《Naruto: The Best ANBU》Chapter 10


~Naruto's pov~

I am seating at my desk with Choji, Shikamaru, and Kuro who is on my lap sleeping. Today the academy is doing shuriken and kunai throwing and training today. I have been waiting for the class to show up along with Iruka. Slowly, students came in. It was all quiet and peaceful with quiet chatter from some of the students. That was until the Uchiha's fan girls came in screaming 'I WAS HERE FIRST' at the top of their lungs. Kuro and I held our ears once again. "Really?! Did you people forget that their is a fox with REALLY sensitive hearing that quick?!?!" Choji wispier shouted at them once again. They pouted and went over to 'their' Sasuke-kun. "Thanks Choji." Kuro and I mumbled. Just then, Iruka walked in and started telling us about the test and training. This was also good for me. For I need to know Shikamaru and Choji's skills so I know what to teach them. The everyone then proceeded to fallow him out. I felt a bit bad 'cause I had to wake Kuro up from his slumber. " so are you going to show off a bit, Naru?" Shikamaru asked me. "Yeah I am going to. You two do your best for this will help decide how I am going to train each of you. Got that." "Hai!" they said in union.

Soon Shikamaru's turn came up. He got 7/10. He needs to work on how to aim it and how much force to use.

After him, it was Choji's turn. Choji got 8/10. He needs to work on aiming a bit more.

My turn was the last. I walked up and took the weapons. I was about to throw it and heard some of my classmates say things like, 'It's the Dead Last, he so going to fail' or 'He should just give up' I just ignored them. I then proceeded to throw my weapons and got 10/10. What? I just wanted to show off a little...

"NARUTO-BAKA!!! YOU PROBABLY CHEATED SOMEHOW!!!! THERE IS NO WAY YOU COULD GET 10/10 AND NOT MY SASUKE-KUN!!!!" I had to hold down my ears again with Kuro doing the same. "Ahh! But Sakura-chan!!" I whined as part of my act. "Sooo mean!!" I whined.

~Time Skip To Saturday~

It was five in the morning when I got up. I was lucky last night. I got around six hours of sleep. It is rare that I get more than an hour or two at most. I changed into a dark blue muscle shirt, black ANBU pants, and dark blue shinobi sandals. I then proceed to take a shower for I have not the night before. When I got out and dried off, I brushed my hair, ears, and tail 'cause, why not? I put up my henge in case someone were to see me other than Jiji, Shikamaru, Yuki, Choji, or Kakashi. Only those five, besides form my fox summons, Kurama, and me, know about me having fox ears and tail.


I went downstairs with Kuro following me. He and I get along great! He is with me most of the time. He is practically my fox of a brother.

I made breakfast for everyone, which was hash browns, eggs, bacon, sausages, toast, and milk to drink. Yuki came down as I was setting the table and decided that he would do it for me. I put Kuro's share on the floor by the table. He did not mind eating on the floor as long as the food was good. Kuro fallowed me Kakashi's room. I knocked on the door. No answer. I knock once more saying "Get up before I make you!" I heard some rustling from in side before I heard "I am wake. I am wake. I don't need a repeat of last time." a sleepy voice said "Well hurry up! I am not going to reheat your food if it gets cold." I heard Kuro snicker. "Whats so funny?" I ask him. "It's just you sound like his mother!" I pouted at him because I knew it was true. He burst out in laughter by me pouting. Kurama joined him as well in my head. "Shut up! Both of you!!" They continued to laugh at me slowly quieting down as we approached the kitchen. Yuki was waiting patently for me and Kakashi before he eats. I sit across from him and wait for Kakashi. "Did you have a good sleep, Naru-nii?" "For once, yes, Yuki. How was your slumber?" I replied. "It was good, Naru-nii." "Yuki. did you want to start training this week or next week?" I asked him. "This week, please, Naru-nii!" I nodded and smiled at him. Then your coming with me to The Forest of Death. Shikamaru and Choji will be joining us. Do you remember them?" "Yes, Naru-nii!" he exclaimed "They are and were the only people you would let over. With few exceptions, right."I nodded.

We waited awhile in conferable silence. Kakashi finally came in with his mask down. Kuro, Yuki, and I were the only ones that know what he really looks like without his mask. "I know being late is your thing, but for breakfast? Really?!" I say to him a bit irradiated. He grinned at me and sat down. The food was a bit cold but we still ate it the same. I did the dishes after everyone was done eating and Yuki is getting ready to train.

