kiba somehow somewhere. I have been training him for about five months now. He is going to try to become an ANBU in a month or two. My team is called Team Demon.

I have the next two days off of school due to the mission. I am guessing that Shikamaru and Choji also have the next days off too. It was around four in the afternoon when I got to my house. As soon as I had opened the door, Yuki jumped on me. I had almost fell backwards out the door, but I stopped myself. "I've missed you, Naru-nii!!" He cried out. Kuro came running out of the house in his human form. He had short blonde hair as bright as mine, a henge to hide his ears and tail, green eyes, looked about my age, same height as me, wore one of the shirts I gave him which was a light blue short sleeved shirt, some black cargo pants Kakashi gave him, and blue shinobi saddles he picked out at the store. He might be able to pass as my twin! I thought before he jumped on me too. That time I did fall down. "Hey, Yuki, Kuro. Would you two mind, perhaps, getting off me so I can get up?" I asked them. They then realized that they had knocked me over on the floor. They then proceeded to quickly get up and off of me.


Yuki offered me a hand to help me up. He is now about to my chin height. I went to the living room and sat down on the couch. Yuki and Kuro started to asked me all sorts of questions about the mission, such as: 'What happened?!' 'Why did it take so long?' and 'Was he strong?'. I chuckled. I told them I would answer their questions later on. I got off the couch, undid my henge, went to my room, got clean cloths, and took a shower. When I was done and dried off, I put on a long sleeve, navy blue, shirt with some black ANBU pants. After brushing my hair,ears and tail, I went back down stairs into the living room.

"So what happened?" Yuki asked me as soon as I stepped into the room. "alright, alright." I said as I sat down and began my story.

"After Deer, Cat, and me left the village, we went to where Orochimaru was last spotted. We have found some clues as to where he might be at or heading to. We ended up going to a small village in Amegakure. There we henged into travelers and started to ask around for information about him. So with the trip it took about four days. It took us two days to know where to find him, and took us three days to actually get their with the amount of rouge nins that thought they could kill us. I battled and killed him on the second week, day five. After that, I had to rest for he was a strong one. I had to use 75% of my power on him. While I was resting, I also went shopping for souvenirs to give to you guys and others. After three days, we headed home. In which that took three days." I finished. "Now for the souvenirs."

I went to my backpack that I always bring on my missions, and pulled out two small boxes. I handed one to Yuki and Kuro. Yuki opened his and found that it was a very expensive watch.

"I love it! Thank you so much, Naru-nii!!" He would have shouted that if he didn't know about Kuro and my sensitive ears. He then proceeded to ran up and hugged me as tight as he could. Which was pretty tight. He then let go of me. "Can you help me put it on?" asked me. I then helped him and ruffled his hair. "Kuro, are you going to open or just stare at it?" I asked him. He then blushed from embarrassment then opened his gift. It was a green necklace with a tree in it.


Kuro looked at me and smiled the biggest he could before glomping me in a hug. "Thank you so much! This is the nicest thing anyone has ever gotten me!" he said as he squeezed me even harder. He didn't have parents just like me. He was an orphan like how I was. That was, until, he joined our makeshift family. He is practically my brother now. I proceeded to help him put the necklace on. I then asked them where Kakashi is. "I think he is with his gennin team for this year." Yuki replied. "I guess I'll just give it to him when he comes home." I sighed and headed to the kitchen to make dinner. Kuro helped me for he also likes to cook but is still learning the basics. "What do you want to eat?" Kuro and I asked Yuki at the same time. Yuki was clearly creeped out by that. Kuro and I started laughing. I don't know when this happened, but Kuro and I keep saying things at the same time. I really am starting to think he is my twin. I mean, we look alike, minus the whiskers, and that is his human form, not a henge. We also sound sorta alike. I'm soooo going to have to run a DNA test to see if we are related or not. "Home made pizza please, Naru-nii, Kuro-nii." he requested. I sighed and fallowed Kuro back to the kitchen and started cooking.

Right after Kuro put the pizza in the oven, Kakashi came into the kitchen. "Yo. How was your mission?" he asked me. "Hey, Kaka-nii." Kuro and I said together, again. Kakashi just chuckled at us. "The mission was a success. That Orochimaru guy was actually pretty strong. To bad I killed him!" I said with a chuckle. "You know, I really do think you to are twins..." Kakashi said under his breath. No normal human would have heard it this far away, but then again, we aren't normal. I smiled and saw Kuro do the same. "I think so too." Kuro and I said in union once more. All three of us, burst into laughter. I gave Kakashi his gift. When he opened it, he found the next Icha-Icha book in the series. "H-how did you get this?!" he asked. "It helps when you run into your god father, which just so happens to be one of the legendary sannin and wrights your favorite book, and gave you two copies." I replied. And yes, I did want one. Kakashi got me into the series awhile ago. "T-thank you so much, Naru." he said with a teary eye. He then proceeded to start reading the book and got a slight blush across his cheeks. I looked at Kuro and he looked at me. "When did he take his mask off?" we asked each other in union. "We have got to stop doing that!" we say at the same time. It was honestly, starting to annoy me. I sighed as I pulled the pizza out of the oven and cut it into eight pieces.

Yuki already set the table and sat down across from Kakashi as I served the pizza. I sat down as Kuro was pouring everyone's drinks. When then ate in peace then went to bed. Kuro and I share a room since their are no more available. His bed is where my desk used to be. I moved it to the study room and put a table and four chairs in the center of the room in place of my desk. I went to bed as Kuro got the lights. After a few hours, i fell asleep.

Hey, guys! Thank you guys so much for reading! I know it is now that great of a story, but thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for reading, again. Until next time, bye!

Word Count: 1558

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