~Time Skip~

It was 7:30ish. I was showing Yuki how to use his chakra. We still had about an hour and a half till Shikamaru and Choji get here. I had found a great training spot when I was young in the forest. I was going to have them train there once they got here. After around half an hour to an hour, Yuki had managed to tap into his chakra. I knew he was a prodigy when he was young. He would always be one of the top students at the regular school. "Good job Yuki! You learn quick don't ya?" I said to him. "Yep, Naru-nii!" he relied. I tried teaching him some basic academy jutsu like a simple henge while we waited for my other two students and friends to show up.


After awhile, it was 10 till nine when they showed up. I then proceeded to tell them that Yuki will be joining us in our training. I lead them to one of my favorite training spots that I had recently rebuilt after I destroyed it during my training session. It was fairly deep into the forest. The spot was a large open clearing with a lake. I had training dummies and other things already set up fro last time I was here. The three boys stared in aw.

I then told them to drop and give me 200. They then proceed to stare at me like I am a mad man. "What?" I ask. "200?!" Choji shouts. I had to hold down me ears with Kuro doing the same as usual. "Sorry..." he then said. I bonked him upside the head. When he starts pouting, Kuro and I start laughing. They soon did as I said and did 200 push ups. Of course I did it with them to make them feel better, but I did much more by the time they were done. They were out of breath, while I, had not even broken a sweat. "How are not tried?" Shikamaru asked me. "Train up your stamina and strength, and you won't have a problem." I replied to him. I then proceed to take out a scroll that had ice cold water bottles, for I have made a scroll that cools/freezes things you put inside.

I tossed them each a bottle. They muttered their thanks. I let them rest for awhile. After about ten minuets, I have them get up and work on chakra control. I joined them 'cause I have a lot of chakra and still working on controlling it. I could see that Shikamaru had the best, while Yuki had the worst. Well, he did just unlock it... After awhile of tree climbing, we all got it down for the most part. I then took them to the lake. After about an hour, everyone was good to go. I had Shikamaru and Choji spar on the water while I was teaching Yuki some more jutsu. I was working with him on the henge no jutsu when I heard some talking off in the distance. Thank kami for my fox hearing. I told everyone to hide was shut up. Kuro and I went to go see who in their right mind would be this deep into The Forest of Death. Kuro and I concealed our ourselfs so they would not notice us. I got close enough to see who was their. I saw three rouge ninja from the leaf. I was curious to what they were doing here, so I step out of my hiding spot and go to them. "What are you rouge ninjas doing out this far in the forest?" I asked them.

A female with brown hair in a ponytail charged at me with a kunai. I used my wind to make a barrier. "You did not answer my question." I said in a mono tone voice. The same girl tried to come at me with katon: Gokakyu no jutsu. Before she could us it I vanished behind he and knocked her out. While her teammates were in shock, I knocked them out to. "Kuro, can you go tell the three that I will be back in a bit?" I asked him. He nodded a yes and ran off. I summoned two foxes. The first one was about my height, and she was different shades of reds. Her name was, Ruby. The second one was Litten. "Hello, Litten, Ruby." "Hello, Naruto." they both said. "Can you three help me take these three to the torture & interrogation?" They nodded a yes. We each took one our back and ran off.When we got there, I explained were I found them and this and that.

~Time Skip Back to The Training Grounds~

"Hey guys sorry I had to go. I ran into some... trouble heheh." "What kind of trouble Naru-nii?" Yuki asked. "I only found some rouge ninjas in the forest and took them to T&I." I replied. He sighed and shook his head. "Naru-nii. You sure do have a nack for finding trouble, you know." He told me. He was backed up by some, 'that is true' and 'sure got that right' following that, they started laughing. Even Kuro joined in. I just pouted and said "Fine! You guys don't get some of the lunch I made!" That sure shut them up. "Hey~, don't be like that Naru!" Choji whined "You know how much we love your food!" he continued with nods of agreement. I sighed in defeat.I pulled out a scroll and summoned four bintos. I gave one to each of them then started to eat my own.

After a few more hours of training, I showed them out of the forest and went our separate ways home. "So Yuki?" I said. "Yes?" he responded. "What do you want for dinner?" I replied. He thought for a moment, then said, "Beth stew, please, Naru-niichan." he said with the best puppy-dog eyes he could use. I sighed the responded with "Only if you help me make it." I will, Naru-nii!" he replied. With that, Yuki, Kuro, and I went to the store, with my mask up, of course. Then we proceeded on our way home.

Hey guys! I really do hope you are enjoying the story so far. I really do appreciate you taking time to read this book! Have a nice night/day! Thanks for reading! Until next time, bye!

Word Count: 1987

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